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Nepal’s largest selling English daily

Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj
Vol XXVIII No. 245 | 8 pages | Rs.5
Sunday, November 01, 2020 | 16-07-2077
35.6O C 2.0O C
Janakpur Jumla

Oli is in a tight spot,

again, of his own
making, insiders say
Dahal and Nepal have ignored his overtures and are pressing
for a Secretariat meeting to discuss all outstanding issues.

After Prime Minister and party chair

KP Sharma Oli’s “unilateral” moves
despite agreeing to take decisions on
the basis of consultation and consen-
sus, the faction led by the other chair,
Pushpa Kamal Dahal, is once again
building pressure on him.
Over the last few days, Dahal
ignored Oli’s overtures. More than
half a dozen leaders close to Oli have
made rounds of Dahal’s residence in
According to sources, Oli and
Dahal, who used to have a meeting
almost every day, had not met for
the last 11 days. On Saturday, Dahal
reached Baluwatar and held a file photo
meeting for around two hours. Dahal KP Sharma Oli
is now seeking a meeting of the party
Secretariat, according to leaders conflict in the party. The decision said
close to him. the prime minister will take decisions
Insiders say the current situation in on major issues in consultation with
the party arose because of Oli himself, the other chair and the party
as he refused to abide by the party’s Secretariat.
decisions. “But Oli failed to do so,” said the
Post photo: Deepak KC “Oli must comply with the deci- Standing Committee member, also a
Kathmandu Valley as seen south from the vantage point of Jamchen Vijaya Stupa at Thule Gaun in Budhanilkantha. sions taken by the party’s September member of the task force. “Oli will
11 Standing Committee. Or else he will face a tough time if he refuses to abide
have to face the consequences,” said a by party decisions.”
Standing Committee member who did After the September 11 decision, the

Strengthening constitutionalism strengthens

not wish to be named. seven-week-long tug-of-war was said
The Standing Committee had to have ended. Some insiders, howev-
endorsed a 15-point decision drafted er, had told the Post that they won-
by a six-member task force which was dered how long the truce will last.

democracy, analysts say

formed to resolve the months-long >> Continued on page 2

Experts stress wider discourse on constitutionalism amid incidents in which those

tasked with implementing the constitution have been brazenly trampling upon it.

Amid tensions in Karnali Province

after a group of provincial members
moved a no-confidence motion
against Chief Minister Mahendra
Bahadur Shahi, the Nepal Communist
Party central leadership intervened,
instructing leaders to settle the
Prime Minister and party chair
KP Sharma Oli then made a statement
that provinces are “administrative
units” under the federal government.
This was the second time Oli made
such a reference to provincial govern-
Oli’s statement quickly raised ques-
tions if he is still discarding federal-
ism, which was guaranteed by the
constitution adopted in 2015.
Nepal’s constitution that declared
Nepal a democratic federal republic
turned five last month. Observers,
however, say over the years, many of
the key agencies, most notably the
federal government, and political
leaders in Kathmandu have taken so
many actions that undermine the spir- Post Illustration: KrishnaGopal Shrestha
it of the constitution. The constitution ensures three elected governments at the federal, provincial and local levels.
According to them, the fundamental
problem is Nepali leaders who drafted implementing the constitution. How become strong when the judiciary is
the constitution themselves have can we expect constitutionalism to weak.”
failed to comprehend what constitu- strengthen under him.” According to him, democratic prin-
tionalism means. According to Britannica, constitu- ciples, federalism, republicanism, sec-
Experts on constitutional and polit- tionalism refers to efforts to prevent ularism and inclusion—the pillars of
ical affairs say sovereignty vested in arbitrary government. At its most the constitution—have come under
the people, limited government, the generic level, arbitrariness consists attack in several instances.
principle of separation of powers, in the capacity of rulers to govern “There seems to be a lack of under-
independent judiciary, human rights wilfully—that is, with complete dis- standing about constitutionalism,”
and fundamental rights and inclusive cretion—and to serve their own inter- said Bhandari.
governance system are the compo- ests rather than those of the ruled, the Raju Prasad Chapagain, chairper-
nents of constitutionalism. encyclopedia defines. son of the Constitutional Lawyers’
The breach of any of these compo- Constitutionalism attempts to avoid Forum, said in the simplest form, con-
nents means an attack on constitu- these dangers by designing mecha- stitutionalism is adherence to a con-
tionalism. nisms that determine who can rule, stitutional system of government.
Vijay Kant Karna, a professor of how, and for what purposes. But how? Actions of the executive, the legisla-
political science at Tribhuvan That’s where the principle of sepa- tive function of parliament, the judici-
University, said the very concept of ration of powers is quite important, ary’s role and constitutional bodies’
constitutionalism is strengthening say experts. constant watch to ensure proper
the institutions and prioritising insti- Nepal’s constitution provides for checks and balances as well as media
tutional governance. checks and balances by dividing and civil society’s call for accountabil-
“I see a huge gap between the con- the government into three parts ity are necessary to strengthen consti-
stitutional order and political pro- —the executive, the legislative and the tutionalism, according to him.
cess,” Karna told the Post. “The major judiciary. “However, except the media and
concern is Oli, who was never for fed- According to senior advocate civil society, to some extent, no other
eralism, has been given the task of Surendra Bhandari, any of the agency has performed their expected
branches overriding another roles, thereby weakening constitution-
results in a breach of the princi- alism,” said Chapagain.
ple of separation of powers, Experts say public frustration will
thereby crushing the very idea grow if the state machinery fails to
of constitutionalism. function effectively and independent-
Oftentimes, says Bhandari, ly which will ultimately increase dis-
the judiciary appears to be tak- trust in the constitution.
ing a position not to antagonise The present constitution is the sev-
the executive. enth introduced in a span of as many
“This is because meritocracy decades in Nepal.
has often been compromised “Strengthening constitutionalism
while picking judges and justic- is necessary to ensure that the present
es,” Bhandari told the Post. “We constitution lasts long and becomes
can’t expect constitutionalism to more effective,” said Chapagain.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2020 | 02


Private hospitals in
Biratnagar are
charging Covid-19
patients exorbitantly
Private hospitals are demanding a deposit of Rs 100,000
to Rs 300,000 from each Covid-19 patient, locals say.
BINOD BHANDARI patients, Rs 7,000 to patients with mod-
BIRATNAGAR, OCT 31 erate ailments and Rs 15,000 for criti-
cal care services a day.
Forty-five-year-old Naramaya Magar Nobel Medical College charges Rs
of Katnuwa in Ratuwamai 5,000 per day for patients in general
Muncipality Ward No. 10 committed ward, Rs 15,000 per day for patients in
suicide on Monday night. She ICU facility without ventilator facili-
had tested positive for Covid-19 the ties and Rs 18,000 to patients in ICU
same day. with ventilator facility. The hospital
According to Magar’s family, she also demands Rs 100,000 deposit from
was taken to Biratnagar-based Nobel each Covid-19 patient before taking
Medical College for treatment after admission.
her PCR report came positive. However, Narayan Dahal, manager
However, the hospital demanded a at the hospital, said, “We are only tak-
deposit of Rs 100,000 for her to get ing deposits that equals the charge of
admitted at the hospital. a day. We are not taking Rs 100,000
“We could not deposit the amount from a Covid-19 patient.”
so we took her back home. She com- Currently, there are 85 Covid-19
mitted suicide the same night,” said patients in the hospital. According to
Sujan Magar, the deceased’s relative. Dahal, 37 patients are in the general
This is just a case that shows how ward, nine are in the ICU with a venti-
difficult—and expensive—it is for lator facility and the remaining others
Covid-19 patients to receive treatment are in the ICU facility.
in Biratnagar. Likewise, Birat Medical College has
A week ago, the federal government been demanding a deposit of Rs
had announced to discontinue free 300,000 from each Covid-19 patient in
test and treatment of Covid-19 the ICU with charges ranging from Rs Post Photo: KABIN ADHIKARI
patients, except for certain groups 25,000 per day for ventilator service Women wash their hair and do the laundry at a natural water source near Chappal Karkhana in Kathmandu. With the onset of the dry season, such springs serve thousands of
including the helpless, impoverished and Rs 15,000 without it. According to people in the water-scarce Valley.
and disabled. Since then, private hos- the hospital sources, the health facili-
pitals in Biratnagar have been charg- ty takes Rs 100,000 deposit and Rs 8,000
ing exorbitant amounts to Covid-19 per day from those staying in the gen-

Traffic police plant 1,500 saplings of an

patients. According to locals, private eral bed. Currently, there are 65 Covid-
hospitals are demanding a deposit of 19 patients in the hospital. Among
Rs 100,000 to Rs 300,000 from each them, 18 are in the ICU facility.
Covid-19 patient before starting their Neuro Hospital in Biratnagar also

unproven herb to fight against coronavirus

treatment. The hospitals charge Rs takes Rs 100,000 deposit and a daily
5,000 to Rs 25,000 per Covid-19 patient charge of Rs 15,000 if a Covid-19
a day, they say. patient has to be admitted to the ICU
In Biratnagar, three private hospi- facility. For those in the general
tals—Nobel Medical College, Birat ward, the deposit cost is Rs 50,000.
Medical College and Neuro Hospital— Currently, there are 24 Covid-19 ANUP OJHA about or encourage having gurjo. a household name. The vine plant in The Tinkune Park has been neglect-
are providing treatment to Covid-19 patients in the hospital. KATHMANDU, OCT 31 “There is no clinical evidence of cur- recent time has become wildly popu- ed for over a decade due to disputes
patients. The Biratnagar Metropolitan Meanwhile, Chief District Officer ing Covid-19 by having gurjo. I guess lar in the market. Once a highly over its ownership and compensation.
City committee of Nepali Congress in Morang Kosh Hari Niraula said, In an effort to boost the immunity of ayurveda and alternative medicine neglected plant that was just limited It has been beautified occasionally to
has also spoken out against the pri- “We have formed an inspection com- traffic policemen, the Metropolitan practitioners can better explain it,” in the wilderness, gurjo has been impress important visitors. Last year
vate hospitals fleecing Covid-19 mittee led by the commerce office and Traffic Police on Saturday morning said Dr Sher Bahadur Pun, a virolo- widely popularised as a medicine for in October, during the Chinese
patients. The committee recently started inspecting the hospitals from planted 1,500 saplings of gurjo (tino- gist at the Sukraraj Tropical and coronavirus and the plantation, sale President Xi Jinping’s visit in
organised a press meet and requested Friday after receiving complaints spora cordifolia) on the barren land at Infectious Disease Hospital, Teku. and consumption of gurjo has Kathmandu, the Kathmandu
hospital operators not to charge exor- from all quarters. The inspection com- Tinkune park. But even the government’s ayurve- increased across the country. Metropolitan City had planted flow-
bitant amounts to Covid-19 patients. mittee will submit a report to the local The plantation of gurjo saplings, dic experts do not vouch for the herb The traffic police department’s ers, plants and pieces of grass carpet
As per the ceiling fixed by the gov- administration soon. We will take said Senior Superintendent of Police against Covid-19. efforts to grow gurjo has also been making the embankments, but as Xi
ernment, private hospitals cannot action as per the evaluation made by Bhim Prasad Dhakal, would help the Dr Basudev Upadhyay, director gen- questioned for the wherewithal it has departed Kathmandu, those beautifi-
charge more than Rs 3,500 to normal the committee’s report.” traffic police increase their immunity eral at the Department of Ayurveda to take care of the saplings. cation materials were stolen.
as they come in contact with a lot and Alternative Medicine, agreed that “This is just nonsense and a public- Earlier, the metropolitan city office
of people. So far, over 400 traffic none of those homemade or home- ity stunt. Who will keep tabs of those had made numerous failed plans to
police have already been infected with grown remedies have clinical proof plants?” said Binod Shrestha, 43, a maintain the park but it has long been
coronavirus. and said that the herb does not come local businessman in Tinkune. “Since a dumping place. And after last year’s
“The plant increases the immunity under the Ministry of Health and the gurjo is a vine plant, it needs beautification, the Tinkune ‘park’ has
power so we have planted gurjo in the Population’s protocols and guidelines. trees or some support. So how is it become a safe haven for drug users,
open space and all our offices in It was India’s celebrated yoga guru going to grow here? Also, as many prostitution and hooligans, according
Kathmandu Valley to promote this Baba Ramdev who advocated that people know its medicinal benefits, to Tinkune police. But after six
plant,” said Dhakal. yoga and ayurvedic medicines can none of those plants will remain months of lockdown, the park is now
The gurjo saplings were handed to prevent and cure the Covid-19. there intact.” filled with bushes.
the traffic office by the Inland Revenue “But gurjo has great medical signif-
Department and National Planning icance and can help develop immuni-
Commission. ty. It should not be taken without doc-
Although the herb is used in tradi- tors’ prescription,” said Upadhyay.
tional ayurvedic medicine, it has not However, he also said that over con-
 Post file photo been clinically proven to be effective sumption and taking it without a doc-
Nobel Medical College is one of the three private hospitals in Biratnagar that treat Covid-19 against the coronavirus. tor’s prescription have caused many
patients. Virologists are reluctant to talk side effects among people. “So people
should be conscious of consuming it,”
said Upadhyay.
It’s not only Dhakal, even Prime
Minister KP Sharma Oli has been
Province Government
vocal about eating home remedies like
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development garlic, ginger and turmeric and sneez-
ing it can take away Covid-19 that
Water Supply and Sanitation Division No. 4 earned ridicule in social media.
The traffic division office has also
Ramechhap, Bagamati Province announced plans to plant four gurjo
plants in its 44 different units all
Invitation for Bid (IFB) across the Valley.
As of Saturday, the country report-
First date of publication: 1, November 2020 (Kartik 16, 2077) ed 17 Covid-19-related fatalities, taking
the death toll to 937. The country also
Water Supply and Sanitation Division No.4, Ramechhap, Nepal invites only electronic bids from qualified/ recorded 2,508 new cases, pushing the
eligible Bidders for the Constructon/Supply of following water Supply Project’s works/Goods under National national infection tally to 170,743.  Post Photo: Anish Regmi
Since the start of the Covid-19 pan- The traffic police believe that the plantation of gurjo plants would help them increase their
Competitive Bidding; Single Stage, single Envelope Bidding Procedures. A complete set of Bidding Documents
demic, gurjo, a vine plant, has become immunity.
can be downloaded from PPMO’s website :

S.N. Contract /IFB No. Name of work/Project Estimated Amount NRS. Bid Fee. (Nrs.)

1. 01/077/078 Ramechhap Procurement of HDPE

(Without VAT)

Oli is in a tight spot, again, of his own ...
PIPE(PE 100) for >> Continued from page 1 senting the former CPN-UML, had on Oli’s proposal to Nepal to join
Different W/S Project of “I have been saying all along that the October 11 filed a no-confidence hands also failed to get the desired
Dolakha district ceasefire was just for a temporary motion against Shahi, who represents response, making it even more diffi-
period; conflict has surfaced yet the former Maoist party. Though the cult for him, say insiders. Dahal
2. 02/077/078 Ramechhap Procurement of HDPE 3000.00 again,” said Raghuji Pant, also a issue has been settled now, the inci- agreed to hold a meeting with Oli after
Standing Committee member who is dent has sown the seeds of discord in a gap of 11 days after consultations
PIPE(PE 100) for considered close to senior leader the party. with Nepal. Leaders say that Dahal,
Different W/S Project of Madhav Kumar Nepal. “Dahal appears The death of Mukesh Chaurasiya, a who had refused to meet Oli saying he
Ramechhap district to be extremely concerned after Oli former Maoist leader from Parsa, was not interested in meaningless
went on to make unilateral decisions after he was injured in a clash between talks, went to Baluwatar after
3. 03/077/078 Ramechhap Procurement of HDPE 3000.00 against the party’s decisions.” supporters of Oli and Dahal too Nepal suggested that he demand a
Leaders say the reemergence of has added to the conflict in the Secretariat meeting.
PIPE(PE 100) for conflict in the party is a cause party. Chaurasiya, who was severely Leaders said Oli’s fate now will
Different W/S Project of for grave concern, as the country is injured during the clash on October depend on how Dahal makes his
faced with multiple crises caused by 21, had died during treatment the next moves, as he continues to have Nepal’s
Sindhuli district the pandemic. morning. backing.
3000.00 According to Dahal’s private secre- Leaders from the Dahal and Madhav “It’s now up to Dahal and how
4. 04/077/078 Ramechhap Construction of Civil 3048854.69 tariat, the chairman during Saturday’s Nepal camps have also taken excep- Oli responds,” said Pant. “But if we
works for Salmekhola meeting with Oli called for holding a tion to Oli’s meeting with Samant want a lasting solution to deep-rooted
Water Quality meeting of the party Secretariat to Goel, chief of India’s foreign intelli- problems in the party, we need to find
discuss all contemporary issues, gence agency, on October 21, without a political solution. Addressing some
Improvement Project, including the Karnali conflict, Oli’s the party’s prior knowledge. technical issues does not help.”
Ramechhap meeting with Indian spy chief, the According to leaders close to Dahal, Leaders close to Oli, however, say
killing of a former Maoist leader in a the chairman wants all these issues to the prime minister is for continuing
5. 05/077/078 Ramechhap Construction of Deep tube 2317591.16 3000.00 clash, Cabinet reshuffle and the Covid- be addressed through a Secretariat one-on-one meetings with Dahal so as
19 pandemic. meeting. to address the outstanding issues.
well boring work for Dahal has been suspicious if the Earlier, on October 17 and again on “Now the two chairs will continue
Range Lift WS Project move to file a no-confidence motion October 25, party spokesperson meetings and discuss ways to imple-
against Karnali Chief Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha had written to ment the party decision,” said Subas
Mahendra Bahadur Shahi was insti- the party chairmen demanding that Nembang, a Standing Committee
Division Chief gated by Oli. As many as 18 provincial all outstanding issues be resolved member. “Secretariat meetings will
assembly members, 15 of them repre- through a party Secretariat meeting. take place on an as-needed basis.”

03 | SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2020


Rs50 billion relief

package roll-out delay
worries businesses
Change in the leadership of the Ministry of Finance and
transfer of secretaries behind the delay, officials say.
PRITHVI MAN SHRESTHA According to a finance ministry offi-
KATHMANDU, OCT 31 cial, a draft of the working procedure
is currently with the economic and
Manika Kayastha, a Bhaktapur-based infrastructure committee of the
entrepreneur, is waiting for govern- Cabinet.
ment support to continue running her “It has remained pending there
woodcarving business badly affected although we had sent the draft more
by Covid-19 pandemic. than a month ago,” said Jhakka
Before the pandemic, she used to Acharya, joint secretary at the
sell products worth over Rs3.5 million Ministry of Finance. “Part of the
each year to Nepalis and foreign reason behind the delay, according
tourists, and also export merchandise to Acharya, is the change of finance
by air. minister and transfer of secretaries
As the domestic market reopened from the Prime Minister’s Office.”
after months-long lockdown and inter- As per the proposed working proce-
national flights also resumed last dure, the government plans to provide
month, she expected things to get back up to Rs50 million to mildly affected
to normal. But she now faces a finan- enterprises while up to Rs70 million
cial crunch to get her business back will be made available to enterprises
on its feet. “Due to the coronavirus that faced medium level of impact and
pandemic, Nepalis are not buying the worst-affected enterprises will get
woodcraft, and foreign tourists are not up to Rs100 million.
coming,” said Kayastha.
“I am waiting for the government’s
support. But that hasn’t been forth-
coming,” said Kayastha.
The government
Post Photo: Anish Regmi It has been five months since the
government announced the creation
also faces challenge
Youths play cricket at a ground in Tinkune, Kathmandu on Saturday. Despite the attempts of Kathmandu Metropolitan City to turn the space into a park, disputes over ownership of the land have
meant the land has not been utilised properly and is covered mostly with bushes. of a Rs50 billion rehabilitation fund to raise the amount
through its budget for the current fis-
cal year (2020-21) to provide subsidised needed for the fund.
loan to the pandemic-affected cottage,

Remdesivir shows mixed

small and medium industries and

Briefing tourism enterprises.

However, as the government is yet
to come up with a working procedure,
The government plans to disburse
half of the fund to help businesses pay
salaries to their staffers and the other
it is uncertain when many enterprises half to be used as working capital.

results in Nepal, experts say

Three gamblers held with cash affected by the pandemic will get Pandemic-affected sectors will get the
MAHOTTARI: Police detained three gam- money from the fund. funds for two years, according to the
blers from Manara Siswa According to the government, the finance ministry. The government is,
Municipality-7 in Mahottari district fund, to be set up at the Nepal Rastra however, facing problems generating
on Saturday. Police said Binod Kumar Bank, will be used to inject working resources for the fund as revenue col-
capital into affected businesses to help lection is drying up.
Sah, Saroj Kumar Sah and Santosh
Kumar Sah were held while they were The medication cut hospital stay of serious patients, lessened symptoms of Covid-19. them pay their employees and run However, Acharya said that the gov-
gambling in a bamboo clump near to their business. As per government ernment has the option of collecting
the settlement. The security person- ARJUN POUDEL data of 345 patients involved in the provisions, pandemic-affected sectors funds as the various government enti-
nel seized Rs 332,960 cash and cowries KATHMANDU, OCT 31 study. will get finance at five percent interest ties have funds which can be made
from the suspects. Detailed investiga- The Department of Drug rate while any interest rate above the available at cheaper interest rates.
tion is underway into the case, Contrary to the findings of Solidarity, Administration, the national regula- cut-off rate will be borne by the gov- The government also plans to mobi-
said police. an international clinical trial carried tor of the drug market, in September ernment. lise resources from donors for the
out by the World Health Organization, had authorised the import and usage Hotels, as a part of the tourism purpose.
antiviral medication remdesivir of remdesivir for treatment of Covid- industry, are one one of the targeted As the pandemic mostly affected
Declare Myagdi disaster-hit showed mixed results in Nepal. 19 patients, as a study drug and dele- beneficiaries of this rehabilitation micro, small and medium enterprises,
According to the Nepal Health gated authority to the council to over- fund. But hoteliers say most of them this fund is important for them.
district, Gandaki urges centre Research Council, which has been see its use. are waiting for the funds from the gov- During the lockdown, 61 percent of
POKHARA: The Gandaki Provincial overseeing the effects of remdesivir After the report of the council is ernment to pay their employees given the enterprises surveyed by Nepal
government has urged the federal on patients, the antiviral medication unveiled, the administration could the lack of cash flow. Rastra Bank were closed completely,
government to declare Myagdi a natu- was found to be effective in the treat- permit traders to import it like other “We have agreed to pay our workers 35 percent were partially operating
ral disaster-hit district. A meeting of ment of serious Covid-19 cases. drugs and sell it in the market. who have been sent home due to lack and only four percent of the indus-
the provincial executive held recently “Yes, our study shows the antiviral On October 22, the US Food and of work Rs4300 to Rs10,000 by tries were operating fully.
decided to make the recommendation. medicine [remdesivir] reduced hospi- Drug Administration approved rem- December,” said Binayak Shah, first Among the different sectors of
According to the provincial Ministry tal stay, lessened symptoms and desivir for use in adults and pediatric vice-president of Hotel Association of economy, 91 percent of hotels and res-
of Internal Affairs and Law, 31 people reduced deaths also,” Dr Janak patients 12 years of age and older and Nepal, a grouping of hoteliers. “But, taurants were closed completely, 89
have died, five others have gone miss- Koirala, clinical trial consultant at the weighting at least 40 kilograms for the many of us have failed to pay them the percent of real estate and rental ser-
ing and 636 families have been dis- council, told the Post. treatment of Covid-19 requiring agreed amount with the government vices, 76 percent of transport and stor-
placed in separate incidents of land- The study was performed on 1,200 Retuers
hospitalisation. not making available the subsidised age services were also completely
slides and floods in Myagdi this year. moderately and seriously ill patients, had little or no effect on overall mor- The UN health agency, however, money.” closed, making them the most affected
The federal government has already who were given oxygen therapy due to tality, initiation of ventilation and cautioned against physicians and He said that an agreement was sectors.
declared Sindhupalchok and Baglung low oxygen saturation, admitted to duration of hospital stay in hospital- medical associations recommending signed with the trade unions after In terms of size of industries, the
disaster-hit districts. intensive care units or placed on ven- ised patients,” WHO said in its inter- or administering unproven treat- assurances from the government that worst affected industries are—cottage
tilator support. im results published on October 15. ments to patients of Covid-19 or peo- it would provide funds to pay the and small industries with capital
Solidarity, one of largest interna- When asked about the WHO’s inter- ple self-medicating with them. workers. “With the government’s upto Rs150 million, according to the
Construction of bus park starts tional randomised trials for Covid-19, im report, Dr Pradip Gyanwali, execu- With exponential rise in new infec- delay, we feel the money won’t help central bank survey. The relief fund is
BAGLUNG: Dhorpatan Municipality involved 12,000 patients admitted in tive chief of Nepal Health Research tions, a number of symptomatic and us when we need it the most,” said expected to help the most affected
has started the construction of a new 500 hospital sites of over 30 countries, Council, said that the WHO’s interim serious cases have also been rising Shah. sectors.
bus park in Ward No. 1 of the munici- according to the UN health agency. report is yet to be peer- reviewed, throughout the country. Hospitals des- According to him, they have Over 80 percent of micro, small and
pality. Dev Kumar Nepali, mayor of Apart from remdesivir, hydroxy- which means the report should be ignated for Covid-19 treatment have approached both the government and medium enterprises suffered from a
the municipality, said, “We have pre- chloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir and scrutinised by experts from the same been overwhelmed and thousands of the central bank to mobilise the slump in sales amid the COVID-19
pared a DPR to construct the new bus interferon were also used in the WHO field to ensure its scientific quality. infected patients have been deprived announced fund. “Central bank offi- pandemic, a survey of the
park in Khapatribang. The munici- study. The trial evaluated effects of “A final report with data is yet to be of treatment. cials told us that they can’t provide International Finance Corporation
pality has purchased five ropanis of the drugs on three important out- completed but our preliminary reports As of Saturday, 170,743 people across money from the rehabilitation fund as released in late September revealed.
land to construct the bus park, as the comes in Covid-19 patients: mortality, show mixed results,” Dr Gyanwali Nepal have been infected, with 937 the government is yet to provide funds While the government announced
old buspark cannot accommodate all need for assisted ventilation and dura- told the Post. “We will conclude this deaths. In the last 24 hours, 2,508 peo- for the purpose,” said Shah. rehabilitation fund is yet to be uti-
vehicles due to the increasing num- tion of hospital stay. study within a week and publish ple tested positive including 1,357 in The government has so far allocated lised, Nepal Rastra Bank has, howev-
ber of public vehicles.” Every day, “It found that all four treatments the results.” Kathmandu Valley. The Health Rs1 billion to the fund, but it is yet to er, started providing refinance facili-
vehicles leave for Kathmandu and [remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, The council said that a preliminary Ministry said there were 38,584 active come up with working procedure ties it had in its monetary policy for
other parts of the country. lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon] report was prepared on the basis of cases on Saturday. regarding the disbursement. the current fiscal year.

Six Nepalis deprived of pay and work for six months rescued in Malaysia
The victims working as security guards tell Malaysian immigration authorities that their employer refused to even meet them despite their numerous requests to do so.
CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL under the threat of a penalty and for tions working to promote safer migra-
KATHMANDU, OCT 31 which the person has not offered him- tion and rights of migrant workers.
self or herself voluntarily”. “The Malaysian authority saying
Without work and money for months, The UN agency differentiates forced these workers were victims of forced
six Nepali migrants have been res- labour from substandard or exploita- labour proves it further.”
cued from what looked like forced tive working conditions. Various ILO The victims had told the Malaysian
labour conditions in Malaysia. indicators like restrictions on work- authorities that their employer had
The Malaysian authorities on ers’ freedom of movement, withhold- refused to meet them despite numer-
Friday rescued the Nepalis, who had ing of wages or identity documents, ous requests to do so.
been working as security guards in physical or sexual violence, threats “They have been given protection
the Southeast Asian country, after and intimidation or fraudulent debt and placed in a safe house. The
investigations by the Immigration from which workers cannot escape employer and company owner have
Department showed they had been determine when a situation amounts been called to give their statement,”
exploited. to forced labour. said Khairul. “The case is being inves-
The Star, a local English newspaper, The exploitation of Nepali workers tigated under Section 12 of the Anti-
reported that the six men, aged by employers in Malaysia and Persian Trafficking In Persons and Anti-
between 30 and 40, were rescued in an Gulf countries has been going on for Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007 for
operation by the local authorities. several years. Tens of thousands of human trafficking.”
“Based on information gathered workers go without pay and jobs and Many Malaysian companies, main-
and surveillance, an inspection was are forced to do work different from ly glove manufacturing firms, have
conducted at a worker’s hostel,” the what they were promised in the hiring started reimbursing all the costs and
newspaper quoted Immigration direc- phase. related fees paid by migrant workers
tor-general Datuk Khairul Dzaimee “Nepali workers’ exploitation in to ensure zero cost jobs and to meet
Daud as saying. “Six Nepalese men labour destinations is not even a new international standards against
were found inside, with the hostel in a thing anymore. Nepali workers in the forced labour and modern-day slavery.
decrepit and uncomfortable state.” latest case faced wage theft, which is The Malaysian authority’ recent
The immigration authority found an element of forced labour,” Swarna action could be a signal towards
that they were neither paid nor given Kumar Jha, a labour migration expert, the local government and employers
work for nearly six months. The work- told the Post. photo courtesy: the star trying to revamp their image, accord-
ers alleged that their employer had “Such issues were hidden before, The six men, aged between 30 and 40, after they were rescued by local authorities. ing to Jha.
also not given them any money to despite there being frequent reports “They must be trying to give out a
meet their daily needs, according to of such incidents in labour destina- home unpaid.” of expensive air tickets themselves. ment in 2018. message that they are committed to
the local media. tion countries including Malaysia. Covid-19 hit tens of thousands of According to Jha, Friday’s rescue “There could be more workers who safeguarding rights of migrant work-
ILO Forced Labour Convention, The Covid-19 pandemic brought these Nepalis abroad as they faced reduced of six Nepalis from forced labour are going through forced labour situa- ers,” said Jha.
1930 (No. 29) defines forced or compul- issues to the fore like never before working hours, endured drop in regu- shows the problem prevails in tions,” said Jha, who is also a coordi- “After all, they also need a cheap
sory labour as “all work or service after workers’ contracts were termi- lar incomes, and many had to return Malaysia as well despite both coun- nator at the National Network for Safe labour force which comes from
which is exacted from any person nated arbitrarily and they were sent home, most of them bearing the cost tries signing a landmark labour agree- Migration, a grouping of organisa- countries like Nepal.”

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2020 | 04


Nepal’s blossoming literary scene

Due to the youth and energy
of new writers, we are
becoming known for more
than Mount Everest.

The last 30 years have seen literary

endeavours blossom in Nepal. Mainly
this is due to the youth and energy of
new writers. We have ex-pat writers
published by world-class publishers.
Manjushree Thapa and Samrat
Upadhyay are flying the flag abroad.
We are becoming known for more than
Everest. Globally, interest in South
Asian literature has grown, not totally
because of but certainly encouraged
by the West’s revived interest in Lord
Buddha. People tired of materialism
began to travel here on spiritual
quests to discover whether the Light
of Asia could brighten up their lives.
Prakash A Raj writes extensively on
Khadga Shumsher who uncovered the
relics that marked the birthplace of
Lord Buddha in Lumbini, contribut-
ing not only in a historical sense, but
also in a way providing scholars of the
world with much literary material.
Khadga’s great-grandson Deepak
Shumsher, sometimes writing as
Ranabhumi, writes today factual work
on high-altitude hunting and fiction
that is weird and wonderful, creating
lands in other astral zones.

Literary criticism shutterstock

A very meaningful contribution is too writes fine poetry and has ven- queen of the short story. Her collec- der whether writing is in the genes. I public life. Let me not forget a literary Guests in This Country, the first
that of Saguna Shah who founded tured into the Haiku form. Slam poet- tion translated into English as Of A am thinking of Padma Devkota, son critic and writer who has fed the novel in a trilogy, points a satirical
‘bOOkahOlics’. Reading and literary ry has taken hold, particularly among Lesser God throws thought-provoking of Laxmi Prasad; and Benju Sharma flames of Nepal studies not only in finger at ‘colonisation by development
criticism has flourished because of younger writers. light on the average person’s life. Back and Manchu Kanchuli, daughters of literature but in other fields as well, aid’. A long-promised sequel, Ghosts
her dedication and commitment. She In the area of satirical takes on life, to poetry again, Manjul, on a trip to Bhim Nidhi Tiwari. Blood really is Professor Abhi Subedi. He has been a in the Bamboo, is shortly to be
is also a fine translator and recently Ram Kumar Panday, current president Finland, pointed a poetic finger at the thicker than water. host and advisor to many ex-pat Nepal published. The final one Picking Up
her translation of Sheeba Shah’s of PEN Nepal, stands out with his My rising obsession with mobile phones. South Asian literature truly thrives scholars, notably Michael Hutt and The Pieces, was written during the
novel about the Junior Queen made Father’s Marriage. Skilfully written in To no avail as we now communicate here, and it is time for Nepal to have a John Whelpton, and is himself a lockdown. I’ll leave Lapalistan after
infamous by the Kot Massacre is Nepali, it is well worth a read. Kanak more with our phones than we do with new persona. Our critical essayists scholar, playwright and literary histo- this, but hope readers will continue
appreciated because of the fine Nepali Mani Dixit has been prolific with both people! have published widely about the devel- rian. with the story in their own imagina-
and skills, not only of a translator, but children’s and adult stories. One won- One quite remarkable happening is opment scenario. Foremost among Thirty years ago, I wrote my mag- tions. That is what good literary fic-
a born writer. ders where he gets all his energy! He the number of child writers we now them today is author Atul K Thakur. num opus A Place Beneath the Pipal tion should do, and Nepal has plenty
Whereas the novel, earlier promot- delights all ages with his ‘Tales of a have. In the West, parents tend to urge Yubaraj Ghimire, Sudheer Sharma Tree. The novel is about three genera- of it.
ed by Dhruba Chandra Gautam, earli- Nepali Frog’, now going into a second their children with talent to display it; and Akhilesh Upadhyay have given tions of Sherpa women, and the place It’s time for PEN Nepal to invite the
er still by Parijat and Diamond edition. He and his brother Kunda the children of Nepal are doing it of journalism in Nepal a bright spot. beneath the pipal tree is Nepal. It first PEN International Congress here.
Shumsher, has flourished during this Dixit have continued their family role their own volition. Not to sound nepo- Narayan Wagle and Pranaya SJB Rana saw the light of day as Im Schatten des PEN International has always been
period, poetry too has grown in scope. in promoting literature in Nepal. By tistic, my granddaughter, Devasri have done well with pure literary fic- heiligen Baumes (In the Shadow of interested in coming to Nepal. In 2000,
Usha Sherchan, Toya Gurung and producing a world-class monthly, they Rana, published a collection put tion and essay writing. My late hus- the Holy Tree), a German edition. It is we held the international Writers in
Manju Kanchuli are female poets I reach out beyond Nepal’s borders. together when she was seven years old band Madhukar SJB Rana contribut- now in its fourth edition, and is doing Prison Committee meeting here, and
admire for their work. Usha has They maintain a library useful for entitled In My Write and launched it. ed articles on various development the rounds of German book clubs. many delegates stayed on and enjoyed
boundless energy and a wide subject orientalists and continue the legacy Later that year, her cousin, my grand- paradigms. His forthcoming book what Nepal has to offer. We must bring
range. Among male poets, Manjul of the Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya daughter Shreya Rana, living in shall be a valuable resource for Fantasy land the world to our home.
stands out. Viplob Pratik produces and the prize that shares its name. Michigan, published a story entitled Nepal’s policymakers. Bihari Krishna Then there’s my fantasy land,
world-class poetry. Murari Raj Sigdel Maya Thakuri has emerged as a The Magic Lunchbox. I begin to won- Shrestha is an important name in our Lapalistan. I’ve lived in it for 30 years. Rana is a writer based in Kathmandu.

Nutrition leadership during a pandemic

African governments mates that investments in nutrition
could save 3.7 million lives globally by

must make data-driven 2025. Our leaders, therefore, must

meet the challenge of providing ade-

choices to save lives and quate resources for the highest-impact

interventions. These include exclu-

livelihoods. sive breastfeeding, targeted comple-

mentary feeding, micronutrient sup-
plementation, and food fortification.
Third, a strong nutrition compo-
John Agyekum Kufuor nent in pandemic-related social-pro-
tection programmes is vital to ensure
that Africa no longer trails other
regions in this regard. Weaknesses in
the continent’s social-security pro-
grammes may prove disastrous for
people already suffering from hunger
or malnutrition. With disruptions to
An African proverb says, ‘When the food systems and supply chains com-
music changes, so does the dance’. As pounded by riding prices, social-pro-
governments around the world strive tection programmes need to focus on
to protect their populations from the broadening access to affordable and
Covid-19 pandemic’s health and eco- nutritious diets.
nomic effects, the role of decisive lead- African Leaders for Nutrition’s focus
ership has never been more impor- remains the same: to amplify the voices
tant—not least in the area of nutrition. of the continent’s leaders in order to
When we established African support Africa’s policy conversations—
Leaders for Nutrition four years ago, including by facilitating high-level
our aim was to highlight revolution- political engagement. Through our
ary thinking in addressing malnutri- African Leaders for Nutrition
tion across the continent. None of our Champion, King Letsie III of Lesotho,
g roup’s founders—African we are calling on heads of state and
Development Bank President government of the African Union
Akinwumi A Adesina, the late former Assembly, the continent’s premier polit-
United Nations secretary-general Kofi ical institution, to ensure that nutrition
A Annan, and I—could ever have features prominently in their Covid-19
imagined the burden that the pandem- response and recovery plans.
ic would impose on the global develop- At the same time, our advocacy
ment agenda. tools, such as the Continental
The threat posed by this new virus Nutrition Accountability Scorecard,
requires us to tackle malnutrition in compile hard data on African coun-
new ways. Covid-19 has revealed inef- tries’ progress on improving nutri-
ficiencies and inequities in all of our tion, services, governance, and socio-
efforts to achieve robust and long-last- economic outcomes. African govern-
ing improvements in nutrition. ments must make data-driven choices
Africa’s rising number of Covid-19 to save lives and livelihoods during
cases threatens to increase hunger the pandemic and beyond, and such
and malnutrition further, and has tools aim to guide them toward allo-
brought into focus how our thinking cating financial resources and other
must change. support to achieve the greatest impact.
African leaders have a particular Above all, African countries must
duty to mitigate the economic crisis. respond in concert to the challenges
We must act urgently to safeguard and they face. That means fighting the
develop our health and food systems, shutterstock pandemic in the framework of a
as well as our social safety nets, in research published in The Lancet on malnutrition of any region, and may with reduced access to health and tunity to transform the economics of longer-term strategy to end malnutri-
order to slow down the cycle of inter- the impact of Covid-19 on childhood soon overtake Asia in terms of the nutrition services, is expected to health and hunger. By 2030, global tion and boost Africa’s collective prob-
generational poverty. Only integrated malnutrition make for grim reading. number of hungry and undernour- result in more than 128,000 additional diet-related health costs are projected lem-solving capacity. By uniting and
efforts will enable us to coordinate After decades of progress in reducing ished people. Among children younger deaths globally in 2020 among under- to reach $1.3 trillion per year. But amplifying the voices of Africa’s lead-
nutrition-related investments and all forms of malnutrition, the trend is than five, the economic impact of fives, with more than half of these shifting to healthy diets could reduce ers, we can change the dance.
improvements to social protection, reversing, owing to insufficient invest- Covid-19 is projected to increase the occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa. these costs by up to 97 percent, accord-
and then to examine their impact. ment in promoting good nutrition, incidence of wasting, which results But the data also offer glimmers of ing to the SOFI report. Kufuor, a former president of Ghana
Our task is huge: The 2020 State of climate shocks, violent conflict, and from severe weight loss due to starva- hope, and point to three ways in which Second, nutrition must feature (2001-09), is a co-founder of the African
Food Security and Nutrition in the now the effects of the Covid-19 crisis. tion and diseases associated with we can reimagine African leadership prominently in our Covid-19 response. Leaders for Nutrition initiative.
World (SOFI) report and recent Africa has the highest prevalence of acute malnutrition. This, combined on nutrition. First, we have an oppor- The World Health Organisation esti- —Project Syndicate

05 | SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2020


Unscrupulous activities continue to rise Global travel and

despite an uptick in market inspections tourism projected to
In current fiscal year alone, from mid-July to October end, the department has fined 197 firms a total of Rs9 million.
shed 174 million jobs

Despite the increase in the number of

There are fears
market inspections by the Department
of Commerce, Supply and Consumer
The global travel and tourism indus-
try is on course to lose 174 million jobs
that the resurgence
Protection, consumers are yet to feel
it’s impact, as the number of unscru-
this year if current restrictions to
curb the spread of the coronavirus
of the coronavirus
pulous activities in the market contin- remain in place, a leading industry will further hit
ue to rise. group warned on Friday.
In the current fiscal year alone, While alarming, the projection from the sector.
from mid-July to October end, the the World Travel & Tourism Council
department has fined Rs9 million was lower than previously expected,
from 197 firms (by inspecting a total of largely because of a strong recovery because many countries require visi-
954 firms). Last year, the department in domestic travel in China and tors to quarantine themselves for a
had fined Rs3.53 million from 208 rebounds in other countries. In June, number of days upon arrival.
firms by inspecting a total of 584 firms the council warned that there could be There are fears that the resurgence
from mid-July to mid-November. 197 million job losses worldwide in a of the virus, particularly in Europe,
Netra Prasad Subedi, director gen- sector that many nations are hugely will further hit the sector.
eral at the department, admitted that reliant on economically. The World Travel & Tourism
consumers are not being able to feel Restrictions on travel imposed Council said prolonged travel restric-
the outcome of the market inspection. when the pandemic erupted this year tions could eliminate $4.7 trillion in
“The department has been conducting effectively banned flights from abroad the sector’s contribution to global
market inspection on a regular and closed down the hospitality sec- GDP this year, a 53 percent reduction
basis but consumers have not been  POST FILE PHOTO tors in many countries. from 2019.
able to feel its impact in the market Officials inspect a stall at a vegetable market in Kathmandu. China, where Covid-19 first “The sector’s recovery will be
due to traders’ unscrupulous inten- emerged, has since managed to con- delayed even further, with more jobs
tion,” he said. Such behaviour, howev- flaw of the traders,” Subedi told the and Market Monitoring Team’s Code ties in the market area, consumer tain the virus better than most nations lost, unless quarantines are replaced
er, can be lessened with continued Post. “The government should be of Conduct 2020 that the department right activists are not hopeful the new and has reopened large parts of its with rapid, cost-effective testing at
market inspection but that will take ready to improve some articles and prepared and submitted to the procedure will provide relief to con- economy, helped in part by widespread airports on departure, and air corri-
time, he added. sub-articles strictly to make the Act Ministry of Industry, Commerce and sumers. Unless strict action is taken virus testing at airports alongside dors,” WTTC President and CEO
Laxman Babu Aryal, a consumer strong so that a healthy market can be Supplies has been approved and came against market anomalies, consumers health and hygiene protocols. Gloria Guevara said.
from Kuleshower, said that the prices set and traders can be held responsi- into implementation from October 20. will continue to be cheated, said con- Lockdown restrictions have been “The longer we wait, the more the
on goods are going up but the quality ble for their doings,” he said. For The Market Monitoring Procedure sumer right activists. They also stress eased around the world, but the num- ailing travel and tourism sector faces
is declining. In the last month, when- instance, the Act currently allows a 2020 has come into implementation on the need of a tool of market inter- ber of travellers is way down, partly total collapse,” she added.
ever Aryal has gone out to purchase fine of up to Rs600,000 and two-three aiming to protect consumers and vention to regulate the prices on daily
food items like rice, lentils, edible oil years of imprisonment for offences require businesses to follow certain essential goods.
among others he has noticed the pric- that put consumers’ health and money quality standards. The procedure has Prem Lal Maharjan, president of
es going up by a few rupees. at risk. The punishment for offences provisions that are not included National Consumer Forum, said mar-
“The price of goods did not increase that put consumer health at risk in the Consumer Protection Act 2018. ket anomalies are on the rise as trad-
at this pace compared to what it was a should be increased, say officials. The procedure is expected to make ers think they can go beyond the law,
decade ago,” Aryal, 48, said. “I have Only recently, the police and the market regulation more manageable because law implementing bodies
been hearing that the government is department raided tonnes of expired and effective. work on political pressure and
conducting market inspection but branded foods and other items that The new regulation requires man- intervention which has never been
have not been able to feel its impact were relabeled with a new date and datory quality checks and Nepal able to go according to consumer
neither price-wise nor quality and ready to be sent to the market at the Standard certification for goods. The expectation.
quantity wise,” he added. beginning of October. packaging label should also clearly Market inspection is also dependent
Despite having the Consumer The case is currently being investi- mention what is inside the package, on the mood of the people’s represent-
Protection Act in place, consumers gated by the department and has taken its quantity and the symbol number ative more than the consumers, he
are feeling dissatisfied and cheated. two people in custody in relation to it. of the product that the department said. “This is why the market has not
“The Consumer Protection Act is “There is no such pressure from an has given. become consumer-focused in Nepal
directed more towards charging a fine. upper level to take action,” he said. However, given the past perfor- yet, and why consumers are continual-
However, it does not have provision to Similarly, to protect consumers, mances of the department and rise in ly being cheated on quality of goods REUTERS
increase the fine amount as per the Market Monitoring Procedure 2020 the number of unscrupulous activi- and price,” he said. A man sells cookies on the beach in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain.

US Dollar 118.87
Federal judge postpones China’s factory activity expands at
Euro 138.79

Pound Sterling 153.53 Trump’s TikTok ban in a slightly slower pace in October
suit brought by users
Japanese Yen 11.39

Chinese Yuan 17.74 REUTERS The data, particularly new export focuses on big and state-owned firms,
BEIJING, OCT 31 orders, indicates October’s trade fig- showed overall new orders remained
Qatari Riyal 32.65 ures should stay strong, Zhou Maohua, steady at 52.8, while new export orders
Australian Dollar 83.43 ASSOCIATED PRESS China’s factory activity expanded at a an analyst at China Everbright Bank, rose to 51.0, improving from 50.8 a

Malaysian Ringit 28.57

Trump’s executive slightly slower pace in October but
was slightly above analysts’ expecta-
said in a note. However, the epidemic’s
spread overseas could increase uncer-
month earlier.
But smaller firms continued
Saudi Arab Riyal 31.70
A federal judge has postponed
President Donald Trump’s threatened
order was set tions, suggesting a continuing eco-
nomic recovery as the country
tainties for China’s exports over the
next few months, said Zhou.
to struggle. A sub-index for those com-
panies stood at 49.4 in October, slip-
Exchange rates fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank shutdown of the popular short-form
video app TikTok, siding with a
to take effect on rebounds from the coronavirus shock.
The official manufacturing
China’s vast industrial sector is
steadily returning to the levels seen
ping back into contraction from
September’s 50.1.
Pennsylvania comedian and two November 12, but Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) before the pandemic paralysed huge Companies also shed jobs for a sixth
other TikTok creators who say fell to 51.4 in October from 51.5 in swathes of the economy. month in a row, and at a faster pace. A
bullion Price Per tola
Trump’s order hampers their free is now on hold. September, data from the National Pent-up demand, stimulus-driven sub-index for employment fell to 49.3
speech. Bureau of Statistics showed on infrastructure expansion and surpris- from September’s 49.6.
Fine Gold Rs 94,500 US District Judge Wendy Saturday, remaining above the ingly resilient exports are propelling “The manufacturing industry over-
Beetlestone on Friday blocked an comedian from Pennsylvania’s Bucks 50-point mark that separates growth the rebound, though the global out- all continues to pick up,” said NBS
Silver Rs 1,180 upcoming Commerce Department County, along with Southern from contraction. look is dimming as many Western official Zhao Qinghe, while noting
action that would have effectively California fashion designer Cosette Analysts had expected it to slip countries battle renewed surges in the that small companies face weak mar-
Source: FENEGOSIDA banned TikTok in the US by Rinab and Connecticut musician Alec slightly to 51.3 but said a broader virus that causes Covid-19, with some ket demand.
cutting it off from vital technical Chambers. recovery still appeared to be solidly going back into virus lockdowns. Some companies reported that
services. “We are pleased that the judge has on track. The official PMI, which largely the resurgence of the epidemic over-
gasoline watch The Trump administration has said halted this ban, which exceeds the seas had lengthened procurement
TikTok is a security threat, citing its President’s authority under the periods for imports of raw materials
Chinese owner, ByteDance, and the International Emergency Economic and increased transport costs,
possibility that the Chinese govern- Powers Act, namely portions of the Zhao said in a statement released with
ment could spy on users. Trump’s Act that reflect our nation’s deep com- the data.
executive order was set to take effect mitment to free speech,” said their China’s economy grew a weak-
November 12, but is now on hold as the lawyer, Ambika Kumar Doran, in a er-than-expected 4.9 percent in the
lawsuit proceeds. prepared statement. third quarter year-on-year. It is expect-
This is not the first court challenge The Commerce Department ed to expand around 2 percent for the
to Trump’s attempted crackdown on and White House didn’t immediately full year—the weakest in over three
TikTok. Another federal judge in return requests for comment. decades but still much stronger than
September postponed a Trump The administration has said it other major economies.
administration order that would is exercising Trump’s emergency The pandemic has been largely con-
have banned TikTok from smartphone authority under the 1977 law trolled in China, with daily life in
app stores. enabling a president to regulate much of the country returning to nor-
In that case, lawyers for TikTok international commerce to address mal, although an outbreak emerged
argued that the administration’s app- unusual threats. recently in the western region of
store ban would infringe on First TikTok said in a statement Xinjiang.
Amendment rights and do irreparable Friday that it is “deeply moved A sister survey on the services sec-
harm to the business. by the outpouring of support from our tor showed activity expanded for the
But Beetlestone’s case in the creators, who have worked to protect eighth straight month, hitting the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania was their rights to expression, their highest level since October 2013, as the
brought forth not by the company, but careers, and to helping small REUTERS removal of restrictions on public
three of its users who’ve built a fol- businesses, particularly during the Employees work on a production line manufacturing metal parts for furniture at a factory in gatherings and movement bolstered
lowing on the app: Douglas Marland, a pandemic.” Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China. consumer demand.

Brace for take-off: Berlin’s much-delayed airport to open in industry crisis

REUTERS tion planning company went bank- government and the states of Berlin its owners about fresh financial
BERLIN, OCT 31 rupt; fire doors, cabling and sprin- and Brandenburg—4.1 billion euros. support.
klers had faults; and costs ballooned That compares with 416 million Economists say FBB will need
After 14 years of construction and to 6 billion euros ($7.1 billion) from an euros of revenues in 2019 from grants, restructuring, a strategic
six delayed openings, Berlin’s new air- initial budget of 2 billion. Schoenefeld and Tegel, Berlin’s exist- investor, equity from its owners—or a
port is due to welcome its first passen- The setbacks further dented ing two airports. combination of these—to put it on a
gers on Saturday. But the timing could Germany’s reputation for efficiency Even before the pandemic, BER solid financial footing.
not be worse. following long delays on other wasn’t expected to deliver a big reve- Finding investors could be tough,
The Covid-19 pandemic has high-profile projects, such as the nue boost, as it mainly replaces the though, as Berlin is not an interna-
plunged the global aviation industry Elbphilharmonie concert hall in two older airports. tional hub and other airport opera-
into its deepest ever crisis, and recov- Hamburg. But because of the Covid-19 crisis, tors, also hammered by the crisis, are
ery is not expected for at least a couple Economists have come to describe BER Chief Executive Engelbert not in a position to think about deals,
of years. Berlin’s state-owned airport operator, Luetke Daldrup expects just 10 million said Mainfirst analyst Johannes
That has left the new airport, origi- Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH passengers at Berlin’s airports this Braun said.
nally called Berlin Brandenburg (FBB), as a financial black hole. year, compared with 36 million FBB’s Bretschneider said the prior-
Airport but now known by its code “The FBB will not be able to earn last year and BER’s current capacity ity for now was getting through the
BER, looking for extra funds to help the money it needs to pay its debt in of 40 million. pandemic.
pay its debts. the foreseeable future,” said Hansrudi “We have a serious situation,” FBB “We need to get out of the crisis and
AP/RSS Built on the site of Schoenefeld air- Lenz of Wuerzburg University. supervisory board chief Rainer need to ... dress up the bride, then we
People walk through the Terminal 1 of the new Berlin-Brandenburg-Airport ‘Willy Brandt’ near port in former East Berlin, BER has At the end of 2019, FBB owed banks Bretschneider said this week, can talk about a sale or a stake sale,”
Berlin in Schoenefeld, Germany. been beset by problems. The construc- and its owners—the German federal adding the group was in talks with he said.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2020 | 06


Kashmir shut down

to protest India’s
US reports world record of more than France tightens
security after attack,
new land laws 100,000 Covid-19 cases in single day protests flare in parts
Associated Press
Srinagar, Oct 31 Ahead of presidential elections, it crosses 9 million cumulative cases, representing nearly 3 percent of the population. of Muslim world
Shops and businesses were shut in Reuters Reuters
several parts of Indian-controlled Washington, Oct 31 Paris/ Nice, Oct 31
Kashmir on Saturday as separatists
challenging Indian rule called for a The United States set a new all-time France has stepped up security nation-
general strike to denounce new laws high for coronavirus cases confirmed wide to guard against Islamist
that allow any Indians to buy land in in a single 24-hour period on Friday, attacks after the fatal stabbings at a
the disputed region. reporting just over 100,000 new infec- church in Nice, while protests flared
Government forces in riot gear tions to surpass the record total of in parts of the Middle East, Asia
patrolled streets in Kashmir’s main 91,000 posted a day earlier, according and Africa over French caricatures of
city of Srinagar in anticipation of to a Reuters tally. the Prophet Mohammad.
anti-India protests. Public transport The daily caseload of 100,233 is also President Emmanuel Macron
also stayed off the roads. a world record for the global pandem- deployed thousands of soldiers to pro-
Kashmir’s main separatist group- ic, surpassing the 97,894 cases report- tect sites including places of worship
ing called the strike to protest new ed by India on a single day in and schools, and the nation was at its
land laws that India enacted on September. highest level of security alert after the
Monday, allowing any of its nationals Five times over past ten days, the second deadly knife attack in its cities
to buy or its military to directly United States has exceeded its previ- in two weeks.
acquire land in the region. ous single-day record of 77,299 cases Police were holding a 21-year-old
Pro-India politicians in Kashmir registered in July. The number of Tunisian migrant, identified by a
have also criticised the laws and daily infections reported during past French police source and Tunisian
accused India of putting the region’s two days indicates that the nation is officials as Brahim al-Aouissaoui,
land up for sale. now reporting more than one new over the attack in which a man shout-
The new legislation ended or modi- case every second. ing “Allahu Akbar” (God is Greatest)
fied most laws that governed local decapitated a woman and killed two
land rights. It also abolished other people in Notre Dame Basilica
1950s land reform laws that redistrib-
uted large patches of land to landless
The country is now in Nice on Thursday.
The attack took place at a time of
farmers. reporting one new growing anger among Muslims in
The move has exacerbated concerns many countries over the issue of
of Kashmiris and rights groups who case of Covid-19 French cartoons of the Prophet
see such measures as a settler-colonial Mohammad, which they deem insult-
project to change the Muslim-majority every second, recent ing and blasphemous.
region’s demography. They are liken- It occurred almost two weeks after
ing the new arrangement to the West data shows. Samuel Paty, a school teacher in a
Bank or Tibet, with settlers living in Paris suburb, was beheaded by an
guarded compounds among disenfran- 18-year-old Chechen. Paty had shown
chised locals. The spike comes just four days Reuters his pupils such cartoons in a class on
They say the changes will reduce ahead of the US presidential election A healthcare worker at a drive-through Covid-19 testing site at the Sanford Sports Complex Clinic, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, US. freedom of expression.
the region to a colony. on Tuesday. The Covid-19 pandemic,
Until last year, Indians were not which has killed nearly 230,000 people
allowed to buy property in the region.
But in August 2019, Prime Minister
in the United States, has dominated
the final stretch of the campaign.
India’s virus tally reaches 8.1 million with 120,000 deaths Protests have taken
Narendra Modi’s government
scrapped Kashmir’s special status,
The United States crossed 9 million
cumulative cases on Friday, represent-
NEW DELHI: India has registered 48,268
new confirmed coronavirus cases in
only the US. Over 7.4 million people
have recovered. The slowdown in
the testing methods and warn a major
festival due in a few weeks and the
place in Bangladesh,
annulled its separate constitution, ing nearly 3 percent of the population, the past 24 hours. daily infections has held for more winter season could result in a new Lebanon, Pakistan,
split the region into two federal according to a Reuters tally of public- The Health Ministry on Saturday than a month with fewer than 60,000 surge. The capital of New Delhi,
territories—Ladakh and Jammu- ly reported data. also reported 551 additional deaths, cases for nearly two weeks. which recently became the worst-hit India and Somalia,
Kashmir—and removed inherited pro- On Friday, 16 US states reported taking total fatalities up to 121,641. Some experts say the trend suggests city in India, is already witnessing
tections on land and jobs. their highest one-day coronavirus The figure raises the country’s total the virus may have finally reached a high air pollution levels, making the among others.
The move triggered widespread infections while thirteen states were virus tally to over 8.1 million, behind plateau in India but others question coronavirus fight complicated. (AP)
anger and economic ruin amid a at record levels of hospitalised Covid-
harsh security clampdown and com- 19 patients. France, home to Europe’s largest
munications blackout. So far in October, 31 states have set lies in Florida on Thursday, showcas- navirus cases—97,894 cases, it report- More than 1,000 people died of the Muslim community and hit by a string
Since then, India has brought in a records for increases in new cases, ing their contrasting approaches to ed on September 17. For every 10,000 virus on Thursday, marking the third of militant attacks in recent years,
slew of changes through new laws. including five considered key in the the pandemic. people in the United States, over 272 time in October that milestone has has defended the right to publish such
They are often drafted by bureau- November 3 presidential election: The nationwide surge in cases seen coronavirus cases have been reported been passed in a single day. The num- cartoons. Macron has insisted France
crats without any democratic bear- Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, in the past week is pushing the United and about seven people have died, ber of patients hospitalised with will not compromise on its basic free-
ings and much to the resentment and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. States towards the grim mark of according to a Reuters analysis. In Covid-19 has risen more than 50 per- doms of belief and expression.
anger of the region’s people, many of President Donald Trump and 100,000 daily cases. India holds the Europe there have been 127 cases and cent in October to 46,000, the highest In Pakistan, Bangladesh and the
whom want independence from India Democratic rival Joe Biden held ral- record of most number of daily coro- four deaths per 10,000 residents. figure since mid-August. Palestinian territories, tens of thou-
or unification with Pakistan. sands of Muslims staged anti-French
protests after Friday prayers.
In Islamabad, police briefly fired

Turkish rescue workers scour rubble for survivors

tear gas at protesters who broke
Briefing through security blockades in a failed
attempt to demonstrate at the French

as death toll from earthquake climbs to 27

In Bangladesh, marchers in the cap-
Armenia, Azerbaijan trade ital Dhaka chanted “Boycott French
products” and carried banners calling
fresh accusations Macron “the world’s biggest terror-
YEREVAN/BAKU: Armenia and Reuters operations continued in nine others, ist”. Some burned effigies of the
Azerbaijan once more accused each Izmir, Oct 31 officials said. French president.
other of bombing residential areas on The leaders of Turkey and Greece - “Macron is leading Islamophobia,”
Saturday, in defiance of a pact to Turkish rescue workers searched caught up in a bitter dispute over said Dhaka demonstrator Akramul
avoid the deliberate targeting of civil- through rubble for survivors on exploration rights in the eastern Haq. “The Muslim world will not let
ians in and around the mountain Saturday, as the death toll from a pow- Mediterranean - spoke by phone late this go in vain. We’ll rise and stand in
enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. erful earthquake that hit the Aegean on Friday. solidarity against him.”
Shelling was reported by both sides Sea the previous afternoon rose to 27. In a rare show of warmth between Protests also took place in various
within hours of the latest agreement Officials in the city of Izmir said 25 the two countries, Turkish and parts of India, Lebanon and Somalia,
to defuse the conflict, reached after people were killed in coastal areas in Greek leaders exchanged solidarity among others.
talks in Geneva between the two Turkey’s west, while two teenagers (a messages. The leader of Lebanon’s Iranian-
countries’ foreign ministers and boy and a girl) died on the Greek “I just called President (Tayyip backed Hezbollah movement, Sayyed
envoys from France, Russia and the island of Samos after a wall collapsed Erdogan) to offer my condolences for Hassan Nasrallah, said the cartoons
United States. The agreement with on them. the tragic loss of life from the earth- were an aggression.
the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk At least 20 buildings in the city were quake that struck both our countries. He condemned the Nice stabbings,
Group fell short of what would have destroyed, authorities said, and the Whatever our differences, these are but said Western leaders also bore
been a fourth ceasefire since fighting rescue work was punctuated by fre- times when our people need to stand responsibility for such crimes because
began on Sept. 27. The death toll in quent aftershocks. together,” Greek Prime Minister of their roles in Middle East conflicts.
the worst fighting in the South Bulldozers were removing debris Kyriakos Mitsotakis tweeted. Interior Minister Gerald Damarnin
Caucasus for more than 25 years from collapsed buildings, and rescu- Erdogan responded in a tweet: said France was engaged in a war
has surpassed 1,000 and is possibly ers were dismantling walls to reach “I offer my condolences to all against Islamist ideology and more
much higher. those stuck under the rubble, televi- of Greece on behalf of myself and attacks on its soil were likely.
sion images and videos showed. the Turkish people. Turkey, too, is “We are in a war against an enemy
Environment Minister Murat always ready to help Greece heal that is both inside and outside,” he
Sri Lanka sends waste Kurum said some 100 people had been AP/rss its wounds. That two neighbours told RTL radio.
back to United Kingdom rescued so far. This drone photo shows rescue workers trying to save residents trapped in the debris of a show solidarity in difficult times Nice Police Chief Richard Gianotti
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka has started ship- More than 800 people were injured collapsed building in Izmir, Turkey, on Saturday. is more valuable than many things said any symbol of the republic or
ping 242 containers of hazardous in Turkey, and the area had been hit in life.” Christianity was a potential target.
waste, including body parts from by some 470 aftershocks, the country’s ing. Relatives waited outside another news. I couldn’t get any news,” the Turkey is crossed by fault lines and “We have to be vigilant, we have to be
mortuaries, back to Britain after a disaster agency said. collapsed building. woman told Reuters, when asked is prone to earthquakes. Cooperation attentive,” he told Reuters.
two-year court battle by an environ- In central Izmir, rescuers were seek- One Izmir resident, who didn’t want about attempts to reach them. between the two countries after a dev- French embassies arond the world
ment watchdog, officials said on ing to save a mother and her four to be named, said both her parents Search and rescue operations were astating earthquake in 1999 led to a were also told to step up security,
Saturday. Several Asian countries in children from the remains of a build- were still trapped. “I couldn’t get any complete in eight buildings, while period of warmer ties between them. authorities said.
recent years have been pushing back
against an onslaught of international
refuse from wealthier nations and
have started turning back the
unwanted shipments as they battle
against being used as the world’s
trash dump. The first 20 containers of
Actor Sean Connery, the ‘original’ James Bond, dies at 90
medical waste, which included body
parts from mortuaries, were loaded Associated Press twice more, finally in 1983’s “Never “I was a milkman, laborer, steel
on the MV Texas Triumph on Friday londonn, Oct 31 Say Never Again.” bender, cement mixer—virtually any-
and another 65 will be sent within a While he will be most remembered thing,” he said.
week, Sri Lankan customs spokesman Scottish actor Sean Connery, the first for his portrayal of Bond, Connery Weary of day labor, he joined the
Sunil Jayaratne said. “The balance actor to play James Bond on film and enjoyed a varied career, which includ- British navy and was medically dis-
will be shipped as soon as another for many fans the best, has died. He ed the best supporting actor Oscar for charged after three years. The ail-
vessel is available,” he said. was 90. his portrayal of a tough Irish street ment: stomach ulcers.
Bond producers EON Productions cop in the 1987 movie “The Back in Edinburgh, he lifted weights
confirmed his death, first reported by Untouchables.” to build his body and compete in the
More than 150 evacuated from the BBC. Producers Michael G. Wilson He also had major roles in films Mr Universe contest. He came in third,
and Barbara Broccoli said they were including “Indiana Jones and the Last briefly considered becoming a profes-
coronavirus hospital after fire “devastated by the news.” Crusade,” “Highlander” and “The sional soccer player, but chose acting
MOSCOW: More than 150 patients were “He was and shall always be remem- Hunt for Red October.” because he reasoned his career would
evacuated on Saturday from a make- bered as the original James Bond Scottish First Minister Nicola last longer. He got his first big break
shift coronavirus hospital in the whose indelible entrance into cinema Sturgeon said she was “heartbroken” singing and dancing to “There is
Russian city of Chelyabinsk in the history began when he announced at the news. Nothing Like a Dame” in “South
southern Urals following an oxygen those unforgettable words—‘The “Our nation today mourns one of Pacific” on the London stage and in a
explosion and fire, the Emergency name’s Bond... James Bond,’” they her best loved sons,” she said. road production before going on to act
Ministry said. The ministry said the said in a statement. The producers He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in repertory, television and B movies.
fire broke out following an explosion said Connery’s “gritty and witty por- II in 2000 for services to film drama He went to Hollywood for two early
in an “oxygen booth” in a dormitory trayal of the sexy and charismatic and in 2005 he was chosen for a life- films, Disney’s “Darby O’Gill and the
that was being used as a temporary secret agent” was largely responsible time achievement award by the Little People” and “Tarzan’s Greatest Ap/rss
hospital. It said 158 people had been for the success of the series. American Film Institute. Adventure.” In this Jan 23, 1987 file photo, actor Sean Connery holds a rose in his hand as he talks about
evacuated and admitted to other hos- The Scottish actor rose to interna- Thomas Sean Connery was born When he decided to become an his new movie ‘The Name of the Rose’ at a news conference in London.
pitals in the city. No one was injured, tional superstardom as the suave and Aug. 25, 1930, in Edinburgh, Scotland, actor, he was told that Thomas Sean
according to preliminary informa- fearless secret agent, first playing the first of two sons of a long-distance Connery wouldn’t fit on a theater mar- Albert “Cubby” Broccoli and Harry Connery was not their first choice
tion, it said. The Healthcare Ministry Bond in “Dr No” in 1962. After a fur- truck driver and a domestic worker. quee so he dropped his first name. Saltzman had bought the film rights to for “Dr. No.” The producers had looked
also said that 158 patients were being ther four films, he abandoned the role, He left school at age 13 during World Then came the audition that a string of post-World War II spy to Cary Grant, but decided they want-
treated in other clinics.  (AGENCIES) before being enticed back to play him War II to help support his family. changed his life. American producers adventure novels by Ian Fleming. ed an actor would commit to a series.

07 | SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2020

Sports | Medley

Walker gives Man City 1-0 win at Sheffield Real’s Hazard ends
scoring drought
Flick urges defender David Pep Guardiola’s side reach seventh in the Premier League standings after third win, two points behind leaders Everton. Associated Press
Alaba to extend Bayern deal MADRID, Oct 31
MUNICH: Bayern Munich coach Hansi REUTERS position now, two games before an
Flick on Friday urged defender SHEFFIELD, Oct 31 international break.” Eden Hazard scored his first goal in
David Alaba to quit stalling over his over a year for Real Madrid in his first
contract extension and commit to the Manchester City beat Sheffield United Wolves edge Palace to climb third start of the season to lead a 4-1 win
European champions, despite reports 1-0 at Bramall Lane on Saturday with Wolverhampton Wanderers moved up over Huesca in the Spanish league on
linking him to the Premier League. Kyle Walker scoring against his boy- to third in the Premier League after Saturday.
The 28-year-old Alaba is out of hood club to extend the home side’s beating Crystal Palace 2-0 on Friday Hazard took advantage of the start-
contract at the end of the season winless start to the Premier League thanks to goals from on-loan teenage ing nod by blasting home a strike to
and is reportedly insisting on a huge season to seven games. wingback Rayan Ait-Nouri and Daniel set Madrid on its way to ending a two-
pay rise. He has repeatedly been Walker, who was raised in Sheffield Podence. game home losing streak. Karim
linked to English giants Manchester and came through the Blades’ youth France under-21 international Ait- Benzema scored two more for Madrid
United and Manchester City. Alaba system, marked his 100th league Nouri gave the hosts the lead in the and set up another goal.
was a key part of the Bayern appearance for City with a goal in the 18th minute after latching on to a Ravaged by a series of injuries,
squad which won the treble of first half and refused to celebrate. The clearance and driving a bouncing shot including a foot fracture, Hazard has
Champions League, Bundesliga and 30-year-old full back collected the ball into the far corner for his first goal in struggled since making his club-re-
German Cup titles last season and outside the box and let loose an angled senior football on his Premier League cord 100 million euros move from
Flick says extension talks have not low drive into the bottom corner that debut. Wolves midfielder Leander Chelsea in 2019. His only previous goal
affected the Austrian’s play. “He does skidded across the wet turf and beat Dendoncker then hit the post with a for Zinedine Zidane’s side was on
his job well and my experience of the outstretched hand of Blades goal- powerful shot before Portuguese wing- October 5, 2019.
him is just as it was last season - keeper Aaron Ramsdale. er Podence made it 2-0, meeting Pedro The Belgium forward broke his
there is no difference,” said Flick. “I “I’m happy to get on the score- Neto’s cross from the right with a scoring drought in the 40th minute
still hope that he will sign with sheet... United are well drilled and it’s superb cushioned volley in the 27th when he received the ball, spun to fend
Bayern because he knows what a tough team to come and break down minute. off a defender, and unleashed a
kind of situation he currently but luckily I came up with a goal, Palace had several VAR decisions go left-footed shot from outside the area
has in Munich.” through the bodies,” Walker told BT against them, with a Michy Batshuayi that swerved into the corner of
Sport. “My mum and dad live here, so goal disallowed and a penalty award the net.
if I celebrated I’d probably get a lot of overturned, both for offside. Hazard had missed the first seven
PSG forward Neymar sidelined stick. I’m a Sheffield United fan, so I Wolves substitute Adama Traore games of the campaign before playing
couldn’t.” had a great chance to put the game out his first minutes since July on
until mid-November Ferran Torres, leading the City line of reach in the 83rd minute but he Tuesday as a late substitute in a 2-2
PARIS: Paris St Germain’s Brazil for- in the absence of Sergio Aguero and fired a powerful shot straight at Palace draw at Borussia Monchengladbach in
ward Neymar will be sidelined until Gabriel Jesus, had the opportunity to keeper Vicente Guaita who parried it the Champions League.
after the international break in double the lead from long range when away to safety. Palace suffered a fur- Benzema doubled the lead before
mid-November following his injury Ramsdale came racing off his line but ther setback when Luka Milivojevic halftime when he controlled Lucas
against Istanbul Basaksehir in the his effort was hit straight at the goal- was given his marching orders in the Vázquez’s cross to the far post and
Champions League, the French club’s keeper. But despite their domination, 87th minute after a review showed a fired past goalkeeper Andrés
coach Thomas Tuchel said on Friday. City could not make their numerous nasty foul on Joao Moutinho. Fernández. The French striker found
Neymar came off with a thigh muscle chances count. The win puts Wolves on 13 points Federico Valverde to put the result
problem in the 26th minute of United nearly levelled in the 70th from seven games. They trail leaders beyond doubt in the 54th. David
Wednesday’s 2-0 win over the Turkish minute when Sander Berge shrugged Everton and second-placed Liverpool Ferreiro scored Huesca’s goal in the
side. “Neymar should be back after off two defenders in a mazy run to the on goal difference. Palace are ninth on 74th before Benzema rounded off the
the international break,” Tuchel said. byline before a pull-back into the box, 10 points. victory with a header.
The break in domestic action runs only for John Lundstram to fire his AP/RSS Podence, whose only other league Madrid moved to the top of the
from November 11 to November 17 shot over the crossbar. Manchester City’s Kyle Walker (front) scored the winning goal against his boyhood club goal for Wolves also came at home to standings with 16 points, with a post-
when international matches will be The result moved City up to Sheffield United in their Premier League match at Bramall Lane in Sheffield on Saturday. Palace, praised fellow scorer Ait- poned game still to make up. Real
played. Brazil play World Cup seventh in the standings, two points Nouri, 19, who joined on a season-long Sociedad and Cadiz are two points
qualifiers at home to Venezuela and behind league leaders Everton, while “We played very well. We struggled “They had one clear chance, no more loan, with the Midlands club having behind. The promoted Huesca
away to Uruguay on November 13 and United languish in 19th with just for goals given the chances we creat- than that. It was our third game away an option to buy, from Ligue 1 Angers remained winless since its return to
17 respectively. (AGENCIES) one point. ed,” City boss Pep Guardiola said. in seven days, so we are in a better earlier this month. the topflight.

Mumbai Indians confirm top-two finish Ronaldo recovers but virus hits other teams
AGENCIES four on the bounce and with a match off 29 balls) and Rishabh Pant (21 off Agence France-Presse announced that defender Matteo including star striker Ciro Immobile
DUBAI, Oct 31 left are in danger of missing out on 24 balls) then compounded their TURIN, Oct 31 Gabbia, goalkeeper Gianluigi and Luis Alberto missed their
the play-offs with an ever deteriorat- team’s worries as they failed to regain Donnarumma and striker Jens Petter Champions League draw at Club
Mumbai Indians ensured a top-two ing net-run-rate of minus 0.159. While the lost momentum. Juventus star Cristiano Ronaldo has Hauge have all tested negative. Brugge as a precautionary measure.
finish in the Indian Premier League batting, Delhi consumed 62 dot balls, The duo looked like playing for tested negative for coronavirus after Donnarumma and Hauge “are author- The Rome club are scheduled to travel
table with a clinical nine-wicket deci- which effectively meant that more themselves and the intent was miss- nearly three weeks but Serie A clubs ised to return to training” before to Torino on Sunday before hosting
mation of an already battered Delhi than half of their stipulated 20 overs ing which affected the morale of the Atalanta, Sassuolo, Crotone and unbeaten Milan travel to Udinese on Juventus the following weekend.
Capitals, who wilted under relentless had gone without scoring. batsmen coming down the order. Parma on Friday revealed new cases. Sunday, with Gabbia “undergoing Serie A are applying UEFA rules
pressure from Trent Boult and Jasprit A target of 111 can’t be defended Quinton de Kock effected a ‘MS Dhoni- Ronaldo first tested positive for medical screening” on Saturday. whereby a match can take place as
Bumrah. nine out of 10 times and the pocket esque’ stumping off Rahul Chahar to Covid-19 on October 13 while playing In Bergamo, Atalanta coach Gian long as a side have 13 healthy players,
While Boult (3-21 in 4 overs) dealt dynamo Ishan Kishan scored 72 not see Iyer’s return to the hut after which with Portugal. “Ronaldo carried out a Piero Gasperini’s pre-match press including a goalkeeper. The only pos-
telling opening blows, Jasprit Bumrah out off 43 balls to make the chase look came Bumrah’s two-over spell. check with a diagnostic test for Covid- conference Friday before this week- sible exemption would be a club which
(3-17 in 4 overs) broke the backbone of like a walk in the park. Not for once Pant’s misery ended when Bumrah 19. The exam provided a negative end’s game at Crotone was cancelled has an active outbreak of Covid-19
the Delhi middle-order, choking them did Delhi looked like being in control came round the wicket and fired one result,” the Italian champions said in after a positive case among the coach- with more than 10 new positive cases
to 110-9. The defending champions as they made the Dubai strip and the from wide off the crease that came in a statement. “The player has, there- ing staff. in a week. In that case the club can
coasted to victory in 14.2 overs, taking Mumbai bowling attack look doubly with the angle to trap him leg before. fore, recovered after 19 days and is no Sassuolo, who travel to Napoli, have request a postponement, but only once
their points tally to 18 and will have menacing. He then tormented Harshal Patel, who longer subjected to home isolation.” three new cases, one a player, while in the season, which was the case of
two shots in the play-offs to get into Boult was brilliant upfront remov- played and missed a few before being Juventus next play at promoted Spezia Parma who play at Inter Milan, Genoa’s game against against Torino
the final. ing openers Shikhar Dhawan (0) and adjudged leg-before, a decision that on Sunday, with all matches now revealed two players had become earlier this month.
Delhi, who had won seven out of Prithvi Shaw (10 off 11 balls) in the couldn’t be reviewed as Pant had con- behind closed doors. infected for a second time. Lazio are That match has been rescheduled
their first nine games, have now lost powerplay. Captain Shreyas Iyer (25 sumed it during his dismissal. Serie A leaders AC Milan also awaiting tests results after players for next Wednesday.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) **** CANCER (June 22-July 22) *** LIBRA (September 23-October 22) *** CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) ****
The stars award you a free pass of sorts today. It’s You’re so nice that people expect you to be sweet even You and someone important need to have a serious A loved one has been trying to talk you into making
basically a license to act in any darned way you want when you’re unhappy. That doesn’t mean you’re a talk, and fast. You know it and they know it. The a great big change and do it suddenly. You’re not fond
to for 24 hours. The funny thing is if anyone is com- phony, though. It simply means that you’d never good news is that you can both arrange it, no matter of that sort of thing, especially if you’re not calling
fortable in their own skin to start with, it’s you. This knowingly hurt anyone’s feelings, and there’s noth- how last-minute the requests. If you choose just the the shots, but now, you’re not thinking of reasons
should be good. ing wrong with that. right moment, turn on the charm and ask nicely. why you shouldn’t act.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) *** LEO (July 23-August 22) *** SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) *** AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) ***
Surprises aren’t on your list of favourite things. You know how hypnotic and unpredictable fire is, At the moment, you’re feeling torn between doing You’re more fond of just doing it and letting the chips
Never have been, never will be. But when it comes to right? Well, you’re a fire sign, so you possess both what comes naturally (keeping to your schedule fall where they may. So now, when you’re faced with
dealing with the unpredictable, you’re better those qualities. They’ll be running on high now, and without any question) or breaking your routine and not even a single second to sit down and think this
equipped than most to do just that. You’re a rock, as they’ll come in handy, too, since there’s absolutely no shocking at least one of your dearest friends. No, it through before you go for it, you will not worry about
stable and sturdy as anyone could be. way to predict what might happen. won’t be an easy decision. the outcome.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) **** VIRGO (August 23-September 22) **** SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) *** PISCES (February 19-March 20) ***
You’ve always loved surprises. You’re extremely You have something on your mind, and you’re not at Patience is definitely not your virtue. It’s also not It’s not your imagination. You certainly have been
sharp, however, so arranging them isn’t easy for all willing to bury it. Your best bet is to talk with the something that anyone who knows and loves you singled out by the powers that be, but not for the
other people. You’re especially appreciative and fond person and, without pulling any punches or trying to would ever expect to see you demonstrate. That said, reasons you think. They’ve been watching you all
of the surprises you can look back on and honestly sugarcoat it, let them know exactly what you expect your natural temperament will fit in just perfectly right, but only because they’re considering you for a
say caught you completely off guard. from them. with today’s astrological menu. raise, promotion, or bonus.

Crossword Sudoku

Yesterday’s Solution

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2020 | 08

(C.R.P.D.) - 3/052/053

Challenges facing teenagers Resurrection

Dikshya Saud
They dwell in the ‘unalterable’ past or become anxious about the ‘unpredictable’ future,
thereby partially or completely ignoring the present moment. Rising from the grave
She has the spirit of a phoenix
That comes to life from her own ashes
To pave a new path for herself.
Quivering to quench the thirst of joy
Chastised for its search in the deserted land
Where lucidity has been replaced by insanity
And humanity banished from the ocean of foy.
The place which is ruled by greed and cruelty
And brutality engraved in human’s heart
Where generosity drowns in a sea of illicit
Letting boundary command liberty.
Agonised from anguish and pain
She should wake up from her deathbed
To console the wretched soul entrapped in fragility
And for love and peace to regain.

Saud is a bachelor’s student at the Agriculture College

of Natural Resource Management, Pokhara.

Sanjog Karki with past or future events or irrational thoughts ising songs of The Rolling Stones says it all,

is pure hogwash—it leads us to nowhere. Best “You can’t always get what you want.”
n the midst of a meteoric rise in techno- utilisation of present is the only way out. My humble advice for the perplexed teenagers
logical advancements, teenagers nowa- out there is: “As far as unravelling the purpose
days have been facing multifarious issues. of your existence is concerned, it would be futile
Many are facing an ‘identity crisis’. But as It takes both rain to get that far at such a tender age of yours.
far as my experience counts, it’s okay to Since it’s next to impossible for me to meet each
struggle at this vulnerable age of life. and sunshine to of you personally, I don’t really know what sort
At times, life offers us legions of happy of trauma you’ve been battling every single day.
moments and good experiences. The irony of make a rainbow. But one thing I can rest assured is that I can only
life is that good times are transient but bad empathize with what you are going through and
times often feel like they will last forever. But what’s going on inside your head.
that’s not to say life is all doom and gloom. As Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Make peace Each one of us is a genius in our own way and
the saying goes, “It takes both rain and sunshine with yourself. Come to terms with yourself. It’s can defy all the odds that will take us a long way
to make a rainbow.” Also, remember that it’s the okay to feel sad, anxious, dejected and broken, at in life. As the old adage goes, “There’s no com-
crack where the light gets in. times. What you need to accept is that life isn’t parison between the Sun and the Moon—both of
The next irony of life is that many people just always a bed of roses. Human beings need to them shine in their own time.”
fail to enjoy the present moment or live their pass through different phases of life, irrespec- Believe in yourself and muster the courage to
lives to the fullest. They dwell in the ‘unaltera- tive of their cornucopia of wishes and yearn- beat self-doubt. As long as you trust your
ble’ past or become anxious about the ‘unpre- ings. It goes without saying that life is full of instincts and follow your intuition, everything
dictable’ future, thereby partially or completely problems and difficulties. But life is also full of will be alright.
ignoring the present moment. opportunities. No matter how much effort we
What we need to understand is that we only put into something we want or crave for, some- Karki is a bachelor’s student at Tribhuvan
have control over our present. Being preoccupied times it’s all for nothing. As one of the mesmer- University, Kirtipur.

fiction park

A voyage through time

Although he had walked this road daily for a year, today he was conscious of a strange change.
His instincts were screaming at him. Holding his breath, he paused and looked around.
Pratik Mainali

s Prajwal Kharel walked in the dark,
dusty street of Naghpokhari, he felt a
niggling sense of unease. He sensed
something unusual, like he was walk-
ing through a different town.
Something had changed. But he
couldn’t put his finger on as to what had. Prajwal
walked unsteadily; he was still disoriented from the
long nap he had just taken. He had a habit of going
for an evening walk before his evening meal.
Although he had walked this road daily for a year,
today he was conscious of a strange change. His
instincts were screaming at him. Holding his breath,
he paused and looked around. The old Newari houses
that looked old and worn out looked strong and brand
new. The government must’ve fixed the historical
houses, he thought. He scratched his head: but how
did they do it in one night?

He shook his head violently:

I’ve got to get a grip upon
myself, he whispered.
As he stepped onto the pavements of Narayanhiti,
he felt like something had exploded in his chest. Like
a dead man being stirred violently into pulsing life,
he felt life seep into him. The cloud of sleep evaporat-
ed. He looked around. The pavement was deserted.
Strange, he had always jostled through a crowd of
people. Maybe he came out a little late today. He shutterstock
looked at his watch, it was 6:30. The days were getting violently towards Prajwal. Prajwol looked at him in “What are you doing in the Narayanhiti gate at this you around in these beastly things.” He pointed at
shorter. He examined the pavement closely; they stunned amazement. The man wore clothes he had time at night? And what the hell are you wearing? Prajwol’s shirt.
seemed to have been made of tiny pebbles. In the blue only seen in social studies books—a black daura Are you a foreigner? Do you work for the Firangis? “Now go, you beast,’ the guard pushed him, and
darkness, the houses had a ghostly presence. The suruwal—and he was clutching a red, bulging bag to Where the hell are you from?” Prajwal sprang towards the darkness in blind terror.
place seemed to have gone through a bewildering his chest. Two other figures lurched into the scene Prajwol looked at him in feverish confusion. The He was now engulfed in the darkness, and as he ran
transformation. and began chasing the man. Prajwals jaw dropped: guard shook him viciously. The language that the wildly, his foot struck a stray rock and he fell face
He shook his head violently: I’ve got to get a grip they were wearing old Gorkha uniforms. A black guard used was archaic Nepali. It took time for the first into the floor, losing consciousness.
upon myself he whispered. I’ve overslept today, that’s daura suruwal with a white cloth around the waist, guards’ words to sink in Prajwals head. He woke up to the sound of fluttering birds. He
what it is. Taking a deep breath, he moved steadily and a turban with a round silver badge on the head. “Whaaaat… what year is this?” he managed feebly. turned his head to the heavens. Hundreds of pigeons
towards Narayanhiti. The mist had covered the whole As the men rushed past him, they turned their eyes The guard left his shirt. “You know Nepali? But were sailing in the grey, morning sky. As the faint
place and darkness was deepening. When he reached and gave him an unwelcome stare. As the thrill sub- what accent is that? Are you an easterner?” morning sunlight broke, the pavement’s memory
halfway through the palace, he placed his hands on sided, he felt sick and missed home. “I’m from Kathmandu. From here.” He managed. came rushing back to Prajwal Kharel. A brutal,
his knees and panted. Feeling unmanned, Prajwa hurried for his home in “Kathmandu? Where is that?” The guard was throbbing pain came to his head, as he looked around.
Suddenly, the streets were illuminated by a fiery Thamel. As he passed through the palace, he decided annoyed. A Maruti taxi wheezed past him and Prajwal breathed
light from a distance. He looked ahead, gaped with to give the palace one last, longing gaze. What he saw “Kasthamandap. I live in Kasthamandap.” His a sigh of relief. It was all a dream, a frightful night-
wonder. Strength flooded into his soul and he ambled stopped him dead on his tracks. The Narayanhithi voice was choked. mare. He had fainted on the street and had imagined
confidently. A loud crashing sound echoed and a long palace was gone. He squinted his eyes shut, rubbed “Then where the hell did you pick that accent? Are it all. Stroking his hurt forehead and consoling him
shadow slipped into the street, lengthened and rose them hard and opened. The palace had been replaced you a spy from the British Raj? Who are you?” with these explanations, Prajwol walked slowly to his
into the houses on the other side of the road. Prajwal by a big, white colonial building. It was the most mag- “What year is this?” home. At the back of his mind the horrible, haunting
froze on his tracks. Loud noise rang like a peal of nificent thing he’d ever seen, but it wasn’t the palace. “It’s Bikram Sambat 1895. You must be a peasant. I memories clung firmly like a tight and sweaty sock.
thunder: “Catch him, catch that bastard”, and three “Hey” a hoarse voice boomed and the guard flung don’t understand you or your beastly garments. What
other shadows trembled on the wall. A solitary figure himself at Prajwal with frightening fury and seized kind of beggarly clothes are you wearing? Go home Mainali is a bachelor’s student at Herald College,
emerged from the darkness into the street and ran him by his shirt. and put on some decent clothes. I don’t want to see Kathmandu

Published and Printed by Kantipur Publications Pvt. Ltd., Central Business Park, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal, P. B. No. 8559, Phone: 5135000, Fax: 977-1-5135057, e-mail:, Regd. No. 32/049/050, Chairman & Managing Director: Kailash Sirohiya, Director: Swastika Sirohiya, Editor: Sanjeev Satgainya

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