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UVa Lesson Plan Template – Online Lesson Plan

Online Lesson Components

Recognizing and Managing Personal Stress

Context (description of setting, students, and curriculum and any other important contextual
characteristics; pull in from your rapid front-end analysis of learners, context, content analysis.)

● Setting: All students are participating in remote learning from their homes. This is a change
in routine from the normal school environment which could present a challenge for this
population of students. However, the increased familiarity with the online setting from the
spring could help in this regard. It is also noted that several students felt positively about
learning in their home environments where they are comfortable and there is a reduced
chance of sensory overload. Students all have access to computers and reliable internet.
● Students: The students for this lesson are 6th-8th graders on the autism spectrum who
require additional support from our classroom to engage in grade-level content. Individual
students have a wide range of needs, but common skills that need building include:
communication skills, emotional recognition and regulation, self-management, critical
thinking and problem solving skills.
● Content: This lesson will aid students in their recognition of personal stress in terms of what
it looks like, sounds like, and feels like. The instructor will model and instruct on a few
management techniques (deep breathing, taking a break, stress ball or other fidgets).
Students will then participate in extensions in which they can explore and share their own
techniques and experiences. The instructor can follow up in subsequent 1:1 meetings to
verify student understanding and extend learning and application of principles of this lesson.
Virginia SOL(s) (If none or in another state use those or explain at a high level).

VIrginia Health SOLs:

6.2 The student will describe the influence of family, peers, and media on personal health decisions.
p) Identify internal factors, such as criticism or stress, which influence emotional and social

7.1 The student will identify and explain essential health concepts to understand personal health.
l) Analyze the benefits of stress management and stress-reduction techniques.

8.2 The student will apply health concepts and skills to the management of personal and family
k) Describe effective coping mechanisms for managing personal and family stress.
Objectives (Know Understand Do format)

Students will know:

● individual antecedents that lead to a stress response
● what stress looks like, sounds like, and feels like.
● various examples of stress management techniques
● effective management of stress results in a reduction of negative feelings

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Students will understand:
● Stress is a normal emotion and can be effectively managed before, during, and after stressful
● Different management techniques vary in effectiveness for each individual

Students will:
● Accurately identify indicators of personal stress
● Share experiences with stress and management techniques that have worked (or not
worked) for them
● Apply learned techniques to subsequent personal experiences

Instruction (Types of Interaction and/or Procedures): Detail student and teacher behavior. Identify
possible student misconceptions. Include specific formative assessment prompts.

Make sure you address how the three types of interaction will be facilitated (student-content,
student-student, student-instructor).

Strategy Interaction Type Instructor Student Instructional

Interaction Interaction Material
1:1 Synchronous Student-Content The instructor The student Google Slide for
Meeting Student-Instructor will explain the will participate each student
objective of the in discussion summarizing their
lesson to by providing mini-lesson’s main
students (what personal point(page 1), and
stress is, what stressors, providing an
they’ll be manifestations agenda for
learning about of stress, and activities (page 2)
it, and why experiences
managing it is with various
important) and management
will participate techniques.
in a discussion The student
with each will also
student on their answer
experiences and instructor
examples of questions and
situations that practice
make them feel discussed
stressed. The techniques as
instructor will they come to
then verify
discuss,with understanding.
student input,
what stress
looks like,
sounds like, and
feels like.

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Finally, the
instructor will
model and
instruct on a
few examples
of management
techniques, and
then ask the
student to
reflect on past
approaches that
worked for
them. The
should guide
students in
practice of a
few selected
methods and
them to apply
these in future

Some students
may not have
success with
any approach or
may have
when they are
The instructor
should express
support for the
student and
recognize that
this can be
difficult and
that they just
haven’t figured

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out what works
best for them

If no strategy
has worked,
suggestions for
finding the right
additional ideas
together, talk
with friends,
explore the
padlet toolbox
we will build as
a class, and
guidance for
research if

If students
know the
strategies but
have difficulty
applying them,
validate their
Express that
emotions can
make it difficult
to use our tools.
We can work on
frustration or
stress sooner so
that we will be
able to use
these skills
before it
impossible. Let
them know that
they are

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capable, but
make sure they
understand that
it’s okay if this
takes time.

content, the
should provide
for students to
restate what
they just
opportunities to
respond are
key. Scaffolding
should be used
and reduced as
students show
greater level of
Throughout the
lesson, the
instructor will
keep track of
discussed topics
on google slide
shared with the
Padlet Student-Content The instructor Students will Padlet board
Student-Student will provide a demonstrate
Padlet board for understanding
students to of stress
share their own management
personal techniques
examples (or that work (or
non-examples!) don’t) for
of stress them by
management sharing these
techniques they techniques
have personally with peers.
used. The This will also
instructor will provide

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post examples students the
modeled during opportunity to
the 1:1 meetings learn from
to provide each other’s
structure for unique
appearance of approaches to
student add to their
responses. The toolbox.
instructor will
feedback to
students via
Canvas Student-Content The instructor Students will Canvas Discussion
Discussion or Student-Student will provide a construct a Board, Flipgrid
Flipgrid choice for response to forum, Google
students to the prompt to Slides Checklist
participate in illustrate their (page 3)
either a Canvas understanding
discussion or a of the content
flipgrid from the mini-
discussion in lesson in the
which they context of a
discuss an personal
experience in experience.
which they felt Students will
stress, how they also make a
recognized the connection
feeling, and with at least
how they one peer’s
handled it. experience in
These three the form of a
parts of the short
post will be response.
outlined in a
visual checklist
by the
instructor for
each student so
they can ensure
addressed all
parts. Instructor
will provide
feedback to

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through Canvas
and provide
them with
questions for
Canvas Student-Instructor Instructor will Students will Canvas
Announcement Student-Content post a Canvas have the announcement,
with Wrap- announcement option to read video recorded via
Up/Review at the end of the screencast-o-matic
Video the week announcement
highlighting . watch the
student video, or both
contributions to to wrap up the
discussions and week.
providing Students will
necessary continue to be
whole group able to access
feedback. This these materials
information, as if they need to
well as a review review
of the mini- content.
lesson content
will also be Students will
available in a continue
recorded and meeting with
captioned video the instructor
included with and will be
the asked to verify
announcement. understanding
Instructor will and provide
encourage updates on
students to their
apply their applications of
knowledge the these
next time they strategies.
encounter a

In subsequent
1:1 meetings,
the instructor
can assess
and applications

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of the principles
in this lesson
and re-teach as

Materials (Use this space to identify any other instructional materials needed for your online lesson
plan that were not articulated in the Instruction section above.)

Students will need a computer or chromebook with internet access. To my knowledge, all students
on our caseload have reliable internet access and a computer. Students will also need access to
sensory materials such as stress balls, putty, liquid motion break timers, etc. Most of our students
have these items in their homes, but for those who don’t, sensory care packages will be sent at the
beginning of the school year to ensure they have the necessary resources.

Students will benefit from the use of visual aids, for example, for use of breathing exercises. (smell
the flower, blow the candle; triangle breathing). These should be provided as needed for individual
students and can be provided digitally.

Assessments: diagnostic and summative based on your objectives. (Formative assessments should
be described in the Instruction field.) (Hint: review your job aid in the Assessment section.)

Students’ personal descriptions of stressful experiences at the beginning of the lesson serves as a
pre-assessment of their understanding of stress and management techniques. Formative
assessments are used throughout the lesson including: opportunities to respond during the mini-
lesson through answering questions and practicing techniques as well as participating in padlet and
canvas/flipgrid discussions. In addition to the formative assessments scattered within the mini-
lessons and application activities, subsequent 1:1 meetings with students will serve as an
opportunity to discuss the content of the lesson in relation to new experiences. The instructor can
use these interactions to summatively assess students’ understanding and re-teach as necessary.

Technology Selection: Detail specific technology being used in the lesson with explanation for why
it is being used. In particular, provide your rationale here for why online delivery makes instructional
sense for this lesson and articulate in your own words any other description or rationale you feel
helps illuminate the use of online delivery. This is a good spot to talk about asynchronous and

The use of synchronous zoom meetings for the initial mini-lesson allows differentiation of the lesson
to each student’s particular needs, context, and experiences. The lesson is presented in the context
of a meeting students will already be scheduled to have with the instructor, preventing any anxiety
around changes of structure. Canvas is used for all feedback and as the point of access for all outside
resources (Padlet, Flipgrid). This is the best approach because students have already become familiar
with Canvas in their previous experiences in school and with emergency remote learning. The
asynchronous format (and week-long timetable) of the extension activities will allow students to
engage with these at a time that is convenient for them, but does sacrifice some of the structure of
the synchronous approach. Since students meet with the instructor 1:1 daily, as it is needed, the
instructor can help students plan completion of these activities.

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I think the choice of Padlet for the stress management toolbox is great because of the easy access to
perspectives of all students and the ability to share these thoughts in many different forms. After the
assignment, it can continue to be used as a resource for students who wish to use it as such. The use
of a more detailed discussion on canvas/flipgrid allows students to connect with each other and the
content in the form in which they are most comfortable. This helps students to gain the
understanding that stress is natural and the wide variety of ways it is experienced and addressed.

The students in this class will have already been given explicit instruction on how to use all platforms
addressed in this lesson.

Attention to Specific Student Needs: Detail specific actions/materials you will use to meet
individual needs in this lesson. (Hint: Reflect on accessibility and diverse learner needs!)

As mentioned above, the initial mini-lesson being synchronous and 1 to 1 allows much differentiation
to individual needs. Many opportunities to respond will be used in the mini-lesson in order to help
students remain focused and engaged in the lesson. Many students in our class also do better with
visual aids to guide their learning. This is considered throughout the lesson design such as the google
slides recording key aspects of the mini-lesson and the discussion prompt visual checklist. Choice is
provided where possible such as the discussion which can be completed on flipgrid or canvas. This
can help students who may either not feel comfortable on video or writing an extensive text post.
The wrap-up is also presented both in text form or as a video to make this easy for students to
consume regardless of preference of instructional mode. Given the need for structure among our
students in particular, it will be very important that there is a singular landing page from which all
content can be accessed, with instructions clearly stated on each page, in both video and written

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