Document Control Procedure: Suez Oil Company

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Approved by - HSEQ General Manager O

SUEZ OIL COMPANY Print Date - 1 July 2015 C

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Document Control Procedure


1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to provide for control of all documents concerned
with managing SUCO’s HSE performance. This system includes documents
produced by SUCO staff to manage the system and also documents from external
origin needed as references.

The system includes methods of approval, document identification, distribution

maintenance, revision, deletion and disposal.

2.0 Scope of application

This procedure applies to all documents required by OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 and
those HSE documents needed by SUCO to manage the system.

These include but are not limited to:

HSE management system description

HSE policy
HSE objectives and targets
Operating Procedures
HSE Procedures
Work instructions
Technical data

Documents of external origin are also controlled, such as copies of standards,

Legislation, methods, books and texts etc.

3.0 Responsibility:

This procedure is covered by the SUCO document control system in line with
OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 requirements.

Only approved copies of this procedure are to be used. No unauthorised

photocopying or amendment of any part of the procedure is allowed.

The “Procedure Owner” for this procedure is the HSE General Manager.

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The HSE General Manager is responsible for reviewing this procedure and preparing
drafts for approval and reissue.

All documents will have a nominated "Procedure Owner" or "Responsible Person"

who is responsible for the control system for that document. All "Procedure
Owners" maintain a Master List of documents under their control with current
revision status and distribution list.

4.0 Procedure:

4.1 Documents to be Controlled

A variety of documents need to be controlled within the HSE system. The level of
control applied to each depends on the type of document and the potential HSE risk
of the use of incorrect information. In general we have documents of external origin,
such as laws, industry standards and technical or manufacturers manuals where we
operate a library system, and internal operational procedures where we authorise and
control the content and distribution of documents.

4.2 Documents of External Origin

These documents may include Laws, Regulations, Standards, Methods, Books and
articles. For reference documents the nominated Responsible Person maintains a
central file of current versions. Where appropriate, either full copies or
extracts/summaries are distributed to other staff. Perhaps only a small item may be
of direct relevance to the operation or these items may be copyright so it is
inappropriate to distribute copies. It is impractical and unnecessary to provide wide
distribution of the whole text for many of these external documents.

Any external document that is introduced into the SUCO system is reviewed by the
Responsible Person before deciding whether to issue the document, extract or digest
to other users. Distribution may be in paper or electronic form.

Documents are given an index number by the Responsible Person and relevant
copies or extracts are sent to users. Where necessary, local co-ordinators maintain
up-to-date files.

Once a year, the nominated Responsible Person will ensure that documents under
their control are examined to see if any revisions have been made or will be
necessary. The status is then reported in writing for consideration at the
Management Review meeting.

Obsolete documents are recalled by nominated Responsible Person. Where

necessary archive copies of superseded documents are kept separately for reference.

The same system is applied to relevant books, articles, manuals and selected internal

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4.3 Internally Generated Documents

For internally generated procedures and work instructions, the system includes
additional procedures for creation and modification of these documents

Where it is necessary to maintain operational control of a significant HSE issue, the

area manager may use a documented procedure or work instruction to ensure a
consistent application. Documented procedures are used where there is a potential
for lack of control to lead to a significant HSE problem.

For day-to-day written instructions given by managers, it is assumed that they are
temporary and have limited validity, usually defined in the instruction. See Section
1.4.8 on Temporary Instructions.

For operations that require reproducible actions then a formally documented

procedure system described in this procedure is used.

The control system provides for approval, issue, revision and updating as well as
administrative control of copies and approved locations.

4.4 Document Indexing System

All documents must be readily identifiable and traceable to the activity. In addition,
they should be dated and refer to the date of revision. To assist this process the
nominated Responsible Person should assign a unique code number to each
controlled document, before release.

This code number is composed of four meaning sections as follows:

Location - Division - Type - Serial Number


Cairo - HSE - M - 01

M Manual
P Procedure
I Instruction
F Form
D Drawing
G Guideline
L Law
R Report
C Contract

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S Specification

Other categories can be added to suit the type of documents in the Division.

4.5 Document Content Control

For all documents the Division Manager or Field Manager nominates managers who
have the authority to prepare and issue documents in their areas.

In addition, the contents of any document used in the system must be technically
correct. To ensure this all documents prepared must be reviewed and approved prior
to issue by nominated relevant staff, who understand the technical and HSE issues

All documents must have a specified review date. The default for the SUCO is a
maximum of two years. After two years SUCO-produced documents and external
documents that have changed must be revised and reissued. Others may be reissued
by the nominated Responsible Person if considered necessary.

In addition, a balance must be struck between the administrative burden for

document reissue and the HSE risks of using out-of-date information. To this end
local Procedure Owners keep a file for minor amendments to the procedure to be
consolidated in a future revision. Where critical issues are identified then
procedures must be amended and issued as a priority.

4.6 Electronic Documents

4.6.1 Document Format

SUCO was developed to an electronic document system where procedures and other
documents are maintained in electronic form on the intranet. The person responsible
for producing the document is also responsible for ensuring electronic version control
is applied. Where necessary, documents should be available in a format which cannot
be modified by the user after the final version has been approved. This may be by
copy-protection or by conversion to PDF format.

The nominated Responsible Person is also responsible for notifying all potential users
of the documents and how to access them.

Documents on the intranet are held to be the current versions and are reviewed every
two years in line with the document revision policy. However, documents may be
amended during the two years period and the nominated Responsible Person should
then circulate a notification to users of the changes. This may be by paper copy, email
or other form of electronic notice.

4.6.2 Scanned Documents

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Some documents are historical and will be scanned to PDF format, whilst some will be
revised and updated into word-processed form. Local management should maintain a
master list of all documents. Where the documents are scanned a plan will be
prepared to bring them into editable format.

4.6.3 Control of Email

With the introduction of email in SUCO many emails could be considered to be

essential documents from an HSE perspective. At the moment the system for
controlling these essential communications is still to be developed. Currently the
control is limited to retention by the user.

4.6.4 Transitional Arrangements

In the changeover to electronic documentation several issues are considered.

Where access to the network is not possible, the nominated Responsible Person should
provide current versions on disk or flash drive to the users. He should also record the
distribution of these copies so they can be updated where necessary.

Where paper copies are needed then they should be printed out as required and
destroyed after use. Where possible, software should be used to record the print date
on the documents to ensure that they are not retained.

For consumable documents, such as forms to be filled in, then Version Numbers
should be used to ensure that the forms are current versions.

To ensure that electronic documents are available when the network is unavailable
then the nominated Responsible Person will prepare a backup system held with local
co-ordinators either using paper copies or by distribution on disk.

4.7 Paper Documentation

SUCO still uses a mostly paper-based document system.

In addition many of SUCO’s operational documents are English texts from equipment
vendors or previous operators. It is not the intention to apply current document control
formatting immediately to these documents except where there are significant issues
that can affect the HSE performance.

Documents in SUCO can take many forms and style. However, to comply with
various standards for document control they must be identified with the relevant

4.7.1 Copy Number and Location

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For each document the Division Manager or Field Manager must define who is to
receive copies. This then becomes the approved copyholder list. Along with the
copyholder, the number and location of the copy must be specified. For example an
engineer may have two copies of a document, one for the office and another for the
control room.

4.7.2 Current Revision Status

Current Revision Status may be controlled in several ways. For SUCO this is done
by including Version Numbers and Version History with each document. In
addition, all documents have dates of approval, and include the validity, defined by
‘starting from’ and ‘next revision’ date.

To simplify this, the information is generally kept as a document footer.

To this end all documents must have Document Identifier, Revision Number, Copy
Number, relevant dates and Page Numbers in the form Page x of y.

Where this is not provided on the document then each area manager must maintain a
Master List with this information for each document.

4.7.3 Approval

All documents must be signed by the relevant Division/Field Manager.

4.7.4 Approval of Documents or Document Changes

Any internal document requested/proposed is to be supported with document draft and

submitted to the Division/Field Manager for initial approval.

The Division Manager arranges for circulation of the document proposal to all relevant
functions or departments concerned in its execution and receive their
approval/comments on the same form.

Once it is technically approved, the document is typed in final format, approved by the
issuing manager and passed to the nominated Responsible Person for distribution
either electronically or in paper form to the approved copyholders.

The local co-coordinator keeps a file with the Master signed up copies.

For documents that cross-functional boundaries, or have a potential implication for

legal requirements or terms and conditions, the final signatories are the managing
directors. For all other documents the Division manager or Field Manager is the
approval signatory.

4.8 Temporary Procedures and Interim Approval

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There is occasionally a need to adopt temporary procedures or to implement new

practices before full approval. This occurs particularly where we are carrying out
plant trials or investigations or when proposing a revision to procedures that apply to
all Fields. In these cases we seek suggestions and approval from the Fields before
committing to a final issue.

In these cases an assessment is made of the likely HSE risk. If there is little risk the
relevant Division Manager may authorise the adoption of the draft procedure whilst
full approval is sought. This approval is given for a maximum period of three
months. A further extension of three months is permitted but after this the final
version must be issued.

4.9 Documents for External Use

For internally generated documents that go outside SUCO, such as EGPC reports
and supply contracts, the relevant controls are specified by the Division Manager or
Field manager to meet these external needs. This may limit the format of these
documents. The principles of control should be applied as described in this
procedure where possible. Documents other than standard reports should receive
MD’s approval before being passed outside SUCO.

4.10 Revision/Deletion of Documents

Document controllers are responsible for assuring the removal and disposal of
obsolete documents from all points of use. The original of the obsolete document is
stamped on the front, with “CANCELLED” or “OBSOLETE” and maintained in a
separate location as records for legal or knowledge retention purposes.

All documents must have a retention period specified by the Division manager or
Field Manager. As a SUCO standard, the minimum retention period is set at two
years although this may be longer if required. Where this is necessary it is specified
in the document itself along with the responsibility for keeping the obsolete
documents and disposal of them after the specified period.

5.0 Required Records

The following records are to be maintained as per Record Control procedure.

Master List of documents or procedures

List of books & manuals
Document distribution list/record
Locations of current and obsolete copies of documents

Records are retained for a minimum of two years. Where records are required for
legal reasons or to demonstrate performance then a five-year retention is required.

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