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Analysing tests


 Which language skills (listening, reading, writing) and knowledge (vocabulary,

grammar) are covered?

The test covers different grammar and writing skills such as questions and
answers and sentences’ order. Moreover, there is some vocabulary related to

 Does the test focus more on receptive or productive knowledge1?

Since there is a lot a copying, the test focuses on receptive knowledge.

 How varied are the tasks?

There is not much variety, since two tasks are connecting questions with their
answers and other two writing sentences (ordering and separating words). This is
normal due to the low level of the learners.

 How clear are the instructions of the tasks?

The instructions are in Estonian which can make it easier for students to
understand, nevertheless, there are some instructions that are very confusing.

 How attractive is the layout of the test?

The layout has a simple and clear structure with pictures that make it more

 What is the scoring of individual tasks / the whole test? Is it objective? If there is
no scoring, how would you score the test?

There is no scoring in the test but, I would point every item with one point.

 Which aspects do you like about the test?

I like that it’s simple and short. Students of young ages are not able to keep
concentration during long periods that’s why this type of tests are the most
Receptive grammar knowledge refers to knowledge of linguistic rules a learner uses for listening or
reading to retrieve the message, whereas productive grammar knowledge is knowledge of linguistic
knowledge a learner uses to produce appropriate spoken or written language forms.
 Which changes would you make in the test?

I would change some of the firsts activities to add more variety to the test. Also,
I would add a listening activity and I’d write down the scores.

Regarding the instructions, it would be better if they were in English and were


 Which language skills (listening, reading, writing) and knowledge (vocabulary,

grammar) are covered?

The exam covers all the language skills (listening, reading and writing).

The test covers the topics of “parts of the body”, “clothes”, “days of the week”,
“weather” and differentiating between singular y plural.

 Does the test focus more on receptive or productive knowledge?

More receptive knowledge, since it consists, basically, in copying, matching, etc.

 How varied are the tasks?

Since the test covers various different topics, the activities are very varied.

 How clear are the instructions of the tasks?

The instructions of the test are short and simple which would help the students
understand the test. However, the teacher will have to make sure everybody
understands it by explaining orally.

 How attractive is the layout of the test?

The layout includes several pictures that make it very attractive to children.
Moreover, there’s enough space to answer the exercises.

 What is the scoring of individual tasks / the whole test? Is it objective? If there is
no scoring, how would you score the test?

The first four exercises are valued in 5 points whereas the E exercise cost 7
points and the last one, 3 points. I don’t understand why the E tasks cost more
than the rest.
 Which aspects do you like about the test?

I like that it’s really attractive to children and has clear instructions.
Furthermore, it mixes different difficulty level tasks.

 Which changes would you make in the test?

Some instructions could be clearer.

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