20BCY10177 Assignment

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(20BCY10177- rohan kolhatkar)

Case Study #2:  You are the CEO of Zilla Panchayat. A Gram Panchayat Secretary has been assaulted by
Gram Panchayat member. The member is an influential figure in the Tehsil and is very close to the local
MLA. The Panchayat Secretary is severely injured and is hospitalised.  He was assaulted after being caught
red handed while taking bribe from a poor woman in the office. The member has the support of villagers
and MLA. All these incidences have been brought to your notice by the Block Development Officer.
 As a Block Development Officer  what ethical problems you may face and how will you manage these

As a CEO of zilla panchayat I will follow the following step in this type of situation
1 I will make sure that whether complaint is filed against the MLA or not.
2 I will consult my superior for giving this case to anti-corruption department so that both parties can
not do compromise by taking each other complain back and they should be punished.
3 I will also call that lady and take an action for her work to be done
4 I will also try to give one day at each tehsil to stop this type of cases in future.
5 I will also keep an eye to check whether any individual is taking bribe because superior officer
demands money and the whole system is involved in this.
Case Study #3:  Recently you were appointed as Panchayat Secretary. Block Development Officer has
called you and other Panchayat Secretaries for a meeting. The meeting is headed by local MLA. In the
meeting while taking note of different development activities, he tells everyone to contribute Rs 20,000/-
towards building a community hall in nearby town for the benefit of community to which he belongs to.
He says that as everyone is taking bribe there is no harm in donating few thousand rupees towards
welfare activities.
After the meeting you meet the Block Development Officer and tell him that as you are new to the job
you do not have money and moreover it’s wrong to give money which will be unaccounted. BDO angrily
shouts at you and asks you to not only give Rs 20,000/- by whatever means, you should also give him Rs
5000/- every month as part of ‘tradition’ that’s in practice in his office since past many years. He says that
once you learn the skills in your new job, you will start earning more.
if you are Panchayat Secretary does this kind of atmosphere affect your working place? What will be your
course of action?

 First of all as a panchayat secretary I will complaint regarding Block Development Officer tradition
of collecting 5000 rupees monthly and also about all the members who are taking bribe from
years to the head of district and central anti-corruption department.
 I will also complaint about MLA on whom supervision such things are happening.
 I will provide each any every information regarding bribe to the central anti-corruption
department and tell them to take severe action against all involved in this.
 I will not give block development officer 20000rupees nor 5000 rupees as a bribe at any cost.
 I will do my job without taking a bribe and without giving a bribe.

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