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 Rotary load with two shafts without friction

RL02 is a simple dynamic submodel of a rotary load under the action of

two external torques in Nm applied to its two ports. RL02 computes the
rotary velocity in rev/min

The rotary acceleration is computed as an internal variable.

Rotary load with 1 port and friction

RL00 is a simple dynamic

submodel of a rotary load under the action of an external torque in Nm
applied to its port. There is provision for viscous friction, Coulomb friction
and stiction. RL00 computes the rotary velocity in rev/min.

The rotary acceleration is computed as an internal variable.

Rotary load with 2 ports and friction

rotary load with friction and endstops

RL24 is a
dynamic submodel of a rotary load with 2 ports receiving torque in Nm
and computing angular displacement in degree and angular velocity in
rev/min as outputs. The angular displacement is limited to a specified
range by inclusion of endstops. There is provision for viscous friction,
Coulomb friction and stiction.

The endstop model can be:

 ideal
 elastic
 using a restitution coefficient.

Elastic contact (no states)

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