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Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the fearless hunter of the Void known as

Kai’Sa is how unremarkably her life began. She did not descend from tribal warriors

hardened by generations of battle, nor was she summoned from distant lands to fight

the unknowable menace lurking beneath Shurima. Rather, she was just an ordinary

girl, born to loving parents who called the unforgiving southern deserts their home.

This was where she would spend her days playing with friends, and her nights

dreaming about her place in the world.

In her tenth summer, the young girl Kaisa’s destiny would be changed forever. Had

she been older, she might have noticed more of the unusual events that had begun to

unfold in the villages—every day, her mother urged her stay home, for fear of

strangers wandering the land, demanding tribute to dark powers below. Kaisa and her

friends did not believe it, until one evening they came upon a pen of sacrificial goats

bought from nomad herdsmen. Using the knife her father had given her on her eighth

birthday, she cut their tethers and set the animals free into a nearby canyon. It

seemed like a harmless prank, until the unthinkable happened. The ground began to

quake, flashes of light scorched the sky, and the children ran for their lives.

The Void had been awakened. A great rift split the bedrock, swallowing up Kaisa’s

village and everyone in it, leaving nothing behind but sand pierced with twisted

columns as black as night.

Kaisa regained consciousness to find herself trapped underground. She was filled with

crippling fear, but there was still hope; she could hear the faint cries of other
survivors. They called out to each other feebly, repeating their names one by one like

a mantra. Sadly, by the third day, hers was the only voice left. Her friends and family

were all gone. She was alone in the darkness.

It was only when all seemed lost that she saw the light.

She followed it down.

Along the way, she found meager sustenance. Amid the debris left by the collapse

were ragged waterskins, rotting peaches—anything to keep starvation at bay. But,

eventually, Kaisa’s hunger was replaced by fear once again. She found herself in a

vast cavern, illuminated by an otherworldly purplish glow, and she could see she was

no longer alone.

Skittering creatures swarmed in the depths. The first that came for Kaisa was no

bigger than her, and she clutched her knife in both hands, ready to defend herself.

The voidling horror knocked her to the ground, but she drove the blade into its pulsing

heart, and the two of them tumbled deeper into the abyss.

The creature was seemingly dead, but its unnatural skin had taken hold upon the flesh

of her arm. The dark shell tingled, but was hard as steel to the touch. In a panic,

Kaisa broke her knife trying to remove it. But when the larger beasts came, she used

it as a shield to make her escape.

Soon enough, she realized the shell was becoming part of her. As her daily struggle to

survive drew out into years, this second skin grew with her, and so too did her


Now she had more than hope, she had a plan. Fight hard. Stay alive. Find a way back.
She was transformed, from frightened girl to fearless survivor, from prey to predator.

For almost a decade, she has lived between two worlds in an attempt to keep them

apart—the Void hungers to consume not only the scattered villages of Shurima, but

the whole of Runeterra. She will not allow that to happen.

Though she has slain countless Void-constructs, she understands that many of the

people she protects would see her as a monster herself. Indeed, her name has begun

to pass into legend, an echo of the ancient horrors of doomed Icathia.

No longer Kaisa… but Kai’Sa.

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