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1 System Analysis

I have been gathering data from the questionnaires to as much feedback from users as to their
requirements in using e-Auction on mobile web applications and mobile devices. It should be
noted that some requirements may be deemed to be desirable but not essential. We will also
examine what features users believe will improve the system to become more powerful. Since
the applications are used on mobiles as an earlier discussion , everything will need be applied in
the smaller size than actual web pages. Using HCI

The other part of the field - how to make products that are efficient and effective - is the central
concern of engineering.

It is very important that the software, websites or systems are easy-t0-use, pleasant, attractive
and sophisticated. To avoid poor interface design, we need to make sure that we know what users
want and make the systems meet user’s requirements. Good interface design is essential for good
system performance.

This project will focus on creating a good Advanced User Interface on the mobile application. It
will have an Affective Interface design requirements and considerations based on the analysis
from User’s feedback. Using Adobe Photoshop and Illusgtrator for the interface design and
visual studio with technology for the coding to meet users’ requirements will develop this
system to be more powerful and successful.

Usability Requirements
Defining usability requirements at the beginning of the project increases the chances that the end
product will meet the users’ goals and create a satisfying user experience. Unfortunately, such
requirements are often not considered with the same priority as functional or other technical
requirements. Requirements serve as a roadmap for a project. Usability is often not included on
that roadmap, but to achieve the greatest benefit in a project, it should be planned in the earliest
stages of development. Usability requirements are the expected and desired user reaction to a
system. As such, they must define how well a product should work for the intended users and
define target user satisfaction goals. By defining these requirements early in the development life
cycle, users and their goals can be kept in focus throughout the project.


1. Do you use e- auction from Internet often?

2. What is your favorite e – auction website? Y/N
3. Any problems with the speed of the website? Y/N
4. Did you find the Site Reliable? Y/N
5. Was performing and executing tasks straightforward?
6. Were you happy with the position of messages on the screen? Y/N
7. Were the characters and texts easy to read? Y/N
8. Did you find the information you where looking for? Y/N
9. Was It easy to navigate through the site?
10. Was the browsing path quick to locate the source
11. Was the information / data provided of good quality in meeting your requirements

12. Were you happy with overall experience using the website? Y/N
13. Any frustrating moments when using the site?

If yes what and why? ............... Y/N

14. What is your feedback and overall reaction to the website?

15. Have you ever thought of using e – auction on your mobile?
16. If you can do e – auction on your mobile, what function do you want
This mobile applications to have? Please clarify.

17. Are you window mobile users or mac users? …………………

18. Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions

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