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Lesson 1.

2: The 21st Century Learner

Learning Tasks/Activities
1. Observe. Conduct observation of a child who is at the elementary level. As
you do your observation, pay attention to the areas specified in the
Observation Guide below:

Areas Observations

Play with friends, playing in cellphone,

Daily Routine
watching cartoons in cellphone

Interests/Hobby Playing doll, watching cartoons

Language/Vocabulary Basic language/vocabulary

Points to Ponder
Is engagement with the technology part of the child’s daily routine? Cite
- Yes. My little sister always watching cartoons, playing different
games using cellphone.
How about his/her interest or hobbies? Do they have something to do with
technologies? How did you say so?
- Yes, because she is fond of playing games using cellphone.
How about the way he/she talks? Is his/her language and vocabulary affected
by today’s context?
- Yes, she knows some of the words that only exist in today’s
generation. Also, sometimes I was amaze or shock why she knows
that words. There is some positive outcome from always using
2. Conduct a reading of articles that talk about the issue of “Digital Divide” and
write your thoughts about it as a future Elementary Educator in the 21 st
Digital divide is one of the problems facing by the teacher and by the
students today, especially that we are now facing pandemic. Digital divide
made worse by this pandemic, most of the people is struggling. Many people
using technology as the means of communication, education and work. Many
of us also doesn’t have device like cellphone, personal computer and desktop.
Others, doesn’t also have a connection to internet plus the internet
connectivity is another problem too. Not only Philippines is having digital
divide, but also the other country. It is the problem that should be consider.
Essay. Answer the item below comprehensively.
1. The way learners learn today is indeed different from the way learners learn
before. Given this, how is technology integration in today’s instruction
important? Support your stand by presenting at least five concrete instances.
Technology is now become part of education. It has a great contribution to
the learners today. Today’s learner is now easily understand the topic given
by the teacher. And the teaching process is now easy. But for those teachers
that is not into technology, it would be hard for them.
Technology intervention is the way to deliver the learning in easy way. It is
very important nowadays. Especially that we are living in 21 st century where
most of the time technology is always there. In other country, the level of
technology intervention is very high. They used high quality of technology.
And, their facility is so world class. So that, their learner is so very competitive
globally and the quality of their education is too high too.
For example, brail machines are utilized for the visually impaired.
Additionally, special needs programs that help children with autism use
technology to reinforce learning.
Today, technologies want to improve and facilitate learning are often found
everywhere. Leaving other contextual factors to the side — like unequal
access to technological innovations and connected technologies across
schools and districts — we are able to only say that we've embraced
technology in education when it's used for both teaching and learning. With
the incorporation of technology into schools, the most purpose is to vary how
teachers and students gather, access, analyze, present and transmit
information. This could democratize information in classrooms furthermore as
help differentiate instruction, particularly for college students with special
Lesson 1.3: the 21st Century Teacher
Learning Tasks/Activities
1. Watch and Reflect. Singapore is considered one of the global leaders when
it comes to 21st Century Education. Visit the link to know how their teacher
responded to the call of 21 st century education. You know may as well watch
other related an most recent videos. Write your thoughts afterward.
- Technology advancements and intervention in school makes a big
difference in the learning process. Other countries use online platform to teach or
to deliver the lesson through the aid of technology and internet.
Essay. Answer each item below comprehensively.
Taking into consideration all the roles, traits, and characteristics discussed,
which roles do you think are the most important to serve the demand of
today’s learner’s effectively? Cite or propose at least five. Illustrate the roles
through a graphic organizer and give a thorough discussion as to why such

Graphic Illustration:


21st Century
Leader Teacher


roles matter.
Why these roles?
Because I believed that the teacher with these roles would become a
better teacher for 21st century learning. They can be competitive globally.
They can produce a learner with 21st century skills.

1. Given the context of today’s elementary schools in the public sector, how will
you perform your roles as 21 st Century Elementary Teacher? Cite concrete
ways with examples.
Teacher with 21st century roles, trait and characteristics have a greater
impact to develop highly competitive learner. So, as a future elementary
educator, I will develop first these skills so that I can teach my future learner
well and can produce with 21st century skills.
For example, by engaging my learners in activities where they can
apply it to real life problems. Because I believe that if the learner is engaged
in an activity that they can relate to real life, it would be easy for them.
Lesson 1.4: The 21st Century Learning Environment
Learning Tasks/Activities
1. Interview and Reflect. Conduct an online interview with at least two
elementary teachers in your respective community. Ask questions on how
their respective classroom is equipped with media technologies for 21 st
century education. You may also ask for pictures if possible. After the
interview, you should be able to visualize how the classrooms/school in your
community are equipped and thus examine if they are in a way ready or
responsive to the demands of 21 st century education. After the interview,
reflect on the question below:

In this classroom, the students used tablet which is given by PROFUTURO.

They used the gadget for their lesson. The teacher is the one who monitor and
control the tablet. Obviously, we see that they lack of gadget. One is to two, one
tablet for two students.
Point to Ponder
Given the context of today’s classrooms in the public schools in relation to
readiness and responsiveness to 21st century education, how are you going to
improve/ transform your classroom to ensure that it is a 21 st century ready and
responsive one?
By adding more technology that can be used in education. Stable
internet connection, complete set of computers or any gadget that can suffice
to all students. As what you see in the picture above that we have lack of
gadgets or educational technology.
Essay. Answer the item below comprehensively.
1. How is today’s learning environment different from that of the past? Cite
concrete examples.
Today’s classrooms look very different from those of the past. Students
don't necessarily sit in rows of desks; teachers are as often working alongside
students as lecturing ahead of them. In many faculties, students enjoy the
posh of a laptop for each learner. Learning environments today must embrace
the variability of places, ideas, and folks that the trendy world demands and
reflect a flexibility of space, time, people, and technology.
The learning environment in the past is very traditional. They used
black board and chalk. The teacher write the topic on the board to have the
learners’ guide. The IM’s they used is written in the manila paper or cartolina.
Unlike today that the teacher use PowerPoint presentation to present the
topic. Other, they used interactive IM’s like using computer.
To be prepared for the world of the 21st century, students have to be
inspired. Friends, teachers, educators, parents, entrepreneurs, and civic
leaders can all provide the human component necessary to encourage
students to become intellectual risk-takers and artistic problem solvers.
We'd prefer to praise students for generating ideas and encourage innovative
thinking, which we must challenge students to push further to refine their most
original ideas into high-quality projects.
Lesson 1.5: The 21st Century Skills
Learning Tasks/Activities
1. Reflect. Do you possess all the 21 st skills? How are you going to develop
them as a future teacher?
Not at all. By learning from it, learning from experience. Because I
believed that learning is a continuous learning. And, from learning in
experience you can develop the skills.
2. Reflect. How do you plan to develop those skills on your future students?
So, as a teacher of 21 st century that possess 21st century skills, we can
teach our students in a way that they are capable and can solve real life
problem where they can apply to real life. If the students can solve real life
problem and they apply it real life they are able to face the demand of 21 st
Essay. Answer the item below comprehensively.
1. Propose a set of skills that you think learners and teachers must have to
survive today’s 21st century context. Illustrate them through a graphic
organizer. Do not forget to give each skill a thorough description and as to

Graphic Illustration:
Thinking and

Flexibility and
ICT Literacy

why it matters.

Why these skills?

Flexibility and Adaptability. If the teacher and learner is flexible, he can do all
the task or might he can do multi-tasking. And, if the teacher and student is
adaptive, he can easily adjust to the environment.
Under this, I sum up all the life and career skills. If you are flexible and
adaptive, you can be initiative and self-directed, social and cross-cultural
skills, productive and accountable, and leadership and responsible. Flexibility
and adaptability make a one person be initiative and self-direction, he has
clear vision to finish the task on time. He can be social and cross-cultural,
easily adapt the social life and other culture. Productivity and accountability,
being flexible you can be productive. You can do all the task with priority.
Since you can adapt and can be flexible you are responsible and lead to
make the work done with ethics and moral.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. The teacher and students should have
this to face the 21st century world. Critical thinking and problem solving is
needed in this 21st century. It is important to us especially today that w are in
21st century where everyone is very competitive. It helps us to think critically
and solve problems deeply. It also helps us to be flexible and learn new skills
which benefit us for the future. Critical thinking helps students and teacher to
make the lesson more interactive and less passive. It makes the students to
better express ideas. It also makes the next generation more adaptable to
changes because we all know that there is always a change.
Information, Media and Technology. Since we are in the 21st era where
technology is everywhere and information, media and technology become
part of our daily living. It helps the students identify, access and evaluate
media and information around the world. It helps the students to be more
productive in the means of information, media and technology. Digital media
literacy is much on demand like word processing, retrieving information,
presenting knowledge and communication.
Information, media and technology improves the teaching. Teacher can use
different trusted online resources to enhance the traditional way of teaching. It
also helps the teacher to make the class more interactive. It saves a lot of
time for teacher.

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