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Just like any other organizations, departments, and educational institutions, a university
must always have its share of clear vision, formidable mission, strong quality policy and core
values. The vision, mission, quality policy, and core values serve as the roadmap of where the
university wants to be destined and what it takes to get to that desired destination. These four
are the core of a university. They give the purpose and essence of the university from its faculty,
to its students as well as the community. They are like the roadmap and the “Northern Star” for
the university to function according to how it should.

Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) is an exact manifestation of a university with

these things. NORSU envisions itself to be fueled by action and drive where it sees itself to be a
full-house workforce to serve the nation through the production of value-laden and globally
competitive students from generations to generations as they are the next sets of professionals
who will elevate the country’s economy. It also sees itself in the pillars of greatness where it can
fully harness students’ potentials and maximize their capabilities from different departments
linking them together as a unified university to be able to go head-to-head with the greatest and
world-renowned universities. It sees itself not to be a stagnant university which cannot be
flexible for future challenges. Rather, NORSU projects itself to be able to sync with the flow of
the future where it can offer whatever time demands of it. And I believe that with what NORSU
is now, these visions are turning into reality… one step at a time.

Of course, what NORSU envisions would not be transformed into reality without
ACTION. And this is the essence of its mission. NORSU is filled with the drive to make things
happen. Its mission provides detailed information of what the university does, how it does it, and
who it does it for. NORSU “shall provide excellent instruction, relevant and responsive research
and extension services.” This statement implies that the university will be responsible with
imparting knowledge to students. For students to become globally competitive and exceptionally
prepared for their future, they have to be filled with things necessary in the course they are
taking. They also have to strengthen their morale. They have to be knowledgeable not only in
their field of expertise but also in other facets of life like managing their finances, having firm
and wise decisions, and making formidable ties and relationships with other people. And to be
able to do these things, that is when NORSU comes in the picture. The university is there to
teach students every ounce of learning that are vital and crucial in the courses they are

Aside from that, the learning that NORSU provides for students doesn’t end in the
tertiary level but extends upward to the masters and doctorate level. The rest of the mission
statement, “…quality-assured production through competent and highly motivated capital” tells
us that the university is on action towards achieving their vision of harnessing professionals for
the future. For instance, a blacksmith casts metal inside a fiery furnace. The metal is then
molded into different shapes according to their uses. The blacksmith sees to it that the metal
being molded is sharpened and carefully furnished removing all of its impurities for its future
use. That is why, the university is like the blacksmith and the metal is likened to that of the
students. NORSU is doing its best to bring forth the best in every student. And not only that,
NORSU wouldn’t be able to do these things without the faculty who serve as the backbone of
the institution. In NORSU, we have the caliber and state of the art instructors and professors.
This means that the students are indeed in good hands.

On the other hand, an action is worth nothing in the long run without commitment,
consistency, and dynamicity. That is why, NORSU, through its quality policy, is committed to
continue doing what it does best. The university sees to it that what it does best is for the benefit
of the faculty, the students, and the society. And it doesn’t want to lag behind the heavy traffic of
time. It continually improves itself and is continuously evolving in order to meet the demands of
times. The same goes with NORSU’s core values, through the process, the university needs
fuel to be able to sustain challenges along the way. These values are what keeps the fire
burning for the university to flourish.

These core values come in the form, SAPPHIRE. S is of spirituality: NORSU keeps the
faith alive and imparts to students the essence of belief, wherever it may be rooted from. A is for
accountability: NORSU doesn’t back down from its responsibilities as a state university. P is for
professionalism: NORSU equips itself with a faculty who are prodigy in their own fields and are
at the peak of their expertise. The other P is for patriotism: NORSU’s effort towards maximizing
every students’ potential goes down to the common denominator which is to help the country
thrive even more. H is for harmony: NORSU unifies all of its different departments which have
unique purposes. I is for integrity: NORSU exercises truthfulness and honesty whether in terms
of management, teaching, and partaking in different societal issues. R is for respect: NORSU
sheds a light to many by giving respect to people from all walks of life – different races, different
generations, and different cultures. And finally, E is for excellence: NORSU is doing its best to
set the standards high and is always aiming for quality education with its exceptional

And with these core values combined, the word SAPPHIRE is being birthed. This word
is the perfect embodiment of NORSU. Because just like a sapphire, which is considered the
“most precious and valuable blue gemstone,” NORSU with the colors of azure blue and lily
white continues to shine brightly as time passes and maintains it durability whatever storm may

F-oster physical education and the teaching how to implement it in social, professional, physical
and recreational activities and opportunities to students in order to achieve conceptual
and applicational knowledge, skills, and values through physical education fitness

I-ntensify physical education instruction and fitness programs to be able stretch out to the large
masses and above all to the areas in the society where physical education and fitness
program is scarce

T-ransform the university’s own concept of physical education into the wide array of concepts
used globally in order to effectively impart knowledge and maximize the learning of
physical education

N-ourish students’ sense of wellness and awareness of their lifestyle, bodies, and diet in order
to improve their health and maximize the quality of their lives

E-mbody a formidable and powerhouse physical education department of the whole state
university that will serve as an epitome for other campuses and universities

S-pecialize state of the art researches that are beneficial to the resurgence of quality living

S-ynchronize with the demands of time in order not to lag behind what the latest trends in
physical education and fitness offer

It was a perfect conspiration of the universe that a school was established in the heart of
Negros Oriental on the 3rd of December 1927. It was fate that on that day, a school would then
become the answer and the avenue to every students’ future. It came in many names back
then. First, it went by the title, “Negros Oriental Trade School (NOTS)”. About 29 years later, it
would then be named, “East Visayan School of Arts and Trades (EVSAT)”. And then it became
the “Central Visayas Polytechnic University” after 27 years. And finally, on 2004, it was officially
hailed as the “Negros Oriental State University (NORSU)”. But no matter what names it had
gone through and no matter what seasons it had gone through, from the rough World War II to
the tragic Marcos dictatorship, NORSU stood firm and is still standing formidable today. That is
why the alumni take pride in this school.


The second stanza implies that NORSU is for all. No matter who you are, no matter what
nationality you were born from, no matter what situations you are going through, no matter what
status you have… NORSU is for you. And whoever that “YOU” may be, NORSU gives you
equity. NORSU opens doors to all the students equally. No one is left behind as NORSU
provides a path for each student to travel and go on an adventure for their future. And most of
all, NORSU sheds a light to students who are walking in the dark alleys of their lives.

The first line of the refrain which is “Azure blue and lily white” tells us the colors of which
NORSU is recognized. I believe that these colors are the exact representation of the values and
standards of the university. Blue is the color of the massive sky and the vast sea. And I think
that blue symbolizes depth, freedom, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith,
and intelligence. These characteristics are just a few of what NORSU is depicting as a state
university. On the other hand, the color white represents purity and innocence. For instance, the
color white seems to shine brighter when the light is directed to it because it bounces off or
reflects light. And I think that NORSU is also like this since it is able to reflect light to every
student. NORSU is also likened to a lamp. Now, the use of a lamp is to illuminate light to dark
areas. And a lamp’s purpose is not to be placed just on a corner where the light can only be
seen by a few. NORSU is a lamp that stands at the top, in order to be give off light even to the
farthest places – places that are too dark for light to come through. And this light that NORSU
gives off is WISDOM – the knowledge of what is true or right with just judgement. NORSU is
ready to serve as well. This is done by opening doors for different students. What lies beyond
those doors are different paths which students are to tread. Lastly, NORSU answers the call of
the future. NORSU itself is the future of students who wish to become what they’ve dreamed of.
NORSU itself is the answer. Through the production of professionals, NORSU helps our
country’s thrust to development.


The last line of the hymn which is the stanza 3 speaks of three things: NORSU as the
PRIDE, the HOPE, and the FUTURE. Graduates and students of NORSU take pride in the
school because of its competence and dedication to quality learning. Why? Negros Oriental
State University has been awarded, “Top Ranking State University and College (SUC) with the
most number of Accredited Programs (Level I–IV),” “Number 1 Performing State University and
College (SUC) by Level 1 of Assessed Programs,” and “Third Ranking State University with the
Most Number of Assessed Programs” by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and
Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) Inc. on 2016. NORSU also produces competent
graduates. According to The Negros Chronicle, NORSU places fourth in the 2019 Pharmacist
Licensure Examination passing rates where the university garnered 90.48%. NORSU is also a
powerhouse and a well-known engineering university. Who would not be proud to enroll and

Furthermore, NORSU serves as the HOPE of the students. NORSU is a state university
where it is governed by the public authority or is run by the government. And since it already is
under the Free Tuition Law, students from all walks of life will be able to put a smile on their
faces. Students who are less fortunate can now acquire quality learning through a quality
university. And finally, NORSU becomes the FUTURE. With NORSU, we will hail the next
generation of educators, engineers, nurses, pharmacists, accountants and others. NORSU will
pave way for professionals who are the very heart of the country’s thriving economy and pursuit
of stabilization and progress.

NORSU: The University of Life

“The best university is the university of life.”

Henrique Capriles Radonski

Life should be made much easier through a good university. A good university above all
has an optimistic outlook towards the search for knowledge and is in pursuit of an excellent
learning atmosphere. It creates an environment for students to demonstrate that they are ready
to work and not just entering the university for the social life. It also should have well-equipped
facilities, laboratories, and a rich library where students can find answers to their curiosity. Since
the heart of the university is the pursuit of knowledge, it must be more than willing to be open for
learning through the search of new things. That is why, there must also be an endless scientific
research spirit.

Secondly, an essential characteristic of an elite university is that there must be a high

concentration of caliber and talented faculty as they are the backbone of learning. These people
above all are the channels of knowledge from a body of knowledge to a student. There must be
worthy instructors, professors, and scholars that must shoulder proper guidance to every
student. Such guidance and supervision will enable the students to understand concepts and
create researches that will prepare them for the future.

And most all, a state-of-the-art educational institution must never forget its own goals. It
should have a clear perspective of why it wants those goals and how it will achieve them.
Furthermore, the best universities have different values that would fuel their pursuit of their
goals. And I believe that Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) is showing what it takes to
become a prominent university through its Vision, Mission, and Quality Policy. It is telling people
that it envisions itself to become a “dynamic and globally responsive state university.” With its
Mission, it boldly shows that it is doing its best to achieve what it perceives. And with its Quality
Policy, NORSU manifests that it is fully committed to acquiring its mission no matter what it
takes and no matter what it should go through.

On the other side of the sphere, the PE VMGO is there to reach out to students the
essence of physical education in their lives. The belief of the NORSU PE Department which
goes, “every single students’ character is honed” is being known and announced through its PE
VMGO. It is true that physical education is not just a subject that is to be passed by the
students. It is a lifestyle. Having full awareness of the principles of physical education brings
forth huge impact to the students. It is indeed a key component to a healthy lifestyle. A healthy
lifestyle then influences the mindset of the student and in turn, influences how they make

The PE Department of NORSU is just as important as any other department there is,
because the teaching of physical education brings forth many fruits. Physical education can
improve student’s academic performance. I believe that many of the physical activities done
through the PE curriculum are linked to higher and deeper concentration of the mind as well as
well-composed behaviors. PE also heightens social assimilation. Students often perform
activities where they learn to cooperate through different group tasks and form teams. Thus, PE
brings forth synchronization and harmony.

Most of all, physical education trains us to become physically fit. It enables us to use our
bodies at our own advantage. We are taught about the essence of proper nutrition through the
knowledge of key nutrition guidelines. All of these are being relayed through NORSU PE
Department’s VMGO.

Soon enough, the sun will shine so bright and will be directed to the Negros Oriental
State University. I believe that it will not take long for NORSU to grab hold of its goals. Indeed,
the best universities are the ones who fully grasp the essence of life. And NORSU comes in the
picture to make each student’s life extra special.

Friedman, H. (1996). The gemstone sapphire. Retrieved from


Negros Oriental State University. (2020). History. Retrieved from

Negros Oriental State University. (2020). Top ranking state university and college. Retrieved


The Negros Chronicle. (2019). NORSU places 4th in passing % of nat’l pharmacist licensure

exam. Retrieved from


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