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2008 Annual Report

is to build a better justice system
for all Californians

full and equal access to the justice system

in the next generation of California’s lawyers

Californians about their rights and responsibilities
under the law

philanthropy throughout the legal community

A catalyst for building a better justice system

With the continuing economic hardships facing everyone, the work of the California Bar Foundation
matters now more than ever before. Meaningful access to our justice system can have an exponential
impact for Californians seeking to remain in homes, retain custody of a child, receive necessary public
benefits, access health care programs, or continue their education.

For nearly 20 years the Foundation has served as a catalyst for building a better justice system by supporting
top law students who represent the future of the legal profession, efforts to make our legal community more
clearly reflect the state’s population, and critical projects that aim to ensure that that all Californians, regardless
of economic circumstance, are able to receive assistance from a lawyer.We at the Foundation are proud of our
tradition of investing in scholarships and other successful programs that respond to emerging areas of need.

The Foundation’s effectiveness was no more evident than in 2008.We geared our grant-making towards areas
that are particularly underserved – including rural communities that face costly hurdles to providing legal
services and projects that improve access to legal education and services for limited English proficiency clients.

As an example of our ability to respond quickly to emerging issues and support innovative approaches,, a central repository of public resources for homeowners and renters related to
we teamed up with the State Bar of California and the Public Interest Clearinghouse to help launch

foreclosure assistance that more than 10,000 individuals have consulted since the summer of 2008.
The website also links attorneys with volunteer opportunities to help with the foreclosure crisis.

We are also proud of our efforts to bolster the pipeline of ethnically and culturally diverse individuals
entering the legal profession – an issue of increasing urgency as California’s population becomes more and
more diverse.With the financial backing of 11 of the state’s leading law firms, we launched the Diversity
Scholarship Program and awarded more than $110,000 in scholarships to first-year law students from
communities historically under-represented in the State Bar membership.We created this program in direct
response to feedback we received from law firms seeking to diversify their associate ranks, public law school
officials concerned about the sparse number of minority students post-Proposition 209, and State Bar leaders
who have called upon the legal community to help address this challenging issue.

We cannot sustain and grow these efforts without the support of our many law firm, corporate, and individual
supporters. As the Foundation receives no funds from mandatory State Bar fees, the Foundation must raise
the money we distribute each year. So while we utilize our depth of experience in serving the people of
California, we also rely on the generosity of every donor who understands the importance of the Foundation’s
work, especially in these challenging economic times.

With the flexibility and responsiveness that characterizes our work, coupled with the philanthropic spirit
of the legal community, the Foundation continues to champion the sacrosanct principle, established by
the U.S. Constitution, of justice for all.We trust that our collective efforts will continue this vital work
as a hallmark of our profession.


President Executive Director


In 2008, the California Bar Foundation:

■ Distributed grants totaling nearly $1.2 million to nonprofit
organizations, courts, the State Bar of California, and local, specialty,
and minority bar associations for law-related access to justice, diversity,
education, and outreach projects

■ Launched the Diversity Scholarship Program, awarding more

than $110,000 to top law students who come from communities
under-represented in the membership of the California Bar

Awarded scholarships totaling more than $192,000 to assist impressive

“ Increasing access to

law students and recent graduates headed for careers as public interest
justice for all Californians lawyers with the costs of attending law school and taking the
is the guiding principle
behind the California
California Bar Exam

Bar Foundation’s work. Educated hundreds of thousands teenagers and young adults about
It’s important for the

entire legal community

their rights and responsibilities under the law through our sponsorship
to show that we are
of the State Bar publication, WhenYou Become 18:A Survival Guide
behind the Foundation’s
for Teenagers
efforts to build a better
justice system”
■ Provided leadership to the National Conference of Bar Foundations
– HOLLY J. FUJIE, (NCBF), with Pauline Gee, a past president of the Foundation,
President, State Bar of serving as NCBF president

Raised more than $2 million from law firms, corporations, and indi-
California (2008-2009),

and Shareholder,
Buchalter Nemer vidual donors who support our efforts to build a better justice system

full and equal access to the justice system

For the justice system to function properly, all Californians must have
full and equal access to the legal assistance they need. But with nearly five
million Californians living in poverty, an increasingly diverse population
speaking dozens of languages, and a comparatively high cost of living,
accessing the justice system – on everyday matters ranging from child
support to discrimination, domestic violence to landlord-tenant disputes –
is a difficult hurdle for most low-income and even middle-class

Closing the “justice gap” is a top priority for the Foundation. Through
our grants programs, the Foundation leverages the financial contributions
of our thousands of supporters to invest in the efforts of nonprofit
organizations, courts, bar associations, and the State Bar of California
to build a better justice system and, in particular, to improve access
to justice. Since 1991, the Foundation has awarded nearly $5.1 million
in grants to a diverse array of organizations and projects throughout


The centerpiece of the Foundation’s grant-making efforts is the Annual Grants

Program. We provide project-based funding to nonprofit organizations, courts, bar
associations, and the State Bar of California to improve access to the justice system,
educate the public about legal rights and responsibilities, foster confidence in the
rule of law, and promote philanthropy as a core value of the state’s lawyers.

Public Interest
In recent years, our Annual Grant awards have reflected a growing need to strengthen
the infrastructure of legal services for the benefit of all of our citizens. In 2007,
The Rural Education for the first time we identified three priority areas: projects that champion access
& Access to the Law
to justice, promote diversity in the legal profession, and assist rural communities.
Project creates a bridge
between aspiring lawyers In 2008, our grant-making focused on rural, language access, and diversity pipeline
and some of the most projects.The Foundation’s unique perspective serving the legal community of the
under-resourced areas entire state allows us to identify and support the greatest unmet needs.
in California by training
law students to assist Grants are typically awarded at the end of each calendar year for use during the
low-income pro per following year.The Foundation awarded $298,000 at the end of 2007 for 55 projects
litigants and organizing carried out in 2008. In 2008, the Foundation awarded 37 grants totaling $258,000,
weekend trips to rural
including multi-year grants for three projects as a way to recognize particularly
legal clinics.
effective programs while also easing the administrative burdens on financially
stretched nonprofit organizations.

2007-2008 Grant Recipients

AIDS Legal Referral Panel Asian Pacific Islander
Legal Outreach
phone hotline
To provide immigration San Francisco Bay Area
Asian Law Caucus law assistance to HIV To provide legal services $10,000
Bet Tzedek Legal Services
The Juvenile Justice positive immigrants to Asian Pacific Islander
Project provides legal San Francisco immigrant and refugee
women who are escaping To support pro per family
representation, advocacy, $2,500
conservators through an
Asian Law Caucus
and education to limited slavery/human trafficking
San Francisco Education & Training Day
English proficient families To provide legal repre- Los Angeles
with youth caught in $7,500
sentation and education
Bar Association of
Casa Cornelia Law Center
the juvenile justice sys-
San Francisco’s Volunteer
to families with limited
tem. Foundation funding
Legal Services Program
English proficiency that
supports interpreters who To provide legal repre-
have juveniles involved
assist volunteer attorneys To provide advanced sentation for unaccompanied,
with the justice system
staffing this program. training for interpreters detained minors in immi-
San Francisco
who work with mono- gration cases
San Diego
Asian Pacific American Legal
lingual residents in com-
Center of Southern California
municating with their $7,500

To provide family law and

attorneys and the courts CASA of Del Norte
San Francisco To improve services and
child custody legal clinics $5,000 support provided to foster
Bay Area Legal Aid
and referral services for
Vietnamese, Chinese, youth aging out of the
and Korean communities To expand bilingual juvenile dependency and
Orange County services offered through juvenile justice systems
$7,500 advice, counsel, and Del Norte County
referral assistance $10,000

CASA of Santa Barbara Community Action Family Violence Law Center Human Resources
County of Ventura County To provide legal counseling Council Inc.
To recruit and train To provide civil legal to survivors of domestic To support self-represented
court-appointed special assistance to low-income violence with limited litigants and host legal
advocates for foster youth residents English proficiency educational clinics
Santa Barbara County Ventura County Alameda County Calaveras County
$5,000 $12,500 $5,000 $7,500
Center for Community Constitutional Rights For People of Color, Inc. La Raza Centro Legal, Inc.
Solutions Foundation To host law school To provide legal
To expand domestic To support a mock trial admissions workshops for representation and
violence legal clinic program exposing 8,000 college students of color community education
and collaborate with law students from across the Statewide to low-income Latino
enforcement agencies state to the legal system $2,500 immigrants
Heart of Los Angeles Youth
in the enforcement Statewide San Francisco
of restraining orders $3,000 $2,500
Contra Costa County
To conduct a mock trial
Learning Rights Law Center
San Diego
Bar Association
$12,500 afterschool program for
To facilitate the enforce-
Center for Youth Citizenship
inner-city middle school
To introduce under- students ment of special education
To connect schools and privileged children to Los Angeles laws for Native American
the legal community in the justice system and $3,000 children
High Desert Bar Association
an effort to help young expose them to careers Statewide
people find solutions in the legal field through $3,000
to violence and build Court Tours Program To provide legal educational
respect for the law Contra Costa County pamphlets to visitors of the (continued on next page)
Sacramento $3,000 San Bernadino courthouse

Disability Rights
$2,500 San Bernadino County

Center for Youth Legal Center


Development through Law To conduct legal clinics

2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 9 A N N UA L G R A N T F U N D I N G , B Y C AT E G O RY
To place youth from disad- for the deaf and hard
vantaged communities in of hearing community
summer legal internships, staffed by American Sign Diversity
provide educational support, Language interpreters 12% Access
Professional 77%
and assign lawyer mentors Los Angeles and Riverside Development
Oakland $2,500 9%

East Bay Community

$5,000 Youth
Centro Legal de la Raza Law Center Education
To provide coordinated To provide legal
legal and social services counseling and self-help
to immigrant survivors support for homeless and
of domestic violence low-income residents
Oakland Oakland 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 9 A N N UA L G R A N T F U N D I N G , B Y A R E A S E RV E D
$5,000 $7,500
Child Advocates of Elder Law & Advocacy
San Diego
Los Angeles /
Placer County
6% Statewide
Orange Co.
To recruit and train legal 11% 21%
To recruit and train professionals to provide
court-appointed special elder law counseling Bay Area
advocates for foster youth San Diego and Imperial
Placer County Counties
$5,000 $3,000


2007-2008 testimony about their medical clinics for low- the Marshall-Brennan
Grant Recipients histories of abuse income residents Constitutional Literacy
(continued) Statewide Orange County Project
$10,000 $2,500 Statewide
Legal Aid Foundation
National Housing Law Rose Foundation for
of Santa Barbara
Project Communities & the State Bar of California,
Environment Council on Access
To conduct mobile
and Fairness
To create a guide on HUD’s
legal clinics serving
Section 3 employment To increase diversity in the
elderly rural residents To train and support
and training program for legal profession and improve
Santa Barbara County pre-law advisors on
use by housing advocates access to environmental
$5,000 justice by providing hands- guiding students of color
Legal Aid of $3,500 on environmental justice through the law school
Sonoma County
Plumas Rural Services
advocacy training for low- admissions process
To bring legal services income students of color Statewide
to low-income, Spanish- To implement a Oakland $5,000
State Bar of California,
speaking immigrants in cohesive, county-wide $5,000
Santa Barbara Partners Council on Access
rural communities in approach to address

in Education and Fairness

collaboration with safety- juvenile justice preven-
net service providers tion and aftercare needs
Plumas County To provide computers To develop materials to
Sonoma County and training to low-income assist law students from
$7,500 $5,000
Positive Resource Center
students and their families, diverse backgrounds to pass
Legal Aid Society - and to train youth at a local the California Bar Exam
Employment Law Center To provide legal juvenile detention facility Statewide
To provide a bilingual representation to to refurbish computers $10,000
State Bar of California,
counselor to conduct immigrants with HIV Santa Barbara County
Office of Bar Relations
counseling and outreach or mental health issues $2,500
Southwest Center for
services to the Latino who are seeking Cash
To provide scholarships
Asian Pacific American Law
community Assistance Program for
Immigrants benefits to and speaker honoraria
San Francisco To provide financial literacy for 2008 Bar Leaders’
$5,000 San Francisco
education to at-risk teens Conference
Legal Aid Society of
Public Counsel
and naturalization services Statewide
Orange County to low-income and elderly $5,000
State Bar of California,
To assist self-represented To provide legal representa- immigrants in the Asian
Office of Legal Services,
litigants in accessing tion to immigrants abused Pacific community
Access & Fairness Programs
legal resources and by U.S. citizens or perma- San Diego
referral services nent residents, as well as $2,500 To provide scholarships to
State Bar of California,
Los Angeles to victims of trafficking
rural and small legal service
California Young Lawyers
$10,000 and asylum seekers fleeing
programs to attend 2008
Legal Assistance for Seniors Association
Pathways to Justice
Los Angeles
To provide legal repre- To recruit and train young Conference
lawyers to advocate for Statewide
Public Interest Clearinghouse
sentation to abused elders
Alameda County foster youth $10,000
Superior Court of California,
$3,500 To recruit and train Marin County and San Diego

Legal Services for Fresno County

law students to provide $5,000

Prisoners with Children State Bar of California,

support for legal clinics To publish and distribute
serving low-income Council on Access
and Fairness
To provide legal services to rural residents a Court
residents in rural areas Resource Guide describing
in habeas cases to survivors Statewide
of domestic violence con- To recruit and train the resources available at
$7,500 California law students the court’s self-help center
victed of crimes related
to the battering they Public Law Center to teach constitutional Fresno County
experienced who were To provide free legal and juvenile law to disad- $5,000
not allowed to present and referral services in vantaged youth through

Superior Court of
California, Lassen County
2008-2009 Grant Recipients
AIDS Legal Referral Panel Casa Cornelia Legal Family Violence Law Center
To support self-represented
Services, Inc.
litigants at the court’s self-
help center, and to provide To provide immigration To improve access to legal
law assistance to HIV To provide legal represen- services for pro per litigants,
services for court-ordered
positive immigrants tation for unaccompanied, especially those with limited
supervised visitation for
San Francisco detained minors in immi- English proficiency, in
non-custodial parents
$5,000 gration cases domestic violence matters
Lassen County
Alameda County Bar
San Diego County Alameda County
Association Volunteer
Superior Court of
Lawyer Services Corporation Center for Community For People of Color, Inc.
California, Los Angeles
County To improve access to justice Solutions To host law school admis-
To conduct a specialized for low-income people with For new temporary sions and bar exam work-
Teen Court focused on limited English proficiency restraining order clinic shops for students of color
youth crimes that are by providing translation providing free, confidential, Statewide
rooted in racial prejudice and interpreter services bilingual legal assistance to $5,000
Housing and Economics
and bias on inner-city Alameda County domestic violence victims
Rights Advocates
school campuses $5,000 San Diego County
Bar Association of San
Los Angeles $20,000*
Francisco's Volunteer Legal
To address the need for
$5,000 Child Advocates of
Services Program/Central Placer County
foreclosure prevention
Superior Court of California,
California Legal Services
services, helping home-
Tuolumne County To recruit, train, and sup- owners retain their homes
To enhance the delivery port volunteers to advocate or transition into other
To increase access to
of legal services to low- for abused, neglected, and housing
the court by providing
income residents seeking abandoned children in Napa County
web-based materials for
guardianship of children juvenile dependency court $10,000
self-represented litigants
International Institute
by leveraging Bay Area system
through community
of the Bay Area
pro bono resources Placer County
Fresno County $5,000
Tuolumne County To provide free or
Family Resource Center
California YMCA Youth of Truckee
subsidized legal services
The Watsonville Law Center
& Government
to immigrant survivors
To provide free, bilingual of family violence and
To provide in-depth legal To recruit and provide legal services to low-income other serious crimes
and financial assistance, scholarships for bilingual residents through one-on- Alameda and Contra
free income tax services, students in rural areas to one consultations, advice Costa Counties
and basic financial literacy participate in a Model clinics, and workshops $5,000
education to low-income Court Program Nevada and Placer Counties
families Central Valley and $10,000 (continued on next page)
Santa Cruz County Central Coast
$5,000 $5,000
Youth and Family
Enrichment Services
To conduct updated S U M M E R L AW I N S T I T U T E G R A N T
To provide free and low-
research on best practices
cost family law services
in educational pipeline
For the second year, the Foundation awarded a special grant
to low-income clients to the Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) to support its
San Mateo County Summer Law Institute (SLI) for high school students interested
$5,000 in learning about the American legal system.The SLI curriculum
includes key elements of the Legal Heritage Institute, a similar
program the Foundation ran from 2001 to 2006.The $25,000
grant in 2008 helped underwrite the cost of attendance for
*Grant award distributed over two years students with financial need.

Legal Aid of Sonoma County Superior Court of California,

San Diego County
2008-2009 Creative Solutions
Grant Recipients To bring legal services to for the Legal Need
(continued) rural, low-income, Spanish- Facing California’s To recruit and prepare
speaking immigrants in Rural Communities” low-income and diverse
KABA Foundation collaboration with safety Statewide high school students to
To educate members net service providers $9,500 participate in mock trial
State Bar of California,
of the Korean American Sonoma County competition
Council on Access and
community on their legal $5,000 San Diego
Levitt & Quinn Family Fairness
rights so they can navigate $3,000
Law Center Superior Court of California,
the legal system To provide scholarships
Los Angeles and Orange
To assist low-income to the 2009 Diversity Tulare County
Counties Stakeholder Forum To increase access to the
families in need of family
$5,000 Statewide court's self-help resource
law services
Kids’ Turn San Diego Los Angeles $10,000 center for rural communities
State Bar of California,
To expand workshops $5,000 Tulare County
Next Door Solutions to Office of Bar Relations
for court-ordered families $5,000
engaged in high-conflict Domestic Violence To provide scholarships The Other Bar Foundation
divorce, separation, or To help immigrant, ethnic, to and speaker honoraria To provide counseling
custody disputes and monolingual victims of for 2009 Bar Leaders’ and support services for
South San Diego County domestic violence navigate Conference attorneys dealing with
$5000 the maze of immigration, Statewide substance abuse
Kovno Communications legal, health, and social $6,000 Statewide
State Bar of California,
To conduct outreach for services $5,000
“Cruz Reynoso: A Man for Santa Clara County Office of Legal Services, Ventura County Bar
All Seasons” documentary $5,000 Access & Fairness Programs Association Volunteer
Statewide Public Interest Clearinghouse To provide scholarships Lawyers Pro Bono Program
$2,500 To recruit and train law to the 2009 Lawyer To train emeritus attorneys
Lassen Family Services Court students to support legal Referral Services Forum to provide direct legal
Appointed Special Advocate clinics serving low-income Statewide services to the poor
Program residents in rural areas $10,000 Ventura County
State Bar of California,
To provide services to Statewide $3,000
and advocate for at-risk $20,000* Office of Legal Services, VIP Mentors
dependency youth
Public Interest Clearinghouse Access & Fairness Programs To provide parolees with
Lassen County To organize and launch lawyer/law student mentors
To fund a comprehensive
$5,000, and access to legal services
staff retention study for
Learning Rights Law Center legal aid organizations a repository of foreclosure and other community
To create a comprehensive Statewide assistance resources for resources
practice guide for advocating $4,000 homeowners and renters Statewide
Public Interest Clearinghouse
for special education youth Statewide $10,000
Yurok Tribe
Los Angeles $4,000
Superior Court of California,
To conduct trainings to
Los Angeles County
educate legal aid organi- To develop and implement
Legal Aid of Napa Valley zations about new IRS standards, including an
To train self-help center admissions test, and dis-
To provide immigrants Form 990 IRS reporting
supervisors managing ciplinary procedures for
and their families with requirements.
JusticeCorps members members of the Yurok Bar
free bilingual legal advice Statewide
Los Angeles Del Norte and Humboldt
and representation through $1,000
State Bar of California,
clinics and other outreach Counties
California Commission
Napa County $5,000
$5,000 on Access to Justice
*Grant award distributed over two years
To prepare “Rural Legal
Services Policy Paper:

In 2008, the Foundation received its first cy pres award – totaling $102,088 and
resulting from a consumer rights class action settlement in U.S. District Court,
Northern District of California, San Jose Division. Co-lead counsel Girard Gibbs
LLP, a national litigation firm specializing in class actions and complex business
Pro Bono Project
Silicon Valley
litigation, designated the Foundation as a cy pres beneficiary in the case. With the
funds, the Foundation awarded grants of $25,522 to four nonprofit organizations
working for the protection of consumer rights in Santa Clara County: The Pro Bono Project
brings together attorneys
who want to volunteer
■ Consumer Action, Inc. ■ Pro Bono Project Silicon Valley
their services and low-
■ The Katharine and George Alexander ■ Senior Adults Legal Assistance income clients who
Law Center at Santa Clara University need legal advice and
School of Law representation. Its services
include debtors’ rights

California ALL
clinics and education
and advice regarding

In 2007-2008, the Foundation supported the launching of CaliforniaALL and,

lending practices.

as the project filed for incorporation and 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, served
as CaliforniaALL’s fiscal sponsor. A collaboration between the California Public
Employment Retirement System, the California Public Utilities Commission, the
California Department of Insurance, and the State Bar of California, CaliforniaALL
was created in an effort to close the achievement gap among California students
from preschool to the profession and, specifically, to bolster the pipeline of young
people of diverse backgrounds headed for careers in law, financial services, and
technology. Once CaliforniaALL obtained its tax-exempt status and was able to
function as a fully independent nonprofit organization, the Foundation granted the
balance of funds raised for the project – totaling $769,247 – to the new entity.


The Foundation supports other law-related organizations in their efforts to

improve the justice system by serving as the nonprofit host recipient for charitable
donations specifically earmarked for those organizations. The Foundation receives,
acknowledges, and provides receipts for the tax-deductible donations and then
provides the intended beneficiary organizations or their designees with grant
awards. In 2008, we provided this service to the following partner organization:

Conference of Delegates of California Bar Associations (CDCBA)

Formed as an independent 501(c)(6) organization in 2002, CDCBA addresses issues
of importance to the state’s lawyers and provides leadership in improving the law
through the legislative process. The Foundation serves as the host recipient for
charitable contributions to CDCBA.

In 2008, the Foundation distributed $3,304 in grants to fund CDCBA’s charitable

activities related to law and the administration of justice.

The Foundation is proud to support the State Bar of
California through an array of grants and other funding.
This support includes:

■ California Bar Journal Publication Grants

In 2008, the Foundation contributed $65,000 to the
publication of When You Become 18: A Survival Guide for
Teenagers (see page 19).
■ Annual Grants
State Bar entities received six grants totaling $40,000 during the 2007-2008
grant cycle and five grants totaling $39,500 during the 2008-2009 grant cycle.

■ Corporate Sponsor Education Grants

In 2008, the Foundation shared with the State Bar a portion of its corporate
sponsor revenues in the form of a $1,941 grant to support the Bar’s public
education efforts.
■ Annual Meeting Support
In 2008, the Foundation provided $15,500 to support the State Bar’s
Annual Meeting.

in the next generation of California’s lawyers

A healthy justice system that serves all Californians requires a strong

corps of diverse, skilled, and energetic lawyers dedicated to serving
their communities. But financing the cost of a legal education can be
challenging for many of California’s law students, particularly those
who want to pursue public interest law careers as well as many who
come from diverse backgrounds.

Through its scholarship programs, the Foundation seeks to make

the financial debt burden most law students face upon graduation –
which can total upwards of $100,000 – a little easier to bear. We
believe this investment in the next generation of California’s lawyers
is a cornerstone to building a better justice system.


Launched in 2008, the Diversity Scholarship aims to help bolster the pipeline
of diverse individuals entering law school and, ultimately, becoming lawyers.The
Scholarship helps alleviate the significant financial burden of attending law school
and enables students to focus on their studies during the crucial and stressful first
Angel Rodriguez
year. Through awards of up to $7,500 to incoming law students from communities
Golden Gate University
historically under-represented in the California Bar membership, the Scholarship
School of Law helps pay the costs of obtaining a law school education, including tuition, fees,
The Morrison & Foerster books, and related education expenses.
Foundation Scholar
A graduate of UC In 2008, the Foundation awarded 20 Diversity Scholarships totaling $112,438
Berkeley and a former to students from nine California law schools.
San Francisco Youth
Commissioner, Angel
became interested in
law after being granted Named Scholars
political asylum as a
homeless gay youth. The Foundation recognizes top recipients of the Diversity Scholarship with
Angel is seeking a named awards.We sincerely thank the 11 inaugural law firm supporters of the
Ph.D. in psychology Diversity Scholarship, each of which made generous, multi-year commitments
along with his J.D.
to the program.

Buchalter Nemer Scholar

Lisa M. Alarcón, UCLA School of Law

Fenwick & West LLP Scholar

Coral H. Arias, UC Hastings College of the Law
Cristina Peña Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin Scholar
USC Gould School
of Law
Amaha Imanuel Kassa, UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)

Keesal,Young & Logan Scholar

Sonnenschein Nath &
Rosenthal LLP Scholar
Juan Leonel Alvarez, UC Hastings College of the Law
As a child, Cristina
immigrated from a Keker & Van Nest LLP Scholar
Mexican village to Esmeralda Z. Soria, UC Davis School of Law (King Hall)
California’s farmlands.
While at UC Berkeley, Lim, Ruger & Kim Foundation Scholar
she tutored disadvan- Amber Nicole Lee, Pepperdine University School of Law
taged third graders,
provided interpretation The Morrison & Foerster Foundation Scholar
services for family law Angel Rodriguez, Golden Gate University School of Law
cases, and interned at
the Alameda County Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe Foundation Scholar
Superior Court. Joshua J. Johnson, UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)

Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP Scholar

Kenia Acevedo, UCLA School of Law

Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Scholar
Cristina Peña, USC Gould School of Law

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation Scholar

Sheila Shayda Winslow, UC Hastings College of the Law
Sheila Shayda Winslow
UC Hastings
2008 Diversity Scholarship Recipients College of the Law

Golden Gate University School of Law

Wilson Sonsini
Goodrich & Rosati
Angel Rodriguez Foundation Scholar
Monterey College of Law
As one of a handful
of African American
Rafael J. Albarrán students in her high
Pepperdine University School of Law
school and college,
Sheila struggled with
Amber N. Lee feelings of alienation
University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Boalt Hall)
and financial adversity,
which ultimately
Alexander Hernandez
inspired her to pursue
Joshua J. Johnson
a legal career and give
Amaha Imanuel Kassa
back to her community.
Tam Mai Ma

University of California, Davis, School of Law (King Hall)

Anel Carrasco
Esmeralda Z. Soria

University of California, Hastings College of the Law

“Our firm’s support of

Juan Leonel Alvarez

the Diversity Scholarship

Coral H. Arias

is an investment in the
Houng Claire Mao

future of the legal profes-

Jimmy E. Rodriguez
Sheila Shayda Winslow
sion and its ability to meet
University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law the needs of our clients
Kenia Acevedo in an increasingly diverse
Lisa M. Alarcón and global economy.”
Robert Montaño – DOUGLAS A.WINTHROP,

University of San Francisco School of Law

Managing Director and
Chairman, Howard Rice
Carmen L. Franklin
Nemerovski Canady Falk
University of Southern California Gould School of Law
& Rabkin, with Amaha
Imanuel Kassa, Howard
Cristina Peña
Marwa Mohamed Rifahie Rice Nemerovski Canady
Falk & Rabkin Scholar


The Foundation’s flagship Public Interest Scholarship Program provides significant

financial assistance to current California law students who intend to pursue
careers in public interest law. Recipients, who are nominated by their law schools
and demonstrate a commitment to public service, academic excellence, and financial
Benjamin R. Botts
need, receive scholarships of up to $7,500 each to assist with tuition and related
UC Berkeley School
education expenses.
of Law (Boalt Hall)
Cox, Castle & Since 1992, the Foundation has supported nearly 500 impressive law students –
Nicholson LLP Scholar most of whom have gone on to serve their communities as public defenders,
Benjamin has worked legal aid lawyers, civil rights advocates, prosecutors, and other nonprofit and
as an immigration government attorneys – through the Public Interest Scholarship Program.
paralegal, volunteered
as a low-income tenant In 2008, the Foundation awarded a total of $152,925 in scholarship funds to
counselor for the San
37 students from 15 California law schools.
Francisco Tenants Union,
served as co-director
of the East Bay Workers’
Rights Clinic, and Named Scholars
interned at Legal Aid
Law Center. The Foundation recognizes its top scholars with named scholarships.We sincerely
thank the six law firms and the Jim Pfeiffer Scholar supporters for their generous,
multi-year support of the Public Interest Scholarship Program.

Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP Scholar

Benjamin R. Botts, UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall)

Dreier Stein Kahan Browne Woods George LLP Scholar

Jessica Langley
Jenny Macht, UCLA School of Law
UCLA School of Law
Jim Pfeiffer Scholar Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Scholar
Committed to children’s Alexa Van Brunt, Stanford Law School

Jim Pfeiffer Scholar*

issues, Jessica has coun-
seled incarcerated women
and abused children, Jessica Langley, UCLA School of Law

Milstein, Adelman & Kreger Scholar

served as co-president
of UCLA’s Law Society
for Children’s Rights, Jessica Oats, Stanford Law School

Munger,Tolles & Olson LLP Scholar

chaired the Juvenile
Detention Advocacy
Clinic, and interned Eunice Hyunhye Cho, Stanford Law School

Seyfarth Shaw Scholar

with Public Counsel,
the Los Angeles County
Public Defender, and the Yara Lomelí-Loibl, Stanford Law School
Federal Public Defender.
*In memory of the Foundation’s founding executive director, the Foundation acknowledges one scholar
who has demonstrated a deep commitment to children’s issues.The Foundation is able to recognize
the Jim Pfeiffer Scholar with the generosity of the following longtime Foundation supporters: Claudia
A. Carver, Nanci G. Clinch, Hon. Lawrence W. Crispo (Ret.),Victoria J. De Goff, Pauline W. Gee,
Leon & Martha Goldin, Robert A. Goodin, Arthur W. Gray, Jr., Michael & Hiroko Green, Bonnie
Rose Hough, Edward E. & Joyce K. Kallgren, Jack W. Londen, Hon. Robert H. Oliver, Tina L.
Rasnow, Herbert M. & Hon. Margarita V. Rosenthal, Pauline A.Weaver, and Hon. Laurie D. Zelon.

2008 Public Interest Scholarship Recipients
Chapman University School of Law University of California,
Sheba Saroia Hastings College of the Law

Alexa Van Brunt

Matthew Justin Wechter Meredith L. Alexander

Stanford Law School

Todd Daloz
Golden Gate University School of Law Raegan Joern
Seth Lichenstein-Hill Abby Sullivan Fulbright & Jaworski
L.L.P. Scholar
Loyola Law School University of California, Los Angeles, A graduate of Brown
Neda Mashayekhi School of Law University, Alexa has
Celida B. Miramontes Moisés R. Ceja conducted research in
Cindy Pánuco Jessica Langley Lesotho on the impact
Jenny Macht of HIV/AIDS on
San Joaquin College of Law Sarah Paule children’s educational
Alicia L. Hinton Debra Weinberg attainment, traveled to
Namibia with Stanford’s
Santa Clara University School of Law University of San Diego School of Law International Human
Molly Brennan Brett Barley Rights Clinic, and
Julia Davis
Southwestern Law School
interned at the
Colin Donnelly International Criminal
Tiffany Woo
University of San Francisco School of Law
Tribunal for Rwanda

Stanford Law School

in Tanzania.
Meredith Marzuoli
Eunice Hyunhye Cho Marie Montesano
Yara Lomelí-Loibl
Jessica Oats University of Southern California Gould
Alexa Van Brunt School of Law
Rachel Zwillinger EmmaElizabeth Gonzalez
Ashley Nicole Johndro
University of California, Berkeley,
“The Foundation’s Public
Rebecca S. Raizman
School of Law (Boalt Hall)
Whittier Law School Interest Scholarship is
a way of saying, ‘if you
Cheryl Andrada

commit to serving the

Benjamin R. Botts Taylor Irene Dudley

people of this State,

Lorraine Leete Sherin Larijani

University of California, Davis, we’ll commit to help-

School of Law (King Hall) ing you get a legal
Neta Borshansky education.’ Our firm is
privileged to support
aspiring public interest
lawyers through this
scholarship program.”
Partner, Munger,Tolles
& Olson LLP, and past
State Bar President, with
Eunice Hyunhye Cho,
Munger,Tolles & Olson
LLP Scholar


The Foundation’s Rosenthal Bar Exam Scholarship fills a critical financial need for
many public interest lawyers-to-be: the costs associated with taking the California
Bar Examination. Without the support of a private law firm employer, covering
the cost of the exam fee, a bar review course, and living expenses while studying
for the exam can add thousands of dollars to a recent law school graduate’s debt
Meghan Angela Corman burden. Since 1997, the Foundation has offered one of the few scholarships in the
UC Berkeley School country specifically aimed at providing bar exam-related support for graduates
of Law (Boalt Hall) pursuing public interest careers.
Reed Smith Scholar
While teaching the third In 2008, the Foundation awarded Rosenthal Scholarships to 17 students in their
grade at a low-performing final semester at nine California law schools. All scholarship recipients received
school through Teach for
cash awards of $1,000 to assist with their Bar Exam-related expenses.The top five
America, Meghan became
frustrated with systematic
award winners also received California Bar/Bri Law Review Bar Exam courses
problems that impeded valued at more than $3,000 each.
her students’ ability to
succeed and was inspired
to become a lawyer. After Named Scholars
completing a fellowship
with Public Advocates, In 2008, for the first time, the Foundation recognized two of its top scholars with
Meghan is handling
named scholarships.We sincerely thank the law firms for their generous support
employment civil rights
cases with a small Bay of the Rosenthal Bar Exam Scholarship Program.

Reed Smith Scholar The Sidley Austin Foundation Scholar

Area firm.
Meghan Angela Corman Claudia L. Peña
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) UCLA School of Law

We also thank the Rosenthal Family for its long-standing support

of the Rosenthal Bar Exam Scholarship Program and BAR/BRI
of California for providing discounted bar review courses.

Claudia L. Peña
UCLA School of Law 2008 Rosenthal Bar Exam Scholarship Recipients
The Sidley Austin
Foundation Scholar Loyola Law School Stanford Law School University of California,
An Academy Scholar Joshua Adams Brian Bilford Los Angeles, School of Law
for UCLA’s Law Fellows Renee DeLellis Nancy Caroline Glass Claudia L. Peña
Program and an intern Jessica DeWitt Alexis Rickher Fabian Rentería

New College of California University of San Francisco

with Lawyers for Human Michael Roney

School of Law School of Law

Rights in South Africa
while in law school, University of California,
Claudia is working as Karma M. Quick Berkeley, School of Law Fernanda Bustamante
(Boalt Hall)
Santa Clara University University of
the Judge Constance

School of Law Southern California

Baker Motley Civil Meghan Angela Corman
Gould School of Law
Rights Fellow at the Angela Hollowell-Fuentes
Nicole Clemens
University of California,
Equal Justice Society
Jean Marie Doherty
Davis, School of Law
in San Francisco.
Lindsay Toczylowski
(King Hall)
Nicholas W.Vidargas


In an effort to increase opportunities for law students from diverse backgrounds

to participate in judicial internships – which are often important stepping stones
to prestigious legal positions after graduation – the Foundation partnered with the
American Bar Association’s Judicial Intern Opportunity Program ( JIOP). JIOP
is a full-time summer internship program that places minority and/or financially
“The JIOP program
disadvantaged students with state or federal judges across the country. The purpose
is to give minority students the opportunity to work closely with and be mentored gives law students
by a judge during law school, first-hand exposure to the courts, and a leg up in an up-close look at
applying for a judicial clerkship following law school. the inner workings
of the court system.
In 2008, the Foundation provided a supplemental stipend of $1,000 to ten first- or With assistance from
second-year minority and/or financially disadvantaged law students placed as summer the California Bar
Foundation, students
with financial need
interns with California judges through JIOP.

have had the oppor-

tunity to participate
in this unique summer
2008 JIOP Supplemental Stipend Recipients experience, which
has been beneficial
Chambers of Hon. Ronald M. George, Chambers of Hon. Rosalyn Chapman, both to them and
Chief Justice of California U.S. District Court,
to the court.”
Amir Amiri Central District of California
UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) Ashley Harris – HON. RONALD M.
St. Louis University School of Law GEORGE, Chief Justice
Chambers of Hon. Susan Breall, of California, who
Superior Court of California, Chambers of Hon. Phillip S. Gutierrez, hosted Amir Amiri of
County of San Francisco U.S. District Court, UC Berkeley School
Alexis Moore Central District of California of Law (Boalt Hall)
Golden Gate University School of Law Ambar Anette Ramos
University of Notre Dame Law School
Chambers of Hon.Teri L. Jackson,
Superior Court of California, Chambers of Hon. Consuelo Marshall,
County of San Francisco U.S. District Court,
Richard Anh Chuong Vu Central District of California
California Western School of Law Tina Han
University of Michigan Law School
Chambers of Hon. John Shepard Wiley, Jr., Jessica Zaylia John C.Trang
Superior Court of California, UCLA School of Law
County of Los Angeles
University of San Diego School of Law

Chambers of Hon. Andrew Wistrich,

The son of Vietnamese
Charles K. Chineduh
U.S. District Court,
refugees and the first
Southwestern Law School
Central District of California
in his family to attend

Chambers of Hon. Charles Breyer,

a four-year college,
John C.Trang
U.S. District Court,
John interned with

Northern District of California

UCLA School of Law Judge Andrew Wistrich
of the U.S. District
Jessica Laughlin Court, Central District
Washington University of St. Louis of California.
School of Law

Californians about their rights and responsibilities
under the law

Educating Californians about their legal rights and responsibilities is a

critical component of improving the effectiveness of the state’s justice
system. To that end, the Foundation has long supported a variety of
public education efforts aimed at children, teenagers, parents, senior
citizens, and other groups. Over the years, these efforts have reached
millions of Californians, many non-English-speaking, and helped them
navigate the many different legal issues they may encounter.

We believe that fostering a legally literate populace will pay valuable,

long-term dividends, resulting in a more informed and civic-minded


The Foundation is proud to partner with the State Bar of California to fund the publication
of three public education guides that discuss legal issues of importance to seniors, children
and their parents, and young adults.

With the assistance of community partners, each year the Foundation and the State Bar
distribute millions of copies of three guides – Kids and the Law: An A-to-Z Guide for Parents,
When You Become 18: A Survival Guide for Teenagers, and Seniors & the Law: A Guide for Maturing
Californians – to citizens throughout the state. To reach California’s increasingly diverse popu-
lation, the guides are available in a variety of languages and are provided free of charge.

When You Become 18: A Survival Guide for Teenagers

Updated in 2008 with a special $65,000 grant from the
Foundation, When You Become 18 provides teenagers with
valuable information to help them navigate the exciting and
sometimes daunting transition from childhood to adulthood.
This 16-page guide addresses a wide range of issues facing
young people as they become adults in the eyes of the law –
from renting one’s first apartment to opening up a bank
account, from dealing with domestic violence to exercising
the right to vote. Over the three-year period from 2008 to
2010, approximately 1.2 million printed copies of When You
Become 18 will be distributed to teenagers and young adults
and their families throughout California. To order free copies
of When You Become 18, email 18@

Kids and the Law: An A-Z Guide for Parents

Updated in 2007 with a special $65,000 grant from the Foundation, Kids and the Law
is a close-up look at laws that define children’s rights and responsibilities.This guide
touches upon such topics as child abuse, curfew laws, online socializing, and interacting
with the police. This is a helpful resource for parents, teachers, counselors, youth program
coordinators, and others who supervise, care for, and teach California’s children. To
order free copies, email kids @

Seniors & the Law: A Guide for Maturing Californians

Seniors & the Law provides valuable information about the many laws, benefits, and
services that are available to senior citizens. Covering such topics as estate planning,
elder abuse, and health care rights, this guide is an informative resource on issues
of importance to California’s growing senior population.Seniors & the Law will next
be updated in 2009. To order free copies, email seniors@

the California Bar Foundation

The Foundation relies exclusively on voluntary gifts from our donors and
revenue from corporate partnerships. We receive no funding from the
State Bar of California or the mandatory dues State Bar members pay.

Nearly 7,500 of the state’s attorneys and judges voluntarily support the
California Bar Foundation financially each year. We also count among
our top donors a growing number of law firms committed to giving
back to the community.

With sincere appreciation, we recognize the generosity of the many

friends of the Foundation who made gifts between January 1 and
December 31, 2008, without whose steadfast support the Foundation
would not be able to continue its important programs.


The Leadership Circle recognizes top Foundation donors who contribute annual
gifts of at least $2,500 for law firms and corporations and $250 for individuals and
other organizations. We sincerely thank the following donors who made Leadership
Circle gifts and pledges between January 1 and December 31, 2008.

“We are proud that

our lawyers are actively
Law Firms & Corporations
engaged in pro bono
Trustee ($25,000 & above) work, and we are proud
to deepen our commit-
ment to legal services
■ Buchalter Nemer, A Professional Corporation

through our support

■ Fenwick & West LLP
■ Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin, A Professional Corporation of the California Bar
■ Keesal,Young & Logan, A Professional Corporation Foundation.”
■ Keker & Van Nest LLP
Partner, Morgan, Lewis
■ Lim, Ruger & Kim Foundation & Bockius LLP
■ The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
■ Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe Foundation
■ Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
■ Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal, LLP
■ Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation

Patron – Platinum ($10,000 - $24,999) “Through our commitment

Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP to the Foundation – and,
in particular, its Diversity

Scholarship Program –
■ Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
Milstein, Adelman & Kreger, LLP we are able to give back

Munger,Tolles & Olson LLP to the community and

support critical efforts

to increase the pipeline

■ Reed Smith LLP
■ Seyfarth Shaw LLP of diverse individuals
aspiring to become
■ The Sidley Austin Foundation

Patron – Gold ($5,000 - $9,999) – ELENA R. BACA, Director,

Chair, Los Angeles Office,
■ Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Paul, Hastings, Janofsky &
■ Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Walker LLP
■ Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Partner ($2,500 - $4,999)

■ Howrey LLP


Individuals & Other Organizations

Patron – Platinum Martha K. Gooding Howard B. Miller Richard A. Frankel
($10,000 & above) Arthur W. Gray Jr. Charles J. Moore Michele R. Fron
Mario Camara Michael & Hiroko Green Wendy Munger Jay M. Fujitani
The George Link, Jr. Dean Hansell Ronald L. Olson William H. Gailey
Charitable Trust Leslie T. Hatamiya James N. Penrod Thomas W. Girardi

Patron – Gold
William Hebert & Glenn D. Pomerantz Michael M. Gless

Lori Schechter Scott T. Pratt Richard J. Goldstein
Bonnie Rose Hough Marc L. Sallus Janet & Cecil Green
Diane Cafferata Hutnyan
Bruce G. Iwasaki David R. Schellhase Feris M. Greenberger
Stanton L. Stein Edward E. & Sandra C. Stewart Scott L. Grossfeld
Partner – Platinum Joyce K. Kallgren Neil Swartzberg Joilene & David Grove*
($2,500-$4,999) Stacey K. Keare Paul Tepper Hon. Andrew J. Guilford
Jeffrey L. Bleich Michael O. Kokesh Theodore Ting & Margaret Hampton
Peter R. Boutin Lindsay L. Lee Melanie Dunn Ted J. Hannig
Geoffrey F. Brown Jack W. Londen Paul J.Titcher Howard C. Hay
Richard G. Engel John P. McNicholas, III Ira J.Waldman Hon. Samantha &
Robert A. Goodin James M. Murphy & Gregory Jessner
Michael H. Zischke
Mary Anne Atkisson
Fellow – Gold
Steven S. Kaufhold Judy Johnson
Hon. Robert H. Oliver
Bradley S. Phillips Michele D. Johnson
Herbert M. & Hon. Mark G. Parnes Robert K. Johnson
Tina L. Rasnow Aaron J. Alter Eileen L. Kahaner
Margarita V. Rosenthal
Sidney Stern Ruthe Catolico Ashley Diane L. Karpman
Douglas A.Winthrop &
Memorial Trust Michael J. Baker Jennifer L. Keller
Yamilee O. Bermingham
Pauline A.Weaver Robert E. Barnett
Partner – Gold
Dean Kinley
Daniel G.Weiss Stanley L. Bartelmie
Robert N. Klieger
Hon. Laurie D. Zelon Adam J. Bass Charles E. Koro
Fellow – Platinum
Raul Ayala Joseph J. Bell Vivian L. Kral
Ronald L. Blanc Diane A. Bellas Paul A. Kramer, Jr.
Claudia A. Carver Charles A. Bird Jeffrey Lapota
Neil S. Bezaire
Nanci G. Clinch J. David Black C. David Lee
Brad D. Brian
Hon. Lawrence W. Crispo Matthew Butler Alannah M. Link
Patrick J. Cafferty, Jr.
Brian Declan Cunningham Richard W. & Hon. Michael D. Marcus
Ted G. Dane Carol J. Canady (Ret.)
Hon. Marguerite D.
Victoria J. De Goff Downing Joseph L. Chairez Katharine A. Martin
Long X. Do John J. Duffy Laura N. Chick Philip McLeod &
Robert P. Doty Bonnie M. Dumanis Craig C. Corbitt Shawn Christianson
Maurice L. Evans Jeannine L. English Richard L. Crabtree Joel & Nikki Miliband
James Farley Leichtag Mark E. Garscia Angela J. Davis O'Malley M. Miller
Family Foundation Fund Jonathan A. George George Davis Dale Minami
of the Jewish Community Bruce Hamilton Michael J. Delaney Danni R. Murphy
Foundation Rex S. Heinke Cary L. Dictor William L. Nagle
Holly J. Fujie Kelly M. Klaus John J. Dutton Minh T. Nguyen
Joanne M. Garvey Frederick H. Kranz, Jr. Catherine E. Elkes Ronald W. Novotny
Pauline W. Gee Joan Kupersmith Larkin & Richard D. Esbenshade Judy & Brad O'Brien
Leon & Martha Goldin Christopher C. Larkin Donald R. Fischbach Anita L. Olp
Ellen A. Pansky David L. Roth Julie L.Taylor Kenneth Williams
John E. Peterson Richard A. Rubin Steven G.Tidrick Warren B.Wilson
James H. Pooley Bonnie Saito Bert Z.Tigerman Paul Wyler
Penelope A. Preovolos Jonathan Sears Mary Pat Toups Scott Wylie
M. Carmen Ramirez Jay A. Shafran John K.Van de Kamp J.William Yeates
Richard E. Ranger Paul M. Shimoff Valerie Vanaman Marcus R.Yngojo
Brett J. Rodda Theodore T. N. Slocum Howard K.Watkins Michael A. Zimmerman
Russell S. Roeca David S. Steuer Adam B.Weissburg
Mario M. Rosati Elizabeth A. Strode Patricia P.White * Donation matched
Mindy L. Ross Bernard R. Suter J. Martin Willhite

F O U N D I N G , L I F E , A N D E M E R I T U S F E L L OW S
We also thank our Founding, Life, and Emeritus Fellows, who, as of December 31, 2008, fulfilled or
are in the process of fulfilling pledges to the Foundation:

Founding Fellows Bert Z.Tigerman Pauline W. Gee James M. Seff

(in process of fulfilling John K. Van de Kamp Patricia L. Glaser Paul M. Shimoff
$2,500 pledge) Valerie Vanaman Leon Goldin Clara L. Slifkin
Ruthe Catolico Ashley Maria D. Villa Martha Goldin Thomas G. Stolpman
Joseph J. Bell Steven E.Wall Jo-Ann W. Grace Dee B. Tanner
Charles A. Bird Michael H.White Arthur W. Gray, Jr. Steven G. Tidrick
J. David Black J.William Yeates Thomas T. Haider Jeffrey A. Tidus
George Calkins Hon. Erica R.Yew Margaret Hampton Mary Pat Toups
Anthony P. Capozzi John W. Hill Dorothy M.Tucker
Michael J. Delaney Life Fellows Thomas L. Hinkle Richard W. Walker
Grace E. Emery ( fulfilled $2,500 Kay Del Holley Thomas J. Warwick, Jr.
Donald R. Fischbach pledge by 2008) Edward E. Kallgren Pauline A.Weaver
Judith A. Gilbert Marc D. Adelman Stacey K. Keare Robert A.Weeks
Janet & Cecil Green Eva S. Auchincloss Charity Kenyon Howard B. Wiener
Dale S. Gribow George R. August Lily M. Kimura Jonathan J. Wilcox
Hon. Andrew J. Guilford Stanley L. Bartelmie August Link Scott Wylie
Hon. James E. Herman Diane A. Bellas Palmer B. Madden Diane C. Yu
Nancy J. Hoffmeier Myles L. Berman Kevin D. Morris
Zamora Jeffrey L. Bleich Michael J. Morris Emeritus Fellows
Judy Johnson Mario Camara Hon. Robert H. Oliver ( fulfilled $500 pledge
Diane L. Karpman Claudia A. Carver Ralph B. Perry by 2008 and practicing law
Vivian L. Kral Michael W. Case Barry R. Rosen for 40+ years)
Patricia A. Lobello Lamb Nanci G. Clinch Herbert M. Rosenthal Wilson Ettason Cline
Valerie A. Miller Hon. Lawrence W. Hon. Margarita V. Rawlins Coffman
Karen S. Nobumoto Crispo (Ret.) Rosenthal William Edlund
Anita L. Olp Craig A. Diamond David L. Roth Leonard S. Janofsky
Russell S. Roeca Cary L. Dictor Alan I. Rothenberg Edgar Jessup
Marc L. Sallus Richard E. Garcia Stephen B. Ruben Robert L. Kern
Jan Blaustein Scholes Joanne M. Garvey Harvey I. Saferstein Virginia S. Mueller
We thank the following law firm for designating the Foundation as a recipient of
a cy pres award:
■ Girard Gibbs LLP

California ALL GIFTS

We thank the following corporations for their gifts in support of CaliforniaALL:
■Edison International
■PG&E Corporation Foundation

We are grateful to our 2008 corporate sponsors, who provided discounts and benefits to
the State Bar membership and financial support to the Foundation:
■ Affinity Financial Corporation
■ Bank of America
■ Chase Education Finance
■ OfficeMax
■ Subscription Services
■ United Parcel Service

We also thank the State Bar of California for donating a portion of the proceeds it
receives from its CalBar Member Connection Program to the Foundation.

Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals and organizations during 2008:
■Prof. Kenneth Abraham
■Aiko Pandorf
■Mark G. Parnes
■Richard Thurin
■John K.Van de Kamp

Gifts were made in memory of the following individuals during 2008:
■Peggy Evans
■Franklin O. Grady
■Reynold J. Gualco
■Ricardo Miranda
■Jim Pfeiffer (19)
■Richard A.Weinstock


The Foundation is grateful to all of its many other donors who gave through individual, law firm, corporate,
charitable trust, and State Bar membership statement contributions between January 1 and December 31, 2008:

A Evan G. Anaiscourt
Joseph J. Anderholt, III
Cornelia G. Baer
James K. Baer
Jeanna M. Beck
Paul A. Beck
Richard C. Binder
John J. Bingham, Jr.
Jesse A. Boyd
John A. Boyd
Andrea D. Bruce
Jacqueline A. Bruce-
David C. Buxbaum
Louise J. R. Byer
Scott T. Carey
Judith S. Carlacio
Anonymous (1004) Bryce C. Anderson Richard E. Baer David C. Becker Daryl L. Binkley Cary C. Boyden Chinery Jodi F. Bynder Michael A. Carlovsky
Diane K. Aaron Carl T. Anderson Cornelius P. Bahan Reuben J. Becker George F. Bird, Jr. Paul N. Boylan Michael R. Bruck Jerry E. Bynum Ann E. Carlson
Marion A. Aaron Charles A. Anderson Nadine K. Bahnan Steven A. Becker Joan M. Bird Thomas J. Boyle Lynn Y. Bruckelmeyer Marlena A. Byrne Cameron M. Carlson
Susan A. Aaronson Elizabeth S. Anderson Donald L. Bailey Astrid C. Becker-Celik Matthew B. F. Biren Phyllis D. Boyson Denise N. Brucker Paul J. Byrne Clair A. Carlson, Jr.
Leslie L. Abbott James F. Anderson Michael C. Bailey Belinda D. Beckett Charles S. Birenbaum Emma Brackett John A. Bruegger Thomas J. Byrne Lynne O. Carlson
Sami K. Abdulaziz Peter C. Anderson Lourdes G. Baird Karen H. Beckman Mark A. Birmingham Margo Bradish Julia A. Brungess Elizabeth V. Byrnes Mark A. B. Carlson
Sally M. Abel Sandra J. Anderson Oliver S. Bajracharya Albert P. Bedecarre Leonard G. Birnbaum Anne F. Bradley Fred W. Bruning, Jr. Chai B. Byun Michael T. T. Carlson

Mark B. Abelson Sara B. Anderson Charles G. Bakaly, Jr. Robert D. Bedinger LeAnn G. Bischoff Burke W. Bradley, Jr. Sharon J. Brunner Richard H. Carlson
Wendy K. Abkin Elaine M. Andersson Donald P. Baker Paul D. Beechen Frances M. Bishop Jeffrey Bradpiece Arthur M. Brunwasser Robert J. Carlson
Charles L. Abrahams James B. Andres Jason T. Baker Stephen J. Beede L. Mark Bissonnette John F. Brady Kenneth A. Bryant John M. Carmack
Daniel N. Abrahamson Brian C. Bitker Robert J. Brady Ted M. Cabral James T. Carmichael
Stephen D. Andrews Lesliegh S. Baker Donald L. Beeson Robert B. Bryzman
William L. Abrams Kelly W. Bixby Ellen L. Braff-Guajardo Allan M. Caditz Hayden A. Carney
Anthony D. Angelo Robert D. Baker Jeffrey E. Beeson Daniel P. Brzovic
Albert R. Abramson William W. Black Jonathan M. Brand James M. Cady Claude J. Caroli
Jess R. Anglin Steven W. Baker John T. Behrendt J. Scott Buchanan
Eric M. Abramson James S. Blackburn Monique R. Brandon Keri S. Caetano David D. Caron
Jennifer Ani Thomas M. Baker Lynn A. Behymer Robert L. Buchler
Patti L. Abramson Carol P. Blacutt- Susan L. Brandt-Hawley Richard F. Cahill Robert T. Caron
Kurt R. Anker Joanne Bal Matthew D. Beinke Allison W. Buchner
Richard B. Abramson Underwood David P. Branfman Thomas R. Cahill Constance L. Carpenter
Jonathan H. Anschell Daniel K. Balaban Patrick L. Bekeza Alfred H. Buchta, Jr.
Michael P. Acain Kyra M. Blair Paul J. Brantingham Pasquale P. Caiazza John D. Carpenter
Barbara M. Anscher Michael A. Baldonado Robert J. Bekken Gwendolen S. Buck
Jerry M. Ackeret Randal F. Blair Paul S. Brar Vera A. Cain Candice K. Carr
Laura J. Anson Carleton E. Baler Peter Belanic Lawrence J. Buckley
Susan N. Acquista Alan A. Blakeboro Henry C. Brasch Joseph A. Calabrese Jacqueline K. Carr
Drew R. Antablin Paul R. Baleria Robert W. Bell, Jr. Robin Buckner
Charles H. Adair Christopher M. Blanchard Michele M. Brasch Michael A. Calabrese James P. Carr
Michele Anthony Frank A. Balistrieri Steven J. Bell Brian M. Budds
Patrick E. Adair Edward Blau Harland W. Braun Mark C. Calahan Peter L. Carr
Miho J. Aoki James P. Ballantine Patricia A. Bellasalma Donald R. Buechel, Jr.
Alison S. M. Adams Sheree A. Blavin Hashona Y. Braun Kevin F. Calcagnie Dale K. Carrigan
Daniel L. Appelman Stephen P. Ballard Julian B. Bellenghi Bernadette C. Buentgen
Geoffrey C. S. Adams Norman Y. Blaz Jennifer L. Braun Kenneth T. Calegari Rose M. Carrion
Robert O. Appleton, Jr. Richard S. Ballinger Cathleen L. Beltz Benito J. Bugatto
George Adams Brooke A. Blecher John R. Braun Kevin A. Calia Sheila L. Carroll
Jorge A. Arce-Gonzalez Sheldon I. Balman William E. Bender Luz F. Buitrago
Jamie R. Adams Maxwell M. Blecher Zachary A. Bray California Community Tiffany L. Carroll
Erica R. Arceo Payum Banafshe Bradley A. Bening David Bulgerin
Michael E. Adams Robert T. Bledsoe Erling A. Breckan, Jr. Foundation Richard A. Carsel
Zaal T. Aresh Houman S. Banafsheh Fred G. Bennett Sarah L. Bunge
William F. Adasiewicz Gerrit W. Bleeker Janet Breen-Wall William C. Callaham Deborah R. Carson
Larry K. Arguello Marissa Banez Ricarda L. Bennett Richard A. Bunn
Gilbert C. Adauto Stephen G. Blitch Teresa K. Breman Cornelius P. Callahan Edward M. Carter
Anthony E. Arjo Bank of America Richard C. Bennett Claire J. Bunton
Anthony S. Adderley Russell L. Block Candace Bremond Marc K. Callahan Geoffrey L. Carter
Sharon J. Arkin Shoshana E. Bannett Kerry R. Bensinger Julia H. Burbank-Coleman
Bradley R. Addison John A. Bloom David F. Brennan Andrew C. Callari Grace A. Carter
Mark S. Armbruster Stephen R. Barbieri Gale K. Bensussen Thomas C. Burch
Suzanna Adelizi Joyce Bloom David W. Brennan Herbert J. Callman John J. Carter
Geraldine Armendariz Sandra I. Barbour John J. Bentley, III William G. Burd
Emily M. Adelizzi Steven K. Bloom Frederick H. Brennan Todd L. Calvin Vincent J. Carter
Richard C. Armendariz Lee P. Bardellini Evrett W. Benton Christopher D. Burdick
Laura W. Adell Thomas A. Bloomfield Pamela A. Bresnahan Andy M. Camacho Lauren S. Cartwright
Mairead J. Armitage Jeffrey A. Barker William R. Benvenuto, Jr. Marta J. Burg
Robert A. Adelman David M. Bluhm Dawn A. Brewer Carl D. Cammarata Christopher A. Casciola
Charles G. Armstrong William G. Barker Amit S. Ben-Yehoshua Benjamin D. Burge
Brian C. Adkins Eli Blumenfeld Thomas D. Bridenbaugh Renee L. Campbell Frank Casco, Jr.
June Armstrong John L. Barkley George F. Benz Jeffrey T. Burgess
Douglas B. Adler Laurence C. Blunt, III Natalie L. Bridgeman Robert G. V. Campbell Michael Case
Jessica F. Arner Alan D. Barlow Jamie L. Berenson Edward M. Burgh
James E. Adler Susan A. Blush Kent M. Bridwell Scott B. Campbell Michael T. Cash
Clayeo C. Arnold Adrian J. Barnes Phyllis G. Berenson Daniel V. Burke
John M. Adler Ian A. Boase Cassandra T. Briggs Michael J. Camras Marshall A. Caskey
Jonathan Arnold Dale E. Barnes, Jr. James L. Berg Dennis P. Burke
Patricia Adongo Merrick J. Bobb G. Scott Briggs Frederick C. Canavor, Jr. Sue E. Caspari
Emily E. Arnold- James H. Barnes Ronald S. Berg
Kathryn J. Burke Walter J. Cannady Ann R. Casper
George G. Aftergood Fernandez Mario L. Barnes Ann P. Bergen Arthur R. Boehm, Jr. Ronald L. Briggs
Michael E. Burke Ernest A. Canning Peter G. Cassel
Susan L. Aglietti Philip M. Arnot Ruth J. Barnes John A. Bergen Ronald J. Boehm Timothy H. Briggs
Patricia A. Burke Timothy A. Canning Robert M. Cassel
Michael C. Agran Robert S. Arns Steven Barnes Matthew I. Berger Jedd E. Bogage Teresa A. Bright
Robert H. Burnham Sharonrose Cannistraci Christine E. Cassidy
Rudy Aguirre Susanne M. Aronowitz Irwin G. Barnet Richard H. Berger John J. Bogdanor Joseph H. Brindley
Guy C. Burns Domenic J. Cannizzaro Frank J. Cassisi
Hyung J. Ahn Marisa Arrona Lindy F. Barocchi James B. Berglund Bonnie G. Bogue Beth S. Brinkmann
Marvin G. Burns Catesby B. Cannon, III Craig D. Castellanet
Kyong W. Ahn Allen H. Arrow Jill L. Barr Keith W. Berglund Mark E. Bohe Lawrence J. Briskin
Paul E. Burns Jonathan H. Cannon Jacqueline J. Caster
Joseph W. Aidlin Armen Artinyan Libby L. Barrabee Daniel A. Bergman Russell L. Bohne Gregory J. Brislain
William F. Burns Colby A. Cano Deborah L. Castetter-
Edwin Aiwazian Katherine T. Asada Malcolm E. Barrack Gene E. Berk Caryl L. Boies Claudia W. Brisson
Donald S. Burris Bruce M. Canter Keller
Philip K. Akalp Johnny S. Ascano Irene Barrese Eugene R. Berkenstadt James A. Boles John C. Brittain
Gregory Akselrud George H. P. Bursley Marion L. Cantor Jose M. Castillo
Allen Asch James R. Barry, Jr. Mauna Berkov Stephen V. Bomse Yvette Brittain
Norman S. Aladjem Michael L. Bury Elizabeth W. Capdevielle Caren J. Castle
Mark V. Asdourian Laurel L. Barry Bonnie R. Berkow Ruth M. Bond Cameron Y. Brock
Sherrie R. Aland Bing I. Bush, Jr. Danielle Carbone Christian L. Castle
C. Neil Ash Michael J. Barry Marin B. Berkowitz Bonne, Bridges, Mueller, Steven F. Brockhage
David Albagli Roderick P. Bushnell David J. Cardiff Lawrence E. Castle
Robert M. Ashen Patrick J. Barry Bruce A. Berman O’Keefe & Nichols Merav Broder
Manuela Albuquerque Tricia J. Bushnell Robert L. Cardwell Janet M. Castonguay
Alexander P. Ashford Walter Barsamian David M. Berman Rudy J. Bonilla Tanya Broder
Scott W. Alderton James A. Bustamante John M. Carey Paul A. Catalano
Nina M. Ashton Scott R. Barshay Maricela Bermudez William A. Bonn Daniel P. Broderick
Julie C. R. Aldort Debra K. Buteyn Joyce C. Carey Alan D. Cates
James R. Asperger Kathleen C. Barsocchini Robert B. Bernard Catherine M. Bonwick Ronald D. Brodsky
David A. Alessi Felicita T. Butler Paul G. Carey (continued)
Alessandro G. Assanti Cynthia R. Bartell MaLailannie G. Bernardo Richard E. Booker Harold M. Brody
Allan L. Alexander David Asser Richard M. Bartell Laura E. Berner Anne G. Bookin Jerry A. Brody
Daniel J. Alexander, II Joel M. Athey Robert D. Bartels JoAnne M Bernhard Walter R. Boone, Jr. Jessica C. Bromall
Laura M. Alexander Edward E. Attala Michael A. Barth George R. Berninger Donald L. Boortz Daniel H. Bromberg
Leonard Alexander Zepure Attashian Peter A. Bartino Louis M. Bernstein Ricardo D. Bordallo Deborah R. Bronner
Mary Alexander Rod A. Attebery David H. Barton Mark L. Bernstein Gale H. Borden Edythe L. Bronston
Richard Alexander Eva S. Auchincloss Howard Barton Polina F. Bernstein Lea A. Borders Bradley E. Brook
Wallace M. Allan Stephen G. Auer Robert J. Barton Eskandar A. Beroukhim Douglas A. Bordner Brian K. Brookey
Bernard R. Allard Richard L. August Laura Basaloco-Lapo Emily S. Berrio Howard S. Borenstein Jennifer L. F. Brough
Michael B. Allderdice Christopher T. Aumais Paul L. Basile, Jr. Frank D. Berry, Jr. Evan C. Borges Mark A. Broughton
Jillian B. Allen Catherine T. Austin Edward L. Baskauskas Patricia M. Berry Michael D. Borges Bartram S. Brown
Linda C. Allen Nicholas S. Avdis David G. Baskin Robert P. Berry Albert J. Boro, Jr. Bruce T. Brown
Steven P. Allen Gustavo S. Avila Ronald B. Bass Alan D. Bersin Gary M. Borofsky Carl L. Brown
Thomas D. Allert Marcela C. D. Aviles Stephen R. Basser Adam L. Berthon John A. Borrego Carl R. Brown
Nicholas R. Allis Roupen Avsharian Nuala A. Bates Gina L. Bertolini Robert C. Borris, Jr. Carol D. Brown
James N. Allison Roy D. Axelrod David A. Battaglia Stephanie A. Bertoni Adam J. Borstein David F. Brown
Kevin S. Allred Bryan J. Axelrood John D. Bauersfeld Jann Besson David Bortman Frederick Brown
Laura C. Altieri William A. Bauld Raul I. Betita Richard A. Bortolazzo Gary E. Brown
Harold G. Ayer, Jr.
Robert T. Altman Peter L. Baumbusch Michelle G. Bettis Peter J. Boskovich Jonathan S. Brown
Patricia C. Aynes

“I give to the Foundation because its

Ronald E. Altman Alan Bautista, Jr. Jon R. Betts Gregory A. Boss Lloyd D. Brown
Susan S. Azad

Andrew M. Altschul Lauro L. P. Bautista James E. Betz Gordon E. Bosserman Maeve E. Brown

programs are more important than ever

David E. Altschul Bradley D. Bayan Brian Beverly Vittoria M. Bossi Michael K. Brown
Jonathan B. Altschul Michael J. Bayard Thomas A. Bevilacqua Carolyn F. Bostick Michael M. Brown

for Californians seeking basic legal assis-

Lynn A. Altshuler Allen H. Ba Robert J. Bayer Jacqueline R. Bevins- Lisa L. Boswell Richard D. Brown
Robert V. Alvarado, Jr. David R. Baade Ronald M. Bayer Pack Sanford B. Bothman Robert M. Brown

tance and for those law students intending

Honey A. K. Amado Elena R. Baca George G. Bayz William C. Bibb Anthony P. Bothwell Steven A. Brown
Theodore M. Amado Theodore P. Baca, Jr. John F. Bazan Alan N. Bick Susan M. Boudrot Thomas B. Brown

to pursue a career in the public interest.

Richard S. Amador, II Lena N. Bacani Kenneth C. Beals Hugh I. Biele Philip C. Bourdette Thomas G. Brown
Philip C. Aman

It’s just the right thing to do.”

William H. Bachrach Dinah Bear Lisa A. Bilawski Fletcher F. Bouyer Tracie L. Brown
Claire A. Amaro Gary A. Bacio Teresa A. Beaudet Samantha L. Billy Gail P. BovellTong V. Emile Brown
Read Ambler Robyn K. Bacon Victoria E. Beaver Douglas K. Bilter Michael G. Bowman Shawnee S. Browne
S. Robert Ambrose James M. Bader Elizabeth Beazley Phyllis Bin Judith A. Boyajian Nevin C. Brownfield
Jeffrey P. Ames Aldo A. Badini Camilo A. Becerra Heinz Binder Aubrey D. Boyd Richard S. Brownstein – RAUL AYALA, Deputy Federal Public Defender
William L. Cates Joshua T. Chu Josef D. Cooper Melissa G. Dant
“By giving to the California Bar Foundation,
I am able to ‘pay it forward’ and support
R. Kyle Catterlin Leland L. Chu M. Armon Cooper Joseph S. D'Antony
Barbara A. Caulfield Michael D. Chu Robert E. Cooper Steven R. Dantzker

aspiring public interest lawyers and organizations

Christine L. Cavallo Steve B. Chu Scott B. Cooper Stephen F. Danz
Maria Cavalluzzi Barbara Y. K. Chun Sharon V. Cooper Tom H. Dao

doing a wide range of work to ensure that all

Michael A. Cavalluzzi Edward W. Chung Barnet M. Cooperman Edward J. DaRin
Charles C. Cavanagh Lisa M. H. Chung Ronald Cooperman M. Katherine B. Darmer

Californians have access to the legal assistance

Daniel M. Cavanagh Tong S. Chung Alanna D. Coopersmith Jeffrey R. Darnell

they need.”
Joseph L. Caves Margaret A. Churchill Carole A. Coplan Sylvan P. Daroca, III
Allen E. Cazares Thomas A. Cifarelli Gregory M. Coplans David Darroch
Eugene B. Ceccotti Denyse F. Clancy Robert L. Corbin Robert H. Darrow
Amy F. Cecil David J. Clark Andrea M. Corcoran Aaron H. Darsky
Nafiz Cekirge Dwight W. Clark Diane M. Cordes Laurence B. Dashiell – DIANE CAFFERATA HUTNYAN, Partner,
Lorena Centeno Elizabeth A. Clark Jose A. Cordova Glenn D. Dassoff
Thomas E. K. Cerruti James B. Clark Robert H. Cornell Jeffrey H. Dasteel Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges, LLP
James J. Cha James P. Clark Amador L. Corona Sanjeev V. Date
Roger S. Chae Laurence E. Clark Jonathan I. Coronel Richard M. David

Thomas F. Chaffin Patricia D. Clark Priscilla J. Cortez Richard C. Davidoff
Don P. Chairez Rory W. Clark Michael Cosentino Susan K. Davidoff Stephen R. DeRosa Marion E. Douglas Jay C. Egenes Daniel O. Figueroa
Gerald L. Chaleff Stuart C. Clark Robert A. Cosgrove Gordon K. Davidson Donald D. DeRosier Kendra L. Dousette William M. Egerman Norman A. Filer
Lori A. Chamberlain Walter T. Clark Russel J. A. Cosgrove Lawrence H. Davidson Sanford M. Ehrmann Steven A. Fabbro
David M. deRubertis Armen Dovlatian Isabelle L. Finberg
Paul H. Chamberlain James D. Claytor Ronald J. Cote Colleen T. Davies Katherine G. Eickmeyer Michael J. Faber
Reena R. Desai George W. Dowell, IV Richard B. Finch
Arthur C. Chambers Susan C. Clem John G. Cotsirilos Elias Davila Lawrence M. Einhorn Howard D. Fabrick
Christopher J. DeSalva Joan R. Dowis Jack D. Fine
Franky C. F. Chan Owen J. Clements Betsy L. Cotton Ann M. Davis James J. Eischen, Jr. B. J. Fadem
Vincent J. DeSimone Michael R. Doyen Paul K. Fine
Ken A. Chan Julie B. Cliff Ronald B. Coulombe Diane P. Davis David S. Eisen Barry Fadem
Robert P. DesJardins Brooks S. Doyle, Jr. David A. Fink
Robin K. Chand Paul Cliff John K. Courtney James J. Davis, III Jay-Allen Eisen Seymour Fagan
Maria C. DeSouza Christine A. Doyle Jessica K. Fink
Robert C. Chandler Carol A. Clifford Janna M. Coverston Jason R. Davis Cara L. Eisenberg Brian R. Fagin
Peter A. Detre Mary E. Doyle Lee K. Fink
Pamela D. Chandran Douglas R. Clifford James F. Cox Jonathan E. Davis Harold L. Eisenberg Larry B. Faigin
Monica S. Devens Susan B. Drake Joseph Finkel
Alec Y. Chang Donald G. Cline Larry J. Cox Joshua P. Davis Jon B. Eisenberg Richard L. Fairbank
Mark J. Devereux Kriste A. Draper Robert E. Finkelstein
Deborah Chang John D. Cline Lawrence A. Cox Mark T. Davis Neil D. Eisenberg Rose-Ellen H. Fairgrieve
James D. Devine Robert S. Draper Barbara Finkle
Dennis W. Chang Vivian M. Cline Michael C. Cox Milton S. Davis Elizabeth H. Eisenhardt Sharon R. Fairley
Jane Devine Robert S. Dreher Jody S. Fink-Lippman
Frances S. Chang Frank E. Clohan Michael D. Cox Robert L. Davis Wayne A. Eisenhart Kenneth E. Fait
Robert M. Devitt, Jr. Paul S. Dresnick Susan P. Finlay
Hsien H. Chang Herschel R. Cobb Sandra C. H. Cox Susan P. Davis Avital S. J. Eitan John R. Faith
Kenneth E. Devore David Drexler Robert W. Finnerty
John S. Chang Jerome L. Coben Robin D. Craig Thomas P. Davis Lei L. W. Ekvall Angelo C. Falcone
Douglas K. deVries Ellen F. Driscoll Craig N. Finta
Peggy Chang Kathryn R. Coburn Paul N. Crane Thomas R. Davis James J. Elacqua Donald M. Falk
Cathryn B. DeYoung Mitchell A. Driskill Gordon J. Finwall
Tawen Chang Walter CochranBond Shannon M. Crane Timothy C. Davis Henry L. Elam Duncan E. Falls
Phillip M. Dezen Richard E. Drooyan Michael A. Firestein
Robert M. Channel Allan P. Cohan Susan J. Crane Walter R. Davis Anne E. Elbrecht
Wendy S. Dezzani Erich A. Drotleff Gregory C. Fant Elan Firpo
Terry J. Chapko William A. Cohan Kathleen M. Craven William E. Davis Richard A. Elbrecht
Sundeep A. Dhadwal Cecily A. Drucker Nadia Farah Michael B. Fisch
Eleanor Chapnik- Sara M. Cohbra Daniel M. Crawford John W. Dawson Christopher K. Eley
J. Drew Diamond Dana M. Drukker Sima Fard Joseph S. Fischbach
Kaufman Cynthia M. Cohen Roger L. Crawford Mitchell J. Dawson James R. Eliaser
Jack Diamond Don M. Drysdale Steven D. Farkas Ronald W. Fischer
Richard J. Char Isabel R. Cohen Barbara B. Creed April D. Day Steven A. Ellenberg
Richard K. Diamond Richard P. Duane Paul F. Farley David L. Fisher
Martha M. Chase James I. Cohen Thomas M. Crehan Michael B. Day Gerald F. Ellersdorfer
Stuart D. Diamond Jeffrey R. Duarte Omair M. Farooqui George C. Fisher
Rodney A. Chase Janine F. Cohen Lloyd R. Crenna Andrea N. De Koning Rosemary L. Ellersdorfer
Ana M. M. Diaz Eric J. Dubin Nell Farr Kathleen V. Fisher
Michael L. Chastaine Jeffrey H. Cohen Katherine H. Crocker George L. de la Flor Benjamin G. Elliott
Benjamin Diaz Paul J. Dubow James R. Farrand Michael A. Fisher
John C. Chasuk Martha L. Cohen Marshall L. Croddy Tanya de la Fuente Jay J. Elliott
Erika J. Diaz Jeffrey D. Duby John J. Farrell Robert E. Fisher
Eric J. Chaves Paul F. Cohen Thomas C. Cronin Holland Michael E. Elliott
Maria G. Diaz Marcus J. Duca Jack D. Farris Gabriel Fitch
Fernando F. Chavez Rachelle H. Cohen Lisa A. Crooms Aaron E. de Leest Richard N. Ellis
Nancy B. Dickerson Harry L. Ducey Martin J. Fassler Richard L. Fitzer
Carole A. Checco Robert M. Cohen Peter J. Crosby, IV Margaret A. de Lisser Ronald D. Ellis
Norbert J. Dickman Kate W. Duchene Jacqueline J. Faulkner James L. Fitzgerald
Jack L. Chegwidden Susanne B. Cohen Bradley C. Crosley Jose J. de Neve Ivor R. Elrifi
Kathryn B. Dickson James T. Duff Catherine E. Fazio Kathryn M. Fitzgerald
Bryan S. Chehock John H. Cohenour Tricia A. Cross Darryl B. Deaktor David Elson
Howard L. Dickstein Julie G. Duffy Rachel M. Fazio Michael W. Fitzgerald
Stephen E. Chelberg Ina S. Cohn Anne L. Crotty Asheley G. Dean Henry M. Elson
Brenda L. Diederichs Megan E. Duffy Ann H. Feather Dennis P. Fitzpatrick
Jennifer E. Chen Jerold S. Cohn Richard B. Crouch Ronald G. Dean Deborah A. Elvins
James J. Diehl John P. Dugan Daniel L. Feder Donald K. Fitzpatrick
Jenny T. Chen John D. Coker John S. Crouchley Ricardo E. deAnda Natalia W. Ely
Kathryn S. Diemer Shannan C. Dugan Judson J. Feder Kadhine S. Fitz-Patrick
Victoria Chen Clifford D. Crowder William C. Deanhardt Amy J. Embert
Gordon D. Colby Courtnay L. Dietz Sharon M. Dulberg Susan G. Feder Timothy W. Fitzwilliam
James M. Crowe Eric L. S. deBeaurecueil Melvin L. Emerich
Yigong J. Chen Herbert Colden David A. Dillard Jennifer V. Dumitru Carol J. Federighi James H. Flaherty, Jr.
Johnny G. Crowell Carl J. Debevec Laurie E. Emerson
Frederick F. Ch'en Elizabeth R. Cole Michael L. Dillard Mary T. Dumont William L. Feeney Scott B. Flaherty
Gerald F. Crump Donald P. deBrier Christopher F. Emley
Richard H. Chernick Scott Cole Lori H. Dillman Juris Dumpis Sheldon W. Feigel Gilbert L. Flanders
Glenda G. Crump Barbara M. DeCaro Matthew L. Emrick
David A. Chernik Victoria S. Cole Francis B. Dillon William L. Dunbar Elaine B. Feingold Martin A. Flannes
Rachel M. Crus Henry DeCarolis, Jr. Kimberly D. Encinas
Renee R. Chernus Stanley R. Coleite Edward G. Dingilian Allison A. Dundas Brian O. Felder Stuart M. Flashman
Gordon D. Cruse Julian B. Decyk Linda K. Engel
Shannon R. Cherry Gerry C. Coleman Joel L. Diringer Francis T. Dunlap Aaron R. Feldman Ian L. Flatley
Evangeline C. Cruz Mary J. Dederick Claire F. Engelberg
Alberta C. Chew Thomas H. Coleman Anh H. Do Hannah E. Dunn Edward G. Feldman Sean Flavin
Leonard G. Cruz Laura I. DeForest Charles E. Engle
Chun-I Chiang Suzan A. Colgan Paul S. Dobel James E. Dunn Midori H. Feldman Susan D. Flax
Eniko C. Csomor Philip Deitch Nancy M. Engle
George C. Chiang James W. Collett James D. Dockery Robert L. Dunnett Stephen M. Feldman Christopher J. Fleischut
Craig T. Cuden Christine M. DeKlotz Jonathan E. English
Cynthia R. Chihak Charles A. Collier, Jr. Diane S. M. Dodds Cameron A. Dunning Armand R. Feliciano Allen H. Fleishman
Victor M. Cueto Kay Del Carmen Holley Scott B. Ennis
Douglas B. Childers Brenda D. Collins Elizabeth A. Doherty Catherine G. Dunwoodie Karen S. Fenchel Paul A. Fleishman
Carole S. Cullum Deborah A. DeLambert Linda K. Ensbury
Pamela G. Chin Caprice L. Collins Robert F. Doherty Christine A. Durham Alan M. Fenning Joyce E. Fleming
Julie R. Culver Norman F. Delaterre Mablean Ephriam
Kwesi B. Chinbuah Deborah A. Collins Barbara H. Dohrmann Harold S. Durrett Stephen M. Fenster Robert L. Fletcher, Jr.
Edward H. Cummings Eva A. DeLateur Joseph D. Epps, Jr.
Alexander B. Chinn, Jr. Erika M. Collins Peter B. Dolan Paul H. Duvall Frederic D. Fenton William D. Flora
Michael R. Cummins Manuel DeLaTorre Mark H. Epstein
Nancy V. Chipman Harold R. Collins, Jr. Shannon Dolan Ann E. Duvic Henry R. Fenton Maria C. Flores
Gale R. Cuneo Harold J. Delevie Paul D. Epstein
Richard G. Chisholm Lani M. Collins David H. Dolinko Marc S. T. Dworsky Jerome L. Fenton Mark K. Flores
James B. Cuneo Robert L. DellAngelo Thomas W. Eres
Po H. Chiu Michael E. Collins John R. Domingos Kathleen E. Dyer William A. Fenwick Roger A. Flores
Dale V. Cunningham Alan C. Dell'Ario Richard A. Ergo
David K. Cho William B. Dyer

Virgil K. Collins Daniel A. Dell'Osa Jessica Dominquez William T. Ferchland Yolanda Flores-Burt
Patrick J. Cunningham Robert M. Erickson
Lisa M. Cho William Collins David A. Delman John A. Don Frank G. Fercovich Michel P. Florio
Brian S. Currey Bruce A. Ericson
Dorie G. Choderker Mary P. Compton Joy L. Delman Alexander M. Donahue Hesam Ferdows Janesse M. Flory
John F. Curtis, Jr. Ryan H. Erlich
David M. Chodos Samuel D. Comras David S. Delnero Kevin D. Donahue Ilene H. Ferenczy Daniel S. Floyd
Lesley B. Curtis Ernest L. Eady Michael G. Ermer
Michael A. Chodos Jhenry J. F. Concina Richard D. DeLuce Patricia A. Donahue Gary S. Fergus Jami Floyd
Keric J. Cushing Janice L. Earle Kathleen M. Erskine
Hoon Choi Brian K. Condon Sonia H. Delvalle Gail Donaldson James Fernandes G. Markell Fluckiger
Daniel C. Cushman Brian F. Early Kristin S. Escalante
John H. Choi John R. Conger Virginia K. DeMarchi Lynn E. Donaldson Diane E. Eason James C. Eschen, III Dennis S. Fernandez John L. Flynn
Gordon B. Cutler

Benoite Cholley E. Joseph Connaughton Sandra H. DeMent Susan L. S. Dondershine Carleton C. Eastlake Ana M. Escobar Elisa Fernandez Margaret S. Flynn
Norman L. Chong William L. Conti Allison L. Demoff James S. Donegan, Sr. Richard A. Eastman Jack I. Esensten Maricela C. Fernandez Oliver Foerster
Hagop N. Chopurian Michael J. Convey Marvin A. Demoff Anthony P. Donoghue Phillip D. Eaton Penny C. Eshuis Mark E. Ferrario Paul D. Fogel
Ashfaq G. Chowdhury Charles J. Conway, Jr. Mani Dabiri Robin M. Demouth Kenneth M. Doran Judith M. Ebenhahn James R. Eskilson Arien C. Ferrell Devin H. Fok
Kenneth Y. Choy Chris R. Conway Robert M. Dahlbo Paul C. Dempsey Tatiana Doran Mitchell A. Ebright Jenny L. Esquivel Joel A. Feuer Sean M. Foldenauer
Randall P. Choy Noel G. Conway Terrence J. Daily Robert E. Denham Firdaus F. Dordi Richard R. Eckman Denise L. Esrey Michael Feuer Joseph P. Foley
Stephanie L. Choy Paul F. Conwell Jonathan B. Daks Michelle L. F. Dennedy Roosevelt F. Dorn Charles P. Eddy, III Michael J. Estep Richard P. Feuerstein Stephen J. Foley
Kelly D. Christensen Annabel D. Cook Margaret A. Dalton James R. Dennis Earl A. Dorsey Pauline D. Edgemon Jeffrey E. Estes James M. P. Feuille William R. Foley
Mark E. Christensen Camille K. Cook Phillip S. Dalton Jeanette E. Dennis Monique K. Doryland John E. Edison Russell S. Estey Elisabeth K. Fiekowsky Aaron C. Fong
Ryan T. Christensen Ronald J. Cook Thomas J. Daly Lyndel M. Dennis Mathew W. Dos Santos Louis B. Edleson Michael J. Etchepare Barbara A. Fielden How G. R. Fong
Christ L. Christenson, III Walter C. G. Cook Sheila D'Amico William E. Dennis Melody A. H. Dosch David E. Edsall Gareth T. Evans Bertram H. Fields Keith K. Fong
John A. Christian Kenneth K. Cooley David P. Damus John A. Denniston Stephen J. Dougan John W. Edwards, II Janet L. Evans D. Annette Fields Rodney O. Fong
Erik A. Christiansen John M. Coombe Davar Danialpour Eugene C. Denson Jack P. Dougherty Lloyd D. Edwards Lynn A. Evans Howard M. Fields Kimberley A. Fonner
Stephanie A. Christie Lara M. Coons Michael R. Daniels William Dentino Michael R. Dougherty Mark C. Edwards Michael G. Evans L. Ernestine Fields Jay G. Foonberg
William P. Christie Morris S. Coontz Raymond L. Daniels Deborah Dentler William O. Dougherty Thomas H. Edwards Patrick J. Evans Michael S. Fields David P. Foos
William R. Christoph Kacey Coony Mark W. Danis Joseph D. Dermer Benjamin L. Douglas Steven B. Effres Suzanne F. Evans Anne W. Fiero Charles F. Forbes, Jr.
Bernice M. Chu John S. Cooper John R. Danos Martin D. Dermer Jeffrey J. Douglas Robert L. Efthimos William D. Evers James G. Fiero Pamela A. Forbus


Don R. Ford Joseph K. Furukawa Patricia L. Gibbon Bradley K. Gordon Daniel Grunbaum Myron E. Harpole Linda B. Hetland Michael S. Hunt Barbara D. Jewell
William H. Ford, III Leslie K. Furukawa Anthony W. Gibbs Donald R. Gordon Mark P. Grundman Thomas M. Harrelson David W. Hettig Robert F. Hunt Augustin R. Jimenez
Ford Foundation John F. Futcher, Jr. Eric H. Gibbs Jason P. Gordon Edwin V. Grundstrom Richard L. Harriman Douglas J. Heumann Charles C. Hunter Linton Joaquin
Dennis A. Fordham Mauricio J. Fux Diane L. Gibson Judith A. Gordon Aleksandr Gruzman Sheila M. Harrington Helaine W. Heydemann William E. Hunter Eric A. Joe

Jeffrey Forer Hugh J. Gibson Sharon L. Gordon Eugene T. Gualco Cynthia A. Harris Gary E. Hickman Marjorie A. Huntington Stephen H. Johanson
Burton N. Forester Lauren B. Gibson Stanley M. Gordon Daniel L. Guevara Dee R. Harris Joyce M. Hicks Marc S. Hurd Leslie E. John
Steven E. Formaker Hans M. Gieseker Susan M. Gorelick Alfred K. Guggenheim Jennifer J. P. Harris Janine L. Highiet Phalen G. Hurewitz Warren L. Johns
Stephen B. Gaddis Richard S. Gilardi Carol A. Gorenberg Richard R. Guggenheim John F. Harris
Rebecca E. Forman Lore A. Hilburg George E. Hurley, Jr. Brett A. Johnson
Paul L. Gale Bayron T. Gilchrist Jennifer S. Gorovitz Richard J. Guggenhime Michael B. Harris
Katherine M. Forster Margaret B. Hildebrand Robert F. Hurley Bruce B. Johnson
Scott D. Galer Kelly E. D. Giles Charles R. Gossage Pey-jen Guh Nicole D. Harris
Hubert D. Forsyth Dennis B. Hill Mary A. Hurlimann Charlene H. Johnson
Samuel F. Galici David A. Gill Matthew L. Gouaux Benjamin A. Guider, III Richard H. Harris, Jr.
Thomas L. Forsyth Donna W. Hill Mark V. Hurwitz Earl J. Johnson
Phyllis M. Gallagher Raymond Gill Evan A. Gould Monica T. Guizar Robert G. Harris
Robert H. Forward, Jr. Barbara A. Hills-Walecka Richard B. Huss Edward S. Johnson, Jr.
Gary Gallawa Garrett G. Gillespie Harold I. Gould Malcolm M. Guleserian
Michael R. Fosco Thomas W. Harris, Jr. E. Mark Himelstein William W. Huss, Jr. Gannon E. Johnson
Walter E. Gallawa Jane G. Gillett Jennifer F. Gould David J. Gullen
Herbert J. Foss Victor B. Harris Lynard C. Hinojosa Murad S. Hussain Gregory P. Johnson
Lisa A. Gallo Joshua C. Gilliland Susana GoytiaMiller Michael L. Gums
Byron C. Foster Harvey E. Harrison Kenneth D. Hinsvark John S. Husser Howard G. Johnson
Judy L. Galloway Soraya R. Gillis Robert S. Grabo Sarah G. Gurney
Cecil G. Foster, Jr. Robert S. Harrison Mark J. P. Hirabayashi James B. Hussey Jean H. Johnson
Katherine M. Galvin Brett A. Gilman Richard M. Grabstein Katherine H. Gurun
Charles E. Foster Steven M. Harrison Hanif S. Hirji Nicholas M. Hutchinson Kenneth F. Johnson
Leigh K. Galyon Thomas G. Gilmore Harvey S. Grad Kaaryn S. Gustafson
Douglas B. Foster Mark A. Hart Ian K. Hirmand Laurence J. Hutt Kenneth L. Johnson
Steven C. Gambardella Pamela G. Gilmour William F. Grader, Jr. Kirk A. Gustafson
James F. Fotenos Richard H. Hart, Jr. Daniel J. Hirsch Paul J. Hutter Kevin R. Johnson
Tod L. Gamlen Alan J. Gindi Dennis M. Grady Barry L. Guterman
Wendy L. C. Fountain Mary K. Hartigan Richard G. Hirsch Catherine C. Hwang Knut S. Johnson
Doris M. Ganga Barbara P. Gindi Charles C. Graeber Ricardo R. Gutierrez
John D. Fouts Michael J. Hartley Bruce R. Hirsh Erica Hwang Kristin L. Johnson
Margaret A. Gannon Alan F. Gindler Jason R. Graff Yadhira N. Gutierrez
Gregory M. Fowler George V. Hartmann Juliette L. Hirt Hojoon Hwang Robert R. Johnson
Philip W. Ganong Amy H. Ginn Daniel M. Graham Richard A. Gutstadt
James C. Fowler Susan K. Hartt Frank S. Hiscox Sung J. Hwang Robin K. Johnson
Jerry N. Gans Jeffrey W. Giordano Leo J. Graham Denise M. Guzman
Thomas H. Fowler Bonnie L. Harvey Joseph T. Hitrec William G. Hyland Stanley A. Johnson

Noah J. Garber John A. Girardi Robert L. Graham Joanne M. Guzman-Hays Frederic L. Harvey

Harry L. Fox Herbert C. Hittig Anthony D. Johnston
Antonio R. Garcia Thomas V. Girardi Todd M. Graham
Herbert E. Fox Maxine D. Harvey Donald W. Hitzeman David C. Johnston
Gilbert J. Garcia William L. Girdner Bruce V. Grakal
Jill E. Fox Randy J. Harvey Raymond H. Hixson, Jr. Lyman T. Johnston
John R. Garcia Michael V. Gisser Thomas J. Gram Sabir A. Ibrahim
Louis B. Fox Janis L. Harwell Gregory P. Ho Margaret M. Johnston
Julie A. Garcia Francis J. Gist, III David C. Grant Mark E. Haack Cheryl J. Ice
Michael E. Fox Robert M. Harwood Wai C. Ho Mark J. Johnston
Richard Garcia Patricia G. Gittelson Harvey F. Grant Gilbert E. Haakh Daryl C. Idler, Jr.
Ryan H. Fox Syed A. Hasan Hoa T. Hoang Ronald L. Johnston
Robert A. Garcia Jennifer L. Giuliani Jay H. Grant Kenneth T. Haan Stanley L. Iezman
Matthew C. Fragner Nancy H. Hasani Jonathan R. Hodes Rowland W. Johnston, Jr.
Jenifer K. Gardella James T. Given Stephen G. Grant Michael J. Haapala Paul M. Igasaki
John B. Frailing Katherine E. Hashimoto Julia Hodge Thomas J. Johnston
Naomi C. Gardner Gregory E. Givens Stephen R. Grant Jeffrey A. Haas Kathryn K. Imahara
Vito D. Francesco Diana M. Hastings Stanley W. Hodge Charles A. Jonas
Steven H. Gardner Bruce M. Givner Jason S. Grauch Robert T. Haden William J. Immerman
Roy A. Franco James G. Hastings Jack W. Hodges Willem F. Jonckheer
Andrew D. Garelick Kathleen G. Givner Anna M. Graves Mary S. Hagebols Jeffrey C. Ingram
Alvin L. Frank Masahiko Hata Jonas J. Hodges Eric S. Jones
Elizabeth J. Garfield L. Stephen Gizzi Thomas D. Gray David S. Hagen Timothy P. Ingram
Cyrus E. Frank Robert N. Hatch Richard M. Hoefflin Francis E. Jones
Franklin R. Garfield Joseph C. Gjonola Andrew J. Green Pamela K. Hagenah John F. Ingro
David E. Frank Margaret V. Hathaway Marla A. Hoehn Gail R. Jones
Timothy K. Garfield William E. Glass Don E. Green Barry E. Hager Bruce R. Inman
Elizabeth G. Frank Robert W. Haugan Jonathan M. Hoff Jeffrey M. Jones
Terry A. Garibay Stephen C. Glasser Jeffrey T. Green Linda L. Hagerty Tamila E. Ipema
Howard G. Frank, III H Ronald Hauptman Michael R. Hoff John J. Jones
John F. Garland Sean F. Gleason Patrick T. Green Rachael T. Hagler Eugene Irell
Karen S. Frank Michael L. Hawbecker Paul M. Hoff Karen M. Jones
Edward S. Garlock Marshall A. Glick Robert A. Green Alan K. Hahn Catherine E. S. Irwin
Kurt A. Franke Philip M. Hawes Aggie R. Hoffman Sharon E. Jones
Donald K. Garner David R. Glickman William E. Green James J. Haight
Marcel M. Hawiger David Hoffman Emil J. Isner
Janet L. Frankel Terrence D. Garnett Andrea J. Greenberg Lawrence W. Hait Stanley R. Jones
Steven C. Glickman Terri E. Hawkins- Eric P. Israel
James P. Frantz Patrick L. Garofalo Nathalie C. Hoffman Susan C. Jones
Stuart I. Glickman Bernard A. Greenberg Mary V. Halbert Gary M. Israel
Paul A. Franz Andersen Peter C. Hoffman Vreeland O. Jones
Sharon K. Garrett Peter J. Glor Brett H. Greenberg Michael J. Halbert
Judy HawthorneWaters Peter M. Hoffman David J. Itzkowitz
Don E. Franzen G. Randell Garrou Michael G. Glover Daniel L. Greenberg Rebecca M. Hale William R. Jones
Alys Hay Peter A. Hoffmann Roland E. Iversen
Elaine R. Fraser Oscar Garza Gregory C. Glynn Donald S. Greenberg Alan N. Halkett Marilee Jones-Cofield

Frances J. Hayden Donna W. Hoffner Shigemi Iwasaki
John D. Fredericks Jonathan E. Garzoli Houston A. Goddard Harold Greenberg Christine R. Hall Jerome J. Joondeph
Beverly J. Gassner Jeffrey B. Hayden Holly A. Hogan Jonathan B. Jordan
Mark J. Freed Martin G. Godin Myrna K. Greenberg David L. Hall
Mark L. Gastineau Eugene P. Haydu David A. Hoines Henry J. Josefsberg
Alan L. Freedman Tamerlin J. Godley Peter E. Greenberg Edward W. Hall, III
Debra A. Gastler George E. Hays Heather L. Holbrooks- James J. Joseph
Matthew E. Freedman Jason F. Goedeker Stephen D. Greenberg Jerry D. Hall Susan Jabkowski
Robert P. Gates Arthur J. Hazarabedian Kuratek Nanette Joslyn
Michael H. Freedman Dean A. Goetz Andra B. Greene Shawn D. Hall Jay M. Jackman
Tela L. Gatewood Robert M. Hearin, Jr. Andrew T. Holcombe Eric H. Joss
Thomas L. Freedman Gisele M. Goetz Barry P. Greene Linda Hallam Guy Jackson, Jr.
Joseph L. Gattuso Claude W. Heavin Steven R. Holguin James A. Judge
Heather M. Freelin Richard B. Goetz Elizabeth J. Greene Jeremiah F. Hallisey Matthew E. Jackson
Deborah R. Gatzek Mervyn L. Hecht David J. Hollander Kenneth R. Jue
Alexander M. Freeman Terrence P. Goggin Eva L. Greene Robert D. Hallman Robert W. Jackson
Andrew M. Gaudin Steven Hecht Marilyn L. Holle William Julian
Ian W. Freeman Marie A. Gokim Vicki J. Greene JoBeth Halper Samuel G. Jackson, Jr.
David A. Gauntlett Todd C. Hedin Michael J. Holman Charles N. Juliana
John J. Freni Arthur L. Goldberg Bernard S. Greenfield Irving L. Halpern Virgil W. Jackson, Jr.
Jon E. Gavenman Matthew C. Heerde David B. Holnagel Richard Julien
Eric T. Fresch Barry D. Goldberg David W. Greenman, II Patricia F. Halsey- Douglas B. Jacobs
Mark E. Gearheart Kate F. Hege Dixon M. Holston Cherrie E. Jung
Anna M. Freska Barth H. Goldberg Paul E. Greenwald Munroe Harold V. Jacobs
Arlee L. Geary Edward J. Hegel, Jr. Robert A. Holtzman Kenneth I. Juster
Ortwin S. Freyermuth Gillian B. Goldberg Gordon D. Greenwood Bridget C. Halvorson Joel A. Jacobs
William E. Geary John W. Heilman E. Paul Homrighausen Elizabeth A. Justice
Thomas F. Friedberg Jeffrey D. Goldberg Curtis K. Greer Joy G. Hamabe Louis Jacobs
Karen M. Gee Frederick C. Heise Bettie O. Hon Gary L. Justice
David J. Friedenberg Marshall M. Goldberg Randall E. Greer Rick A. Hambel Marvin E. Jacobs
Bruce R. Geernaert James O. Heiting Simon S. Hong Justo M. Justo
Nathan Goldberg Douglas C. Gregg, Jr.

Marvin L. Friedland Paul S. Hamby Paull E. Hejinian Robin R. Jacobs
Steven C. Geeting Seymour S. Goldberg John M. Gregory Elainie Honjas
Michelle T. Friedland Khatoun Hamedi Julie M. Heldman Sherry L. Jacobs
Michael A. Gehret Michael D. Golde John R. Grele Mary D. Hood
Alan H. Friedman Stephen A. Hamill Neil A. Helfman Lewis F. Jacobsen
Esther J. Gehrman Jack W. Golden Julian Gresser Michael A. Hood
Alan E. Friedman Charles L. Hamilton Matthew C. Helland Kathleen Jacobsmeyer- Alexander J. Kaarls
Mark A. Geiger John P. Golden Darla P. Gretzner Matthew R. Hook
Alan R. Friedman Sheryl L. Hammer Terence J. Hellenkamp Guzzetta Ronald M. Kabrins
Paul J. Geiger John M. Goldenring Kirandeep K. Grewal Katharine F. Hooker
Casil H. Friedman Jeffrey T. Hammerschmidt Joan S. Heller Catherine A. Jacobson Linda L. Kachel
Thomas C. Geiser Fred E. Goldman Erin L. Grey E. Gregory Hookstratten
Edward Friedman Paul R. Hammons David M. Hellman Elizabeth J. Jacobson David S. Kadin
Louise C. Gelber Kevin A. Goldman Norma Grey Mary W. Hoppe
Heywood G. Friedman Armen Hampar Mark B. Helm Michelle H. Hoppe William L. Jacobson Cheri A. Kadotani
Edward S. Gelfand Mark E. Goldman Richard N. Grey
Ian J. Friedman Yulin Han Sabina A. Helton Gerson S. Horn Lita M. Jacoste Julius Kahn
William J. Genego, Jr. Mitchell A. Goldman Steven L. Grey
Jennifer M. Friedman William W. Handel Richard M. Helzberg Henry S. Horn, III Deana K. Jaffe Ann M. N. Kahng
Michael J. Genovese Irwin D. Goldring Michael A. Gridley
Jonathan B. Friedman Adam M. Handler Camille H. Hemmer Kelly A. Horne Michael S. Jaffe Charlotte E. Kaiser
Joseph F. Gentile Peter F. Goldscheider Karl H. Griesbaum
K. Bruce Friedman Lynn N. Hang Andrew R. Henderson Brenton L. Horner Manav Jain Ronald E. Kaldor
Marjory A. Gentry Marc H. Goldsmith Keith D. Griffin
Merle H. Friedman Marie A. M. Hanken David K. Henderson Samuel Hornreich Danielle C. James David A. Kallick
Armen L. George Shannon M. Goldsmith Scot A. Griffin
Philip Friedman Michael L. Hanks Paul P. Henderson Michael A. Horowitz Ellen S. James Lynn L. Kambe
Joseph C. George William I. Goldstein James P. Griffith
Robert J. Friedman Colleen M. Hanlon Shirley A. Henderson Tulasi Hosain Gregory L. James Steven Kamolnick
Virginia M. George Nathan Goller Jay H. Grodin
Stanley L. Friedman John P. Hanna Carl R. Henley Al W. Hoslett Larry P. James Julie M. Kane
Samuel J. Georges Lorraine C. Gollub Joseph R. Grodin
Randall J. Friend Alexander W. Hansen Janalie A. Henriques Alicia Y. Hou Phyllis A. James Sandra G. Kanengiser
Audrey J. Gerard Maryanne Golsan Jeffrey R. Groendal
Gary N. Frischling Ted F. Gerdes Monte L. Hansen Georgeanne Henshaw Marvin B. Houghton Sally A. James Clarissa A. Kang
Ira M. Golub Adam J. Gromfin
Patrick Frisenda, Jr. John S. Gerhardt John F. Hanson, Jr. Clarke E. Herbert Madeline S. Howard C. Robert Jameson Gahram Kang
Carol R. Golubock Richard K. Grosboll
Jeffrey C. Fritz Christopher M. Gerlach Burton A. Gross John P. Harbour David W. Herbst Timothy G. Hoxie Samir G. Jammal Matthew D. Kanin
Timothy E. Gomes
Kathryn J. Fritz Keith V. Germain Larry Gomez Edgar Gross Virgil W. Hardcastle Roseann Herman David P. Hoyt William L. Jansen Frances P. Kao
Haley J. Fromholz David W. German Nelson F. Gomez Edgar F. Gross Judith E. Harding Antonia Hernandez Peter C. Hsueh Carlos M. Jaramillo John K. Kao
Allan M. Frostrom Robert M. Gerstein Abbe M. Goncharsky Roger S. Gross Peter M. Harding Fernando V. Hernandez Jinjian Huang Derek J. Jardieu Alan I. Kaplan
David Fry Jonathan E. Gertler Joseph D. Gonzalez Susan O. Gross Roberta M. Harding Arturo Hernandez- Katherine K. Huang David Jaroslawicz Cindy S. Kaplan
Sandor C. Fuchs Dennis G. Geselowitz Lorena S. Gonzalez Kenneth B. Grossfeld Daniel D. Hardy Melendez Roxanna Huddleston Laura D. Jascott Jane R. Kaplan
Alfred H. Fuente Charles A. Gessler David S. Gooder Sheldon H. Grossfeld Malcolm J. Harkins, III Hillary A. Herning Elbert T. Hudson Jesus M. Jauregui Jeffrey A. Kaplan
Barbara B. Fugate Randolph H. Getz Gary A. Goodman Harvey M. Grossman Joseph D. Harn Esther Herrera Paul B. Hudson Gilbert Y. Jay Jerome A. Kaplan
John K. Fukasawa, Jr. Ruth Y. Gewing-Mullins Jan Goodman Marc E. Grossman Joy F. Harn William R. Herrera Manuel Huerta John O. Jeffrey Lance Kaplan
Jennifer L. Fuller Sherry L. Geyer Sheldon S. Goodman Mark D. Grossman Harry C. Harper Michael M. Herrick Ralph E. Hughes Teri Y. Jeffries Lawrence J. Kaplan
Mary B. Fulton John F. Gherini Howard W. Goodroe Paul Grossman James R. Harper Jonnie L. Herring Alva E. Huguenin, Jr. S. Leslie Jenkins Anna S. Karczag
Joshua R. Furman David L. Gianelli Russell L. Goodrow Richard A. Grossman John R. Harper Rodney T. Herring Alvin Hui Verlyn N. Jensen Judith R. Karfiol
George A. Furst Michael L. Gianelli Harlan W. Goodson Henry J. Groth Kinton P. Harper Jill Hersh Yvonne W. Hui Jun-Young E. Jeon Larry S. Karlin
Robert A. Furtado Gary V. Giannini David P. Goodwin Charles L. Grotts Scott L. Harper Frederick C. Hertz Bert W. Humphries, Jr. Craig S. Jepson Adela B. Karliner
David L. Furth Robert D. Gibb Patricia L. Goodwin Ingrid J. Grubb Walter G. Harper Robert A. Hessling Teresa T. Hung-Nguyen Richard Jeung (continued)

Philip Karpel Su M. Kim Ephraim P. Kranitz William V. Lanuti Jennifer A. Lenze Perry D. Litchfield Kimberly E. Lynch Ephraim Margolin Marc A. Mazorow
Adam J. Karr Daniel R. Kimbell Robert Krase Lauren M. LaPietra Richard A. Leonard Horace W. Little, Jr. John J. Lyons Anita J. Margolis Timothy W. Mazzela
Gary L. Kaseff Shapleigh H. Kimes Omar J. Krashna Genaro Lara Allan H. Lerch James B. Little John T. Lyons Darin R. Margules Alexander L. Mazzia, Jr.

Brenda S. Kasper Alice M. King Albert S. Krasne Diane W. Larrabee Joshua H. Lerner John B. Little, IV Bethania Maria Peter G. McAllen
Arnold Kassoy Giovan V. King Edward Krasnove Matthew L. Larrabee Thomas R. LeRoux Kuiran Liu Kent G. Mariconda Brian B. A. McAllister
Richard G. Katerndahl James A. King Leslie M. Kratter Constance J. Larsen Albert K. Lesar Goodwin Liu & Ann Paul J. Marin Cheree L. McAlpine
Jingsheng Ma
Carol H. Katz John P. King Darren R. Krattli Erica E. Larsen Joan L. Lesser O'Leary Sandra D. Marin Stephen F. McAndrew
Peter G. Macaluso
Jacob Katz Kenton J. King Frederic R. Krausz Graig B. Larsen Joseph A. Lestyk Putnam Livermore George S. Marinos John I. McBeth
Matthew F. Maccoby
Laurie R. Katz Robyn E. King Daniel S. Krebs Holly C. Larsen Nicholas A. Leto, Jr. David A. Livingston George A. Markell Lawrence G. McBride
Michael J. MacDermott
Mark F. Katz Sandra R. King Elizabeth P. Krehe Mark A. Larsen Melissa R. Leuenberger- John J. Livingston Sara L. Markert Robert M. McBride
Kirk S. MacDonald
Michelle Katz Shani M. King Matthew M. Kremer John C. Lassner Fisher Raymond W. Lo David Markevitch Michael W. McCann
Matthew A. Macdonald
Barry L. Katzman Stephen L. King Sue A. Krenek William C. Last, Jr. Phillip M. Lev William F. LockePaddon Marc T. Markwell Shawn J. McCann
Karen M. MacDougall
Marc J. Katzman Joann Kingston Shale F. Krepack Gretchen W. Latimer Jeffrey A. Levenberg Thomas M. Lockhart Donald R. Marlais Peggy J. McCarberg
Sara MacDwyer
Ronald M. Katzman Webster B. Kinnaird Kendra C. Kresse James E. Latimer Amy B. Levin Lawrence H. Lockshin Lawrence S. Marlborough Daniel J. McCarrel
Robert J. Macfarlane
Caitlin E. Kaufman Debbie L. Kinney Harvey S. Krieger Forrest Latiner Kenneth H. Levin Gary H. Loeb Orville L. Marlett Elizabeth A. McCarthy
Marc I. MacHiz
Jeffrey Kaufman Richard S. Kinyon Nanette R. Kripke Daniel S. Latter Randolph L. Levin Michael J. Loeb Richard Marmaro Elizabeth K. McCarthy
Joel A. Kaufman Jennifer Machlin
Douglas R. Kirby Reshma M. Krishna Sara R. Latz Janet I. Levine Michael R. Loewen Robert B. Marqusee Kevin R. McCarthy
Matthew MacKenzie
Kenneth M. Kaufman Eric V. Kirk Stephen M. Kristovich Wai K. Lau Leonard B. Levine Robert W. Loewen David J. Marroso Michael E. McCarthy*
Mary B. Kaufman John A. MacKerron, III
Tracy R. Kirkham James R. Kristy Leona L. Lauder Meldon E. Levine Suzanne T. Loftus Peter B. Marrs Amanda L. McClintock
Stephen J. Kaufman Christopher J. Lauria Alexander F. MacKinnon
Betty J. Kirwan Melanie J. Krob Michael R. Levine Robert H. Logan Lori R. Mars Nancy K. McCombs
Aren Kavcioglu Joan M. Lauricella Bruce D. MacLeod
Judith T. Kitano Douglas A. Kroesch Barry Levitt John F. Loggins Jerod A. Marsalli John D. McConaghy
Armenak Kavcioglu Steven E. Lauridsen Jenna L. MacRae
Arno D. Klarsfeld Catharine E. Kroger- Arthur A. Levy Valerie M. Logsdon Lindell L. Marsh James G. McCone
Edmond A. Kavounas, Jr. Marie A. Lavanier Barbara J. MacriOrtiz
Howard J. Klatsky Diamond Arthur D. Levy Elizabeth L. Loh Deborah A. Marshall Kevin M. McCormick
Michael T. Kawachi Michael L. Lavetter Janet M. Madden
Gregory S. G. Klatt David K. Kroll Israel A. Levy Kit C. Loke Elaine B. Marshall Thomas L. McCormick
Joyce Kawahata Matthew J. Laviano Palmer B. Madden
Gregory A. Klawitter Howard A. Kroll Leonard S. Levy Robert A. Loll George E. Marshall, Jr. Casey T. McCoy
Jeffrey A. Kaye Todd E. Lavin Michael M. Maddigan
Harold Kleiderman Howard A. Krom Richard B. Levy John D. Lombardo Lester D. Marshall Thomas M. McCoy
Owen D. Kaye Ruth J. Lavine James R. Madison
James P. Kleier Stephen A. Kronick Anthony A. LeWinter Vincent J. Lombardo Wayne S. Marshall David G. McCue
Steven Kazan M. Bridgit Lawley Steven G. Madison
Conrad L. Klein Kenneth Krug Floyd M. Lewis Peter G. Lomhoff Damon L. Martichuski William T. McCullough
Wendy R. Kearns Charles S. Lawrence Eugene R. Madrigal
Richard A. Klein Zachary D. Krug Glen R. Lewis Rudolph R. Loncke Agnes O. Martin Donald G. McDermott
Heidi L. Keefe Robert S. M. Lawrence Steven W. Madsen
Robert J. Klein Rebecca D. Kruse Jimmy L. Lewis Jeremy D. London Antonia E. Martin Cheryl B. McDonald
Timothy M. Keegan Kenneth A. Kleinberg Edward A. Lawson Shigeo Maeda
Scott A. Kruse John C. Lewis Colin M. Long Charles R. Martin James P. McDonough
Richard E. Keene Peter A. Kleinbrodt Christine E. Lawton Anthony Magallanes, Jr.
William F. Kruse Louise A. Lewis David C. Long Gary A. Martin Sandra L. McDonough
E. L. Keeney, Jr. Agnieszka Klich Carrin A. Leaman Robert M. Magee
Katherine H. Ku Marjorie E. Lewis Thomas A. Longfellow Jeannie A. Martin Craig T. A. McDougall
Robert M. Keese Christine M. Leas

“As a past recipient of a Foundation scholarship,

Melissa J. L. Klick Ramsey Kubein
Roger N. Kehew Matthew T. Kline Sheila A. Kuehl Richard A. Lebby

I understand how critical both the Foundation’s

Robert L. Kehr Anette P. Klingman Bill J. Kuenzinger Kenneth L. LeBon, Jr.
Lorelei J. Keim Michael J. Klosk Lawrence J. Kuhlman William K. LeBrun

financial assistance and public recognition are to

Maxwell P. Keith Steven L. Klug Richard R. Kuhn Robert B. Leck, III
Gilbert S. C. Keith- William J. Kluwin William A. Kuhns Daniel E. Leckrone

law students who are committed to community

Agaran Alexander S. Klyce Halyna O. Kulczycky Brian D. Ledahl
Philip W. Kell George M. Knapp Jon Kulish Leslie E. Lederer

work but face significant student loans. I give to

William A. Kell Christopher H. Knauf Jon N. Kulish Jeffrey J. Lederman
Max A. Keller Alexandra A. Knight Russel I. Kully Rachel Lederman

the Foundation to support the next generation

Thomas P. Keller Stuart A. Knowles Wesley S. Kumagai Bruce R. Ledesma
Albert D. Kelly Fumino Knox Don F. Kumamoto Bradley J. Ledu

of public interest attorneys.”

Brian S. Kelly Laura M. Knox Kay S. Kuns Andrew J. Lee
Christopher M. Kelly Wallace B. Knox Denise M. Kuper Brian W. Lee
David L. Kelly Nancy Knupfer Craig A. Kurland Bub-Joo S. Lee
Kathleen A. Kelly Cynthia H. Lee
Kerry A. Kelly
Monique A. M. Kobinger Cheri L. Kurman
David K. Lee
– LONG X. DO, Legal Counsel & Director of Litigation,
Arthur L. Koch, Jr. Ira J. Kurzban
Megan C. Kelly William A. Koch Michael T. Kutzman David R. Lee California Medical Association
Peter M. Kelly Kay E. Kochenderfer Eric A. Kuzdenyi Deborah A. Lee
Susan Kelsey Frank E. Kocs Chul Kwak Diana L. J. Lee
John C. Kelso Jon A. Kodani Douglas J. Lee Marshall A. Lewis Sarah A. Longstreth Timothy V. Magill John F. Martin Kathleen M. McDowell
Harold J. Kwalwasser
Lloyd W. Kendall, Jr. Philip E. Koebel Elaine K. Lee Marvin K. Lewis Randall T. Longwith James B. Maguire, III Scott E. Martin Yvonne C. McDowell
Kirsten M. Kwasneski
Joan E. Kenegos G. Matthew Koehl James Y. Lee Michael L. Lewis Trevor R. Loo Ravi Mahalingam Dana S. Martinez John J. McElligott
Ramona L. Kyle

Matthew F. Kennedy Frederick K. Koenen Jason W. Lee Rose-Eve K. Lewis Estela Lopez Patrick A. Maher Denise A. Martinez Peter M. McEntee
Robin B. Kennedy Thomas J. Koerber Joseph D. Lee Tanya Leydiker Hezron T. Lopez John Mahoney George A. Martinez Nion T. McEvoy
Anne M. Kennelly Catherine N. Kogura Jung H. Lee Martie W. H. Leys Richard J. Lopez William G. Maimone James Martinez Terrence E. McEvoy
David E. Kenner Christine A. Kohler Megan M. La Belle Nini Lee Curtis A. Lezama Rodney F. Lorang Christopher M. Maisel Janet K. Martinez Pamela J. McFarland
Marc E. Kenny Jessie A. Kohler Ivo M. Labar Richard F. Lee Heidi M. Li Sally M. Lorang Cecily D. Mak Manuel J. Martinez George W. McFarlin
Adam C. Kent Aarti Kohli Debra M. Laboschin Robert F. Lee Sherina S. K. Li Robert J. Lord Irene M. Mak Walter S. Martinez James P. McGowan, Jr.
Kevin A. Kent Leonard C. Kohn Edward S. Labowitz Ruthann M. Lee Salvador A. Liccardo Hermann E. Lorenz, Jr. Paul E. Makris Gregg P. Martino Margaret McGowen
Robert W. Kent, Jr. Oladele O. Kolade Peter C. Labrador Sang I. Lee Allen Lichtenstein Donald L. Loughery, III Ellen Maldonado Jason C. Martone Tara P. McGuinness
Kathryn A. Keohane Klaus J. Kolb Andrew B. Lachman Seung Lee Lawrence F. Liebenbaum Linda G. Louie Garry S. Malin Deborah J. Marx Marian E. McGuire
Saro K. Kerkonian Miranda P. Kolbe Gary A. Laff Shanny J. Lee Laurie Lieberman David R. Lowe Karen A. Malkin Richard M. Marx William D. McHugh
Sidney L. Kerley Dennis H. Kollenborn Catherine C. Lagman- Tae G. Lee Michael M. Lieberman David W. Lowe Donna L. Mallen Michele L. Maryott John J. McIlvery
Robert L. Kern Howard D. Kollitz Legaspi Yu C. Lee Robert H. Lieberman Mitchell C. Lowe John F. Mallen Mazdak Marzban Michael S. McIntyre
Herbert S. Kerr, Jr. Ronald R. Kollitz James N. & Celia N. Dirk J. Leermakers Liebert Cassidy David A. Lowin Terry M. Mallery Jessica N. Marzullo Ronald D. McIver
Lisa M. Kerr Richard S. Kolstad Laichas Angelique E. Lee- Whitmore, Linda N. Lowney Cornelia L. Mallory Elizabeth J. Masson R. Diane McKain
Gary R. Kershner Ann F. Koo Luis Lainer Rowley A Professional Michael J. Lowy George A. Malloy Laurence V. Mathews Stephen G. McKee
Sean Keshishyan Steven D. Kopald Mark Lainer David I. Lefkowitz Corporation Steven R. Lowy Donald M. Malone Norman A. Mathews James W. McKeehan
Craig A. Kessler Frank H. & Doris L. Ellen Lake Anthony L. Leggio James S. Liebman Cynthia C. Lu Thomas E. Malone Arturo E. Matthews, Jr. Joseph E. McKeever
Dek Ketchum Kopecky Jeffrey D. Lake Harry V. Lehmann Julie E. Liedtke Vivian H. Lu Emily M. Maloney James M. Matthews James P. McKenna
Dzovag A. Kevork Elizabeth S. Kopelman Sidhardha Lakireddy Suzanne C. Lehmer Pete Ligeros Craig D. Lucas Michael W. Malter Michelle E. Matti John F. McKenzie
Teri A. Kezirian William J. Kopeny Kevin D. Lally Susan K. Lehnhardt Mark F. Lightfoot Kathleen M. Lucas Paul E. Maltzer John Matzger Kevin A. McKenzie
Omid Khalilnaji David P. Koppelman Steven A. Lamb Mark J. LeHocky Michael J. Lightfoot Daniel P. Lucid Charles T. Manatt Richard G. Maul Merritt L. McKeon
Gurujodha S. Khalsa Alice M. Kops Thomas H. Lambert Terry V. Lehr Stephen K. Lightfoot Erik W. R. Luckau John A. Mancasola Robert A. Mautino John H. McKinley
Margaret J. Khan Steven A. Kornberg Gregory S. Lampert Jonathan Lehrer-Graiwer Damien P. Lillis Carolyn H. Luedtke Roslyn T. Mandel Gregory L. Maxim Steven M. McKinley
Mohammed I. Khan Deborah M. S. Clifford R. Lancaster Kate S. Lehrman Anthony Lim Eric V. Luedtke Janet C. Mangini Cynthia E. Maxwell Marguerite G. McKinney
Hadi-Ty S. Kharazi Kornheiser I. Glenn Lance Richard H. Leib Josephine E. Lim Jack R. Luellen Manhattan Beach Walter G. Maxwell Frederick L. McKnight
Jeffrey G. Kichaven William H. Korup John F. Land Aaron J. Leibovic Michael M. Lin Arvin C. Lugay Unified School District Sherry M. Maxwell- Thomas E. McLain
Julie M. Kiehne-Lamkin Mel J. Kosasky Alexander L. Landon Alexandra Leichter Vicky H. Lin Elwood Lui Katherine Mankin DuPont Madeline G. McLaughlin
David C. Kiernan Ralph B. Kostant Stephen T. Landuyt Helene L. Leichter Thomas R. Lincoln George W. Luke, III Barbara G. Mann Bruce C. May Lauren C. McLeod
Paul R. Kiesel Steven Kotlowitz Meredith N. Landy Suzanne C. Leidner Barbara T. Lindemann Victor F. Luke John E. Manoogian Daniel Mayeda Lisa J. McLeod
Bonnie G. Kilgore Jon H. Kouba Fielding H. Lane Guy P. Leighton Michael B. Lindley Dale W. Lum Gerald T. Manpearl Pierre-Andre H. Mayer Daniel H. McLinden
David A. Killam Joseph A. Kouba Gregory S. Lane Robert A. Leininger Rochelle M. Lindsey Tony A. Luna David M. Mansolino Wayne C. Mayer Brigid D. McMahon
Gail Killefer Angela V. Kovelman Nathan Lane Maurice A. Leiter Carl A. Lindstrom, Jr. Sue E. Lunbeck Harold C. Manson Daniel M. Mayfield Martin B. McMahon
Barbara B. Killey Mark L. Kovinsky Elizabeth T. Lang Elizabeth E. Leitereg Gregory P. Lindstrom Eric J. Lund Jonathan T. Manson John R. Maynard Timothy D. McMahon
Charles W. Kim, Jr. Susan K. Kowalski Meredith S. Lang Michael Lekov Rita M. Lingwood Timothy A. Lundell Constantinos Marantidis Philip C. Maynard Laurel M. McMenamin
Daniel Y. Kim Maudie S. Krafft Patricia A. Lang Kenneth Lemberger David A. Linn Jefferey B. Lurner Patrick A. Marasco Donald H. Maynor Hollis K. McMilan
Jae Y. Kim Marvin E. Krakow Barry B. Langberg Ronald S. Lemieux Meredith A. Linsky Larry G. Lushanko Armond Marcarian Frank E. Mayo Rian A. McMurtry
Kwangjun Kim Albert H. Kramer Peter M. Langenberg Jeffrey S. Lena Larry M. Lipke Barbara J. Luther Nicholas S. Marco Sharon D. Mayo John J. McNamara
Pio S. Kim Beth L. Kramer Barbara L. Lanier Paula B. Lenarsky Graham B. LippSmith Christine C. Lyden Gerald L. Marcus W. Michael Mayock Paola C. McNamara
Randall T. Kim Brent A. Kramer Tharan G. Lanier Heather J. Lenhardt David R. Lira David Lyman Joel S. Marcus Judith A. Mazia Harold O. McNeil
Sam Kim Ronald S. Kramer Christopher K. Lansberg Paul A. Lenz Antoinette M. Lisoni Richard W. Lyman, Jr. Alison C. Marer Arthur Mazirow Frederick A. McNeill


Rosamonde McNichol
Terry P. McNiff
Roy E. Miller
Russell H. Miller
Ruth D. Morrow
Gail H. Morse
Angelina Nelson
Christine M. Nelson
O Roy J. Otis
Patricia M. O'Toole
Nancy D. Peck
Susan L. Peck
Wayne M. Pitluck
Michael E. Platt
Vivian McPayah-Obiamalu Russell W. Miller Ira D. Moskatel Erika M. Nelson Jane Oak T. Troy Otus Alan D. Pedlar Glenn J. Plattner Uzzi O. Raanan
Dennis P. McPencow Shont E. Miller Alex P. Moskovitz Gary J. Nelson Stephanie M. Oana David G. Overholt April A. Peebler Gregory Pleasants Joel Rabinovitz
Thomas H. McPeters Theodore N. Miller Stephen M. Moskowitz Henry P. Nelson Patrick R. Obel Estelle F. Overs Pamela J. Peery Fred M. Plevin John M. Racanelli
Dean W. McPhee Yvonne M. Miller Robert M. Moss Janis C. Nelson Jeffrey T. Oberman Christopher W. P. Thomas M. Pegnim Leonard J. Plotkin Kay Rackauckas
Mindy H. McQueen Margaret C. Milligan Charles H. Mostov John G. Nelson Keith G. O'Brien Overton Natasha Pejovic-Mandich David A. Plumley Wilma R. K. Rader
Marcellus A. McRae Darren J. Milliken Gary L. Motsenbocker June T. Nelson William J. O'Brien David B. Owen Robert S. Pelcyger Norman C. Plummer Monna R. Radulovich
Bruce W. McRoy Michael L. Millman Kelly Moynihan Maria K. Nelson Peter Obstler Melville Owen Steve Pell Raymond E. Plummer, Jr. Myrna S. Raeder
Tim J. McShane Robert W. Mills Ramin Mozaffar Melissa M. Nelson James G. O'Callahan Carolyn R. Owens Kimberly S. Pellissier James D. Plutchak Matthew Rafat
Alice P. Mead John D. Milman Kristine E. Mrofka Rachel A. Nelson Rose M. Ochi Thomas R. Owens David L. Pena Ethan J. Podell Elizabeth N. Rafeedie
Janet M. Mead Laurie F. Milman Susan S. Muck Richard D. Nelson Arthur J. Ochoa Thomas K. Oxman Steven J. Pena Spencer J. Raff
Anne C. Pogue
Marguerite E. Meade Patience Milrod Richard T. Mudge Robert J. Nelson Michael J. O'Connell, III Brendan K. Ozanne Wayne P. Penn Stirling S. Rahe
David H. Pohl
John A. Meaden, III Michael A. Milwee Kimberly J. Mueller Warren H. Nelson, Jr. Timothy L. O'Connell Robert M. Ozell James F. Penney Leroy T. Rahn

Gary M. Pohlson
John F. Meadows Paul M. Minault Roni Mueller William E. Nelson Paul D. O'Connor Evette D. Pennypacker Ronald I. Rainey
Anthony J. Poidmore
Thomas J. Meagher Barbara B. Minkoff Virginia S. Mueller Ellyn E. Nesbit Stanley Y. Oda Kathryn A. Pensinger David E. L. Rakonitz
James W. Poindexter
Michal Meciar Sydney A. Minnerly Dennis M. Mukai Patrick M. Nesbitt Kathleen M. O'Dea Cara M. Peralta Gregg B. Ramer
Ginger C. Paad James F. Pokorny
Gregory H. Medlin Yaffa Minster Gerald S. Mulder Judith C. Nesburn Richard W. Odgers Michael J. Percy Carmen Ramirez
Terrence R. Pace Mark S. Polan
Ronald J. Meetin Christine E. Mirabel Kathryn T. Muldoon Matthew C. Nesburn Robert O. Odland Lisa R. L. Perdue Edith Ramirez
Fernando Pacello, Jr. Mary C. Polansky-
Scott W. Meggs Silvano Miracchi Mariel S. Mulet Andrew D. Ness Kelly O'Donnell Raymond A. Perea Emilio Ramirez
Barton P. Pachino Gravatt
Robert A. Mehaffey, Jr. Raymond D. Mireles Valerie J. Mulhollen Todd F. Nevell Sean A. O'Donnell Charles A. Pereyra- Ismael Ramirez, Jr.
Marc R. Packer Diane Polinger
Sachin Mehta Haig J. Mirigian Michael C. Mulitz Sheila S. Nevins Walter K. Oetzell Suarez Maria C. Ramirez
Frank Offen Nelle S. Paegel Thomas M. Polinger
Sandhya Mehta Frank J. Miskiel Janice F. Mulligan David B. Newdorf Ana P. V. Perez Louis J. Rampino
James K. O'Gallagher Ellen R. Pais Edith F. K. Politis
Catherine G. Meier Caroline N. Mitchell Wilbert R. Mullins Carla S. Newell Shawn R. Perez David E. Rand
Nnanna F. Ogbu James J. Pak Harry Pollack
Andrea N. Meigs Daniel L. Mitchell Dante G. Mummolo Jack M. Newman Thomas Perez Rochelle A. Rand
Larry F. Ogden Herman S. Palarz Jeff H. Pollack
James M. Meister Doris E. Mitchell Roseanna M. Munger Jeffrey B. Newman Ylianna PerezGuerrero David A. Randall
Dian D. Ogilvie Jack Palladino Cynthia R. Pollock
Maria J. Mejia Grant N. Mitchell Wendy Munger Michael F. Newman Thomas C. Perkins Ann Rankin
Arnold E. Ogren Yanti A. Palleschi William Poms
A.S. Melgun Robert M. Mitchell Stephen A. Munkelt Mary K. Newnham Michael F. Perlis Patricia P. Rapp
Stephen H. Oh David B. Palley Guyla W. Ponomareff
Lina B. Melidonian Walter R. Mitchell Antonio Munoz Michael Newton David A. Perlson Jerry Rappaport
Robert J. O'Hair Donald G. Palmer, Jr. Curtis R. Ponzi
Jennifer A. Mello William R. Mitchelson, Jr. F. Adrian Munoz Richard J. Ney Warren R. Perry David J. Rapport
Patrick J. O'Hara James D. Palmer, Jr. Robert A. Pool
Matthew C. Melmon Sheldon M. Mittleman Ricardo F. Munoz Karlo Ng Mark F. Persily Laura E. Rasmussen
Lillian E. Ng Mary V. O'Hare Christopher J. Panatier David M. Poore
Joseph Melnik Ronald J. Mix John M. Murphy Beth S. Persky Robert G. Rassp
David T. Nguyen Archana R. Ojha Reyanthony V. Panlilio David S. Pope
Cherokee D. Melton Rie Miyake Marcia M. Murphy Nicholas A. Persky John Ratterree
Duyen H. Nguyen Joseph G. O'Keefe William G. Panzer Steven J. Pope
Vicki L. Melton-Miller Gabriella R. Miyamoto Michael T. Murphy Lorne V. Person, Jr. Mary K. Rau
Kim T. Nguyen Raul Olamendi-Smith Peter C. Pappas Michelle L. Popowitz
Laura J. Meltzer Neil G. Miyamoto Patrick A. Murphy James L. Perzik Charles R. Rauch
Lan P. Nguyen Patricia M. Olcomendy Tiffany A. Parcher Shane M. Popp
Joseph M. Memeo Guy Mizrahi Patrick J. Murphy Michael C. Pescatello Zachary M. Rawling
Mai N. Nguyen Daniel M. O'Leary Sudarshana R. Parikh Sheri E. Porath
Maria L. Menchaca Kourosh D. Moghadam Stephen M. Murphy Phillips S. Peter Boynton M. Rawlings
Tuan A. Nguyen Timothy F. O'Leary Jeffrey A. Paris Tamara J. Porter
Susan R. Mendelsohn Alan L. Mohill Terence M. Murphy Carol A. H. Peters Michael F. Rawson
Catherine N. Niarchos Michael J. Olecki Karen M. Paris Timothy L. Porter
Lori R. Mendez Geoffrey M. Mohun Timothy M. Murphy Freya M. Peters Lisa L. Rayburn
Frederick M. Nicholas Elvi J. Olesen Sanford P. Paris Kimber L. & Cindy J.
Alex M. Mendoza, Jr. Joseph H. Moless, Jr. William J. Murphy, Jr. Loretta A. Peters Alan M. Raznick
Walter J. Nicholas, II J. Dan Olincy Grace H. Park Porter
Joe Mendoza, Jr. Mary C. Molinaro Shannon D. Murphy- Vivian Peters David C. Reamer
Dimitri N. Nichols Martin Olinick Martha N. Parker William S. Porterfield
John D. Menke Raymond P. Moline, Jr. Teixeira William J. Peters Roxane F. Reardon
Mary D. Nichols Maidie E. Oliveau Richard G. Parker R. Richard Posilippo
Kristin L. Menon Michael K. Molitz Lisa R. Murray Cary L. Petersen Gary L. Reback
Scott W. Nichols Harry G. Oliver, II William B. Parker Sara B. Poster
Gregory P. Menzel Lawrence E. Moll Nancy J. Murray Emilia P. Petersen Fabian G. Rebentrost
Stephen C. Nichols Robert T. Olmos Donna T. Parkinson Patti F. Potash
Mitchell B. Menzer Terry J. Mollica Nancy L. Murray Erik S. Peterson David J. Reber
John F. Nicholson Alexandra M. Olmsted Alan L. Parlee Rebecca Potts
Alice C. Mercado Carol A. Molln Peter F. Musielski John M. Peterson, Jr. Ronald C. Redcay
Phillip R. Nicholson Debra M. Olsen Oscar C. Parra Colleen M. Pouliot
James W. Mercer, Jr. Rona E. Molodow Cappy D. Myers John Peterson Robert C. Redding
Gregory Nicolaysen Glenn D. Olsen Thomas E. Parrington
James D. Mercer Jessica J. Moment Laura A. Myers Kenneth B. Peterson Christopher A. Poulos Terence A. Redmond
William S. Niece John R. Olsen Richard O. Parry
David Meredith Robert W. A. Linda R. Myers Mark D. Peterson Melissa J. Poulos Brian E. Reed
John G. Niles Stephen R. Olsen Rodney H. Parsons
Frank M. Meredith Mommaerts Toby S. Myerson Andrew K. Powell

Stephen W. Peterson Frankie A. Reed
Jonathan B. S. Nimer Camille A. Olson Parham Partielli
Frederick N. Merkin Randell A. Monaco Jason K. Petrek Jay W. Powell Juden J. Reed
Dennis M. Nino James C. Olson Pejman Partiyeli
Emily K. Merolli Philip I. Moncharsh Joseph E. Petrillo Paul F. Powell Karen C. Reed
Norman F. Nivens Neil F. Olson Lynn H. Pasahow
Casey L. Merrill Paul A. Mones Kenneth G. Petrulis Ramona Powell Robert H. Reeder
Jeanette I. Nabb Martha L. Noble Ronald L. Olson Lewis G. Pascalli, Jr.
Sandra L. Merrill Wesley W. Monroe Jerry G. Petryha David J. Power Thomas B. Rees
Ziyad I. Naccasha Mitchell T. Noda William M. O'Mara David J. N. Pasternak
Cynthia A. Mertens Michael S. Monteith Lori L. Pfaffmann Jeremy C. Powers Zo T. Rees
Lorie S. Nachlis Ann M. Noel George E. Omoko Joseph M. Patane
Adrienne E. Mestman William Montes, Jr. Michael E. Pfau John M. Powers Paul D. Reeve
Tim J. Nader Linda Noeske Denis G. O'Neal Anthony G. Patchett
Jessica N. Metoyer Christopher M. Moody Matthew B. Pfeffer Robert M. Pozin Marc G. Reich
Rajashree Nagarkar Damian M. Nolan Cris K. O'Neall Arun R. Patel
Annetta K. Mettler Jean E. Moon Thomas L. Pfister Robert A. Prahl Joseph Reichmann
Lawrence M. Nagin Mary A. Nolan James P. O'Neil Dipti S. Patel
Marsha E. Metz Sung-Ho Moon Michael L. Pham Stephen D. Prater Daniel A. Reicker
Gary R. Nagle Gene A. Noland Kevin J. O'Neil Namisha D. Patel
Ronald M. Metzinger Alvy P. Moore Myle T. Phan Jeffrey J. Preefer Jeremiah F. Reid
Martina M. Nagle Michael J. Noland Brian J. O'Neill Julia A. Paternoster
Venita L. Metzinger Angela G. Moore Catherine D. Pharris Patrick E. Premo Lynne L. Reid
Andrew Y. Nahm Kevin E. Nolt Geoffrey A. O'Neill David M. Patinella
Bruce D. Meyer Clifford J. Moore, Jr. Kathy B. Phelps Paul L. Presburger Thomas A. Reid
Theshia Naidoo Arata Nomoto Moira K. O'Neill Debra J. Patkin
Annette G. Meyerson Edward C. Moore, Jr. Susan S. Philips Mark A. Price Brandon S. Reif
Takuya Naka Jack S. Nomura Patricia B. O'Neill Kirk A. Patrick
Robert L. Mezzetti, II Edwin M. Moore Gerald F. Phillips Richard A. Prieto Erica L. Reilley
Neal E. Nakagiri Scott T. Nonaka Stephen F. O'Neill Leslie S. Patrick
Robert L. Mezzetti Jacqueline U. Moore Laurie P. Phillips Bruce Prigoff Pauline R. Reimer
Hope G. Nakamura Thomas H. Nooter Martha E. Opich William R. Patrick
Ellen R. Michaels James W. Moore Patricia D. Phillips Timothy P. Prince William S. Reimus
Tracy K. Nakaoka Larry B. Nord Kenneth B. Oplinger Byron L. Patterson
Alvin S. Michaelson Jane B. Moore Robert D. Phillips, Jr. Patricia D. Pringle Seana L. Reinarz
Lauren K. Nakasuji Lori A. Nord Amy J. Oppenheimer John D. Patterson
June E. Michel Linda M. Moore Susan L. Phillips Jodi L. Prior Michelle A. Reinglass
Ben H. Nakatani Blake C. Nordahl David B. Oppenheimer Leonard M. Patterson, Jr.
Eric I. Michelman Robert C. Moore Thomas R. Phinney Elizabeth C. Pritzker Richard G. Reinis
Catherine M. Nam Paula R. Norman Mark R. Oppenheimer Richard H. Patterson
Philip Michels Steven J. Moore William J. Phippard Joanna R. Privratsky Clair F. Reish, Jr.
Patrick N. Namanny Graham H. Norris, Jr. Kim S. Orbeck Rita A. Patterson
Kurt L. Micklow Tracy A. Moore Shuichi Namba Robert M. Patterson Robert J. Pia Zdzislaw M. Prochowski Ellen K. Reisman
Sally North Timothy J. Orcutt
Patricia A. Milbank William M. Moore Yichun Nan Charles S. Paul Daniel Piccinini Wesley E. Profit Yvonne M. Renfrew
Linda L. Northrup John H. O'Reilly
Paul C. S. Mileck Michael D. Moorhead Sondra M. Napell Steven W. O'Reilly Diane B. Paul Traci J. Pickering Charles W. Proses, Jr. Richard R. Renner
Michael R. Norton
Lawrence W. Miles, Jr. Alexander Morales Wendell J. Naraghi Amada R. Orendain Jerry N. Paul John J. Pico Michael J. Provan Kirkwood S. Rense
James B. C. Norvell
Patricia H. Miljanich Marta L. Morando Usha R. Narayanan Richard E. Oriakhi Richard L. Paul Donald T. M. Pieracci Mark A. Pruner Jeffrey S. Renzi
Glori J. Norwitt
Rebekah C. Millard John D. Morberg Suchitra V. Narayen Richard A. Norwitt Wendy E. Ormond Richard A. Paul Bob G. Pierce, Jr. Jennifer S. Prusak Robert D. Resnick
Richard H. Millard Ann E. Morehead Robbie E. B. Narcisse Louann Y. Nosaka C. Larry O'Rourke Bradley W. Paulson Deborah R. Pierce Rene A. Puliatti Laurel P. Rest
Michael C. Millea August J. Moretti Joseph J. Nardulli Henry P. Noto Robert B. O'Rourke Janie C. Paulson Gary L. Pierce Lawrence A. Puritz Frank J. Revere
Andrew T. Miller Brian J. Morgan Tomio B. Narita James J. Nouhan Yolanda Orozco Susan L. Paulus Robert G. Pierce Barbara A. Purvis Daniel I. Rey-Bear
Clifford J. Miller Charles O. Morgan, Jr. Michael D. Nasatir Jonathan R. Novak Tyna C. T. Orren John B. Pavia Anthony R. Pierno Gina Reyes
Randolph H. Pyle
Howard B. Miller John B. Morgan John P. Nash Mark S. Novak Edward R. Ortega Steven E. Payette Anthony W. Pierotti Marilou A. Reyes
Sheri N. Pym

Irwin R. Miller Timothy J. Morgan Kevin C. Nash Jeff M. Novatt Jennifer Orthwein Daniel C. Payne, Jr. Joseph P. Pierry Richard A. Reyes
James H. Miller Marilyn R. Moriarty Larry L. Nash Burt M. Noveck Neyleen S. Ortiz Dawn R. Payne Daniel T. Pierson Cathy A. Reynolds
Jane B. Miller Robert T. Morimoto Vicki A. Nash Alan G. Novodor Sandra M. Ortiz Walter R. Paynter George J. Pierson Donna L. Reynolds
Jennifer A. Miller David L. Moring Summer L. Nastich Vimala D. Nowlis Glenn K. Osajima David M. Paz Soldan Fred L. Pillon Paul M. Quaranto Montie M. Reynolds
Jeremy N. Miller Thomas M. Morlan Ross K. Naughton Alicia N. Noyola Earl D. Osborn, II Daniel C. Peak Sherilyn A. Pillsbury Linda N. Quash Hon. Cruz Reynoso
Karen G. Miller Christopher R. Morray- Gabriella G. Navarro- Emmanuel K. Nsahlai Loren M. Osher Richard M. Pearl Beverly T. Pine William A. Quinby (Ret.)
Kenneth A. Miller Jones Busch Nancy A. Nugent Cynthia N. Oshiro Lise A. Pearlman Norman H. Pine John B. Quinn Edgar J. Reynoso
Marc L. Miller Deborah A. Morris Alisa D. Nave Clifford I. Numark John J. Oskorep Paula D. Pearlman Javier G. Pineda Kevin F. Quinn Manuel Reynoso
Peter M. Miller Sean O. Morris Kaladharan M. G. Nayar Maria E. Nunez Bryn R. Ostby Robert C. Pearman, Jr. Michael V. Pinkel Gilbert Quinones Brian D. Reznick
Richard S. Miller Tara Morris Charles D. Naylor Ramon E. Nunez Ronald M. Oster Robert L. Pearman Jean-Noel D. Pinkney Jesus E. Quinonez Meghan Rhea
Robert A. Miller, Jr. Jonathon M. Morrison Sean M. Neal Susan A. Nunn Nicole Ostrowski James W. Pearson, Jr. Roslyn Pinkus Robyn L. Quint Ruth L. Rheingold
Robert A. Miller Randal R. Morrison Amy L. Neiman Robert H. Nunnally, Jr. Alice W. O'Sullivan Janice L. Pearson William Pinkus Ana M. Quintana Rufus V. Rhoades
Robert G. Miller Charles L. Morrone Thomas G. Nelford William R. Nusbaum James D. Oswalt Mark W. Pearson Natalie M. Pisciotta David W. Quinto Michael S. Riback
Robert S. Miller Charlene M. Morrow Anders E. Nelson David L. Nye Kay K. Otani Victoria R. Pearson Catherine S. Pitfield Eric C. Quirk (continued)

Claudia N. Ribet Susan J. Romer Riley R. Russell* John L. Savva Nicole J. Scott Richard M. Sherman, Jr. Kathryn A. Slezak Galen C. Sorrells Perri S. Stern
Michael A. Riccardi Alan J. Romero Thomas A. Russo Adrian J. Sawyer Richard N. Scott Robert J. Sherman Clara L. Slifkin Ariel R. Sosna Robert M. Stern
Evelyn F. Rice Gregory A. Romero Neil W. Rust Susan F. Sawyer Robert A. Scott Janet G. Sherwood Matthew E. Sloan Alexandra E. Sosnkowski Stephen J. Stern
Harry E. Rice Ronald F. Romines Susan Rutberg Paul J. Sax Roxanne L. Scott John M. Sherwood Peter M. Sloan Konrad M. Sosnow Guy J. Sternal
Robert C. Rice Mark T. Romley Sara J. Rutenberg Richard L. Sax Windie O. Scott Laurie E. Sherwood Hon. Sheldon H. Sloan Dionisio T. Soto Lewis B. Sternfels
Wayne J. Rice Sandra A. Ronald Gerritt A. Rutgers Steven L. Saxe Robert F. Scoular Eric D. Shevin (Ret.) Michael W. Souveroff Bradley W. Stevens
Shelley A. Rich Stephen E. Ronfeldt David C. Ruth, V Joel D. Sayres Michael C. Scranton Laura I. Shidlovitsky Kiana B. Sloan-Hillier Neville K. Spadafore Jan S. Stevens
Gerald T. Richards John R. P. Ronge Jeffrey H. Rutherford Alexander M. Schack Keith A. Seagull Roberto Shields, Jr. Jacquelyn H. Slotkin Gino J. Spadoni, Jr. John V. Stevens, Jr.
Joseph Richardson Marie M. Rongone Regine Rutherfurd Chris A. Schaefer Kari D. Searles Theodore F. Shiells Craig B. Small Joan C. SpaederYounkin Pascha R. M. Stevens
Teri R. Richardson Elizabeth K. Roodner John L. Ryan Robert L. Schaefer Michael M. K. Sebree Seana Shiffrin Frank A. Small Kalila Spain Steffani M. Stevens
Thomas J. Richardson Shelley Roos Leigh P. Ryan Martin A. Schainbaum Ashley C. Sedaghat Thomas N. Shigekuni Janine S. Small Michael W. Spalding Steven B. Stevens
Estela S. Richeda Barry Rosen Nicole M. Ryan Mark M. Schallert Helen M. Sedwick Loan T. Shillinger Jennifer L. Small Philip F. Spalding Todd F. Stevens
Frederick A. Richman Bernard J. Rosen Patrick M. Ryan Reid P. Schantz Kristin D. Seeger John H. Shimada Winslow O. Small Shannon L. Spangler Alan D. Stevenson
James D. Richman Elaine R. Rosen Reade H. Ryan, Jr. Stephen Scharf Sharon A. Seeley Jaeha J. Shin Fran Smallson Evanthia M. Spanos David L. Stevenson
Stacey Richman Elaine S. Rosen Robert C. Ryan Thomas E. Schatzel David A. Segal Barry R. Shinehouse Timothy H. Smallsreed Susan Spar Joanna L. Stevenson
John L. Richmond Pauline M. Rosen Timothy J. Ryan Jeffrey C. Scheidel Jeffrey D. Segal Gary W. Shinners Michael Smarinsky Gary D. Sparks Richard L. Stevenson
Scott D. Richmond Reuben Rosen Leslie A. Ryder Eric G. Scheie Matthew D. Segal Bonnie S. Shirley Lance A. Smigel Benjamin F. Spater Margaret Stevenson
Tracy R. Richmond John A. Rosenbaum Richard I. Rydstrom Bart J. Schenone Ann M. Segars Robert H. Shiroishi Robert W. Smiley, Jr. Anthony A. Spaulding & David Flamm

Jeffrey W. Rickard Keith A. Rosenbaum James H. Scheper Alvin G. Segel Robert A. Shlachter Allison K. Smith Matthew F. Spaulding Lorna L. Steward
Tod W. Ridgeway Alexander Rosenberg Leslie E. Scher Ann M. Sehn Mikaal Shoaib Ann M. Smith Martin J. Spear Andrea J. Stewart
Dale L. Rieger Judith A. Rosenberg Keith Scheuer Brian D. Seibel Marjorie T. Shock Betty J. Smith Melvin S. Spears Diane L. Stewart
Michele O. Saadeh
Marshall Rieger Kenneth M. Rosenberg Debra C. Scheufler Kurt J. Seibert Jon A. Shoenberger C. Michael Smith Jeffery H. Speich Michael T. Stewart
Babak B. Saadian Rosemary Spellman
Hon. Craig G. Riemer Charles H. Rosenblatt Jerome J. Schiefelbein Richard L. Seide George A. Shohet Daniel J. Smith Rhonda L. Stewart
Nina K. Sachdev Glenn A. Smith Nancy J. Spencer
Matthew Righetti Philip S. Rosenblatt Joel P. Schiff Sharon A. Seidenstein Richard E. Showen Valerie L. Stewart
Stephen B. Sadowsky Sue A. L. Schiff Harold W. Smith Dean P. Sperling
Grant K. Riley Kenneth L. Rosenblood Scott G. Seidman Robert H. Showen William W. Stewart
Curtis D. Rindlisbacher Angel L. Saenz Menachem Schilit Norbert M. Seifert James A. N. Smith Gerald A. Sperry
Robert Rosenblum Diane Sidd-Champion Allan Steyer
Rosemarie T. Ring Edgar A. Saenz Sabrina S. Schiller Donald A. Seitz James D. Smith Marcus J. Spiegel
Barbara L. Rosenfeld Robert B. Sidell Sandra Stillwater
Scott S. Ring Robert S. Sage Eric J. Schindler Hoken S. Seki James C. Smith Michael I. Spiegel
Irving Rosenfeld Michael I. Sidley Trevor V. Stockinger
Bill D. Ringer Steven T. Sager Ivan A. Schlager Gerald Y. Sekiya Jeffrey G. Smith Andrew J. Spielberger
Mitchell S. Rosenfeld Charles D. Siegal James J. Stoffel
Florence R. Ringor Nicholas P. Saggese Alfred W. Schlesinger Jeffrey L. Selbin Eugene M. Siegel Jerome R. Smith Alison Spillane
Robert A. Rosenfeld William H. Stoffers
David K. Ringwood Saura J. Sahu Arnold Schlesinger Lynde Selden Robert A. Siegel Joseph H. Smith Rene Spiller, Jr.
Larry D. Rosenstein Joshua C. Stokes
Ana M. Rio Robert B. Rosenstein Manuel L. Saint Martin Joseph Schlesinger Caroline G. Selfridge Tom M. Siegel Judith K. Smith Lisa M. Spillman Thomas G. Stolpman
Donald J. Ritt William Rosensweig Charles D. Sakai Elaine M. Schlinger Loretta H. Selinger Steven W. Siemers Karen C. Smith Lilly T. Spitz Bonnie J. Stone
Audrey M. Ritter Diana W. Rosenthal Richard T. Sakai David S. Schlueter Christopher P. Sellars Richard D. Sievert Kathryn L. Smith Jay M. Spitzen Donald L. Stone
James F. Ritter Mark H. Rosenthal Ravi K. Sakthivel Brian A. Schmidt Eugene S. Seltzer Loretta S. Sifuentes Linda J. Smith Gerald J. G. Spolter Gregory P. Stone
David P. Ritzinger Noah S. Rosenthal Beth M. Salamensky Deborah S. Schmidt Lawrence J. Semenza Kenneth M. Sigelman Lorraine A. Smith Stephen S. Spraitzar Peter F. Stone
John A. Rivard Paul C. Rosenthal Eugenia C. Salamon Jerrald J. Schnack Patricia A. Serventi Jon B. Sigerman Maurice B. Smith Curtis C. Sproul Peter G. Stone
Oscar J. Rivera, Jr. Sol Rosenthal Edward Salcedo Barry A. Schneider Dean S. Serwin Richard K. Sigler Megan M. Smith James M. Sproul Rena C. Stone
Dorothy J. Rivette Soren D. Rosenthal Henry Salcido Harvey A. Schneider Thomas R. Sestanovich Lucinda A. Sikes Ralph W. Smith Steven M. Spurlock Robert W. Stone
Kevin G. Rivette Alan D. Ross Mohamed F. Salem James E. Schneider Patricia T. Setser Carol M. Silberberg Randall A. Smith Thomas H. Squeri Rodney J. Stone
Steven V. Rizzo Barbara E. Ross Bruce E. Salenko Lauren E. Schneider Daniel C. Sever Stephan R. Silen Richard K. Smith, Jr. Thomas & Katherine Steven J. Stone
B. Douglas Robbins Dawn M. Ross Robbyn A. Salganick Michael A. Schneider Timothy C. Seward Richard A. Sill Stephen M. Smith Srednik Susan W. Stone
Jill S. Robbins Franklin Ross, Jr. Paula D. Salinger Warren P. Schneider David M. S. Sewell Francisco J. Silva Steven A. Smith Srikanth Srinivasan Patricia Stone-Damen
Lynette B. Robe John L. Ross Hector E. Salitrero Garry J. Schnell Brent D. Seymour Perry S. Silver Theadore M. Smith Richard C. St. John Katherine E. Stoner
Donald M. Roberts Leonard M. Ross Avram Salkin Frederick M. Schnider Michael F. Sfregola Claudia B. Silverman Timothy L. Smith Denise C. St. Angelo- Kimberly S. Stopak
James F. Roberts Randy E. Ross Linda A. Sallas Nikolia K. Schnupp- Richard M. Shack Robert J. Silverman Victoria R. Smith Stiles James H. Stoppello
Kristen L. Roberts Richard R. Ross Stephen K. Salmon Harris Lamont W. Shadowens Raul C. Silvestre Wendy W. Smith Grace G. St. Clair Robert P. Storch
Lyssa A. Roberts Richard I. Ross Charlotte D. Salomon Joseph S. Schoeffel Leland G. Shaffer Jeffrey A. Silvia Willie J. Smith Steven B. Stabler Charles A. Storke
Pamela K. Roberts Richard P. Ross Lee W. Salter Melanie R. Schoenberg Anthony E. Shafton Micole E. Simis Woodrow D. Smith Beau C. Stacom Laura M. Storto
R. Lee Roberts Russell J. Ross Bruce L. Saltzer Joseph E. Schoenholtz Chaye Shahalayi Stuart A. Simke Helene V. Smookler Judith K. Stadler Cameron G. Stout
Stephen A. Roberts Steven D. Ross Barbara R. R. Saltzman Lynn Schoenmann Philip Shakhnis Samuel Simkin Andrew E. Smyth Peter L. Stafford George D. Straggas
Theodore E. Roberts Anna M. Rossi Paul B. Salvaty Richard A. Schonfeld Nada I. Shamonki Michael R. Simmonds Justin B. Snell Walter V. Stafford Jeremy R. Strain
Brett M. Robertson Jo A. Rossie Elizabeth S. Salveson Stephen J. Schrader Carol C. Shandler Craig E. Simmons Alan B. Snitzer Edma C. Stage Shyla D. Strange
Karen E. Robertson Isaiah B. Roter Alice A. Salvo Wayne A. Schrader James C. Shanley Laura C. Simmons Laura J. Snoke Regina A. Stagg Landon A. Strattan
Sarah E. Robertson David Roth Joseph P. Salvo Raymond C. Schreck Michael A. Shann David H. Simon Dixie R. Snow Michael Stajer Michele D. Stratton
Paul A. Robeznieks Jay D. Roth Nancy M. Salzman John T. Schreiber James W. Shannon Juan M. Simon Darin W. Snyder Nikos A. Stamos Stephen J. Strauss
Bari S. Robinson Mitchell I. Roth Paul L. Samartin Lenore Schreiber Raphael Shannon Jules F. Simon Lynne R. M. Snyder Russell D. Stanaland Laura A. Streimer
Benjamin Robinson Alan I. Rothenberg Ian M. Sammis David E. Schricker Robert M. Shannon Martha J. Simon Andrew J. Sobel Herbert S. Stanek William R. Strelow
Daniel S. Robinson Ira P. Rothken Ronald F. Sample Rick A. Schroeder Stuart A. Shanus Michael A. Simon Michael D. Sobel Nancy T. Stanislawski Laurence D. Strick
Dorothy K. Robinson Kristi D. Rothschild Linda C. Sampson Trista E. Schroeder Ruth D. Shapin Phyllis E. Simon Bernard Sobelsohn Furman K. Stanley, Jr. Barbara K. Strickland
Edward D. Robinson George C. Rothwell Susan Sams Dustin L. Schubert Miriam S. Shapira Robert S. Simon James L. Sobieski Richard M. Stanley Nanette S. Stringer
Hoanh N. Robinson Jay Rounsaville, Jr. Louis Samuel Robert C. Schubert Carl W. Shapiro Michael P. Simondi Wayne P. Sobon Sofia T. Stanley Ward R. Stringham
Keith A. Robinson Ronald D. Roup Jon A. San Jose Sandra L. Schubert Jonathan G. Shapiro Gordon D. Simonds, Jr. Luke A. Sobota Donald L. Stansbarger Jeff L. Strobel
Kenneth W. Robinson Keith F. Rouse San Manuel Band of Linda M. Schulken Rebekah Shapiro James V. Simoni Margaret M. Sohagi Leland A. Stark Lise K. Strom
Leslie A. Robinson Douglas J. Rovens Mission Indians Edward H. Schulman Robert L. Shapiro Andrew D. Simons Robert T. Sohagi Robert L. Starr Sabrina H. Strong
Mark P. Robinson, Jr. Robert C. Rowe Terry E. Sanchez George E. Schulman Victoria C. Shapiro Donald S. Simons Vikram Sohal Gary A. Starre Dennis J. Stryker
Wilbank J. Roche Roland G. Rubalcava Laura G. Sand Lance J. Schumacher Gary T. Shara Thomas A. Simons, IV Raymond Solana, Jr. Nancy N. Alexander F. Stuart
John M. Rochefort Sharon F. Rubalcava Roger A. Sandau David A. Schuricht Milad G. Shara Andrew T. Sinclair, Jr. Maulshree Solanki Stassinopoulos Courtney L. Stuart-
Daniel D. Rodarte Suz Rubel Joel S. Sanders Earl Schurmer John H. Sharer Cynthia C. Sinclair Jeanne M. Sole Amy A. Stathos Alban
Tenaya Rodewald David A. Rubin Joseph S. Sanders Robert S. Schurmer Khodadad D. Sharif John M. Sinclair Kian Soleimanpour Ronald J. Stauber Paul R. Stubb, Jr.
Mary A. Rodgers Gary J. Rubin Robert L. Sanders Pamela B. Schuur Ajna D. Sharma-Wilson Lowry P. Sinclair Judith L. Soley Ryan E. Stearns Victor J. Stubbs
Isa R. Rodriguez Lee A. Rubin David L. Sandor Douglas B. Schwab Martha Sharp Peter B. Sinclair Margarita R. Solis Donald R. Stebbins Raymond L. Stuehrmann
John F. M. Rodriguez Lee H. Rubin Geraldine G. Sandor Angela C. Schwartz Elizabeth G. Sharzer Andrew D. Singer Michael A. Sollazzo Marc A. Stefano Lynn C. Stutz
Marco A. Rodriguez Leonard J. Rubin Eduardo L. Sandoval Edward R. Schwartz Artin N. Shaverdian Gail M. Singer Michael E. Soloff Greg P. Stefflre Ellen N. Sueda
Marco J. Rodriguez Steven D. Rubin Marjorie Sandstrom Eric A. Schwartz Megan N. Shaw Jeremy M. Singer Alan M. Solomon Nancy J. Stegall Nina M. Suetake
Michael D. Rodriguez Gail Rubinfeld Daniel N. Sang Harold D. Schwartz Shahram A. Shayesteh Mark E. Singer Amy F. Solomon Eric B. Steiglitz Gerald I. Sugarman
Cristina Rodriguez-Rios Jonathan B. Rubini Myer J. Sankary Joanna C. Schwartz Lilian Shea Robin L. Singer Glenn M. Solomon Erin M. Stein Rebecca A. Sugerman
Troy D. Roe Yelena Rubinshteyn Alan R. Sankin Peter R. Schwartz Mary J. Shea Jaspreet Singh Michael T. Solomon Joshua Z. Stein Tara M. Sugiyama
Daniel J. Roemer Allen J. Ruby Paul J. Sanner Robert A. Schwartz Katherine C. Sheehan Pam D. Singh Gilbert E. Somera Laura Stein John D. Suhr
Oscar R. Roesler Jeffrey P. Ruch Terry J. Sannita Robert F. Schwartz Shaheen F. Sheik Lawrence S. Siracusa Randall G. Sommer Alex Steinberg Harold V. Sullivan, II
Patrick G. Rogan Fred Rucker Alexander F. Sansano Steven J. Schwartz Roger B. Sheinbein Matthew N. Sirolly Dennis A. Sommese Paul J. Steiner James J. Sullivan
Catherine A. Rogers James J. Rucker Dana L. Santos M. Gerald Schwartzbach William D. Sheinberg James P. Sizemore Edward L. Somogyi Susan L. Steinhauser John W. Sullivan
Richard M. Rogers Naomi C. Ruddell Rowena G. Santos Micah J. Schwartzbach Daniel G. Sheldon Sean C. Skaggs Marianne E. Sonbaty Kristen S. Steinke Mary P. Sullivan
Timothy W. Rogers Norman G. Rudman Tiffany N. Santos Michael B. Schwarz Sandusky L. Shelton Mark J. Skapik Roy J. Sonderling Robert H. Stempler Michael C. Sullivan
Yvonne G. Rogers Karen M. Rudolph Dennis R. Santwier Robin B. Schwebs Julie A. Shepard Kathleen A. Skinner Sheila P. Sonenshine Jennifer L. Steneberg Thomas E. Sullivan
Richard P. Roggia John B. Rudquist Matthew M. Sarboraria Eric H. Schweitzer Samuel B. Shepherd Robert L. Skinner Joon W. Song Richard R. Stenton Bruce I. Sultan
Colleen M. Rohan Tommy A. Ruedaflores Marianne C. Sarrazin Adam P. Schwenker Debra L. Sheppard Armand G. Skol Sonja M. Sonnenburg Andrew G. Stephens Dorothea Summerell
Nancy A. Rohman Ralph C. Rueppell Edward R. Sarti Salvatore Sciandra Massa L. Sheridan-Hinds Lenita A. Skoretz Sony Computer Thomas N. Stephens Paul D. Supnik
Thomas van de Voort Michael A. Rule Melanie A. H. Sartoris Christian J. Scognamillo Rhoda T. Sherif Eulonda G. Skyles Entertainment Marsha L. Stephenson Richard D. Surber
Roland Ione M. Rummery Judith M. Sasaki Harry F. Scolinos Sean M. Sherlock John L. Slafsky America Inc. Tenley E. Stephenson Lee T. Surh
Craig J. Rolfe Ronald Rus Floyd E. Saunders C. Curtis Scott Andre Sherman Robert I. Slater William P. Soo Min Laurence G. Sterling Barbara Suskind
Christopher E. Rolin Timothy L. Ruschin Mary K. Sauve Celia Scott David T. Sherman Ronald P. Slates Pyng Soon W. Michael Sterling Caroline C. Susman
Barbara R. Roller Kenneth N. Russak Christopher W. Savage David C. Scott Ira D. Sherman Gregory O. Slatoff Sally G. Sopkin Claude M. Stern Robert D. Sussin
Sharon S. Rollo Beverly J. Russell Barbara B. Savaglio Douglas A. Scott Jason M. Sherman Roger T. Slattery Lawrence T. Sorensen Daniel R. Stern Mark D. Sutherland
Harriet M. Rolnick Carlton E. Russell Georgia Saviola John H. Scott Mark A. Sherman Warren J. Slaughter Michael S. Sorgen Fredrick H. Stern Marla L. Sutker
Julie H. Rome-Banks Lewis M. Russell Lester J. Savit Kyle J. Scott Ray W. Sherman, Jr. Joel F. Slavonia William T. Soria George H. Stern Vrenae A. Sutphin


V Marc Wahrhaftig
Eric Y. Wai
Jeffrey I. Weinberger
David Weiner
Daniel S. Williams
Elliott L. Williams
Timothy C. Wright
Chorng-Ming Wu
Nancy M. Vaessen Aaron M. Wais Judith H. Weiner Erin A. Williams Jon Wu
Renata Valcarcel Mark E. Waite Sandra J. Weiner Jeffrey J. Williams Stephen M. Wurzburg
Catalina Valencia Richard R. Waite Nancy Weingrow-Eagle John L. Williams Jeffrey W. Wutzke
Anthony R. Valluzzo Michael B. Waitzkin Iris Weinmann John R. Williams Ralph W. Wyatt
Frederick B. Valtairo Randall Q. Wakefield Henry E. Weinstein Judith A. Williams Steven D. Wyllie
Bennet M. Van de Bunt John P. Wakeman, Jr. Janet Weinstein Kellea R. Williams Michael S. Wyman
David T. Van Pelt Clarence Walden Peter D. Weinstein Brett J. Williamson Oliver B. Wyman, Jr.
Elizabeth M. Van Schaack Dennis D. Walden Steven O. Weise Karen M. Willis Mary A. L. Wymore
William A. Van Train, III Matthew E. Walden Sheldon J. Weisel Randall E. Willoughby Robert J. Wynne

Sarah A. Van Voorhis Alfred S. Waldstein Herbert M. Weiser Robert D. Wilner
Jeffrey A. Van Wagenan, Jr. Belinda S. Walker Jonathan C. Weiser Brian B. Wilson
Leslie W. VanAntwerp, III George R. Walker Frank J. Weiss Carrie R. Wilson
Robert L. VanBlois Mark Yablonovich
John T. Walker Janet A. Weiss Christopher Wilson
Dolly A. Vance Robert B. Yallen
Mark L. Walker Jordan P. Weiss Gail R. Wilson
Cheryl J. VanClark Don K. Yamagishi
Rebecca S. Walker Michael J. Weiss Guay P. Wilson
Robert E. Vanderhorst David K. Yamamoto
Robert F. Walker Paul A. Weiss Hugh S. Wilson
Christopher A. Vanderlaan Lindsay M. Yamamoto
Steven M. Walker Shana L. Weiss Jeffrey M. Wilson
Mia F. Yamamoto

“I give to the Foundation because its grant and

Eric W. Vandermey William L. Walker Sonja S. Weissman Julia R. Wilson
James E. Vandersloot Charles A. Yamarone, III
Jeremy J. Wall Henry Weissmann Kenneth A. Wilson, Sr.

scholarship programs make a real difference in the

Matthew R. VanderZanden Caroline S. Welch Brad Yamauchi
Earl R. Wallace Lesly P. Wilson
John D. Vandevelde Michael R. Welch Marguerite A. Wilson Daniela Yanai
Jeffrey K. Wallace

everyday lives of Californians, especially in these

Franklin A. Kelly A. Welchans Rachel L. Wilson Janine L. Yancey
John B. Wallace
VanKonynenburg Richard P. Weldon Suzanne V. Wilson Wen W. Yang
Richard A. Wallen

tough economic times.”

Marta M. VanLandingham Douglas F. Welebir Craig P. Winchester Chad B. Yates
Stephen J. Waller
Robert M. Vantress Cecilia A. Walsh Wendy D. Welkom Peter F. Windrem Lynne Yates-Carter
Peter H. VanVeen Kathleen C. Walsh Alan H. Weller William A. Wineberg, Jr. Dwight E. Yellen
Scott A. VanWagenen Michael F. Walsh David M. Wells Henry P. Winetsky Winifred W. Yen
– PETER R. BOUTIN, Managing Partner, San Francisco, Jerome M. Varanini Alta V. Walters Thomas F. Wells Vicki W. Winger Levi C. Ying
Stephen G. Varga Philip S. Yip
Keesal,Young & Logan Jamie E. Walters Darren J. Welsh Denise M. Wingo
Michael G. Yoder
Victoria Vasey Julie K. Walters John J. Welsh Jeffrey W. Winkelman
Steven J. Vaughan Charles R. Waltman Michelle A. Welsh Risa B. Winograd David A. Yomtov
Joey R. Sutton John D. Taylor Katherine J. Thomson Arthur M. Traugh, II Kevin S. Veenstra Charles F. Walton Robert C. Welsh Edward K. Winslow Nancie Yomtov
Debbie J. Sutz Kathryn A. Taylor Robert E. Thomson Donald E. Travers Mario D. Vega Daniel E. Waltz Chiye R. Wenkam Robert D. Winston Yee-Yoong Yong
Kimberly C. Swain Kenneth O. Taylor Suzie S. Thorn Elise K. Traynum Kristina L. Velarde Janet R. Walworth Robert A. Wenke Julie M. Winters Ellen M. York
Lyle S. Swallow Norman G. Taylor Mary Thorndal Elizabeth A. Treanor Paul D. Velasco Edna R. Walz Kenneth H. Wennergren Daniel K. Winton John K. York
Marjorie C. Swartz Robert G. Taylor Vail T. Thorne Michael A. Trenkle Raymond Velez, Jr. Anne Wang Eric H. Werner David Z. Wirtschafter Ben J. Yorks
Christopher W. Sweeney Robin R. Taylor Charles V. Thornton Clark M. Trevor Nancy W. Vensko Chris R. Wang Ronald E. Werner Helena M. S. Wise Blanca F. Young
Daniel J. Sweeney Samuel C. Taylor John W. Thornton Ronald J. Triche Brenton N. Ver Ploeg Beth L. Wapner Julie A. Werner-Simon Ernest A. Wish Douglas M. Young
Don Sweeney Kevin W. Teague Cynthia L. Thorp Frank L. Tridente Jeffrey M. Verdon Emily L. Ward Gina M. Werth Linda N. Wisotsky Julie A. Young
Gerald B. Sweeney Cheryl L. Tebo Gregory B. Thorpe Thong N. Trinh William L. Verick Lawren A. Ward Alan D. West James P. Witherow Marilyn A. Young
James S. Sweeney John N. Tedford John M. Thorpe Jeffrey M. Trinklein Michael P. Verna Michael S. Ward John H. Weston Harvey I. Wittenberg Matthew R. Young
Joseph M. Sweeney J. Stanley Teixeira Melissa G. Thrailkill Cecelia A. Tripi Stephen M. Vernon Paul C. Ward, Jr. Anthony M. Wetherbee Charles L. Wixson Meryl L. Young
Mary M. Sweeney Kavita Tekchandani Henry C. Thumann Eric L. Troff David W. Victor Paul R. Ward Carol L. Wetzel Steven T. Wlodek George S. Youngling
William R. Sweeney Michael L. Trope James J. Vieceli, III Philip J. Ward Rita E. Whalen Peter H. A. Wodinsky David H. Youssefi
Anthony F. Telleria Roberta K. Thyfault
Charles L. Swezey Thomas G. Trost Kelly A. Vierra Richard J. Ward, Jr. Welton B. Whann Jeffrey D. Wohl Cecilia L. Yu
Matthew J. Telleria Kathryn M. Thyret
Achia Y. Swift David W. Trotter Armando G. Villapudua Stanley M. Ward Donald E. Wharton Laurence B. Wohl Diane C. Yu
Robert L. Telles, Jr. David M. Tichane
Timothy J. Swift Christ T. Troupis Kathleen L. Villarruel Kimberly S. Ware Lee Whipple Linda S. Wohl Albert P. K. Yuen
Stylianos L. Tellis Michael J. Tichon
Hannah S. Yuen

Steven L. Swig Ariel A. Tello Phillip G. Tidmore Lee A. Trucker Daniel R. Villegas Karen A. Wargo James M. Whitaker Edward J. Wojciak
Scott A. Swinson John A. Tello John E. Tiedt Elizabeth J. Trueman Vladislav P. Viltman James T. Waring Michael T. Whitaker Joseph M. Wojciechowski
David J. Syapin William H. Temkin, Jr. James F. Tierney, III Kathleen O. Truman Mitchell A. Viner Bruce R. Warner Andrew D. White Gerald A. Wolf
Jeffrey M. Sydney William D. Temko Marshall S. Tierney Cynthia D. Trutner Sharon R. Vinick Charles G. Warner Bradley R. White Lloyd S. Wolf Gerald L. Zack
Nicholas M. Sydow Michael Tenenbaum Leonard M. Tillem Elizabeth E. Trutner Steven K. Vinje James J. Warner Carol A. White Marianne T. Wolf Louis F. Zankich
Roslyn W. Sylvester John R. Tennant Patrick K. Tillman Julia C. Tsai Thomas C. Vinje Christopher W. Warren David P. White Mark A. Wolf James A. Zapp
Howard K. Szabo Robert M. Tennant Richard J. Tine Shelby P. Tsai Melanie D. Vinson James L. Warren Geoffrey V. White Neal L. Wolf Michael B. Zara
Lawrence J. Szabo Stephen M. Tennis Margaret R. Tinsley Petty W. Tsay Tricia B. Vinson Phillip H. Warren Michael D. White Steven A. Wolf Harriet F. Zaretsky
Peter J. Szabo Larry Teplin Benjamin W. Tipton, III Hsin-Hsien Tseng Jeffrey W. Virden Richard D. Warren Ronald E. White Marshall S. Wolff Sofia D. Zaslavsky
Susan R. Szabo Jennifer M. Tseng Ricardo E. Viscarra Robert S. Warren Stanley Z. White William A. Wolff

Kenji Terajima Stephen F. Tobias Murray A. Zatman
Herbert L. Terreri James M. Tobin Shane W. Tseng S. Chandler Visher Sheldon J. Warren Michael L. Whitehead Jason K. Wolins Mark E. Zatt
George Terterian Michael C. Tobriner Renee E. Tuchscher Dilip M. Vithlani Mark Wasacz Judith L. Whitman Michael A. Wolkowitz Fernando R. Zazueta
Dorothy M. Tucker Robert S. Vitt Benjamin P. Wasserman Gwen H. Whitson Eugene L. Wolver, Jr. Timothy L. Zeff
Barbara L. Taaff Pauline H. Tesler Marianne S. Tolchin
Richard J. Tuckerman Danika B. Vittitoe David P. Wasserman Marion A. Whittaker Chung B. Wong Eva M. O. Zei
Edward Z. Tabash Jennifer L. Thaete Stephen R. Tollafield
Karen C. Tumlin Anthony L. Vitullo Ira G. Wasserman Kenneth R. Whittall- Jack P. Wong Andrew D. Zeif
Derek L. Tabone Dena R. Thaler Scott B. Tollefsen
Ronald J. Turiello, Jr. Ernest E. Vivas Lynne Wasserman Scherfee Linda J. Wong* Cristin M. Zeisler
Allan M. Tabor Michael D. Thamer Roger P. Tomalas
Andrew D. Turner Douglas D. Viviani Ellis G. Wasson Caitlin G. Whitwell Merilyn Wong Garrett J. Zelen
Jose E. Tafolla Narendra R. Thappeta Alexander D.
Benjamin W. Turner Charles A. Viviano Safari Watanabe William D. Wick Roberto Wong Howard S. Zeprun
Leroy B. Taft, Jr. Rodney B. Thatcher Tomaszczuk
Deborah A. Turner Robert J. Vizas Gordon R. Waters James B. Wickersham Robyn L. Wong Jane G. Zerbi
Jilbert Tahmazian Joan C. H. Thayer Christopher
Michael D. Turner Richard T. Vlaanderen Alison R. Watkins Warren H. Widener Sarah S. Woo Matthew J. Zevin
Monica E. Tait Linda J. Thayer Tomaszewski
Marc J. Turtletaub Phuong D. Vo Edward J. Watson Mary H. B. Widenor Allison J. Wood Eric S. Ziegler
S. David Takakuwa Gerald S. Thede Stanley T. Tomita
Ernest H. Tuttle Gerald E. Voelker Michael A. Waul Ellen Widess Anita L. Wood Richard P. Zieman
Alan M. Talbot John A. Thiella Max S. Tomlinson
George R. Tuttle, III Charles S. Vogel Harold W. Wax Ellen G. Widess David E. Wood Ronald K. Ziff
M. Sue Talia Dennis K. Thomas Emmett A. Tompkins, Jr.
George R. Tuttle, Jr. Elizabeth E. Vogt Eric S. Waxman William R. Wiebe George G. Wood David L. Zifkin
Peter M. Talia Geoffrey L. Thomas Jennifer M. Tompkins
Therese C. Tuttle Ernest Vojdani Jerome V. Waye Robert A. Wieckowski Gregory J. Wood Louis M. Zigman
Nandu A. Talwalkar Jeanne A. Thomas Peter P. Tong
Arline S. Tyler Larry R. Vollintine James D. Weakley Catherine G. Wieder Mele R. Wood Maurice L. Zilber

Donald K. Tamaki Jeffrey T. Thomas Merrill L. Toole Thomas D. Weaver
Timothy A. Vollmann Daniel P. Wien Richard A. Wood Marc J. Zilversmit
Peter J. Tamases Mark E. Thomas, Jr. John S. Tootle Borden D. Webb
Michael V. Vollmer Deborah J. Wiener Robert C. Wood Kenneth S. Ziman
Susan J. Tamura Michael W. Thomas James E. Topinka Joseph M. Weber
Marion J. Vomhof Howard B. Wiener Robert E. Wood Brian L. Zimbler
Angel L. Tang Richard F. G. Thomas Mary L. Topliff Jonathan J. Uchima Kimberly A. Weber David A. Wiesen Travers D. Wood
Patricia J. Vorreiter

Robert W. Thomas Peter J. Toren Laurie B. Zimet
Karen H. Tang Karen Y. Uchiyama Michael J. Weber Jonathan M. Wight Weldon S. Wood
Walter E. Thomas Anne B. Torkington Barry A. Zimmerman
Boris G. Tankhilevich Mikio Uchiyama Richard M. Weber, Jr. Gregory Wilcox Willard M. Wood
Wayne H. Thomas, Jr. Patricia Torres Stuart D. Zimring
Stephen A. Tanner Makoto R. Ueno Wesley E. Webostad Maurice K. C. Wilcox Steven D. Woodson
Barry R. Thompson Victor M. Torres Abram J. Zinberg
Theresa V. Tao James R. Ukropina Edward W. Wachtel Donald B. Webster Steven H. Wilhelm Frederick E. Wooldridge
Byron C. Thompson Frank L. Torresy DeWayne Zinkin
Chris A. Tarkington Alice J. Um Kope Liza B. Wachter Martin H. Webster Terry L. Wilkens Karen K. Wooley
India S. Thompson Hoyt M. Torrey Harry A. Zinn
Robert M. Tarkoff Donald L. Ungar Adonica-Jo R. Wada Sharon G. Webster Jennifer L. Wilkerson Richard D. Wooley
James A. Thompson Liza K. Toth John P. Zins
Barry Tarlow Michael K. Ungar Reed S. Waddell Ronald H. Wecht Elizabeth R. Wilkie Tamara Y. Woolfork
James B. Thompson John L. Toulouse Steven E. Zipperstein
Jason H. Tarricone Leonard Unger Scott D. Waddle Cory R. Weck Alison B. Wilkinson John A. Wootress, Jr. Steven B. Zisser
Augustine C. Tassone Jocelyn D. Thompson Sabrina M. Tourtlotte Phyllis Ungerer Clark Waddoups Michael H. Weed Michael A. Willemsen Richard S. Wordes John J. Zitny
Michael F. Tatham Lawrence H. Thompson Jeffrey B. Towns Edmund M. Unikel Byron S. Wade Richard O. Weed Earl P. Willens Brian G. Workman Jonathan L. Zitomer
Todd R. Tatro Nancy J. Thompson David S. Toy Douglas A. Unsworth Alexandra M. Wagner Monica B. Wegner Nancy L. Willet William L. Wortmann Gordon A. Zivick
Melissa B. Tauscher Sherry A. Thompson Kathleen R. Trachte Edward T. Unterman Arne D. Wagner William E. Wegner Alexander H. Williams, III Edward J. Wright, Jr. Thomas A. Zlaket
Tom H. Tavoularis, II Tamara L. Thompson Susan M. Trager Christine S. Upton John E. Wagner Jefferson L. Wehling Anne M. Williams Eric W. Wright Ernest M. Zobrist
Mark A. Taxy Troy E. Thompson Duong S. Tran Terdema L. Ussery Rick E. Wagner Charles C. Wehner Bart H. Williams Lawrence E. Wright Jim L. Zoellner
Barry E. Taylor Paul E. T. Thomsen Nguyet M. Tran Jennifer J. Uyeda Robert H. Wagner Mark C. Wehrly Benjamin W. Williams Philip A. Wright Peter J. Zouras
Carson N. Taylor Alexander D. Thomson Luke S. Trares Robert Y. Uyeda James M. Wagstaffe David I. Weil Beth L. U. Williams Stephen M. Wright
Jack L. Taylor Edward N. Thomson Marshall P. Traster Azuka L. Uzoh Jack Wahrhaftig Olivia K. Wein Cameron R. Williams Thomas D. Wright * Donation matched


Independent Auditors’ Report Foundation of the State Bar of California

dba California Bar Foundation
Board of Directors
Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2008 and 2007
Foundation of the State Bar of California
dba California Bar Foundation
San Francisco, California

We have audited the accompanying statement 2008 2007

of financial position of Foundation of the Assets
State Bar of California (dba California Bar
Foundation) (the Foundation), a nonprofit Current Assets
California corporation as of December 31, Cash and cash equivalents $ 167,977 $ 289,226
2008 and 2007, and the related statement of Investments 1,531,366 2,490,108
activities, functional expenses, and cash flows Pledges receivable 10,586 12,973
for the years then ended.These financial state- Prepaid expenses 6,129 8,155
ments are the responsibility of the Foundation’s Total Current Assets 1,716,058 2,800,462
management. Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based Total Assets 1,716,058 2,800,462
on our audits.
Liabilities and Net Assets
We conducted our audits in accordance with
auditing standards generally accepted in the Current Liabilities
United States of America.Those standards Accounts payable and $ 17,514 $ 15,842
require that we plan and perform the audit accrued expenses
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether Accrued grants and 37,500 16,500
the financial statements are free of material scholarship expenses
misstatement. An audit includes examining, Total Current liabilities 55,014 32,342
on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts
and disclosures in the financial statements. An Commitments
audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made Net Assets
by management, as well as evaluating the over- Unrestricted
all financial statement presentation.We believe Operating $ 129,314 $ 207,806
that our audit provides a reasonable basis for Board Designated Quasi
our opinion. Endowment 1,531,435 2,559,284
Total unrestricted 1,660,749 2,767,090
In our opinion, the financial statements referred
to above present fairly, in all material respects, Temporarily restricted 295 1,030
the financial position of Foundation of the
State Bar of California (dba California Bar Total Net Assets 1,661,044 2,768,120
Foundation) as of December 31, 2008 and

$ $
2007, and the changes in its net assets and its Total Liabilities
cash flows for the years then ended in con- and Net Assets 1,716,058 2,800,462
formity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America.

Certified Public Accountants

Oakland, California
February 27, 2009

Foundation of the State Bar of California
dba California Bar Foundation

Statement of Activities
For the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007

2008 2007
Temporarily Temporarily
Unrestricted Restricted Total Unrestricted Restricted Total
Support and Revenue

Contributions $ 483,217 $ 1,064,115 $ 1,547,332 $ 665,336 $ 63,600 $ 728,936

Corporate sponsorship - 20,000 20,000
Royalties 396,209 396,209 410,813 410,813
Cy Pres 102,088 102,088 -
Investment income, net (1,063,742) (1,063,742) 148,476 148,476
Interest and dividends 14,918 14,918 17,784 17,784
Other 70 70 -
Net assets released from donor re-
strictions 1,166,938 (1,166,938) - 63,591 (63,591) -

Total Support and Revenue 997,610 (735) 996,875 1,326,000 9 1,326,009


Program 1,740,581 1,740,581 739,426 739,426

General and administrative 162,755 162,755 135,912 135,912
Fundraising 200,615 200,615 206,792 206,792

Total Expenses 2,103,951 2,103,951 1,082,130 - 1,082,130

Change in Net Assets (1,106,341) (735) (1,107,076) 243,870 9 243,879

Net Assets, beginning of year 2,767,090 1,030 2,768,120 2,523,220 1,021 2,524,241

Net Assets, end of year $ 1,660,749 $ 295 $ 1,661,044 $ 2,767,090 $ 1,030 $ 2,768,120

Raul Ayala Diane Cafferata Hutnyan (Secretary in 2008) Staff

Office of the Federal Public Defender Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges, LLP
Ronald L. Blanc Bruce G. Iwasaki
Leslie T. Hatamiya,
Executive Director
Arnold & Porter LLP Lim, Ruger & Kim, LLP
Jeffrey L. Bleich* Steven S. Kaufhold
Aiko Pandorf,
Development Director
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Jasmine M. Guillory,
Michael O. Kokesh
President, State Bar of California (2007-2008)
Program Director
Peter R. Boutin Morgan Stanley, Inc. Emily A. Peck,
Vivian L. Kral,Vice President
Keesal,Young & Logan,A Professional Corpora- Development Assistant/
tion Office Manager
Law Offices of Vivian L. Kral
Geoffrey F. Brown
John F. Kennedy School of Law Joan Kupersmith Larkin Frank Bittner,Accountant
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Mario Camara, President
Michael Green, IT Consultant

Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP Lindsay L. Lee,Treasurer

Tidal Creek Capital Management LLC Emeritus Members
Annette P. Carnegie*
Alannah M. Link*
Claudia A. Carver
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Michael W. Case
Thumbplay, Inc.
Indra Neel Chatterjee
Nanci G. Clinch
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP Mark G. Parnes, Secretary Hon. Lawrence W. Crispo (Ret.)
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Richard Lee Crabtree
Pauline W. Gee
Bradley S. Phillips
Arthur W. Gray, Jr.
Law Office of Richard L. Crabtree Edward E. Kallgren
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
Hon. Marguerite D. Downing
Hon. Robert H. Oliver
Superior Court of California, Windie O. Scott* Herbert M. Rosenthal
County of Los Angeles California Department of Richard W. Walker
Fair Employment and Housing
Holly J. Fujie CREDITS
Buchalter Nemer,A Professional Corporation Stanton L. Stein
2008 Annual Report designed by:
President, State Bar of California (2008-2009) Liner Grode Stein Yankelevitz Sunshine Regen- Elaine Kwong Design
streif & Taylor LLP
Martha K. Gooding
Paul S.Tepper
California Bar Foundation logo
Howrey LLP design donated by:
WCA Development Corporation
Bruce Hamilton
HIP Housing, Inc. Steven G.Tidrick,Vice President
The Tidrick Law Firm
Dean Hansell
Dewey & LeBoeuf, LLP Theodore T. Ting
Reed Smith LLP
Joan M. Haratani
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Douglas A.Winthrop
Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk
Leslie T. Hatamiya, Executive Director & Rabkin,A Professional Corporation
Scott Wylie* (President in 2008)
California Bar Foundation
** Retired from the Foundation Board of Directors in 2008.

180 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone 415.856.0780 Fax 415.856.0788
■ ■ ■ ■

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