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I have worked as the head of the creative department at “Albatross Digital marketing Agency.”

The company has followed a transparent social structure, while the focus was on accepting the

work place diversity and fluent communication has made the working operation fluent and up to

the mark. As the result my company had stayed competitive within the market. I left the

organization 1 year ago. But there were some core aspects and qualities I have noticed within the

organization which I will explain below.


2.1Social Structure

Social Structure within the social organization points towards the managerial hierarchy and

obligations relations which decide the employees’ behavior and code of ethics within the

business organization. The social structure of “Albatross Digital Marketing Agency,” was based

on work placed diversity, where CEO was directly involved with the lower management in order

to ensure that the operations are done in the fine way. Specific activities took place at the specific

time, which were connected with the rhythm of social life (Claudia, 2018).


The organization’s goals are to set the future direction, predict the pathway how to achieve those

goals and influence the behavior of employees. This strategy always helped the business

organization to achieve their goal[ CITATION Man17 \l 1033 ]. At “Albatross Digital Marketing

Agency” the mission statement defined the clear-cut goals of the busines organization. The

policies and tactics adopted by the business organization were clearly described the top
management. This was helpful for the employees as there was no confusion among the

professionals that how to interact and behave. The goals set out by the top management predicted

that how employees should respond to various actions and decisions, and how they should

behave. However, the organizational goals held benefits for the employees.


Technology has helped the ‘Albatross Digital Marketing Agency,’ to main the workflow, mange

key stake holders, form the creative digital marketing campaigns to capture the market. The use

of technology in creative fashion enabled the company to operate with the efficiency and

effectiveness to harness its creative process. I do believe that the creative used of state of the art

technological frame work helped the business operations within the organization by establishing

a strong connection with market trends, customers and employees. The integration of IT and

creative team streamlined operating cost, technological delivers, and instant solutions to the

client’s needs[ CITATION And19 \l 1033 ].

2.4Informal Group Networks

At Albatross Digitals there was friendly working environment, with fluent communication and

freedom of expression. Hence the organizational structure provided the informal group networks

with the room to build up personal relations that unite them apart from professional interactions.

The informal group of the organization made the diverse, friendly and fluid set of personal

relationship among the communities working within the organization. Communities of shared

interest, common beliefs and social networks arise as the employees associated with one another

in a workplace setting. These interactions were totally personal in nature and this given birth to

the cross-sectional communication within the business organization[ CITATION Nic18 \l 1033 ].
The organization’s structure was based on integration with friendly work environment which

determine that how employees should think, behave, and interact with each other. The working

environment was based on professional and personal relations, friendship, cliques and social

circles, there really was a strong emotional motivation which has harnessed relationships

between organizational members. Apart from that, in order to manage the conflict and difference

of opinion there was a another operational frame work. The team was connected through vertical

integration, in case of any dispute the lower level management inform the matter to CEO. So, the

workers had that opportunity to share their diverse opinions. Moreover, the IT and creative

departments were both integrated and monitored by the HR department. The head of HR

department was directly answerable to the CEO of the “Albatross Digital Marketing Agency.”

This work alternative operational frame work has directly put the lower level working units

under the constant supervision of top management. In case of conflict the top leadership was

already aware of the root causes and there was also the presence of freedom of expression, where

employees could disagree with one another. The logical disagreement over the technical issues

always gave the alternative and creative answers to solve the issues.






Manager Manager Manager Senior

Commercial Design and Manager
Customer Creative Business
Asasasasasas Developmen Marketing
Support Department Analyst

The organizational structure followed by the Albatross Digital Marketing Agency harnessed the

talent with the final outcome. The organizational structure made the internal operations smooth

by connecting the different working departments: the employees were deeply connected,

exchanging the idea was a routine work, in case of any dispute every body was free to give his

opinion on the matters. The transparent socialization, acceptance of gender diversity and deep

connection of top leadership with the lower level leadership were some of the sole and chief

features behind the extraordinary performance of the company I have worked in.

Carson, A. (2019). The Role of Technology in a Business Organization. Retrieved from

Claudia,F. (2018). Characteristics of Informal Organizations: The Grapevine & Informal

Groups. Retrieved from

organizations-the-grapevine-informal- groups.html#:~:text=The%20informal

%20structure%20of%20an,another%20in%20a%2 0workplace%20setting.

Managementhelp Org. (2017). Basic Overview of Organizational Behavior: Guidelines and

Resources. Retrieved from

Wilterdink, N. (2018). Social structure. Retrieved from


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