Northwest Corner Method

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Northwest Corner Method (Transportation Algorithm in

Linear Programming)
by Linear Programming Webmaster on October 26, 2015 in Linear Programming (LP)

The Northwest Corner Method (or upper left-hand corner) is a heuristic that is

applied to a special type of Linear Programming problem structure called
the Transportation Model, which ensures that there is an initial basic feasible solution
(non artificial). Other methods for obtaining an initial basic solution are the Minimum
Cell Cost Method and the Vogel Approximation Model. Generally, Vogel’s Model
produces the best initial basic solution and the Northwest Corner the worst;
nevertheless, the Northwest Corner Method involves the least number of calculations.
The Northwest Corner Method starts in the cell (route) corresponding to the

northeast corner, or the upper left, of the tableau (variable  ). Below is a description
of the steps:
1. Step 1: Allocate the maximum amount available to the selected cell and adjust
the associated supply and demand quantities by subtracting the allocated quantity.
2. Step 2: Exit the row or the column when the supply or demand reaches zero and
cross it out, to show that you cannot make any more allocations to that row or column.
If a row or a column simultaneously reach zero, only cross out one (the row or the
column) and leave a zero supply (demand) in the row (column) that is not crossed out.
3. Step 3: If exactly one row or column is left that is not crossed out, stop.
Otherwise, advance to the cell to the right if a column has just been crossed out, or to
the cell below if a row was crossed out. Continue with Step 1.
Northwest Corner Method Example
In order to illustrate how to apply the Northwest Corner Method we will consider the
following balanced  transportation model that takes into account 3 silos products
(supply) that satisfy the needs of 4 mills (demand). The transportation algorithm is
based on the hypothesis that the model is balanced, in other words, that the total
demand is equal to the total supply (if the model is not balanced it can always be
increased with a fictitious source or a fictitious destination to restore the equilibrium or
The per unit transport costs from silo i  to mill j ( ) is represented in the upper right-
hand corner of each box. For example the unit cost of sending one product unit from
silo 1 to mill 1 is $10. Furthermore silos 1, 2 and 3 have a capacity and supply of 15,
25 and 10 units, respectively. On the other hand mills 1, 2, 3 and 4 have requirements
or demands of 5, 15, 15 and 15 units, respectively. The model is balanced (sum of
the supply = sum of the demand = 50 units). By applying the Northwest Corner
Model to the previous example the following results are obtained. The arrows indicate
the order in which the allocated quantities are generated:

 The quantity allocated to cell   is 5 units, given that although silo 1 has a
capacity of 15 units, mill 1 only needs (demand) 5 units (no more allocations are made
to column 1 corresponding to mill 1).
 Next we will move to the right and assign the maximum (10 remaining units) to

cell   (thereby completing the capacity of silo 1 and as a result it is no longer

possible to make allocations to row 1).
 Then we allocate 5 units to cell  , which is actually less than the capacity of
silo 2 but enough to satisfy the requirements of mill 2 (it is no longer possible to make
additional allocations to column 2).We move to the right and allocate the maximum

possible (5 units, which is the remaining capacity of silo 2, meaning that  ), with
which silo 2 operates at maximum capacity (new allocations to row 2 are no longer

 Finally 10 units are allocated from silo 3 to mill 4 ( ) meeting the mill’s
demand (and the capacity of the corresponding silo).

Therefore the initial basic feasible solution is:  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,

reporting a program cost (the objective function value)
of: Z=5(10)+10(2)+5(7)+15*(9)+5(20)+10*(18)=$520. Note that if the above
problem is implemented computationally using Solver from Exceland Simplex LP as
a problem solver, the following optimal solution is found (yellow cells) with a minimum
cost (optimal value) of $435.

Northwest Corner Method (Transportation Algorithm in Linear Programming)

by Linear Programming Webmaster on October 26, 2015 in Linear Programming (LP)

The Northwest Corner Method (or upper left-hand corner) is a heuristic that is applied to a special type
of Linear Programming problem structure called the Transportation Model, which ensures that there is
an initial basic feasible solution (non artificial). Other methods for obtaining an initial basic solution are
the Minimum Cell Cost Method and the Vogel Approximation Model. Generally, Vogel’s Model produces
the best initial basic solution and the Northwest Corner the worst; nevertheless, the Northwest Corner
Method involves the least number of calculations.
The Northwest Corner Method starts in the cell (route) corresponding to the northeast corner, or the
upper left, of the tableau (variable x_{11}). Below is a description of the steps:

Step 1: Allocate the maximum amount available to the selected cell and adjust the associated supply
and demand quantities by subtracting the allocated quantity.

Step 2: Exit the row or the column when the supply or demand reaches zero and cross it out, to show
that you cannot make any more allocations to that row or column. If a row or a column simultaneously
reach zero, only cross out one (the row or the column) and leave a zero supply (demand) in the row
(column) that is not crossed out.

Step 3: If exactly one row or column is left that is not crossed out, stop. Otherwise, advance to the cell to
the right if a column has just been crossed out, or to the cell below if a row was crossed out. Continue
with Step 1.

Northwest Corner Method Example

In order to illustrate how to apply the Northwest Corner Method we will consider the following
balanced transportation model that takes into account 3 silos products (supply) that satisfy the needs of
4 mills (demand). The transportation algorithm is based on the hypothesis that the model is balanced, in
other words, that the total demand is equal to the total supply (if the model is not balanced it can
always be increased with a fictitious source or a fictitious destination to restore the equilibrium or

Northwest Corner Method Example

The per unit transport costs from silo i to mill j (c_{ij}) is represented in the upper right-hand corner of
each box. For example the unit cost of sending one product unit from silo 1 to mill 1 is $10. Furthermore
silos 1, 2 and 3 have a capacity and supply of 15, 25 and 10 units, respectively. On the other hand mills 1,
2, 3 and 4 have requirements or demands of 5, 15, 15 and 15 units, respectively. The model is balanced
(sum of the supply = sum of the demand = 50 units). By applying the Northwest Corner Model to the
previous example the following results are obtained. The arrows indicate the order in which the
allocated quantities are generated:

Northwest Corner Model solution

The quantity allocated to cell x_{11} is 5 units, given that although silo 1 has a capacity of 15 units, mill 1
only needs (demand) 5 units (no more allocations are made to column 1 corresponding to mill 1).

Next we will move to the right and assign the maximum (10 remaining units) to cell x_{12} (thereby
completing the capacity of silo 1 and as a result it is no longer possible to make allocations to row 1).

Then we allocate 5 units to cell x_{22}, which is actually less than the capacity of silo 2 but enough to
satisfy the requirements of mill 2 (it is no longer possible to make additional allocations to column 2).We
move to the right and allocate the maximum possible (5 units, which is the remaining capacity of silo 2,
meaning that x_{24}=5), with which silo 2 operates at maximum capacity (new allocations to row 2 are
no longer possible).

Finally 10 units are allocated from silo 3 to mill 4 (x_{34}=10) meeting the mill’s demand (and the
capacity of the corresponding silo).

Therefore the initial basic feasible solution is: x_{11}=5, x_{12}=10, x_{22}=5, x_{23}=15, x_{24}=5,
x_{34}=10, reporting a program cost (the objective function value) of:
Z=5(10)+10(2)+5(7)+15*(9)+5(20)+10*(18)=$520. Note that if the above problem is implemented
computationally using Solver from Excel and Simplex LP as a problem solver, the following optimal
solution is found (yellow cells) with a minimum cost (optimal value) of $435.

Northwest Corner Model solver

Northwest Corner Method (Transportation Algorithm in Linear Programming)

by Linear Programming Webmaster on October 26, 2015 in Linear Programming (LP)

The Northwest Corner Method (or upper left-hand corner) is a heuristic that is applied to a special type
of Linear Programming problem structure called the Transportation Model, which ensures that there is
an initial basic feasible solution (non artificial). Other methods for obtaining an initial basic solution are
the Minimum Cell Cost Method and the Vogel Approximation Model. Generally, Vogel’s Model
produces the best initial basic solution and the Northwest Corner the worst; nevertheless, the
Northwest Corner Method involves the least number of calculations.

The Northwest Corner Method starts in the cell (route) corresponding to the northeast corner, or the

upper left, of the tableau (variable  ). Below is a description of the steps:

1. Step 1: Allocate the maximum amount available to the selected cell and adjust the associated
supply and demand quantities by subtracting the allocated quantity.

2. Step 2: Exit the row or the column when the supply or demand reaches zero and cross it out, to
show that you cannot make any more allocations to that row or column. If a row or a column
simultaneously reach zero, only cross out one (the row or the column) and leave a zero supply
(demand) in the row (column) that is not crossed out.

3. Step 3: If exactly one row or column is left that is not crossed out, stop. Otherwise, advance to
the cell to the right if a column has just been crossed out, or to the cell below if a row was
crossed out. Continue with Step 1.

Northwest Corner Method Example

In order to illustrate how to apply the Northwest Corner Method we will consider the
following balanced  transportation model that takes into account 3 silos products (supply) that satisfy
the needs of 4 mills (demand). The transportation algorithm is based on the hypothesis that the model is
balanced, in other words, that the total demand is equal to the total supply (if the model is not balanced
it can always be increased with a fictitious source or a fictitious destination to restore the equilibrium or

The per unit transport costs from silo i  to mill j  ( ) is represented in the upper right-hand corner of
each box. For example the unit cost of sending one product unit from silo 1 to mill 1 is $10. Furthermore
silos 1, 2 and 3 have a capacity and supply of 15, 25 and 10 units, respectively. On the other hand mills 1,
2, 3 and 4 have requirements or demands of 5, 15, 15 and 15 units, respectively. The model
is balanced  (sum of the supply = sum of the demand = 50 units). By applying the Northwest Corner
Model to the previous example the following results are obtained. The arrows indicate the order in
which the allocated quantities are generated:
 The quantity allocated to cell   is 5 units, given that although silo 1 has a capacity of 15
units, mill 1 only needs (demand) 5 units (no more allocations are made to column 1
corresponding to mill 1).

 Next we will move to the right and assign the maximum (10 remaining units) to cell   
(thereby completing the capacity of silo 1 and as a result it is no longer possible to make
allocations to row 1).

 Then we allocate 5 units to cell  , which is actually less than the capacity of silo 2 but
enough to satisfy the requirements of mill 2 (it is no longer possible to make additional
allocations to column 2).We move to the right and allocate the maximum possible (5 units,

which is the remaining capacity of silo 2, meaning that  ), with which silo 2 operates at
maximum capacity (new allocations to row 2 are no longer possible).

 Finally 10 units are allocated from silo 3 to mill 4 ( ) meeting the mill’s demand (and the
capacity of the corresponding silo).

Therefore the initial basic feasible solution is:  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , reporting a

program cost (the objective function value) of: Z=5(10)+10(2)+5(7)+15*(9)+5(20)+10*(18)=$520. Note
that if the above problem is implemented computationally using Solver from Exceland Simplex LP as a
problem solver, the following optimal solution is found (yellow cells) with a minimum cost (optimal
value) of $435.

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