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Art. 1767.

By the contract of partnership two or be a partner but it may engage in JOINT

more persons bind themselves to contribute VENTURES.
money, property, or industry to a common fund,
with the intention of dividing the profits among BIND THEMSELVES
themselves.  Must be capable and competent, meaning,
Two or more persons may also form a partnership the following may are not included:
for the exercise of a profession. o Minors
o Emancipated Minors
CONSENT o Those under civil interdiction –
accessory penalty of being convicted
 You can’t join a partnership without the
of crimes.
consent of ALL partners.
o Insane persons
 Contract by two or more persons bind
o Incompetent persons
 However, if the person is only a SUSPECT,
PURPOSE he may still bind himself into a contract
since there is no final verdict yet.
 Order to exercise a profession.
 Contribute money, property or industry.
 Makes the contract onerous since this is
Partnership MUTUAL and ALL must give either one of
the above.
 Is a contract whereby two or more persons  Property contributed may be movable,
bind themselves to contribute money, immovable or intangible. (Ex: Equipment,
property or industry to a common fund, Land, Patents, etc.)
with the intention of dividing the profits  If the partnership did not contribute money
among themselves, or in order to exercise a or property, then industry was contributed.
profession.  Note: Contributions may differ for each of
 It is both a contract and a business the partners.
 The purpose of partnership is to gain TO A COMMON FUND TO DIVIDE PROFIT
income and divide profit. AMONGST EACH OTHER

NOMINATE  The primary objective or partnerships is to

make profits. Sharing profits need not be
 There is a name given by the law equal.
 Contract of Partnership: CONSENSUAL  Sharing ratios are determined by the
(meaning it is perfected by both parties) partner’s agreement, and if there was no
agreement, then the ratios will be based on
the ratio of the partners’ contributions.
 Includes not only natural persons but also  Sharing ratios for losses will be the same as
JURIDICAL person. A corporation may NOT the sharing for profits.
 The industrial partner shall NOT share in pursuance of the firm business, binds not
losses. only himself as a principal but as their agent
 The industrial partner is exempt only to the as well, also the partnership and his co-
partners but not to 3rd parties without partners
prejudice to his right.
As distinguished from Corporation
 As to creation, Partnership is created by
 By its nature, partnership is a consensual mere consent of the parties, whereas a
contract as it is perfected by mere consent Corporation is created by operation of law.
or meeting of the minds between parties.  As to exercise of power, a Corporation can
 The consent manifested verbally or orally. only exercise such powers and functions
expressly granted to it by law and those
Art. 1768. The partnership has a judicial personality
that are necessary or incidental to its
separate and distinct from that of each of the
existence. While a partnership can do
partners, even in case of failure to comply with the
anything by agreement of the parties.
requirements of Article 1772, first paragraph.
o Specifically the purpose.
 It is a juridical entity which has a personality  As to existence, a Corporation has the right
separate and distinct from that of each of of succession which presupposes that it
the partners. continues to exist despite death,
 It begins from the moment of the execution withdrawal of the stockholders or members
of the contract, unless it is otherwise whereas in a Partnership since it is based on
stipulated. mutual trust, death, withdrawal, incapacity,
and insolvency of one partners would result
As distinguished from Joint Venture in its dissolution
o It will dissolved immediately if a
 As to transaction, JV is ordinarily limited to
partner died in a partnership but in
a single transaction, whereas Partnership
corporation it will still continue.
usually contemplates the undertaking of a
 As to dissolution, a Corporation needs the
general and continuous business of a
consent of the State for it to cease as a
particular kind
body corporate while a Partnership can be
o Limited-Single transaction. Different
dissolved by mere agreement of parties.
purposes of business.
o Corporation- dissolved by law with
 As to property, in both, property
the consent of the state.
contributed becomes the property of the
o Partnership- dissolved anytime
business entity
without the consent from the state.
o Only person can be sued not the
corporation. As distinguished from Cooperatives
 As to name, a JV has no firm name, while a
partnership is required to operate under a  As to purpose, a Partnership is organized
specific firm name. for profit while a Cooperative is organized
 As to conduct of business, in JV none of the primarily for self-help
co-venturers can bind the JV or his co-
venturers, while a partner, when acting in
 As to personality, both Partnership and partners, and shares the profits and
Cooperative have their own separate losses of the business.
juridical personality  Nominal/Ostensible Partner - is one who
 As to creation, Partnership is created by does not have any real interest in the
mere consent of the parties, whereas a business but lends his name to the firm,
Cooperative is created by operation of law.
without any capital contributions, and
ELEMENTS OF PARTNERSHIP doesn’t share the profits of the business.
 Partner by estoppel – is a person who
misrepresents himself as a partner and
2. SUBJECT MATTER as a result, incurs liability, is liable as if
he is actually a partner to the
partnership he misrepresented.
LAWFUL OBJECT OR PURPOSE – it must be within -He will never become a partner of the
the commerce of man, possible and not contrary to partnership and he has no rights.
law, morals, good customs, public order. ( Article
1352. Contracts without cause, or with unlawful According to Object
cause, produce no effect whatever. The cause is a. Universal
unlawful if it is contrary to law, morals, good ▪ With all present property
customs, public order or public policy) (COMMON FUND)
- Properties which belongs to the
partners at the time of constitution of the
 General Partner – contributes property partnership
and whose liability extends to his/her - Profits that they may acquire
personal property after the assets of the therewith.
Partnership have been exhausted. - Except (properties acquired
SUBSEQUENTLY by inheritance, legacy, or
 Limited Partner – contributes property
donation EXCEPT fruits thereof)
and whose liability only extends to
▪ With all profits (COMMON FUND)
his/her contribution to the partnership
- All profits acquired by industry or
 Industrial Partner – A partner who work of the partners becomes common
contributes services to the partnership property
 Managing Partner - A person who takes b. Particular
active interest in the conduct and
According to Liability
management of the business of the firm
is known as active or managing partner.  General – All partners are general partners
 Dormant Partner – A person does not whose liability extends to their individual
take active part in the management of properties, after the assets of the
the business. Such a partner only partnership have been exhausted.
contributes to the share capital of the  Limited – Where at least one of the
firm, is bound by the activities of other partners are liable only up to the extent of
his contribution
Can a Partnership only compose of Limited Except:
Partners? No. It should have one General 1.When there is managing partner
Partner. 2.When a partner is considered as Dormant Partner


a. Partnership with Fixed Term
b. Partnership for a particular undertaking
c. Partnership at will 1. May execute all acts of administration, in good
faith, even with opposition from the other
As to Contribution
1. Capitalist – money 2.administration can only be revoked if (a)with just
or lawful cause; and (2) by a vote of the partner
2. Industrial – services representing the controlling interest.


 As a general rule, a partnership may be
1. May execute all acts of administration, in good
constituted in any form. However, there are
faith, even with opposition from the other
certain exceptions which require a
particular form to make a partnership
2. The power as manager may be revoked by a vote
enforceable Article 1771 Civil Code
of the partners representing the controlling
1. When capital contribution total
interest EVEN WITHOUT just or lawful cause
Php3,000.00 or more - Shall appear in a
- Recorded in the office of SEC (Article PARTNER
Effect of non-compliance: Does not affect 1. Each partner may separately execute all
the validity of the partnership. For acts of administration;
enforceability or greater efficacy. 2. Should one of the managing partners
2. When immovable property is contributed oppose the act of another, the matter shall
- Must be in a pubic instrument be decided by a majority of the managing
- Inventory of the property must be made, partners per head count; (Any of the
signed by the parties and attached to the partners may oppose the acts of
public instrument. administration)
Effect of non-compliance: Partnership is
void. (Article 1773) 3. Should there be a tie in the votes of the
managing partners, the controlling interest
RULES ON MANAGEMENT of ALL the partners shall prevail.
As a GENERAL RULE, every partner has the right to Art. 1781. Articles of universal partnership, entered
manage the Partnership. into without specification of its nature, only
constitute a universal partnership of profits.
Art. 1782. Persons who are prohibited from giving  If the industrial partner contributed capital,
each other any donation or advantage cannot he shall also receive a share in the profits in
enter into universal partnership. proportion to his capital

PERSONS PROHIBITED FROM FORMING A II. Rules on distribution of Losses

 In accordance with the agreement;
 If there is a stipulation as to profits only,
1. Husband and Wife (Art. 133, Family Code) sharing of losses shall be based on the same
2. Those guilty of adultery and concubinage (Art. proportion
 No stipulation or agreement, based on
3. Those guilty of the same criminal offense, if the
capital contribution
partnership was entered into in consideration of
the same (Art. 739);  Industrial partner shall not be liable for
losses unless he also contributed capital
 A universal partnership is virtually a
donation to each other of the partner’s What if the agreement is not valid?
properties (or at least their usufruct).
Therefore, if persons are prohibited by law - As if NO agreement or stipulation. The apply the
to donate to each other, they should not be rule when there is no agreement
allowed to do indirectly what the law
 Designation of losses and profits CANNOT
forbids directly (Manresa).
be entrusted to one of the partners
Art. 1783. A particular partnership has for its object  A stipulation which excludes one or more
determinate things, their use or fruits, or specific partners from any share in the profits or
undertaking, or the exercise of a profession or losses is void. (in relation to Art. 1797)
Sharing of losses and liabilities
 Ex. include to construct a building; to buy
I. Liabilities of a Partner
and sell real estate; to practice a common
profession.  Liable for whatever (money, property, or
 A HUSBAND AND WIFE: may enter a service) that may have promised to
particular partnership. contribute. (Article 1786)

Distribution of Profits and Losses  Liable in case of eviction with regard to

specific and determinate things which he
I. Rules on distribution of Profits
may have contributed to the partnership.
 In accordance with the agreement; (Ibid.)

 If there is no agreement, in proportion to  Liable for any amount that he may have
contribution; the industrial partner shall taken from the partnership funds which he
receive such hare as may be just and converted for his own use. (Article 1788)
 Liable to contribute additional fund in case only the share of each partner in the profits has
of an imminent loss of the business of the been agreed upon, the share of each in the losses
partnership. (Article 1791) shall be in the same proportion.

 A new partner is liable for the obligations In the absence of stipulation, the share of
already contracted before his admission but each partner in the profits and losses shall be in
only to the extent of this contribution. proportion to what he may have contributed, but
the industrial partner shall not be liable for the
 A new partner is liable to the extent of his
losses. As for the profits, the industrial partner shall
personal property (if general partner) for
receive such share as may be just and equitable
subsequent obligations like an original
under the circumstances. If besides his services he
has contributed capital, he shall also receive a
 Responsible to the partnership for damages share in the profits in proportion to his capital.
suffered by it through his fault. (Article (XPN’s)
1794 )
 Industrial Partner, the demand he should
 An industrial partner cannot engage in do is to ask the court to share the profits.
business for himself, unless the partnership
expressly permits him to do so. (Article
 Partners shall render on demand true and
full information of all things affecting the
partnership to any partner or the legal  Can be done without the consent of other
representative of any deceased partner or partners
of any partner under legal disability. (Article
1806)  Associate shall not be admitted to the
Partnership without the consent of ALL the
 Every partner must account to the partners
partnership for any benefit, and hold as
trustee for it any profits derived by him  What happens when a partner associate
without the consent of the other partners someone with his partnership interest?
from any transaction connected with the  What happens when a partner assign or
formation, conduct, or liquidation of the convey his interest to another?
partnership or from any use by him of its
property. (Article 1807)  Can a partner be forced to assign his
interest to another person?
 The capitalist partners cannot engage for
their own account in any operation which is II. ASSIGNMENT OF PARTNER’S INTEREST :
of the kind of business in which the
 Can be done without the consent of the
partnership is engaged, unless there is a
other partners
stipulation to the contrary.
 Does not dissolve the partnership, unless
Art. 1797. The losses and profits shall be
there is an agreement.
distributed in conformity with the agreement. If
 Does not entitle the assignee to interfere in I. Rights in a Specific Partnership.
the management and administration of the
 Partner is considered as a co-owner with
partnership affairs.
his partners of specific partnership
 Assignee merely receives his share in profits property
in accordance with what the assigning  A partner cannot assign his interest over a
partner would have received. specific partnership property unless all the
partners will assign theirs.
 IN CASE OF FRAUD, assignee may ask for
 A partner can possess the property for
the dissolution of the partnership through a
partnership purpose.
court decree.
 A partner cannot possess the partnership
III. ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST BY COURT DECREE: property for any other purpose other than
partnership purpose without the consent of
 Must be made by a JUDGMENT creditor ALL the partners.
upon due application to a competent  Not subject to attachment or execution
court. except on a claim against the partnership.
 Court may charge the interest of the
debtor partner with payment of II. Partner’s Interest in the Partnership.
unsatisfied amount of such judgment
 Share in Profits and surplus
debt with interest thereon.
 Partnership Surplus is equivalent to
 Court may appoint a receiver of the
Partnership Assets – Partnership Liabilities.
debtor partner’s share in profit for the
benefit of the judgment creditor Obligations of the Partners with regard to
Third Persons
(REMEDIES): • All partners, including industrial ones, are
liable equally with all their property and
 Interest charged may be redeemed at
after all the partnership assets have been
any time before foreclosure, or in case
exhausted, for the contracts which may be
of a sale being directed by the court:
entered into in the name and for the
o With separate property, by
account of the partnership, under its
any one or more of the
signature and by a person authorized to act
partners; or
for the partnership.
o Court may appoint a receiver
of the debtor partner’s share • The partnership is liable for the acts of a
in profit for the benefit of partner who acts within the scope of his
the judgment creditor authority

PROPERTY RIGHTS OF A PARTNER All partners are liable solidarily with the
partnership for everything chargeable to the
What are the Property Rights of a Partner?
partnership as a result of the following:
a. His rights in specific partnership property;
b. His interest in the partnership; and -Liability incurred due to any wrongful act
c. His right to participate in the management or omission of any partner acting in the
ordinary course of the business of the
partnership or with the authority of his co- 1. Property rights (Art. 1810)
2. To associate with another person in his share
-Liability incurred where one partner acting (Art. 1804)
within the scope of his apparent authority
3. To inspect and copy partnership books (Art.
receives money or property of a third person
and misapplies it;
4. To demand a formal account (Art. 1809)
- Liability incurred where the partnership in
the course of its business receives money or 5. To ask for a dissolution of the firm at the proper
property of a third person and the money or time (Art. 1830-31)
property so received is misapplied by any
partner while it is in the custody of the MODES OF RETIREMENT AND REQUIREMENTS
 is the change in the relation of the partners
1. To give his contribution (Arts. 1786, 1788) caused by any partner ceasing to be
associated in the carrying on of business as
2. Not to convert partnership funds/ property for distinguished from the winding up of the
his own use (Art. 1788) business. (Art. 1828)
3. Not to engage in unfair competition (applicable Art. 1829. On dissolution, the partnership is not
to capitalist partner); not to engage in any other terminated, but continues until the winding up of
industry at all without the consent of the partnership affairs is completed.
partnership (applicable to industrial partner) (Art.

4. To account for and hold as trustee, unauthorized  On the other hand, is the process of settling
personal profits (Art. 1807) business affairs after dissolution.

5. Pay for damages caused by his fault (Art. 1794) TERMINATION

6. Credit to the firm the payment made by a debtor  is the point where all the partnership affairs
who owes both the partnership and the partner have been wound up.
(Art. 1792)
Until when does a partnership exist as a body
7. Share with other partners the share of the corporate?
partnership credit which he has received from an
 Until termination, but only for purposes of
insolvent firm debtor (Art. 1743)
winding up the affairs only (General Rule)


I. WITHOUT NEED OF COURT DECREE II. Dissolution effected through a Court Decree
a. Dissolution Effected without violation of the
Partnership Agreement: a. A partner has been declared insane in any
judicial proceeding or is shown to be of
 By the termination of the definite term or
unsound mind;
particular undertaking specified in the
agreement; b. A partner becomes in any other way
 By the express will of any partner, who incapable of performing his part of the
must act in good faith, when no definite partnership contract;
term or particular is specified;
c. A partner has been guilty of such conduct as
 By the express will of all the partners who
tends to affect prejudicially the carrying on
have not assigned their interests or suffered
of the business;
them to be charged for their separate
debts, either before or after the d. A partner willfully or persistently commits a
termination of any specified term or breach of the partnership agreement, or
particular undertaking; otherwise so conducts himself in matters
 By the expulsion of any partner from the relating to the partnership business that it is
business bona fide in accordance with such not reasonably practicable to carry on the
a power conferred by the agreement business in partnership with him;
between the partners;
e. The business of the partnership can only be
b. Dissolution Effected in Contravention of carried on at a loss;
Partnership Agreement:
f. Other circumstances rendering a dissolution
 By the express will of any partner at any equitable.
 By any event which makes it unlawful for EFFECTS OF DISSOLUTION:
the business of the partnership to be
Terminates the authority of partners to contract in
carried on or for the members to carry it on
behalf of the partnership except:
in partnership.
  Loss of the specific thing promised to be a. For winding-up; and
contributed provided that the Partnership is
not yet the owner of the thing at the time b. Contracts already entered into.
 Death, Insolvency, and Civil interdiction of DEATH OR INSOLVENCY OF A PARTNER
the any partner
Each partner is liable for any liability created by a
(Civil interdiction is a legal restraint upon a partner acting for the partnership as if the
person incapable of managing his estate, because partnership had not been dissolved UNLESS:
of mental incapacity or conviction of a crime, from
signing any deed or doing any act to his own a. The partner acting for the partnership had
prejudice, without the consent of his curator or knowledge of the dissolution
b. The partner acting for the partnership had the partnership indemnify the guilty partner
knowledge or notice of the death or of his share of the partnership assets less
insolvency. damages.

After dissolution, a partner can bind the b. Partner who caused the wrongful dissolution
partnership: shall have (GUILTY PARTNER):

a. By any act appropriate for winding up 1. The right to the surplus of the partnership
partnership affairs or completing assets after paying all the partnership
transactions unfinished at dissolution liabilities subject to liability for damages.
2. If the business is continued, is entitled to
b. By any transaction which would bind the
indemnity from the continuing partners.
partnership if dissolution had not taken
place, provided the other party to the Art. 1839. Rules in settling accounts between
transaction had no knowledge or notice of the partners after dissolution:
the dissolution of the partnership
1. The assets of the partnership are:
The partnership is in no case bound by any act of
a partner after dissolution: a. The partnership property,

a. Where the partnership is dissolved because b. The contributions of the partners necessary
it is unlawful to carry on the business, for the payment of all the liabilities
unless the act is appropriate for winding up specified in No. 2.
partnership affairs; or 2. Order of Liability:
b. Where the partner has become insolvent; (a) Those owing to creditors other than partners,
(b) Those owing to partners other than for capital
c. Where the partner has no authority to wind and profits,
up partnership affairs
(c) Those owing to partners in respect of capital,
When dissolution is caused in contravention of the
partnership agreement the rights of the partners (d) Those owing to partners in respect of profits.
shall be as follows:
Where a partner has become insolvent or his
a. Partners who have not caused the dissolution estate is insolvent, the claims against his separate
wrongfully shall have (Innocent Partners): property shall rank in the following order:

i. The right to the surplus of the partnership (a) Those owing to separate creditors;
assets after paying all the partnership
(b) Those owing to partnership creditors;
(c) Those owing to partners by way of contribution.
ii. The right to damages against the partner
who wrongfully dissolved that partnership

iii. The right to continue the partnership if all LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

the other partners decide to do so provided
A limited partnership is one formed by two or more All the rights of a general partner except the right
persons under the provisions of the following to manage the partnership business.
article, having as members one or more general
partners and one or more limited partners. When can a limited partner ask for the
dissolution of the partnership?
(1) When he rightfully but unsuccessfully demands
Maybe cash or property but NOT services. (Article the return of his contribution, or 
1845) (2) When the other liabilities of the partnership
have not been paid, or the partnership property is
Can a Limited partner be a general partner at the
insufficient for their payment as required by the
same time?
first paragraph, No. 1, and the limited partner
Yes (1) If he so desires provided that this fact shall would otherwise be entitled to the return of his
be stated in the certificate of partnership (Article contribution.
1853) (2) He takes part in the control of the
business (Article 1848)
Art. 1858. Liability of a Limited Partner

Without the written consent or ratification of the (1) Liable for the difference between his
specific act by all the limited partners, a general contribution as actually made and that stated in
partner or all of the general partners have no the certificate as having been made, and
authority to: (2) Liable for any unpaid contribution which he
agreed in the certificate to make in the future at
(1) Do any act in contravention of the certificate; the time and on the conditions stated in the
(2) Do any act which would make it impossible to
(3) Liable to partnership creditors up to the extent
carry on the ordinary business of the partnership;
of his contribution
(3)Confess a judgment against the partnership;
Who is a Substituted Limited Partner?
(4) Possess partnership property, or assign their
 Is a person admitted to all the rights of a
rights in specific partnership property, for other
limited partner who has died or has
than a partnership purpose;
assigned his interest in a partnership.
(5)Admit a person as a general partner;    An assignee is not always a substituted
limited partner but a substituted limited
(6)Admit a person as a limited partner, unless the partner is always an assignee
right so to do is given in the certificate;  Assignee becomes a substituted limited
(7)Continue the business with partnership property partner if all the members consent thereto
on the death, retirement, insanity, civil interdiction or if the assignor, being thereunto
or insolvency of a general partner, unless the right empowered by the certificate, gives the
so to do is given in the certificate. assignee that right .

What are the rights of a limited partner?

When is a Limited partnership dissolved?
 Upon retirement, death, insolvency, (1) There is a change in the name of the
insanity or civil interdiction of a general partnership or in the amount or character of the
partner dissolves the partnership, unless contribution of any limited partner;
the business is continued by the remaining
(2) A person is substituted as a limited partner;
general partners
(3) An additional limited partner is admitted;
Art. 1863. Rules in settling accounts after
dissolution (Order of liability) (4) A person is admitted as a general partner;

(1) Those to creditors, in the order of priority as (5) A general partner retires, dies, becomes
provided by law, except those to limited partners insolvent or insane, or is sentenced to civil
on account of their contributions, and to general interdiction and the business is continued under
partners; Article 1860;

(2) Those to limited partners in respect to their (6) There is a change in the character of the
share of the profits and other compensation by business of the partnership;
way of income on their contributions;
(7) There is a false or erroneous statement in the
(3) Those to limited partners in respect to the certificate;
capital of their contributions;
(8) There is a change in the time as stated in the
(4) Those to general partners other than for capital certificate for the dissolution of the partnership or
and profits; for the return of a contribution;

(5) Those to general partners in respect to profits; (9) A time is fixed for the dissolution of the
partnership, or the return of a contribution, no
(6) Those to general partners in respect to capital.
time having been specified in the certificate, or
Who has priority over distribution of assets in a
(10) The members desire to make a change in any
limited partnership?
other statement in the certificate in order that it
 Creditors, including limited partners who shall accurately represent the agreement among
have a claim against the partnership. them.
 Limited partners’ share in profits.
When should a certificate be cancelled?
 Limited partners’ return of capital
contribution  Upon Dissolution
 General partners who have claims against  When ALL limited partners cease to be such
the partnership
When should the certificate be amended?
 General partners’ share in profits
 General partners’ return of capital  In all cases other than those that will cause
contribution the certificate to be cancelled.
Art. 1864. The certificate shall be cancelled when
the partnership is dissolved or all limited partners
cease to be such.

A certificate shall be amended when:

Art. 1865. The writing to amend a certificate (3) After the certificate is duly amended in
shall: accordance with this article, the amended certified
shall thereafter be for all purposes the certificate
(1) Conform to the requirements of Article 1844 as provided for in this Chapter.
far as necessary to set forth clearly the change in
the certificate which it is desired to make; and What are requisites for certificates to be amended
or cancelled?
(2) Be signed and sworn to by all members, and an
amendment substituting a limited partner or  It must be in writing
adding a limited or general partner shall be signed  It must be signed AND sworn by ALL
also by the member to be substituted or added, concerned parties
and when a limited partner is to be substituted, the  It must be registered with the SEC
amendment shall also be signed by the assigning
Art. 1866. A contributor, unless he is a general
limited partner.
partner, is not a proper party to proceedings by or
The writing to cancel a certificate shall be against a partnership, except where the object is to
signed by all members. enforce a limited partner's right against or liability
to the partnership.
A person desiring the cancellation or
amendment of a certificate, if any person  A limited partner is a mere contributor,
designated in the first and second paragraphs as a meaning, he is practically a stranger. This is
person who must execute the writing refuses to do because he has no participation in
so, may petition the court to order a cancellation management and control and is only liable
or amendment thereof. to the partnership, not to 3rd persons and if
he is filed against as a general partner, he
If the court finds that the petitioner has a can file a counterclaim for wrongful
right to have the writing executed by a person who inclusion.
refuses to do so, it shall order the Office of the  2 exceptions to this ruler:
Securities and Exchange Commission where the (1) To enforce his right against the
certificate is recorded, to record the cancellation or partnership
amendment of the certificate; and when the (2) If he refuses to restore his contribution
certificate is to be amended, the court shall also when the partnership assets are not
cause to be filed for record in said office a certified sufficient to pay creditors.
copy of its decree setting forth the amendment.
Art. 1867. A limited partnership formed under the
A certificate is amended or cancelled when law prior to the effectivity of this Code, may
there is filed for record in the Office of the become a limited partnership under this Chapter
Securities and Exchange Commission, where the by complying with the provisions of Article 1844,
certificate is recorded: provided the certificate sets forth:
(1) A writing in accordance with the provisions of (1) The amount of the original contribution of each
the first or second paragraph, or limited partner, and the time when the
contribution was made; and
(2) A certified copy of the order of the court in
accordance with the provisions of the fourth
(2) That the property of the partnership exceeds If there are two LP and one GP but one GP died
the amount sufficient to discharge its liabilities to it will not dissolved.
persons not claiming as general or limited partners
by an amount greater than the sum of the But if there are 2 GP and the other one died it
contributions of its limited partners. will dissolved.

A limited partnership formed under the law

prior to the effectivity of this Code, until or unless it
becomes a limited partnership under this Chapter,
shall continue to be governed by the provisions of
the old law.

 This is a transitory law.

 Articles 145 to 150 of the Code of
Commerce used to govern limited

What happens to a limited partnership existing

before the Civil Code?

The partnership must first comply with the

following requirements before they can become a
limited partnership under the Civil Code:

(1) State the amount of contribution and the time it

was contributed

(2) After paying off all liabilities, the total assets of

the partnership must be greater than the
contribution of all limited partners, otherwise, it
will continue to be governed by the Code of


Ratification – act of giving consent after the

- by all the limited partner.

If the GP died, the Limited partnership will also

be dissolved.

There is possible to continue it if the LP and GP

or LP agree and it is on the certificate.
REPUBLIC ACT No. 11232 corporation considering the existence of a
corporate entity separate from those who
An Act Providing for the Revised Corporation Code compose it.
of the Philippines
 Equally well-settled is the principle that the
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of corporate mask mat be removed or the
Representatives of the Philippine Congress corporate veil pierced when the
Assembled: corporation is just an alter ego of a person
or of another corporation.
1. Artificial Being – in that it has a personality,
Section 1. Title of the Code - This Code shall be juridical, separate and distinct from the
known as the "Revised Corporation Code of the persons composing it. In effect, it exists
Philippines". independently from the stockholders or
 The present Revised Corporation Code (R.A.  It is not a natural person
No. 11232), took effect on February 23,
 Stockholder of the corporation is not
a corporation itself, they have own
What is Corporation? juridical personality.
 Stockholder – stock corporation
 A corporation is an artificial being, created  Members – Non-stock Corporation.
by operation of law, having the right of 2. Created by operation of law – Formal
succession and the powers, attributes, and requirement of the State’s consent through
properties expressly authorized by law or compliance with the requirements imposed
incidental to its existence. (Sec.2, RCC) by law is necessary for its creation.
 By complying with the req. of SEC
and law(RCC & Special law)
 A corporation is a juridical entity vested  Existence of corporation start from
with a legal personality separate and the issuance of certificate of
distinct from those acting for and in its registration coming from the SEC
behalf and, in general, from the people  It obtain the consent coming from
comprising it. the state and at the point in time it
has a juridical personality the
 It has a personality separate and distinct
from the persons composing it, as well as
from any other legal entity to which it may 3. Rights of succession – The incapacity, death
be related. or civil interdiction of the stockholder or
members does no result in its dissolution.
 It is a basic principle in Corporation Law 4. Powers attributes and properties expressly
that a corporation has a personality authorized by law or incident to its
separate and distinct from the officers or
existence – Presupposes that it can only
members who compose it. Not every
stockholder or officer can bind the exercise only such powers and can only
hold such properties as are granted to it by POWERS OF CORPORATION
the law.
 Corporation can only exercise  A corporation has no power except those
powers which are expressly expressly conferred on it by the Corporation
Code (or special laws) and those that are
provided in the Articles of
implied or incidental to its existence. In
Incorporation specifically under the turn, a corporation exercises said powers
purpose clause. through its board of directors and/or its
 Granted incidental - mere existence duly authorized officers and agents.
of corporation but not specifically
 Can hold properties
1. As to existence of stocks
a. Stock Corporation – are those which
Note: The above definition and characteristic refer
to private corporation. have capital stock divided into shares
and are authorized to distribute to the
GOCC, for an entity to be considered as this it must holders of such shares, dividends, or
either be organized as a stock or non-stock allotments of the surplus profits on the
corporation. Two requisites must concur before basis of the shares held. (Sec. 3 RCC)
one may be classified as a stock corporation,
 Based on the share their holding
b. Non- Stock Corporation – is one where
(1) that it has capital stock dividend into shares, no part of its income is distributable as
and dividends to its member, trustees, or
officers: Provided, that any profit which
(2) that it is authorized to distribute dividends and a non-stock corporation may obtain
allotments of surplus and profits to its incidental to its operations shall,
whenever necessary or proper, be used
If only one requisite is present, it cannot be for the furtherance of the purpose or
properly classified as a stock corporation, they purposes for which the corporation was
must have members and must not distribute any organized, subject to the provisions of
part of their income to said members. this Title. (Sec. 86 RCC)
 As general rule this established
What is “Piercing the Veil of Corporate Fiction’ or
not to earn profits.
“Instrumentality” or “Alter Ego” doctrine?
 Most of Non-Stock Corporation
 It is basic in corporation law that a are foundation
corporation is a juridical entity vested with  As long as the profits is being
a legal personality separate and distinct used for the furtherance of such
from those acting for and in its behalf and, profit are allowed by the law, as
in general, from the people comprising it.
long as the profits are not to be
The corporate should not and cannot be
distributed to its members or
pierced unless it is clearly established that
the separate and distinct personality of the trustees.
corporation was used to justify a wrong, 2. As to function
protect fraud, or perpetrate a deception. a. Public Corporation – A corporation
created for public purpose and
organized by the State to assist it in the 2. An attempt in good faith to
administration and governance of a incorporate
political subdivision or unit. (e.g. 3. Assumption of corporate powers.
The filing of articles of incorporation
b. Private Corporation – A corporation
and the issuance of the certificate if
created for profit-making activities or
incorporation are essential for the
some benevolent purpose.
existence of a de facto corporation.
3. As to place of incorporation
Organization not registered with the
a. Domestic – A corporation formed,
Security of Exchange Commission (SEC)
organized or existing under Philippine
cannot be considered a corporation in
any concept., not even as a corporation
b. Foreign Corporation – A corporation
de facto.
formed, organized or existing other than
those of the Philippines and whose laws  It has certificate of registration
allow Filipino citizens and corporation to  There is a flaw or noncompliance
do business in its own country or state. in an application but merely
(Sec. 140 RCC) technical not substantial.
4. As to legal status  DEFECTIVELY FORMED BY
a. De Jure Corporation – A corporation BONAFIDE ATTEMPT TO
created in strict or substantial INCORPORATE UNDER THE LAW.
compliance with the mandatory Bonafide means sincerely;
requirements for incorporation, and without intention to deceive.
the right of which to exist as a  For example, there’s a list of
corporation cannot be successfully requirements and it has
attacked or questioned by any party substantially complied with that
even in a direct proceeding for that but it missed out on a certain
purpose by the state. something that is not necessary
 THEY FOLLOW THE for the corporation to exist.
REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW  It is organized by honorable
 THEY CANNOT ATTACKED OR compliance with the
QUESTIONED THE EXISTENCE OF requirement of the law
THE CORPORATION.  You can only question it
b. De Facto Corporation – A corporation existence in what is known as a
which is formed where there exists a quo warranto proceeding. Quo
flaw in its incorporation but there is a warranto means a writ or legal
colorable compliance with the action requiring a person to
requirements of law. show by what warrant an office
Requirements before one can qualify as or franchise is held, claimed, or
a De Facto Corporation: exercised.
1. The existence of a valid law under 5. Holding, Affiliate, and Subsidiary
which it may be incorporated; Corporation
a. Holding Corporation(ParentCorporation)
 It is one which controls another person on the strength of such
as a subsidiary by the power to appearance. It is not a de jure nor de
elect majority of the latter’s facto corporation, but is considered as a
board members. It is one that corporation in relation only to those
holds stocks in other companies who cannot deny its existence, due its
for purposes of control rather agreement, admission or conduct.
than for mere investment.
 It is one that hold stock in other Incorporation and organization of Private
companies for purpose of Corporation
control rather than for mere The incorporation process includes the
investment. drafting of the Articles of Incorporation,
b. Affiliate Corporation preparation and submission of additional and
 It is one related to another by supporting documents, filing with the SEC, and the
owning or being owned by subsequent issuance of the Certificate of
common management or by a Incorporation.
long-term lease of its properties
or other control device. It may Things to be considered in prior to the drafting of
be the controlled or controlling, articles of incorporation:
or under common control.
a. Limitation and restriction as to corporate
c. Subsidiary Corporation
 It is one which is related to
b. Minimum paid-up capital requirement
another corporation that the
imposed by law, rules and regulations for
majority of its directors can be
such undertaking.
elected either directly or
c. Qualification and disqualification of
indirectly by such other
directors; and
d. The limitation or prohibition of having other
6. Open and Close corporation
purpose or purposes not peculiar to the
a. Open corporation
primary purpose of the intended
 It is authorized and empowered
to list in the stock exchange and
I. Corporate Name
to offer its shares to the public,
such that stock ownership can As to proposed name, there is a prohibition to the
be widely dispersed. use of a corporate name which is (1) not
b. Close Corporation distinguishable from a name already reserved or
 It is whose shares of stocks are registered for the use of another corporation; (2)
held by limited number of already protected by law; or (3) contrary to law,
persons like the family or closely rules and regulations.
knit group.
7. Corporation by estoppels The reason for the prohibition is to avoid, fraud
 This contemplates persons who hold upon the public that will have the occasion to deal
themselves out as a corporation and with the entity concerned, the evasion of legal
enter in to a contract with a third obligations and duties of the corporation.
SEC guidelines that is to be considered in forming A corporation may validly change it name by
a Corporate Name: amending its articles of incorporation. Any change
upon a corporate name does not affect the rights
1. The law requires the word “Corporation” or
of the incorporation or lessen or add to its
“Incorporated” in full or in abbreviated
form, to be included in its proposed name.
2. To prevent confusion, if the proposed name II. Purpose Clause
contains a word already used as part of the
firm name or style of a registered entity, the The statement of the objects or purposes or
proposed name must contain two(2) other powers in the charter results practically in defining
words different and distinct from the name the scope of authority of the corporation.
of the company already registered or Primary Purpose – which sets out the main
protected by law; business activity of the corporation. It is the
3. If he name or surname of a person is used ordinary course of business of the corporation.
as a part of a corporate name, there must
be a basis for the use of such name such as Secondary Purpose – embodies those activities
it is the name of one of the incorporators or that may support the corporation’s primary
that of his child. business and other activities for future expansion.
4. If the name used is that of another person,
Must be read in relation to Sec. 44 of the RCC. No
the consent of the latter or his heirs, if
corporation shall possess or exercise corporate
already deceased, should be secured and
powers other than those conferred by this Code or
submitted to SEC
by its articles of incorporation and except as
5. If the corporate name contains initials such
necessary or incidental to the exercise of the
as “ABC Corp: the meaning there of must be
powers conferred.
indicated in the verification slip
6. The word “State”, “Maharlika”, and III. Principal Office
“Barangay” cannot be used as a part of
business name The articles of incorporation must state the city
7. If the corporation being formed is a or municipality where the principal office is to
subsidiary of a foreign entity, the word be established. The principal office of the
“Philippines” or “Phils” in parenthesis corporation is considered the place of
should be affixed in the corporation name residence.
8. Banking laws prohibit the use of the word Why is the place of principal office important?
“Banks”, “Banking”, “Bankers”, and
“Building and Loans Associations”, unless 1. Important for tax purposes.
duly licensed as such by the monetary 2. Venue of meetings of stockholders or
board of the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas; members (Sec. 50, RCC)
9. Act. No. 6212 disallows the use of 3. Corporate books and record are to be kept
“National” as part of the firm name of at its principal office (Sec.73,RCC)
entities doing business as bankers, brokers
Determinative of venue when filing cases; also
or savings institution.
place were subpoenas should be addressed
Amendment of Corporate Name with.
Revival of Corporate Existence (NEW
IV. Term of Existence (Sec. 11, RCC)
A corporation whose term has expired may, at
A corporation shall have perpetual existence
any time, apply for a revival of its corporate
unless its articles of incorporation provides
existence, together with all the rights and
otherwise. (Sec 11, RCC)
privileges under its certificate of incorporation
As to those with certificates of incorporation and subject to all of its duties, debts and
issued prior to the effectivity of the RCC, they liabilities existing prior to revival.
shall have perpetual existence
(File an application for revival)
Unless the corporation, upon a vote of its
Upon approval by the Commission, the
stockholders representing a majority of it
corporation shall be deemed revived and a
outstanding capital stock, notifies the
certificate of revival of corporation existence
Commission that it elects to retain its specific
shall be issued, giving it perpetual existence,
corporate term pursuant to its articles of
unless its application for revival provides
So if there is a specific term can it be extended
V. Incorporators
or shortened?
a. Corporators
Yes. A corporate term for a specific period may  Are those who compose a corporation,
be extended or shortened by amending the whether as stockholders or
articles of incorporation: Provided, That no shareholders in a stock corporation or
extension may be made earlier than three as members in a non-stock corporation.
(3)years prior to the original or subsequent b. Incorporators
expiry date(s)  Are those stockholders or members
mentioned in the articles of
e.g. The Expiration date of the corporate term
incorporation as originally forming and
of a corporation is on Jan. 1, 2025
composing the corporation and who are
The corporation can only file an extension from signatories thereof.
Jan. 1, 2022 on wards
The following are the requirements to establish a
Is there an exception? corporation as to who shall compose it. (Sec. 10,
Yes, if there are justifiable reasons for an
earlier extension as may be determined by the 1. Who? – Any person, partnership,
Commission association, or corporation, singly or jointly
with other.
However, such extension of the corporate 2. How many – Not more than 15
term will take effect only on the day following 3. Must be of legal age
the original or subsequent expiry date. 4. Each incorporator of a stock corporation
must own or be a subscriber to at least one
(1) share of capital stock
NOTE: VI. Capitalization (Sec 12, RCC)
Incorporators is always a corporators Stock Corporations shall not be required to have a
minimum capital stock, except as otherwise
Corporators is not necessarily incorporators
specifically provided by special law.
A stock subscription is a contract by which the
VI. Directors or Trustees
subscriber agrees to take a certain number of
The Board of Directors is the governing body in a shares of the capital stock of a corporation, paying
Stock Corporation while Board of Trustees is the for the same or expressly or impliedly promising to
governing body in a non-stock corporation. The pay for the same.
board exercises the powers of a corporation.
 Health maintenance Organization –
Qualification of a BOD or BOT Required minimum paid-up capital is
Must own at least 1 share of stock and must be a  School which is a stock corporation –
member of the corporation. required to have a paid-up capital of 1M

*An Independent director is a person who, apart Note: Some special laws still requires for a
from shareholdings and fees received from the minimum capital stock of a corporation.
corporation, is independent of management free
from any business or other relationship which True or False: Under the Corporation Code, there’s
could, or could reasonably be perceived to a required capital stock? False. That the
materially interfere with the exercise of incorporators must subscribe at least 1 share
independent judgment in carrying out the capital of the corporation. It must have
responsibilities as a director. subscription. So, there is still minimum subscription
required under the law.
*NOTE: New Provision in Corporation Code before
a BOD can only exercise power of a corporation If you are 1 man corporation there is a requirement
with the consent of the other BOD meaning it of at least 1 subscription otherwise if you are an
cannot act on its own or solely. But now we have ordinary corporation you are required to have at
Independent directors it means a corporation or least 2 subscription of your capital stock because if
BOD may solely exercise the power of a it is more than 1 it will Ordinary Corporation but
corporation without the need of approval of other not more than 15 as we discuss before. So it also
BOD. The requirement that they only need to be have.
Independent Director is independent of Q: How does the corporation manifest its consent
management and also free from any business or when entering to a contract? Through its BOD,
other relationship. because the BOD only has the rights to exercise the
He is possible to engage in other business? power of Corporation.
=Yes, as long as that business would not in any way What are the possible consideration if you want to
interfere in the material exercise of its independent buy a shares of stock? What can you pay?
judgment. =Section 61, RCC
*What is Authorized Capital Stock? What is Paid-Up Capital?

It is the amount fixed in the AOI to be subscribed  It is that portion of the authorized capital
and paid by the stockholders of the Corporation. It stock which has been subscribed and
is the amount of capital stock that a corporation actually paid.
can issue for subscription
* These are the subscribed that is under
*What is Subscribed Capital Stock? subscription agreement and also paid by
It is that portion of the authorized capital stock
that is covered by subscriptions agreements What is Outstanding Capital Stock?
whether fully paid or not
 It is the total shares of stock issued to
NOTE: subscribers or stockholders, whether or not
It is the maximum amount of capital stock that a fully or partially paid except treasury shares
corporation can issue for subscription. so long as there is a binding subscription
Q: Are Authorized Capital Stock already paid? NO.
It is only the Capital Stock that will be issued and Total issued stock regardless whether its fully paid
subscribe by the shareholder. So where that is or not. Not total subscribed. Total Issued.
appears? In AOI Subscribe is not the same to issued.

Q: Can an Authorized Capital Stock can be change EXAMPLE FOR ILLUSTRATION:

by the corporation? =Yes How? Through an
amendment. It can be change by amending the
AOI. Authorized Capital Stock – 1,000,000 ordinary
shares of stock to be issued @ P1 par value per
What is the requirement in order to amend the
AOI for purposes of changing the Authorized
Subscribed Share Capital – 500,000 shares
Capital Stock of a Corporation? = Sec 15, RCC (It
Paid-up Capital Shares – 250,000 shares
may be amended by the vote or written assent of
majority of the trustees and at least 2/3 of the Q: How much is the Outstanding Capital Stock?
=The paid-up capital is part of the subscribed share
Stock subscription it is same with subscription capital. If the Subscribed Share Capital is issued
agreement. Subscribe Capital Stock if it is not in the 500k is the Outstanding Capital Stock. But in this
problem whether issued or not don’t assume. Not case it is not indicated that it is issued.
all subscribes capital stock is issued. It is possible == IT DEPENDS!
that it is only just subscribe but it is not issued
unless it is said in the problem that it is issued Subscribed and Issued Share Capital
don’t assume that it is issued immediately Outstanding Capital Stock – 450,000 shares
Q: How much is the total unissued share capital? not allowed in corporation code if this happen the
value or net worth of a corporation code is
misstated or understated. The public will be
500k shares (SSC) mislead as to how much is the corporation is worth
-450k shares (OCS) and the true status of corporation will not correctly
50k shares reflected because it is undervalued of what they
+500k shares (The remaining 500k shares of ACS need of shares of stock.
that is not issued)
VIII. Shares of Stock and their Classification
What is the consideration for buying shares of
Shares of Stock
stocks? (Sec61, RCC)
 Represent the interest or right which the
(a) Actual cash paid to the corporation;
owner, called the stockholders or
(b) Property, tangible or intangible, actually
shareholders, has in the management of the
received by the corporation and necessary or
corporation, and in the surplus profits and,
convenient for its use and lawful purposes at a fair
in case of dissolution, in all of its assets
valuation equal to the par or issued value of the
remaining after the payment of its debt.
stock issued;
Note: Because the shares of stock is what
(c) Labor performed for or services actually
the corporation used as a basis in order to
rendered to the corporation;
determine the amount of interest that a
(d) Previously incurred indebtedness of the
shareholder or a stockholder has over a
(e) Amounts transferred from unrestricted retained
earnings to stated capital; Is shares of stock the same with the Certificate of
(f) Outstanding shares exchanged for stocks in the Stock?
event of reclassification or conversion; =NO! A stock certificate is a document or
(g) Shares of stock in another corporation; and/or instruments evidencing the interest of a
(h) Other generally accepted form of consideration. stockholder in the corporation.

Q: Among these 8? It is possible with the Certificate of stocks is a mere proof but however
combination of this will be your payment for the the fact that a person has a shares of stock of a
issuance of shares of stock? corporation can still be proof by other evidence
=Yes. other than certificate of stocks. So it is different.

Consideration may be one, or a combination of two As to equality of Shares of Stock

or more forms provided in Section 61, so long as Each share, irrespective of classification, are equal
they are capable of valuation and, in fact, fairly in all respects to every other share unless, of
valued. course, the articles of incorporation and
certificate of stock provide otherwise. (Sec6. P.1,
Must be fairly valued using Fair Market Value.
What happen if less than FMV is what you paid for
• If the shares of stock have no classification they
share of stock?
didn’t give the classification in the AOI there is no
=The share of stock will become a Watered Shares
prohibition as to what that shares can do or cannot
meaning it is paid less than its actual value. Its is
do under the law it is presumed that share is equal 2. Preferred Stocks
in all respects to all other shares of stock.
 is a stock which gives the holder a
For example, Corporation issued Preferred shares preference over the holder of a common
of stock and they also issued Common Stock or stocks with respect to the payment of
Ordinary shares of stock. What if they have voting dividends and/or with respect to the
as to a specific acts that the corporation wanted distribution of capital/corporate assets
to do. So the preferred shares of stock and upon liquidation.
Ordinary Shares of stock had the right to vote?  It may pertain to the distribution of
YES, because if they didn’t specify it in AOI that a dividends and or distribution of capital or
certain shares of stock deprived of the right to vote corporate assets of the corporation upon
it means it has the right to vote because they are liquidation.
equal in all respects unless there are provision
There are 2 limitations as to the issuance of
otherwise in the AOI or in the certificate of stock.
preferred stocks. There are 2 limitations provided
NOTE: All stocks as a general rule are equal. They for under the Corporation Code.
are equal in all respects. 1. They can be issued only with a stated par value
IMPORTANT: SECTION 6 2. The preference must be stated in the AOI or in
the certificate of stock otherwise such share will be
In section 6: May be deprived not necessarily they
considered as equal in all respect with other
are already deprived of the right to vote. In order
shares. There is no preference if it is not state in
to deprive them to right to vote it must be stated in
AOI or certificate of stock
AOI or in the certificate of Stock.
Sample Problem:
Classification of Shares of Stocks Preference as to Dividends: The first P100,000.00
shall to go preferred shareholders. The rest to the
1. Common Stocks common stock holders.
 is the most commonly issued shares of ABC Corp declared – P500,000 cash
stock of a corporation. It is a type of stock
which entitles the owner to an equal or pro- Preferred Shareholders = P100,000.00
rata division of profits without any Common Stockholders = P400,000.00
preference or advantage in the respect over
Q: Does Preferred Shareholder will share in 400k?
any other stockholder or class of stock
No, because it didn’t say that they are
Participating. No one said that As to Participating in
 Exclusively rights to vote in any acts of the
Preferred Stocks.
corporation which required the
 Frequently exclusive right to vote to those STOCK CAN PARTICIPATE INTO THE DISTRIBUTION
shareholders who owes a shares of stock OF PROFITS AS TO COMMON STOCKS.
which is ordinary stocks but not always.
a. Participating Preferred Shares - the holders
thereof are given the right to participate with the
common stockholders in dividends beyond their
stated preference.
b. Non- Participating Preferred Shares - the holders 3. Par and Non- Par Value Shares
thereof entitled to its fixed priority or preference Par Value Shares - are those value are fixed in the
only. AOI, its primarily function is to fix minimum
c. Cumulative Preferred Shares - those that entitle subscription or original issue price of the shares
the owner thereof to payment not only of current and indicates the amount which is original
dividends but also back dividends not previously subscribers are supposed to contribute to the
paid whether or not, during the past years, capital as the basis of the privilege of profits
dividends were declared or paid. sharing with limited liability.
For Example •Possible to change, they only need to amend.
In 2018 -Earned P500,000 • Usually they need to change if the net worth of
In 2019- Earned P100,000 one corporation is not the same as it was when it is
In 2020- Declared P300,000 created.
To preferred shareholders - P300,000(P200k
Non- Par Value shares - are those whose issued
appears/back dividends + current dividends)
price are not stated in the certificate of stock but
which may be fixed in the AIO, or by the BOD when
• G.R. its upon the discretion of the board of the
so authorized by the said AOI or by the laws, or in
directors( the power to declared dividend is large
the absence thereof by the stockholders
with BOD, and only then can determined when to
declared dividend)

• If preferred dividends when it has mandatory, Limitation as to issuance of No Par Value

mandatory cumulative or there is statement the Shares:
declared dividends during they earned profits. 1. Such shares, once fully issued, are deemed fully
paid and thus, non- assessable.
d. Non- cumulative Preferred Shares - grant the 2. The consideration for its issuance should not be
holders of such shares only to payment of less than P5
CURRENT dividends but not back dividends, when 3. The entire consideration for its issuance
and if dividends are paid, to the extent agreed constitutes capital.
upon before any stockholders are paid the same. • Why? Because sometimes when they issued a par
value share the subscriber sometimes buy this
e. Preferred as to voting rights - Preferred shares
above par value so the excess will go usually to the
are usually denied voting rights, in fact, Section
unrestricted retain earning of the corporation.
specially mentioned that preferred share may be
However if we are talking about non- par value the
denied voting rights.
issuance, All of this will go to capital stock of
f. Preference upon liquidation - preference in the corporation.
distribution of corporate assets upon liquidation or 4. They cannot issued as Preferred Stock
termination of the corporation existence. 5. They cannot be issued by banks, trust
•Fixed Amount. companies, insurance companies, public utilities,
and building and loan associations.
Can there be a combination of preference?
a. Voting Share - give the holders the right to vote
and participate in the management of the
corporation through the exercise of such right,
either at the election of the BOD, or any matter  TS- it can only be reacquired if the
requiring stockholder approval. corporation has a unrestricted retained
b. Non-voting Share - do not grant the holder earnings
thereof a voice in the election of BOD and some  RS- can be reacquired regardless of the
other matter requiring stockholder approval. unrestricted retained earnings.

 Only preferred or redeemable share may, As to the status of the shares of stock after
however, be denied the right to vote. reacquisition
SUBJECT the penultimate paragraph of
 RS- after reacquisition forms part of the
section 5.
Outstanding Capital Stock of the
Treasury Shares vs. Redeemable Shares corporation and if that happened may be
reissued once again.
 TS - In order to fully acquire there is no  TS- forms part of the asset of the
condition or term. The only condition is it corporation which may be disposed for a
must be issued and fully paid. There is no reasonable price
condition as to period, as to when.  Meaning the RS if you will redeem it will go
 RS- If acquiring RS there is a particular in Capital portion of corporation while TS if
condition or term before you can reacquire you redeem it will go in the asset portion of
it, it may be in the form of a period for corporation.
example if they issue an RS the corporation
their right to redeem it will only appear a As to Voting Right
year after the issuance of RS That is a term
 TS - Which remain as Treasury shall have no
of period. Let’s say condition for example
voting rights.
you’re possible to reacquire the RS if the
 RS- as a rule if there is no restriction or
shareholder fail to pay the full amount of RS
there is no statement as to prohibition as to
on or before a certain date. That is also a
right to vote the RS has a right to vote from
condition for purposes of reacquisition of a
the time of issuance and before the RS has
been reacquired by the corporation
 In treasury shares there is no term it is just
because if you reacquired it there’s no
needed in TS it must be issued and fully
voting rights because it will be back in
Authorized Capital Stock of the Corporation
As to subscription and it can be declared.

 TS- May only be reacquired it must be As to disposition

issued and fully paid.
 RS- possible to dispose through reissuance
 RS- may be acquired even if it’s not yet fully
 Ts- It is not allowed to reissued because it is
paid. You can reacquire yang RS even if it’s
already issued and fully paid. The
not fully paid.
corporation can do is to sell it to people.

Founders Share
As to when acquired
 There is a certain rights & privilege  Has a certificate of registration. Without
 Only shares are given usually to founder at that de facto corporation cannot exercised
incorporators. their powers which is a requirement.
 There is a exclusive rights in voting.  Its existence can only be attacked by the
 They can elect their self. There’s a State in a direct proceeding (quo warranto).
limitations that only 5years can use that
benefit. X. Commencement of Corporate Existence
(Section 18, RCC)
Redeemable Shares
 The determination as to when a corporation
 Shares issued by a corporation subject to commences to exist is reckoned with at the
redemption as may be provided by the time of the issuance of its certificate of
terms of the subscription contract. incorporation or registration. (It is not
 Redeemable shares may be reacquired absolute statement) because it has
regardless of the existence of unrestricted exceptions:
of retained earnings.  Corporate existence of a corporation
commences from the issuance of its
Treasury Shares
certificate of registration, except:
 (Section 9) Must be issued and fully paid 1. Corporations created under a special law.
before acquisition by the corporation 2. Corporation Sole (Sec 108, RCC)
Founders Share
XII. Corporation by Estoppel
 Gives certain rights and privileges not
enjoyed by the other stockholders.  A corporation may exist on the ground of
 Limitations: estoppels by virtue of the agreement,
Right to vote and be voted as a BOD it must admission, or conduct of parties, such that
be for limited period not to exceed five (5) they will not be permitted to deny the fact
years. of the existence of the corporation.
 Applies to person who misrepresents that
IX. Grounds for Disapproval (See Section 16, there is a corporation.
Does the law on Corporation by estoppels
 Grounds stated therein are not exclusive. applies to third parties?
(e.g. corporate name is not legally
=yes, but only when he tries to escape liability
on a contract from which he has benefited on
XI. De Facto Corporations the irrelevant ground of defective corporation.

 It is one that is so defectively created as not Ex. ABC Corp – DE FACTO

to be a de jure corporation but nevertheless
Enter service contract with pedro.
exists, for all practical purposes, as a
corporate body, by virtue of corporate By virtue of that contract ABC will perform a
powers. service for Pedro. In exchange, Pedro will pay for all
of that for 1m.
ABC Corp. rendered a service 2. Comply with the requirement that SEC
ABC Corp wants to collect 1M to Pedro that is
 Failure to comply with above requirements,
rendered to him. But Pedro says ABC Corp has no
will result to automatic dissolution of the
right to charged him because it has no existence.
delinquent corporation.
 Correct if there’s no existence it is
*So it will start a business in a corporation however
incapable to act a powers.
it became inoperative for a period of 5 consecutive
NON EXISTING the service contract with Pedro. years. So it will revoke immediately the certificate
of registration?
 Pedro still cannot deny the existence of ABC
Corp. =NO. It will become a delinquent corporation

XIII. Corporate Organization (Section 21) *So the Delinquent Corporation is given by the law
a chance to operate again and resume business so
 Failure of corporation to organize and that it certificate of registration will not be revoke.
commence its business within 5 years
would result in its automatic dissolution Question: Whose electing a corporate officers in
(certificate of registration is deemed corporation?
revoked).  After the election of BOD there must be
What are the activities that are considered as formally organize and elect corporate
“organization” activities: officers.

1. The election of officers A stockholder has nothing to say in election of

corporate officers?
2. Providing for subscription and payment of capital
stock; Is electing corporate officers considered as
corporate act?
3. Adoption of by-laws
As to exercise of certain acts, only BOD or
4. Such other steps as are necessary to endow the Trustees can exercise corporate acts? =Yes
legal entity with the capacity to transact the
legitimate business for which it was created. Acts of ownership, stockholders can exercise or
BOD can exercise acts of ownership aside
There is cash all provision in number 4 corporate acts?

Delinquent Corporations Who are the owners of corporation?

 Corporations that has commenced its  Stockholders.

business but subsequently becomes
Can a stockholder perform acts of ownership?
inoperative for a period of at least (5)
REMEDY of a DELINQUENT CORPORATION: BOD they are also called us governing body of a
corporation when it comes to a stock corporation
 Within 2 Years:
and BOT if it is a non stock corporation.
1. Resume operations; and
 They are only entitled to perform acts or  Must possess all the qualification and none
they can only perform acts which of the disqualification.
considered as acts of management. They  So the one who says that he is the only
cannot perform acts of ownership precisely holder of shares of stock pertains only to
because in their capacity as a BOD they are qualification.
not owners of the corporation. Since BOD is  It is not a requirement. That is not only the
also a stockholder of a corporation because requirement for a person or stockholder to
it is required as qualification. They can also be elected as BOD.
perform acts of ownership but NOT as a
Q: What are the qualifications in order for a
BOD but a Stockholder in their capacity as a
person or stockholder to be elected as BOD?
stockholder. But BOD cannot perform acts
of ownership. They can only perform 1. Must own at least 1 share of stock or must be a
corporate acts. That's what stockholders member of the corporation.
relinquish when they elect BOD. The act of
management pertains to BOD but the act of 2. Must be capacitated to act
ownership pertains to the shareholders.
3. Must be of legal age
From 36-41 of Corporation Code it is required that
Ex. We have a corporation named Tahimik
concurrence or acquiescence of the stockholders in
Corporation. Tahimik Corporation has a
performing certain an act which is under the
stockholder that is A. Stockholder A owns a shares
Revised Corporation code is considered acts of
of stock of Tahimik Corporation. Now Stockholder
A decided to sell his shares of stock all of shares of
 So a stockholder has a say when it comes to stock to stockholder B. The transaction was not
certain acts of corporation. However, if recorded in the books of corporation but the sale is
management a stockholder has nothing to valid. The owner of the shares was transferred to
say. Only the BOD can perform acts of stockholder B. Tahimik Corporation call a meeting
management and they do not require the stockholder C arrive. And that meeting is for the
vote of stockholders. purpose of electing BOD.

Q: What are the requirements in order for a The stockholder C nominated stockholder A for the
stockholder to be elected or to be voted as a BOD? possession of BOD. Now here comes stockholder D,
he oppose the nomination of stockholder A. He
 In Sec 23. A director or trustee must said Stockholder A is not qualify to be a BOD
possess all the qualification and none of the because he already sold his shares of stock to
disqualification provided under the revised Stockholder B.
corporation code. Those are the
requirement in order for a person to be Q: Was stockholder D was correct in saying that
voted or elected as BOD. Stockholder A is not qualify to be a BOD?

1. He must possess all the qualification  No

2. He must not possess all the disqualification set What’s with A which qualify him to be a BOD?
forth in the RCC
 He has legal title because the shares are still  Because without a quorum there can be no
named with him in shares of stock in the valid meeting. It applies not only under the
books of corporation. corporation code but in any kind of meeting
when there is a requirement to vote.
So in our scenario Stockholder A possess the legal
 If it has a requirement to vote also requires
title of the shares of stock while the beneficial
that there must be a quorum. Meaning the
ownership of the shares of stock belong to
majority of those persons who should be in
stockholder B. B is only beneficial owner. So B only
the meeting must be represented during
pay to get the shares of stock. So He is the
the vote. So it is needed to have a quorum
beneficial owner of the shares of stock previously
usually in a meeting.
owned by A.
Q: under the revised corporation code? What is
 When we are talking about qualification of
the required quorum in a meeting?
BOD pertaining to owning a shares of stock
we are talking about ownership which is  stockholders representing a majority of the
legal and not beneficial. He need to be a outstanding capital stock or a majority of
legal owner or the legal title must be the members in the case of non stock
possessed by that stockholder and he is corporation. (Sec.51)
qualified to be a BOD.
Q: what are the disqualifications of a BOD?
 A is still the legal owner of the shares of
stock.  sec. 26
Q: What are the corporate powers that a BOD can One corporate officer can hold 2 position
exercise. concurrently. As long as he cannot be Pres-Sec.and
Pres- Treasurer. So he can be Sec-Treasurer?
1. Implied Powers
 Pres-Treasurer. (Sec.122) In one man
2. Incidental Powers
corporation it is allowed by law. The single
3. Express Powers stockholder who is also the president can
also be a treasurer at the same time. That is
Q: When are the instances where a stockholder
the exception.
considered as present during a corporate
 The prohibition is absolute. That a president
cannot be a secretary at the same time.
 It must be with the approval written in the
bylaws or by the majority of the BOD.
Q: What is quorum?
 It is the required minimum number of
 The Revised Corporation Code vests unto
persons in a meeting.
the BOD or BOT the authority to exercise
corporate powers, conduct all business and
control and hold the properties of the
Q: Why quorum is important?
 Based from the foregoing, the BOD or BOT  See Section 26 of the Revised Corporation
is considered as the supreme authority in Code.
matters of management of the business
affairs of the corporation. ELECTION AND VOTING
 The equitable principle therefore is that the  In order to have a valid election the
stockholders may have all the profits but Quorum required for the said election must
shall turn over the management of the be obtained.
enterprise to the BOD.  Quorum is the required minimum number
of persons that should appear to have a
valid meeting
 Although Corporate Powers are exercised  Under Section 51, of the RCC:
by the Board, such powers however, may  Quorum in Meetings. – Unless otherwise
be delegated to either an executive provided in this Code or in the bylaws, a
committee or corporate officers of the quorum shall consist of the stockholders
Corporation. representing a majority of the outstanding
 The general rule is that a corporation is capital stock or a majority of the members
bound by the acts of its corporate officers if in the case of non stock corporations.
they act within the scope of an apparent
When a person is considered present during a
meeting for the Election of BOD/BOT?
1. When he appears personally
 In order to be elected and qualified as a
2. When he appears by proxy provided that the
BOD/BOT, a person must possess all the
proxy has a written authority coming from person
Qualification and none of the
whom he represents.
Disqualification provided for under the
Revised Corporation Code. 3. When he appears through remote
communication or in absentia provided it is
authorized by the bylaws or by a majority of the
 1. Must be a holder of at least one (1) BOD of the corporation.
shares of stock of the corporation in their
own name (meaning it must be recorded in
the books of the corporation)
 2. Such other qualification which is provided  No required form unless a stockholder or
in the by laws of the corporation provided member requests that the voting be made
that such corporation cannot do away with through ballot
first requirement stated above.

 In a stock corporation cumulative voting is a

matter of right that can be exercised by the
stockholders. However, in a non-stock
corporation it is not since it is generally not  In provision in order to compute the total
available. amount of votes that a stockholder may
 It gives the stockholder entitled to vote the cast during election he has to multiply the
right to give a candidate as many votes as number of candidates for BOD which is 5
the number of directors to be elected against the shares of he owns. So here
multiplied by the number of his shares. 100k×5 we can get the maximum votes that
Being a right, a stockholder may cast all he may cast which is 500k. That 500k hr can
votes in favor of one candidate or distribute cast it in one candidate he can also
it among the candidates as he may see fit. distribute it in 5 candidates.
 It is a voting in a matter of right in a stock  Now in shares of stock to have a right to
corporation. When it said a matter of right cumulative voting that one stockholder the
meaning the fact that they are stockholders shares of stock must be registered under his
gives them such right to vote via cumulative or her name. For the voting of a BOD that is
voting. need the shares of stock must stand in the
 It is not a matter of right when it comes to name of that stockholder.
member in a non stock corporation because
as a general rule the cumulative voting is
not available in a non stock corporation In voting in relation to non stock corporation voting
 As a general rule if there is no provision of a BOT as a general rule there is no cumulative
under the articles of incorporation or by voting so how is voting in non stock corporation. In
laws. one non stock corporation every member who is
 Again In a stock corporation cumulative entitled to vote is given a vote. The right to vote is
voting is a matter of right. a trustee based on the number of trustee to be
 Being a right the law also gives a elected. Meaning if 5 of BOT that will elect there is
stockholder the opportunity to cast all his also 5 that one member will vote. However, even if
votes in all particular candidate or 5 vote he is not allowed to cast it in one candidate
distributed among the candidates as he only. 1 vote 1 candidate that is the maximum
may see fit. amount that should vote in one candidate.
Later on we will know what is important is that So is that always the thing in a non stock
stockholder not exceeding in maximum amount of corporation? No. because Non stock corporation
votes that he can cast. He can vote less than the can also adopt cumulative voting as long as it is
amount of votes he has but he cannot vote in provided for in the articles of incorporation or by
excess of maximum amount of votes that is laws of a non stock corporation. So they can also
granted to him by law. have cumulative voting. Because the cumulative
voting you can cast your entire vote in one
candidate. It is not happen generally in non Stock
A – 100,000 shares of stocks Corporation.

Number of candidates for BOD – 5

Total Votes that “A” may cast = 500,000 (100,000 NON ELECTION
shares x 5)
 There is Non Election of BOD/BOT when:
1. No election is actually held. remind you the authority to report such
2. The owners of majority of the thing is latch with the corporate secretary
outstanding capital stock or majority of the however the responsibilities can be given to
members entitled to vote are not present in any other corporate officer. So kapag hindi
person, by proxy, or through remote nagreport violation ng RCC and any person
communication or not voting in absentia at who is responsible to report such matter
the meeting, maybe held civilly. Civilly liable ibigsabihin
pede magbayad ng danyos and he may also
What will happen if there is Non Election?
be criminally liable.
 =Nangyayari naman yung Non Election  Yung violation ng RCC is a criminal act.
minsan walang nangyayaring election of the Pedeng makulong dyan kasi special law yan.
board of directors. So when are those  It is shall be reported to the SEC within 30
instances? Na walang nangyayaring election days from the date of the scheduled
1. Kapag walang election na naheld. There is  The report shall specify a NEW date for the
no actual election. election which shall not be later than 60
2. Ibigsabihin di nameet yung required days from the scheduled date.
quorum for the meeting. That will result to =yung 60 days is from the time na hindi
non election. natuloy yung election yun yung
 Owners of majority of the outstanding computation non same with the 30 days
capital stock. When we are talking about requirement of report it.
voting kapag nagvovote ng BOD. Only those  If no new date is assigned, or the
shares of stock which are entitled to vote rescheduled election, the SEC shall take
can vote. Kapag hindi entitled to vote control of the election.
cannot vote. Remember yung statement  = ibigsabihin walang nangyaring election
under section 6. Those are the only times despite the rescheduling what will happen
that a shares of stock which is not entitled to that is that the SEC will take over the
to vote can vote those are the only election of BOD. Sila na ang
instances other than that kapag may magpapaelection.
requirement ng vote ang isang stockholder  If the Election is controlled by the SEC,
the law presumes or the law states that it Notwithstanding any provision of the
only pertains to those stockholders or articles of incorporation or bylaws to the
shares of stock which are entitled to vote. contrary, the shares of stock or
 The fact of Non Election shall be reported to membership represented at such meeting
the SEC within 30 days from the date of the and entitled to vote shall constitute a
scheduled election. quorum for purposes of conducting an
 =The fact of Non Election shall be reported election under this section.
to the comission and please take note the  =ang mangyayari kapag SEC controlled na
word SHALL kasi ibigsabihin niyan it is a those stockholder or members which are
mandatory requirement. So what will entitled to vote who appears in the meeting
happen kapag hindi nagreport? That will for purposes of electing a BOD will now
constitute a violation of the RCC and to constitute a quorum. The stockholders
representing the majority of the not mandatory. Ibigsabihin pedeng ideligate
outstanding capital stock and the majority sa member ng non stock corporation. As
of members entitled to vote must be long as it is written in the AOI and by laws
present yun ang requirement for quorum. of the corporation.
However kapag SEC controlled na wala ng  Exception na hindi BOD yung mag eelect ng
ganong quorum pedeng less than the corporate officers
majority ang mag appear and it will still  1. In a close corporation
constitute as a quorum. For example  2. Yung sinabi kanina about non stock
tatlong stockholders lang sabihin natin ang corpo. (Sec 91, RCC)
nirerepresent lang non is 15%. Regardless  The following are the officers to be elected.
magkakaroon na ng quorum at pede na  1. The President who must be a Director
silang mag elect ng BOD. 2. Treasurer who must be a resident
 Q: pwede ka bang mag elect ng BOD na 3. Secretary who must be a citizen and
hindi present sa isang meeting? Lets say resident of the Philippines
hindi ka talaga present you didnt attend by 4. Other officers provided in the bylaws.
proxy by through remote.  Any two or more position maybe held at the
 = pwede kasi walang batas na nagsasabing same time, except President and Secretary,
hindi. The requirement only is that it must and President and Treasurer subject to the
be with the consent of BOD to be elected or provision under One Person Corporation.
to be voted to. Yung pagkanyang  Any two or more position maybe held at the
nomination must be with his consent. Kasi same time, except Pres-Secretary as to that
yung nomination of BOD it is a personal its an absolute rule walang instance under
matter kailangan merong consent mo. So the RCC that the position of Pres and Sec
pwede. maybe held at the same time. Also Pres-
 CORPORATE OFFICERS Treasurer cannot be held simultaneously
 In a stock corporation, the RCC requires the subject to the exception provided under the
BOD to elect the said officers. provision of One man corporation.
 Exception:  Q: Kapag ba nag eelect ng Corporate Officer
 1. In a close corporation other corporate pede bang walang secretary?
officers may be elected directly by the  =No. Ito yung minimum requirement of
stockholders. corporate officer Pres, Sec at Treasurer. The
2. In a non-stock corporation, if provided for corporation cannot do a way with this
in the articles of incorporation or the minimum requirement. Hindi pedeng
bylaws the corporate officers may be idisregard otherwise they will be violating
elected by the members (Section 91, RCC) the RCC. Minimum yan pwedeng dagdagan
== In a stock corporation the RCC requires pero di pedeng bawasan.
that it must be the BOD who must elect. It 
is a mandatory upon them to elect a 
corporate officer. However that only  VALIDITY AND BINDING EFFECT OF ACTIONS
pertains to stockcorporation. Sa nonstock OF CORPORATE OFFICERS
corporation although it is a general rule that  To have a valid corporate act, the decision
BOT may elect the corporate officers it is of at least a majority of the directors or the
trustees present at a meeting at which present, 4 (majority) votes
there is a quorum is required. Election of corporate officers = if 6 is
 = Ang ibigsabihin kelangan para magkaroon present, all shall vote in favor of electing a
ng corporate act ay first is quorum second corporate officer;
there must be a vote of majority of the BOD If 7 is present, only 6, Majority of 10.
present in such meeting where there is a  =Base on the stock alone, how many should
quorum. constitute a quorum? =6. The number
 Hindi absolute ang rule na toh kasi when divided by 2 plus 1
you are trying to elect corporate officer the Kapag 11 yung majority is 7. Kasi 6 is not
other requirement aside from quorum it is the majority kasi ang required is 6.5 kaya 7.
required that the vote of the majority of all Kapag silent ang AOI at by laws ganon lang
the BOD or BOT. The number divided by 2 plus 1.
 =Sec 25,. Dati may isang paragraph dyan  Quorum for board meeting= atleast 6 must
which states the required quorum in order be present.
for a BOD to execute or perform a valid Election= all kasi out of 10 the majority is
corporate act. Pero wala na ngayon. Yan always 6 that is the required minimum
yung required quorum na nakalagay sa Old majority.
corporation code. 7 ba ay majority? Yes
 So wala na bang required quorum para 8 is a majority? Yes and 9 but 6 is the
magkaroon ng valid corporate acts? minimum majority.
 = meron parin pero nasa Sec 52 na ng RCC.  What will happen if the required vote and
Dun sa regular meetings and special quorum is not obtained?
meetigs andon na yung required quorums  Any corporate acts performed by the BOD
to perform a valid corporate acts. will not bind the Corporation unless the
 Except for the election of corporate officers corporate act is subsequently ratified,
which shall require the vote of the majority expressly or impliedly.
of ALL the members of the board. =The corporate act will not bind the
 Quorum required during board meeting – Corporation that is the general rule because
Unless the AIO or bylaws provides for a it is subsequently ratified by the
greater majority, a majority of the directors stockholders mababind ang corporation.
or trustees stated in the AIO shall constitute Subject to ratification yan.
a quorum.  How do you ratify?
=Ang quorum for board meeting is majority  =Either expressly or impliedly.
unless there is a greater majority provided  Expressly pedeng verbal or written. Mahirap
under the AOI or by laws. yung is to implied ratification. So it happens
 kapag if there is already a knowledge of the
 Illustration: invalid corporate act and the stockholders
 ABC Corp has 10 Board of Directors: despite knowledge still ignores the invalid
AIO or bylaws is silent as to quorum corporate act. And in fact,they benefited
Quorum for board meeting = at least 6 must from such invalid act. During that instance
be present the corporate act will be or for purposes
To have a valid corporate act = if 6 is
will be considered as invalid or ratified na. 3. The notice is only for the intention not
That is invalid. for the schedule of the meeting. Kailangan
 The Revised Corporation Code, as well  OTHER REQUIREMENTS:
jurisprudence, authorizes the stockholders  The meeting must be called by the
or members to remove or oust a corporate Secretary on order of the President or on
director with or without just cause, subject the written demand of the SH representing
only to the limitation that removal without majority of the outstanding capital stock or
cause may not be used to deprive minority majority of the members entitled to vote
stockholders or members of the right of  If the secretary refused and there is no
representation. other person authorized to make a call, the
 How do you ratify? same may be addressed directly to the SH’s
 =Either expressly or impliedly. Expressly or members by any SH or member signing
pedeng verbal or written. Mahirap yung is the demand.
to implied ratification. So it happens kapag  NEW PROVISION
if there is already a knowledge of the invalid  Gives the SEC the right to remove or oust a
corporate act and the stockholders despite director, Motu proprio (in his own
knowledge still ignores the invalid discretion) or upon verified complaint of a
corporate act. And in fact,they benefited director or trustee who is:
from such invalid act. During that instance  1. Disqualified to be a director or trustee
the corporate act will be or for purposes but was elected; or
will be considered as invalid or ratified na. 2. Discovered to be disqualified subsequent
That is invalid. to election
 1. The removal should take place at a  Vacancies in the board a occurs:
Regular or Special meeting duly called for  1.When there is a removal of Director or
that purpose. Trustee under Section 27
 2. The removal must be by the vote of the 2. By expiration of the term
stockholder representing 2/3 of the 3. Increase in the number of Director or
outstanding capital stock or the member Trustee
entitled to vote in case of a non-stock 4. Other ways of removal (death, incapacity,
corporation. etc.)
 3. There must be a previous notice to the  Pwedeng may iba pang way to remove.
stockholders or members of the intention  For example is he will possess the
to propose such removal at the meeting disqualification of proving under the Section
either by publication or on written notice to 26 kapag nag possess siya ng any of
the SH or members disqualification automatic namareremove
 =1. Ibigsabihin yung meeting must be for siya.
the removal. Yung purpose ng meeting is  1. WHEN THERE IS REMOVAL OF DIRECTOR
for the removal. UNDER SECTION 27.
2. The voting 2/3 or the majority.
 -Vacancy may only be filled by the SH’s or  There are times that by-laws will provide for
members in a Regular or Special Meeting a additional qualification appoint of a BOD.
 So the power to fill up the vacancies is  -Isa lang ang requirement para maging
lodge with the stockholders or members of BOD under RCC and that is He must own
the corporation. It may be held in regular or atleast one share of stock under his name
special meeting in the corporate books
 -The meeting maybe held on the same day  Sinabinatinna he must be of legal age or
of the meeting authorizing the removal, legal capacity. But the requirement in rcc is
provided that this fact must be stated in the isa lang and that is he must own atleast one
agenda and notice of said meeting share of stocks.
otherwise it maybe held any other day.  Pwede bang dagdaganyung qualification
 - Vacancy may only be filled by the SH’s or  The answer is YES.
members in a Regular or Special Meeting  In order to fill up the vacancies he must
 - The meeting election shall be held no later elected and qualify.
than the day of such expiration at a meeting  How long was the term of a BOD “A”?
called for that purpose  Nag expired yung term niya.
 At the time of the expiration of the term of  1 year or 3 year lang or depende kung
the board of director dapatmakapag elect gaanokatagalyung term
na ng panibagong board of director. niyahindikasamayung term or period in
 For example. which the BOD held the position in hold
 A is a board of director. Yung expiration ng over capacity.
kanyang term niya ay Oct, 31,2020. So  3. INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF DIRECTOR
tomorrow nayun. So dapatyungmga OR TRUSTEE
stockholders or members must already  - Vacancy may only be filled by the SH’s or
called for a meeting. Either today or much members in a Regular or Special Meeting
more earlier but not later than tomorrow  - The meeting maybe held on the same day
kasiayun ang expiration ng kanyang term. of the meeting authorizing the increase,
 So anoba ang board of directors in a hold provided that this fact must be stated in the
over capacity? notice of said meeting otherwise it shall be
 if the term of such BOD has already expired held not later than 45 days from the time
but there is no other person or no other the vacancy arose
nominee which have been elected or  Ang pagkakaibanila ng number 1 ay yungsa
qualified for the position of BOD. 1 walang period. Anytime pwedeniyaifill up
 Meaning yung successor in interest of the yung vacancies which has been created by
BOD na nag expire ng term has been removal of board of directors.
elected and qualified  4. OTHER WAYS OF REMOVAL (DEATH,
 Not only that the stockholder must elect  - Maybe filled by the vote of at least
such board of directors kailangan mag majority of the remaining directors or
qualify din siya. trustees , if still constituting a quorum,
otherwise it shall be filled up the SHs or  May isang exemption sa rule nayan. Na
members in a regular or special meeting wherein even without getting the required
 Ang kailanganniyo lang tandan ay quorum pwede pa ring mag fill up ng
yungtatlokapagnagkaroon ng vacancies and vacancy ang BOD. At itoyun. If there is a
ang cause was not the 3 mention awhile emergency and such emergency will cause
ago ditonapapasoksa pang apat. And ang irreparable loss or damage to a corporation
requirement lang dito ay the remaining the RCC allows the BOD or the remaining
directors must still constitute a quorum, BOD which that's not constitute a quorum
and if that will happen to elect another BOD.
pwedenanilangifillupang vacancies. Ang 
kailanganna lang nila ay majority votes of  ANG KANYANG REQUIREMENT NIYA LANG
 Otherwise stockholders na or members ang COME FROM THE OFFICERS OF THE
mag fifill up ng vacancy nayun. CORPORATION AND ALSO IS THAT IN
 -The meeting be held not later than 45 days ORDER TO FILL UP SUCH VACANCY THE
from the time the vacancy arose REMAINING BOD OR MEMBERS MUST
director or trustee elected to fill a vacancy  *dapatlahatsila mag aascendna that this
which shall serve only for the unexpired corporate officer shall be elected as a BOD.
term of the predecessor in office.  Diba may tatlong instances na ang
 *May replace director, may isang director stockholders lang ang pwede mag elect?
na di natapos ang kanyang term. Now, in those instances nag aapplybaItong
 Gaanokatagal ang term ng BOD? 1 year emergency board?It applies. Dun
If Non-stock corporation? 3 years satatlonayun.
Pwede bang tagalan? No, it is mandatory.  Kasi dito what the law wants to protect is
 EMERGENCY BOARD = constituted when the that the corporation shall not suffer losses.
vacancy prevents the remaining directors That during emergency there is a vacancy at
from constituting a quorum and emergency kailangan mag decide ng BOD, kailanganifill
action is required to prevent grave, up ang vacancy in order to perform a valid
substantial, and irreparable loss or damage corporate act. These provision applies to
to the corporation. those 3. The ground for that vacancy is
 Vacancy may temporarily filled from among material in this case.
the officers of the corporation by  What is material? There is an emergency
unanimous vote of the remaining directors that a certain act needs to be performed
or trustees. and it can only be performed if there are
 Diba kanina ang way lang para mag fill up members of BOD who can perform it
ng vacancies ng isang BOD is that it must be validly.
constitute by quorum in order to them to 
fill up a certain vacancy. Kapagwalang  Kapagtaposnayung emergency what will
quorum yung stockholder ang mag happen?
coconstitute.  The emergency of BOD will now cease to be
a BOD. Kasi siya BOD lang siya for that
emergency. Once that emergency is already  COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS (SEC. 29)
gone, or the act pertaining to that  Directors are not generally entitled to
emergency has been already performed receive any compensation, except for
he/she will ceased to be a BOD. reasonable per diems unless the by-laws so
 Eto lang ba ang instances namatatanggal provide.
ang emergency BOD? The answer is No. = Directors are not generally entitled to
 The other instance is wherein during if the receive any compensation, except for
time of emergency the corporation was reasonable per diems unless the by-laws so
able to elect another BOD for such provide.
vacancies. Ang  Ang isang BOD is also a stockholders ng
mangyayariyungtinatawagnatinna corporation. And most of the time yanmga
emergency BOD will cease also to be a BOD. BOD nayan are considered as the majority
 -MAG EXPIRE YUNG EMERGENCY OR THE stockholders of a corpo. Basically ang
ACT PERTAINING TO THE EMERGENCY HAS minamanage lang nila is yung business nila.
BEEN ALREADY HAPPEN  However, the law provides that a director
 -OR KAPAG MAY NA-ELECT can received reasonable per diem as
 Paanofinifill up ang vacancy? provided for by-laws.
 -By cumulative voting.  Compensation and per diems
 It is a matter of right kapag nag eelect ka ng =Maybe granted to directors by SH
isang director. So yung stockholders representing at least majority of the
kailangannilabumoto para mag elect ng outstanding capital at a regular or special
isang BOD. At kapag nag fifill up ka ng meeting.
vacancy nag eelect ka din ng isang BOD.  Maybe granted to directors by SH
 Since it is a matter of right it cannot be representing at least majority of the
denied. In stock corporation, thats the only outstanding capital at a regular or special
way to fill up a vacancy ang exception lang meeting.
dyan ay yung number 4 which is the other  In the determination of per diems or
ways of removal wherein the BOD or compensation, the Director SHALL NOT
remaining BOD may fill up the vacancy on Participate.
their own as long as they constitute a  Note: A DIRECTOR IS ALSO A
quorum. Pero the rest 1,2,3 ang nag fifill up STOCKHOLDERS.
at ang stockholders through votings.  Kapag may mga voting na required ng mga
 If a stock corporation, by using cumulative vote ng mga stockholder or concurrence ng
voting. And non-stock corporation walang mga stockholders. THEY ALSO VOTE.
cumulative voting but pwede din  Wag niyongilalagaysaisipniyona ang isang
nilaiadaptyun. BOD ay ibasaisang stockholder or
 The Emergency Director or Trustee shall yungmgarights ng stockholder ay
cease to be a director or trustee within a hindipwedengiexercise ng BOD. KASI THEY
reasonable time from the termination of ARE ALSO CONSIDERED AS STOCKHOLDERS.
the emergency or upon election of the  As regards to the compensation to be
replacement director or trustee, whichever given to the BOD such compensation shall
comes earlier. not exceed 10% of the net income before
income tax of the corporation at ang basis  Example. If you are a BOD, and you are
is yung net income before income tax in trying to enter into a contract with another
the preceeding year. person or corporation or other entity. It is
 When we say reasonable it is subjective so your responsibility to make diligence. And if
what is reasonable for you might not be this BOD enter to a transaction without
reasonable for me. doing the required due diligence before
 So, Who will determine if such is entering such transactions eto yung
reasonable? Kapagnagkaroon ng question sinasabing liable for gross negligence.
abt that and one will do with the other the  Bad faith- there is an intent to deceived or
stockholders or directors ang mangyayari ay defraud. There was an intention
pupunta din sakorte. At ang korte din ang  3. Liable when he/she acquires any personal
magdedetermine kung what is reasonable or pecuniary interest in conflict with his/her
and what is not. duty as a director
 Usually ang ibigsabihin ng per diems is for = For example, si BOD ay isang business
each day. So yung reasonable for diems is man dahil siya ay business man open siyasa
equivalent to the expenses that a director any kind of transaction. Now may isang
incurred by virtue of his position. corporation nasi B corporation. Si
 Syemprekapag BOD ka nakikipag deal ka o Pedro/BOD ay director ni A corporation. Si B
nakikipag transact ka saibangkliyente and corporation ay may business opportunity
by doing that you are incurring obligation or para kay BOD.
expenses. So yung per diem nayan should  Bawal niya ba tanggapin ang business
cover up for that expenses. Usually opportunity nayun?
reimbursement lang yan nirereimberse lang  THE ANSWER IS NO. Walang prohibition so
yan na dapat nirereimberse lang ng per hindi siya bawal. Unless the by-laws will
diem na yan yung mga nagagastos ng mga require you that your services shall be full
BOD like hotels, meals or transportation time and you shall not engage in any other
expenses kasi it is in relation to the work of kind of business. So as a general rule hindi
BOD. However, hindi niya pwede icharge siya bawal.
yung corporation ng kanyang mga private  However a thing is si A Corporation is
expenses. competitor of B corporation, Ngayon kapag
 LIABILITY OF tinanggap ni Pedro yung job offer or this
DIRECTORS/TRUSTEES/OFFICERS opportunity galing kay B Corporation
 1. for willingly and knowingly voting or indirectly kinocompeteniyasi A corporation.
assenting to patently unlawful acts of the And that's what we called conflict with
corporation interest.
= In order for a director to incur liability dito  Liability is jointly and severally (solidary) for
sa situation na to kailangan there is a all damages resulting there from.
breach of trust.  PROHIBITION AGAINST
 2. Liable for gross negligence or bad faith in DIRECTORS/TRUSTEES/OFFICERS
directing the affairs of the corporation  Shall not acquire interest adverse to the
=Gross Negligence - Failure to observe corporation in respect of any matter :
required diligence in a certain transaction
 1. Which has been reposed to the D/T/O in least a majority of the independent
confidence by the corporation directors voting to approve the material
2. Upon which equity imposes a disability contract; and
upon themselves to deal in their own (e) In case of an officer, the contract has
behalf. been previously authorized by the board of
 In case violated, D/T/O shall account for the directors.
profits which otherwise would have accrued  Now, kapag lahat yan ay present the
to the corporation contract is absolutely valid. Hindi na siya
 SELF-DEALING DIRECTORS (SEC. 31) voidable. Therefore, it cannot be annulled
 Contracts of directors, his spouse, relatives anymore.
within the fourth civil degree of  If any of the condition’s from (a) to (c) is not
consanguinity or affinity with his own present the contract may be ratified by the
corporation are voidable at the option of vote of the stockholders representing at
the corporation unless the following least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or
conditions are present: of at least 2/3 of the members in a meeting
 As a rule yung contact na into by the called for the purpose
director and to his relatives which  = if any of the conditions from a to c is not
provided in this section is valid. Although it present the contract is voidable. So
is voidable. Tandaan niyo na yung voidable kailangan mo siya iratified to be absolutely
contracts are valid until annul. However, it valid. Kapag kailangan mo siya iratified
can be annul kasi sabi ng batas it is kailangan mo yung vote ng atleast 2/3 of
voidable. the outstanding capital stock.
 (a) The presence of such director or trustee  Adverse Interest by the director or trustee
in the board meeting in which the contract must be fully disclosed in the meeting.
was approved was not necessary to 
constitute a quorum for such meeting;  INTER-LOCKING DIRECTORS (SEC. 32)
= But can he vote? Can the director vote?  A director in one corporation who deals or
The answer is YES. Provided that na yung transact business with another corporation
kanyang vote is not a swing vote na of which he is also a director.
tinatawag. Yung swing vote na whether an  There is no prohibition sa isang director to
act should be done or not be done. Kapag engage to other business. In fact pwede pa
ganon ang boto ng BOD nayun, the contract siyang maging BOD ng isa pang
will remain voidable. corporation. As long as there is no
(b) The vote of such director or trustee was prohibition under the by laws
not necessary for the approval of the  As a rule contract is valid unless there is
contract; fraud, or the contract is not fair and
(c) The contract is fair and reasonable under reasonable.
the circumstances;  If a director holds substantial interest in one
(d) In case of corporations vested with corporation and nominal interest in the
public interest, material contracts are other corporation/corporations, the
approved by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the requirement under Section 31 of the RCC
entire membership of the board, with at
shall apply insofar as the latter the adoption of new one
corporation/s are concerned. 4. The amendment or repeal of any
 SUBSTANTIAL INTEREST resolution of the Board which by its express
 Stockholding exceeding 20% of the terms is not so amenable
Outstanding capital stock is considered 5. Distribution of Cash Dividends to the
substantial shareholders
 Duty of loyalty is violated in the following  The board of directors may create special
instances: committees of temporary or permanent
 1. When a director or trustee acquires nature and to determine the members’
personal or pecuniary interest in conflict term, composition, compensation, powers,
with his duty as such director. and responsibilities.
 2. When he attempts to acquire or acquires
in violation of his duty, any interest adverse
to the corporation in respect to any matter
which has been reposed in him in
confidence, as to which equity imposes a
disability upon to deal in his own behalf.
 3. When he by virtue of his office, acquires
for himself a business opportunity which
should belong to the corporation, thereby
obtaining profit to the prejudice of such
 Director must account and refund to the
corporation such profits.
 How created?
 1. By a provision in the by law to be
appointed by the Board.
2.Must consist of at least three (3)
members of the Board.
3. Only board members are allowed to be
 Powers, functions and authority of the
executive committee are those that may be
delegated to it by the BOD or those specific
matters within the competence of the
board except:
 1. Approval of any action which
shareholders approval is also required.
2. The filing up of vacancies in the Board
3. The amendment or repeal of by laws or

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