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Approved by - HSEQ General Manager

SUEZ OIL COMPANY Print Date - 1 July 2015
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Setting and Reviewing HSEQ Objectives

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to describe how HSEQ Objectives are set, approved and reviewed.

2.0 Scope of application

This procedure covers all SUCO operations at Cairo and the fields.

3.0 Responsibilities

HSEQ general Manager is responsible for co-ordinating Proposals for Approval by MD's.

Responsible Programme Managers are responsible for ensuring that the planning forms have been
prepared, the step-by-step description of the programme is defined and that all those with
responsibilities have been informed.

The responsible programme manager is responsible for establishing technical alternatives and
ensuring budget application is made if necessary.

Field Managers are responsible for discussing progress on objectives at monthly local HSE
Committee Meetings or other Quality Discussions..

HSEQ General Manager is responsible for ensuring follow-up is covered at the Cairo HSE
Committee Meetings every two months and Review is carried out at the HSE and Q Management
Review Meetings.

HSEQ General Manager is also responsible for publishing the approved objectives and for
arranging an annual audit of implementation.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Planning

SUCO HSEQ objectives will be set for each business year (July – June). To ensure that sufficient
time is available for approval the process has to start in the beginning of the previous business year.

In the HSEQ Management Review Meetings held in October/November each year the special topic
will be HSE objectives.

HSEQ Meetings in Field and Cairo departments discuss ideas for objectives from all personnel.

Special consideration will be given to outstanding corrective actions from planned

inspections, accidents, audits, near misses and HSEQ Meetings.

Individuals with good ideas will be encouraged to make formal proposals.

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Approved by - HSEQ General Manager
SUEZ OIL COMPANY Print Date - 1 July 2015
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Department Heads will assist individuals to word proposals and estimate implementation costs. He
will endorse each proposal after appropriate review and consideration to ensure the objectives are –

Significant areas for improvement,

The most appropriate method of addressing the problem.

Once the ideas are presented, the final proposals are submitted on the approval form (See Appendix

4.2 Approval

The Department head forwards the proposal forms to the HSEQ General Manager, adding
explanatory or background information, if necessary, such that the whole topic is easily understood.

HSEQ General Manager reviews all proposals and chooses a shortlist of proposals to present to the
Annual HSEQ Review meeting in October. This list will specify the manager responsible for
implementation and the budget necessary for supporting any activities.

After incorporating comments from the HSE Review Meeting, the HSE General Manager presents a
final list of HSE Objectives for consideration by the MD's, taking account of,

Legal requirements,
Major HSE and Quality trends requiring attention,
External audit non-conformances,
Shareholder concerns,
Industry best practice.

MD's then review and approve a final list of HSEQ objectives.

The HSEQ General Manager publishes the final list by the end of December, distributing it to all
Cairo Department Heads and Field Managers for implementation.

4.3 HSEQ Programmes

Once the HSEQ Objectives are agreed, the nominated responsible manager is responsible for
preparing the implementation plan. The format is shown in Appendix 2.

This plan includes any technical options, implementation steps, milestones, assigned
responsibilities, budget requirements and progress monitoring system.

Once the programmes are established the responsible manager then informs in writing all those with
responsibilities in achieving the objective, what their detailed responsibilities are.

4.4 Progress Monitoring and Follow-up

Each nominated responsible manager submits a monthly progress report to MD's and HSEQ
General Manager including actions achieved and any difficulties encountered that will affect the

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Approved by - HSEQ General Manager
SUEZ OIL COMPANY Print Date - 1 July 2015
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Every month Field Managers update the status of objectives at the Field HSEQ Meetings. Every
two months Field and Department Managers update the status of objectives for the HSEQ
Committee Meetings.

4.5 Communication

In addition to dissemination through line management, HSEQ Department publishes the HSEQ
objectives through a newsletter-format in dual-language, to be posted on all notice boards in Cairo
and the Fields.

4.6 Implementation

HSEQ Objectives will be a special topic in the first HSEQ Committee Meeting of each calendar
year, both in the Fields and at Cairo Office.

Each meeting Chairman will explain all the objectives and department’s responsibilities. The
members at the meeting will agree a timetable for implementation, and record the information.

Each Department Manager is responsible for timely implementation of his department’s objectives.
Should insufficient budget funds be available for adequate implementation, the Department
Manager is responsible for justifying and securing additional funds.

4.7 Verification of Programme Actions

It is also necessary to verify that the actions have been completed to the required timetable.

Each monthly Field HSEQ Meeting should briefly review progress of implementation. The
quarterly HSEQ Committee meeting in Cairo will review progress.

Once a year, and internal audit of HSEQ objectives will be conducted.

4.8 Review of Programme Actions

Once a year, at the HSEQ Management Reviews the HSEQ objectives will be reviewed against
effectiveness in achieving the aims of continual improvement.

5.0 Required Records

The Field and Cairo HSEQ hold a record file of each objective including all documents and reports
prepared during the submission.

The HSEQ General Manager retains all Objective Approval Summaries.

Each programme responsible manager keeps evidence to support implementation of the programme

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Approved by - HSEQ General Manager
SUEZ OIL COMPANY Print Date - 1 July 2015
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Appendix 1 - HSEQ Objectives Proposal Form

Date proposed: Department: Initiator:

Budget year: Location: Reference:


(What will be

(What is to be

(What steps
are needed)

Resources Cost: Time:

(What are
needed to do Technical Knowledge: People:

Name Signature Date






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Approved by - HSEQ General Manager
SUEZ OIL COMPANY Print Date - 1 July 2015
Check this is the Latest Issue

Appendix 2 – HSEQ Objective Detailed Programme

Objective Title: Ref.:

Programme Title: Ref.:


Detailed Cost:

Technical Knowledge:

Nominated Programme Manager:

Start Date: Finish Date:

Detailed Plan Prepared By:

Steps: Milestones: Dates:

Close Out Report To Be Prepared By: Date:

Agreed By: Name: Signature: Date:

Department Manager


Issue 2015-07 Next Revision Date - 01/07/17 Page 1 of 5

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