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The Serrodyne Frequency Translator*


Summary-A serrodyne frequency translator will translate, or tions,'7 in measuring apparatus,8 in superheterodyne
shift, the frequency of a signal in a nearly ideal manner. Linear saw- receivers, and in other important systems applications.
tooth modulation of a transit-time device, such as a traveling-wave
tube or klystron, is employed to effect the translation. The power out- Diemer and Knoll have shown that continuous linear
put at the translated frequency is practically equal to the capability variation of phase will produce ideal frequency con-
of the same device operating as an ordinary amplifier. Furthermore, version, or translation. They gave, however, no ade-
very little power is produced in undesired intermodulation frequency quate means for realizing the method. Giacoletto''0
components. suggested that linear sawtooth modulation of the drift
Frequency translations of a microwave signal ranging from sub-
audio frequencies to 57 megacycles have been accomplished. The field in a filamentary transistor would produce a realiza-
translation loss for a translation of about 30 megacycles was less tion of the Diemer and Knol idea. Independently, the
than 1 decibel; moreover, each undesired frequency component was author successfully used linear sawtooth modulation of
suppressed at least 20 decibels. The serrodyne method can be used at the beam voltage of klystrons and traveling-wave tubes
nonmicrowave frequencies and with larger fractional frequency (twt) to produce frequency translation of microwave
shifts, provided modulable transit-time devices having certain prop-
erties can be devised. signals. Frequency shifts ranging from subaudio fre-
An analysis is given of serrodyne performance as limited by a quencies to 57 mc were imparted to a microwave signal
number of important practical factors. A general spectrum analysis by use of an S-band twt."1 Larger frequency shifts can
is included which is in a convenient form for a variety of problems in be produced, apparently, by extension of the techniques
combined AM and PPM (or combined AM and PM) when arbitrary employed.
modulating waveforms are used.
Fig. 1 shows the measured output spectrum of a T-301
INTRODUCTION twt modulated by a 28.7 mc sawtooth. In the case
HE SERRODYNE' is a frequency translator
shown, the desired output frequency component is the
first lower-side frequency (labeled n = - 1). Notice that
which employs linear sawtooth modulation of the amplitude of the desired component is within 1 db
transit time. Its performance closely approaches of the capability of the same twt operating as an ampli-
that of an ideal frequency translator. fier. The undesired components are each suppressed by
An ideal frequency translator, given an input signal a factor of at least 20 db. The circuit diagram of the
of a certain frequency, will produce an output signal sawtooth generator and its connections to the electron
whose frequency is shifted by some desired amount from gun of the twt are given in Fig. 2.
that of the input. A maximum of power will be produced In the past, microwave frequency translation has been
at the desired output frequency, and no power will be accomplished by means of a sinusoidal modulating
produced at other, undesired, frequencies. waveform.2'5-7 The theoretical maximum power at the
In general, the input signal may consist of a band of desired output frequency, using sinusoidal modulation,
frequencies instead of a single frequency component. is 4.7 db less than the output power obtainable from the
Frequency translation ordinarily involves a modulation same tube operating as an amplifier. Furthermore the
process; the frequency of the modulation is numerically output spectrum is symmetrical; hence, several unde-
equal to the translation frequency or to a submultiple sired components are present and comparable in ampli-
thereof. tude with the desired component.
Some often-used synonyms for the name frequency
translator include: Frequency shifter,2 frequency con- 6 V. Learned, "The klystron mixer applied to tv relaying," PROC.
verter,3 single-sideband modulator,4 and synchrodyne.5 IRE, vol. 38, pp. 1033-1035; September, 1950.
7 W. W. Siekanowitz, "A developmental medium-power traveling-
Frequency translators are used in microwave relay sta- wave tube for relay service in the 2,000 mc region," PROC. IRE, vol.
42, pp. 1091-1097; July, 1954.
8 P. D. Lacy and G. W. C. Mathers, "New twt amplifiers with
provision for simulating special microwave signals," Hewlett-Packard
Original manuscript received by the IRE, August 29, 1956; re- J., vol. 7, pp. 1-4; January, 1956.
vised manuscript received, October 16, 1956. 9 L. J. Giacolleto, "Semiconductor Frequency Converter," U. S.
t Stanford Electronics Labs., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif. Patent 2,701,302; February 1, 1955.
1 The name "serrodyne" is derived from the Latin word "serra," 10 This method is limited by the restriction that the transit time
meaning "saw" or "sawtooth." through the filamentary transistor must be short compared with the
2 W. V. Bray, "The traveling-wave valve as a microwave phase- period of the modulation; otherwise, severe distortion of the sawtooth
modulator and frequency shifter," Proc. IEE, vol. 99, pt. III, pp. modulating waveform will be produced because of the averaging
15-10; January, 1952. which will occur during the transit time. Furthermore, the analysis
3 G. Diemer and K. S. Knol,
"Frequency conversion by phase given by Giacoletto, being based on phase modulation theory rather
variation," Philips Res. Rep., vol. 4, pp. 161-167; June, 1949. than on considerations of transit time, fails to show the above limita-
4 J. Cacheris, "Microwave single-sideband modulator using fer- tion and also yields an incorrect value for the optimum amplitude
rites," PROC. IRE, Vol. 42, pp. 1242-1247; August, 1954. of sawtooth modulation.
6 A. E. Harrison, "Klystron Tubes," McGraw-Hill Book Co., 11 The Stanford University T-301, which is essentially the same
Inc., New York, N. Y., 1st ed.; 1947. as the Huggins HA-2A, was the tube used.

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IKE j, eo1ruary

0 bounds on the quality of performance obtainable. The

analysis applies to presently developed or foreseeable
modulable transit-time devices like the klystron, the
twt, the ferrite phase shifter,'2 the gas-discharge phase
:0 desired out- shifter, the filamentary transistor, and the time-
variable electrical delay network. In such devices, only
put freq.
1_Ib a limited deviation of transit time can be produced by
modulation. As a consequence, the ratio of translation
28.7 mc.

- frequency to signal frequency will be small compared
with unity and hence will be so assumed in much of the

0 frequency of
,e -20 A transit-time device is a device in which an output
cycle appears with a certain time delay after the occur-

E -25 I I rence of the corresponding input cycle. The time delay
is termed the transit time for that cycle. Let us assume
.0 that the effect of each input cycle is propagated to the
0 output by means of a physical disturbance (for example,
-30 in a klystron, the disturbances consist of electron
bunches; in a twt, of combined bunches and traveling
waves). Such a transit-time device is illustrated sche-
-35 matically in Fig. 3.
-4 -2 0 2 4 6
Fig. 1-Output spectrum from a traveling-wave tube operating as I output
a serrodyne. The sawtooth modulation has a fundamental fre-
quency of 28.7 mc. Zero db is the output of the same twt operat-
ing as an ordinary amplifier with the same input signal power.
in transit
Fig. 3 Schematic drawing of a modulable transit-time deN-ice.

Obviously, if the transit time is constant (no ttm

applied) and the input frequency is constant also, the
spacing of disturbances arriving at the output terminal
will be uniform, and the output frequency will be equal
-Vcc +Vsg +Vbb to that of the input. Modulation of the transit time will
Fig. 2-Basic circuit of 28.7-mc sawtooth generator modulating the alter the spacing of disturbances at the output terminal.
electron-gun potential of a traveling-wave tube. Stray capacitance In particular, if the modulation consists of a linear in-
C is charged linearly through the multifilar rf choke and dis-
charged quickly by the Class-C-biased 4X150 tube. crease of transit time with time, the disturbances will
arrive at a lower, but uniform, frequency. Similarly a
linear decrease of transit time will give a higher, uniform,
Frequency translation systems using sinusoidal modu- output frequency. The action may be thought of as a
lation normally employ a filter to eliminate the unde- sort of Doppler effect.
sired frequency components. The serrodyne, on the In practice, of course, the linear increase or decrease
other hand, using sawtooth transit-time modulation of transit time cannot be continued indefinitely. There-
(TTM), suppresses the undesired components to a large fore, a periodic linear sawtooth waveform is used.'3 In
degree by virtue of the modulation process itself; thus
the need for a filter is eliminated or reduced drastically. 12 R. F. Soohoo, "Ferrite micfowave phaseshifters," 1956 IRE
This reduced requirement on output filtering can be CONVENTION RECORD, pt. 5, 84-98. pp.
13 Periodicity is not a necessary requirement on the modulating
very important, for example, in systems in which the
waveform. The necessary requirements, it will be seen, determine
signal frequency varies rapidly over a band. only the slope of the linear portion and the amplitude of the discon-
The purpose of this paper is to give a physical descrip- tinuity; a nonperiodic sawtooth-type wave can satisfy these require-
ments. However, for simplicity, only periodic modulating wave-
tion of serrodyne operation and to derive theoretical forms will be considered in this paper.

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1957 Cumming: The Serrodyne Frequency Translator 177

"missing" disturbance where

To To + -2r = 2To n = a positive or negative integer14
arrival times
/ / / , o ,/ *, /, ../ /. ,, /. .. /. . is satisfied only approximately, good performance will
,', ,/ , ,, ,/,, ,', ' ,z, ,/ ,/ ,,,/
/ ,/
departure times If the period of the input signal is Ti, and the rate of
ToL e llc:=:=
change of transit time is i, and the modulating wave is
time 1 2Ar I Tm
sampled at the disturbance departure times, it is easy
O_ to verify that the period To of the output signal will be
given by
Fig. 4-Departure and arrival times of disturbances. The transit time
is modulated as shown, by a periodic linear sawtooth. Input fre- To = Ti(l +T). (2)
quency=l/T4; modulation frequency=1/Tm; output frequency
= 1/To=1/Tj+l/Tm. With periodic linear sawtooth modulation of transit
time, + is a constant, given by the following equation,
"double" disturbance which is in accord with the above-mentioned sign con-
vention on Ar:
arrival times To0
2,&r I0
,// - /
,1 I////
/ / / r/ /// / / / ////tL 2A-r
Ti departure times
where Ar is the amplitude and Tm is the period of the
transit o modulation. Elimination of + and A-r between (1), (2),
time 1
i2AT I
1 Tm and (3) gives the following relation between input, out-
time- put, and modulation frequencies:
Fig. 5-Similar to Fig. 4, but for a modulating sawtooth having 1 1 1
opposite slope. Output frequency = 1/T = 1 /Ti- 1/Tm. =-T+ T-. (4)
TO Tr Trn
Figs. 4 and 5 are shown the departure and arrival times From this it can be seen that the translation frequency
of disturbances when periodic linear sawtooth modula- is RI/Tm, an integral multiple of the modulation fre-
tion is applied to the transit time. quency 1/Tm.
The use of periodic instead of continuous modulation Notice in Figs. 4 and 5 that, when phase coherence
brings up a question of phase coherence. The signal out- exists, the output is perfectly periodic, except for a
put during every modulation period must be in phase Jo
number (equal to I ) of either "missing" or else "over-
lapping" disturbances in each modulation period. These
with that of every other modulation period, in order to interruptions in periodicity are caused by the discon-
give a large output power at a single output frequency.
The phase coherence problem can be clarified by a tinuities in the sawtooth wave. Their effect on serrodyne
study of the intervals between disturbance arrival times, performance, along with a number of other effects, will
shown in Figs. 4 and 5. During the linear portion of the now be analyzed.
sawtooth wave, the intervals between arrival times is ANALYSIS OF SERRODYNE PERFORMANCE
equal to To, the desired output period (reciprocal of the
desired output frequency). At the flyback of the saw- In general, a modulation process produces a large
tooth wave, a discontinuity of magnitude 2,Ar is intro- number of intermodulation frequency components. The
duced in the transit time; it follows that the interval separation between the component frequencies is nu-
between arrival times of adjacent disturbances on oppo- merically equal to the fundamental frequency of the
site sides of the discontinuity will be equal to T0+2Ar. modulation. 15
If the linear variation of transit time is in the negative If the goal of the modulation process is to effect fre-
direction (i.e., transit times progressively smaller), then quency translation, only one of the intermodulation
the sign of the discontinuity 2A-r will be taken as posi- components will be desired in the output; it is called
tive, and vice versa. the desired output frequency; all other components are
Phase coherence will be assured if the magnitude of undesired output frequencies. The relative strengths of
the desired and undesired frequency components can be
the discontinuity 12Ar
is set equal to the desired output
period T0, or to an integral multiple thereof. In Figs. 4 specified by the suppression and the translation loss,
defined in decibels as follows:
and 5, 2Arl
has been equated to T0, and the resulting
phase coherence is apparent. Fortunately, as will be
14 It will be shown shortly (4) that n is the order of the intermodu-
shown later, the value of 2Ar for optimum performance lation side frequency taken as the desired output frequencv. In prac-
is not critical. If the equation tice, n is usually given a value of either plus unity of minus unity.
15 For a somewhat more accurate specification of the component
2ATr-T (1) frequencies, see (30) of Appendix I.

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db suppression of a particular undesired frequency component
output amplitude for ordinary amplifier operation
= 20 log (5)
amplitude of the particular undesired frequency component
output amplitude for ordinary amplifier operation
db translation loss = 20 log (6)
amplitude of desired output frequency component

For example, in the output spectrum shown in Fig. 1, value of modulation throughout its transit. The analysis
the suppression is about 20 db and the loss is about 1 to follow tacitly assumes that for such devices the tran-
db. (When the term "suppression" is not qualified by sit time is short compared to the period of the modula-
the specification of a particular frequency component, tion. Under this assumption the sampling becomes es-
the suppression of the larger undesired component adja- sentially instantaneous.
cent to the desired component will be meant.) Another general assumption is that the disturbances
When the analytical results are presented, it will be arriving at the output terminal have a fixed shape, inde-
seen that the translation loss of a serrodyne is usually of pendent of the modulation. Ordinarily some variation
the order of 1 db, or less, and hence is usually negligible of disturbance shape is to be expected when modulation
in practice. Therefore, the performance figure of most is applied. However, since the main consequence of a
practical interest will be the suppression. change in disturbance shape is a corresponding change
The following items constitute the principal degrading in gain, the variation of disturbance shape is essentially
factors to serrodyne performance. They will presently be an AM effect. This AM effect can be taken into account
treated one by one. later by the application of the proper waveform of AM
1) The "missing" or "overlapping" disturbances in the final results.
mentioned in connection with Figs. 4 and 5. The mathematical model described above is identical
2) The finite flyback time of realizable approxima- to that for combined AM and PPM with periodic sam-
tions to a perfect linear sawtooth waveform. pling.6 Appendixes I through VI make use of existing
AM and PPM analysis as the basis for deriving the re-
3) Nonlinearity in the sawtooth. sults which follow.
4) AM which often accompanies the application of
TTM to a device. Results of Analysis
5) Bandwidth. That is, variations of the input or The theoretical performance of a serrodyne is given
modulation frequency (in the presence of a fixed below in terms of the suppression and translation loss,
amplitude of TTM). defined by (5) and (6). The effects which limit serrodyne
6) Nonoptimum amplitude of sawtooth modula- performance are considered to exist one at a time, all
tion. other effects being assumed negligible in each case. This
Method of Analysis procedure is realistic, for in practical situations one of
the effects usually dominates the others.
The mathematical analysis is based on a model of a "Missing" or 'Overlapping" Disturbances: This phe-
transit-time device like that shown in Fig. 3. A modu- nomenon was discussed in connection with Figs. 4 and 5.
lating wave is applied to the device to vary the time It is intimately related to the fact that we are dealing
required for disturbances to make the transit from input with TTM and not PM; analyses based on PM methods
terminal to output terminal. It is assumed that the ignore the effect completely.
modulating wave is sampled instantaneously at the Appendix II shows that serrodyne performance, in
moment a disturbance embarks from the input terminal.
For example, in a twt or klystron amplifier, variation the presence of only the "missing" or "overlapping" dis-
of the beam voltage will modulate the injection velocity
turbance effect, will be given by
of the electron beam. An electron bunch, once formed, co

will travel at a constant velocity, approximately equal db suppression = 20 log (7)

to the injection velocity of the electrons in the bunch.
Thus, the velocity, and hence the transit time, of the db translation loss = 0, (8)
bunch are determined at the instant the bunch leaves where is the
the input terminal. frequency of the input signal, and wt is the

If the device is operating as a

On the other hand, in some modulable transit-time translation frequency.as well as a frequency translator,
devices, such as the ferrite phase shifter, the gas- frequency inmultiplier
(7) by iF is an integer equal to
discharge phase shifter, the filamentary transistor, and the i-, wherew

the time-variable electrical delay network, sampling of multiplication factor.

the modulating wave will not occur instantaneously. 18 S. H. Moss, "Frequency analysis of modulated pulses,' Phil.
Instead, each disturbance will experience a varying Mag., vol. 39, pp. 663-691; September, 1948.

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1957 Cumming: The Serrodyne Frequency Translator 179
For the example shown in Fig. 1, the ratio col/ Ict is tion. An analysis is given in Appendix V of serrodyne
approximately (3000 mc)/(30 mc), or 100, giving a db performance when such a device is used. The results are
suppression value from (7) of 40 db. Since the suppres- given in terms of an easily measurable parameter D/02,
sion actually obtained was only 20 db, the performance which denotes the sensitivity of gain to variations in
in the case illustrated was evidently limited chiefly by transit time. The following two paragraphs comprise a
considerations other than the "missing" or "overlap- brief digression to define the parameter De/02.
ping" disturbance effect. The quantity Do is the decibel gain reduction which
Finite Flyback Time: It is impossible to generate a results when the transit time is changed, from the value
sawtooth wave having zero flyback time. If the duration giving maximum gain, by a small amount &r. The angle
of the flyback is a fraction F of a modulation period, O is the phase shift of a signal of the desired output fre-
Appendix III shows that serrodyne performance will be quency which would be produced by a time delay br;
db suppression = - 20 log F, (9) that is, 0 = r, where Q2 is the desired output radian fre-
quency (i.e., 0=2ir/T.).
db translation loss = - 20 log (1 - F). (10) The values of De and 0 can be measured for a klystron
For the example illustrated in Fig. 1, the sawtooth or twt as follows: Apply a signal of frequency Q to the
was known to have a fractional flyback time F of about input terminal of the klystron or twt. Adjust the beam
one-tenth. This value of F, substituted in (9) and (10), voltage to give maximum gain. Change the beam volt-
closely checks the values of 20-db suppression and 1-db age a small amount, and measure the resulting power
loss, which are apparent in Fig. 1. reduction and phase shift at the output terminal. The
Nonlinearity in the Sawtooth Wave: As a specific exam- power reduction, expressed in decibels, is Do, and the
ple of nonlinearity, we shall consider the square-root phase shift is 0. The ratio D0/02 will be independent of the
variation of electron velocity with beam voltage which magnitude of the beam voltage change, provided the
exists in tubes like the klystron and twt. In such tubes, gain vs transit time relation is parabolic.
the disturbance transit time varies approximately in- Appendix V gives the following results:
versely with the square root of the beam voltage. If we
assume that linear modulation is applied to the beam db suppression = - 20 log (0.229ft2/' (13)
voltage, the resulting variation of transit time will be
nonlinear, and Appendix IV shows that serrodyne per- db translation loss = -20 log (1-0.377q2
formance will be )- (14)
db suppression = 20 log 2 ) (11) It can be shown"7 that the value of De/02 for a klystron
/7r2 n4N
db translation loss = - 20 log t1- -2)' (12) De 2.36
92 N2
where N is the length of the transit-time device ex-
pressed in wavelengths at the desired output frequency and for a twt, approximately
and at the disturbance velocity in the absence of modu- De 0.39
lation; and n is a positive or negative integer equal to (16)
the order of the intermodulation side frequency which 02 NC
is taken as the desired output frequency (for example, where C is the twt gain parameter defined by Pierce.18
n=-1 in the spectrum given in Fig. 1). Since N is always very much greater than C, these equa-
In a typical twt, the value of N may be, for example, tions show that the effect of AM will be much less pro-
about 30. For such a tube, operating with linear saw- nounced in a klystron than in a twt. This is to be ex-
tooth modulation of beam voltage, (11) and (12) show pected, since there is no velocity-synchronism require-
that the suppression should be about 36 db and the loss ment in a klystron.
approximately 0 db. Bandwidth: It was pointed out in connection with (1)
Incidental Amplitude Modulation: In many modulable that the optimum peak-to-peak amplitude of sawtooth
transit-time devices, the gain and transit time are not ttm is numerically equal to the reciprocal of the desired
independent. Thus, modulation of the transit time output frequency (or to an integral multiple thereof).
will necessarily cause some gain variation, or AM. In a The question may arise: What will happen to serrodyne
twt, for example, modulation of the beam voltage about performance if the desired output frequency is varied
the synchronous value (the value giving maximum (by changing the frequency of the input signal or of the
gain) will produce the desired TTM, but will obviously
produce some undesired AM, as well. 17 R. C. Cumming, "Theory of the Serrodyne at Low Translation
For some important devices (the klystron and twt are Frequencies," Stanford Univ., (Stanford Electronics Labs.), Tech.
examples), the variation of amplitude gain with in- Rep.8 262-2; May 1, 1956.
J. R. Pierce, 'Traveling-Wave Tubes," D. Van Nostrand Co.,
stantaneous modulation amplitude is a parabolic func- Inc., New York, N. Y., 1950.

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modulation) in the presence of a fixed amplitude of saw- pressed in wavelengths at the desired output frequency
tooth TTM? The answer is derived in Appendix VI in when propagation is at the average electron velocity,
terms of the total fractional bandwidth B of the output and n is an integer equal to the order of the intermodu-
signal. The suppression and loss for operation at the lation side frequency chosen as the desired output
extreme edges of the band are shown to be frequency.
f B
For a modulated twt, the variation in disturbance
db suppression = 20 log |- / |, (17) velocity (i.e., in phase velocity of the waves) is not as
large as the variation in electron velocity; this is because
niirB/2 the wave velocity is dependent on the properties of the
db translation loss = 20 log sin nFrB/2 (18) slow-wave circuit (which are of course unmodulated),
as well as on the velocity of the electron beam. It can
Nonoptimum Amplitude of Sawtooth TTM: The analy- be shown'9 that the sensitivity of transit time to beam
sis of this condition is identical to that discussed above voltage is in fact about 50 per cent less for a typical twt
for bandwidth. This time the output frequency is held than for a klystron; thus, for a typical twt, the peak
constant and the amplitude of sawtooth TTM is fractional beam-voltage modulation A V/ Vo required for
changed. The performance can be expressed as serrodyne operation is approximately
AV 3 |n|
db suppression = 20 log | (nsin X-
1) (19)
V0 2 N
n7rX in which N, the distance between input and output
db translation loss = 20 log sin ,rX (20)
terminals expressed in wavelengths at the desired output
frequency, is reckoned using the average phase velocity
where X is the fractional discrepancy in sawtooth ampli- of the waves, which is approximately equal to the aver-
tude from the optimum. age electron velocity.
DISCUSSION In a twt, the effect of AM is considerably greater than
Eqs. (7) through (20) give measures of serrodyne per- the effect of the square-root variation of electron veloc-
formance as limited by any of six effects, each consid- ity with beam voltage, independent of n and N. This
ered in the absence of the others. When one calculates can be seen by consideration of (11), (13), and (16), as-
these six performance limitations for a practical situa- suming C<0.19, as is practically always the case. The
tion, he may find that two (or more) of the limitations opposite is true for a klystron: The square root variation
are comparable in magnitude. In such a case, analysis is more important than the AM, independent of ft. Eqs.
shows that the performance will be degraded somewhat (11), (13), and (15) can be used to show this fact, as-
from that computed considering only one effect at a suming N> 1.1, as is usually the case.
time. In practice a value of unity is usually taken for the
For example, consider a twt having a gain-sensitivity magnitude of ft, the order of intermodulation side fre-
parameter De/02 of 0.13; this tube is to be modulated quency taken as the desired output frequency. This is
by a sawtooth wave which has a fractional flyback time done for the following reasons.
F of 0.03. Eq. (13) shows that consideration of the AM 1) The required modulation voltage is minimized,
effect alone gives a suppression of about 30.5 db. Simi- as shown by (21) and (22).
larly, (9) gives a suppression of about 30.4 db. when the 2) The amplitude of incidental AM is obviously
effect of finite flyback time is considered alone. The minimized by minimizing the modulation voltage.
general analysis in Appendix I can be used to show that 3) The spacing between undesired spectral lines is
if both effects exist simultaneously, the suppression will maximized. This follows from the fact that the funda-
be reduced to about 27.2 db. mental modulation frequency required for a given
Nothing has been said so far about the amplitude of translation of frequency is inversely proportional
beam-voltage modulation required for serrodyne opera- to I|ni.
tion of a klystron or twt. For a klystron, the modulation 4) The performance for operation over a band of
frequencies is maximized, as shown by (17) and (18).
amplitude follows easily from a consideration of (1) and 5) The effects of nonoptimum modulation ampli-
of the square-root variation of electron velocity -(and tude are minimized, as shown by (19) and (20).
disturbance velocity) with beam voltage. The result for
a klystron is 6) At first glance, it might seem that F, the frac-
tional flyback time, could be reduced by doubling
XVo N (21) nj and thereby halving the modulation frequency.
This does not follow, however, since in the usual types
V0 N
where A V is the peak amplitude of beam-voltage modu-
19 R. C. Cumming, "Frequency Translation by Modulation of
lation required, Vo is the average value of the beam Transit-Time Devices," Stanford Univ. (Appl. Electronics Lab.),
voltage, N is the length of the klystron drift tube ex- Tech. Rep. 39 (Task 32); August 1, 1955.

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1957 C197umming: The Serrodyne Frequency Translator 181
of sawtooth generator, it is the rate of flyback which convenient form for application to systems having com-
is a constant, fixed by available components. There- bined AM and PPM (or TTM) by arbitrary modulating
fore, since the amplitude and the period of the re- waveforms. Furthermore, it can be shown'9 that the
quired sawtooth wave are both proportional to 11, results are applicable to combined AM and PM as well,
the value of F will be unchanged by an increase in the provided the parameter r is taken as the peak phase
value of n . deviation. For AM waveforms which can be expressed
It may be well to point out that modulation applied in terms of the time- or angle-modulating waves, it is
to the helix potential of a twt may cause standing waves quite convenient to use (38), which expresses the spec-
at modulation frequency to be set up on the helix. trum in terms of the results for the time or angle modu-
Hence, for modulation frequencies exceeding the order lation alone.
of a few megacycles, the beam-voltage modulation APPENDIX I
should be applied to the cathode (or better, to the entire
electron gun) and not to the helix.20 GENERAL SPECTRUM ANALYSIS
In practical applications of the serrodyne system, The following analysis treats combined TTM and
only small fractional frequency shifts have been ac- AM which is produced by periodic waveforms that are
complished. If it is desired to translate a signal down- arbitrary except for rationally related fundamental fre-
ward in frequency by a large relative amount, as for quencies.
example in a superheterodyne receiver application, an Let the shape of a single disturbance (amplitude as a
important problem must be solved: A transit-time de- function of time) centered at the time origin be repre-
vice must be found in which the transit time can be sented by f(t). Then the amplitude of the output i(t)
varied at least one period at the desired output frequency. from a transit-time device can be written
To produce a large fractional frequency translation in 0A
a downward direction, this means that a variation of a i(t) = , A,f(i- t 7) (23)
large number of periods at the input frequency must be k--oo
available. where Ak and tk are the amplitude and arrival time of
The problem of sawtooth waveform generation will the kth disturbance, respectively.
not be considered in detail in this paper. Obviously, the Assuming the input signal to be periodic of radian fre-
problem becomes more difficult as the sawtooth fre- quency w, we can express the departure time dk of the
quency is increased. The circuit shown in Fig. 2 has been kth disturbance by
used successfully for generating sawtooth voltage waves
having fundamental frequencies up to 57 mc. This cir- 27rk
dk = - . (24)
cuit uses constant-current charging of a capacitance and co
rapid discharging by a short pulse from a tetrode tube
biased well below cutoff. Another possible approach is The arrival time tk is given by the sum of the departure
to synthesize the sawtooth by a summation of a number time dk and the transit time rk
of harmonics having carefully adjusted relative ampli- tk = dk + Tk. (25)
tudes and phases.
The serrodyne has been defined and described here in Let the transit time and amplitude be modulated by
terms of devices which can produce TTM with periodic arbitrary periodic functions ArS(Cw,t) and qH(coat), re-
sampling,'6 or an approximation thereto. It should be spectively; in which:
pointed out that some other types of time modulation S(t) and H(t) are periodic functions having period 2w,
exist which are suitable for serrodyne use. Two examples amplitude unity, and arbitrary waveform (exam-
are PM, and TTM with synchronous sampling.16 True ples are the functions sin i, cos #, and the func-
PM, defined as modulation of the argument of a periodic tion saw (, which is illustrated in Fig. 6 below).
function, can be produced by certain special devices.21'22
These devices, when sawtooth modulated to a peak-to- (I- F)r
peak deviation of 2r radians, should produce good
serrodyne operation. -.w. \ 0 1_____ 1 /7
Finally, for workers with other modulation problems,
some aspects of the general spectrum analysis given in 1
Appendix I may be of interest. The results are in a very -(i-- F)vr
_ I

20 R. C. Cumming, "Resonance Effects in Serrodyne Modulation Fig. 6-One cycle of the periodic function saw t.
of Traveling-Wave Tubes," Stanford Univ. (Stanford Electronics
Labs.), Tech. Rep. 262-1; May 1, 1956. (r is the fundamental radian frequency of the TTM.
21 R. E. Shelby, "A cathode-ray frequency modulation generator, " COa is the fundamental radian frequency of the AM.
Electronics, vol. 13, pp. 14-18; February, 1940.
22 R. Adler, "A new system of frequency modulation," PROC. Ar is the peak deviation of transit time.
IRE, vol. 35, pp. 25-31; January, 1947. q is the AM depth-of-modulation factor.

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Thus, the modulated transit-time function Tk and ampli- This completes the most general spectrum analysis.
tude function Ak can be written as follows, assuming The remainder of this appendix presents a number of
sampling of the modulating waveforms to occur at the simplifications, definitions, and evaluations of integrals
instants of departure dk which will be helpful in Appendixes II through VI,
Tk = 70 + A7S(w,dk) (26) which analyze serrodyne performanlce.
1) In the case of TTM only (no AM present), q=O0,
Ak and we have
-A 1 + qH(Wadk) (27)
where To and Ao are the values of transit time and am-
= 1 7r
27r _7r
E-j IrS Mn(O, r) (35) Q)+nWt dt.
plitude in the absence of modulation.
For simplicity, and with no loss of generality for the 2) In some practical cases, the AM waveform can be
serrodyne application, we assume the fundamental fre- written as a power series in the TTM waveform
quencies of TTM and AM to be rationally related = qH(t) qS(t) + q2S2(t)
+ ... (36)
(28) where ql, q2, * * *, are real constants. In such cases ,a
Wa P is equal to o>,r and the function Mn(q, r), as defined by
where the ratio of integers N/P is in lowest terms (i.e., (33), becomes
N and P have no integer factors in common).
It can be shown by an extension19 of the work of M.(q, r) =-2 M ++
[1 + q,S(t) + q2S'(t) + -

Moss'6 that the spectrum analysis of i(t), which we de-

sire, can be written23 *,E- j[rS ()+ntld. (37)
i(t) = Re Ej Ei (29) Successive differentiation with respect to r of (35), and
Mn(qt QAT)g(Q)eA2t
substitution into (37), gives the useful relation
in which the frequency components £2 are given by
Mn(q, r) = Mn(O, r) + jq,M,'(0, r)
Q = m + ncom > 0 (30)
- q2Mn"(O, r) + (38)
where m and n are positive or negative integers which
are consistent with the inequality sign; and com is the where
fundamental radian frequency of the combined TTM
and AM, given by Mn'(0I r) = -ar
Mn(O, r), etc. (39)
0'T Wa
Wr (31) Eq. (38) expresses the function Mn(q, r), which applies
for combined TTM and AM, in terms of the function
and g(Q) is a complex factor which depends on the dis- Mn(0, r), which is for TTM alone. An example of the use
turbance shape, and is simply co/r times the Fourier of (38) is given in Appendix V.
integral of the shape of an individual disturbance 3) In Appendixes II through VI it is assumed that the
ratio wm/o is either irrational or small (or both). If Crn/Co
(32) is irrational, then the summation over n in (29) reduces
g(Q) =- Ao f(t)E-Itdt X -00 to a single term because no two combinations m, n will
give the same value for Q in (30). If Wm/W is small, then
and Mn(q, r) is a complex factor which depends on the only one term in the summation over n in (29) will be of
waveforms of TTM and AM, and is given by the follow- appreciable magnitude. In either case (29) reduces to
ing integral, which is easily evaluated for the waveforms
of interest i(t) = Re E Mn(q, QAr)g(Q)§2E't (40)

Mn(q, r) f
rr [1 + qH(M) ]e-i[rs(Nt)+nfldS. (33)

from which it is evident that the complex amplitude

2,r 7r I(Q) of the frequency component Q is
The parameter r is a modulation index, which, as in- (41)
dicated in (29), is given by I(Q) = M,(q, QArT)g(Q).
r = 2Ar. (34) Let us normalize I(Q) with respect to the amplitude of
the component which would exist at the frequency mco
The fact that the modulation index is different for each in the absence of modulation. This normalized ampli-
spectral component Q is characteristic of TTM employ- tude is designated 7(Q) and is defined by
ing periodic sampling.'6
23 Re means "real part of."
.) = I no mod.- (42)
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1 OV Cumming: The Serrodyne Frequency Translator 183

Dy vqtA.tiIS iad " (toze ((,r00),

0 (32), and
(35), we find that the denominator of (42) is equal to
g(mw). Often the components Q of interest are in the near
vicinity of mw (i.e., small fractional frequency transla-
tion with the serrocdyne, lor example). For such canen, Mn (O,r)
the approximation
g(Q) -
g(mc) (43)
is valid, and the normalized amplitude I((Q) of the com-
ponent at Q becomes simply
I(Q) -
Mn(q, QAr). (44) Fig. 7-Amplitudes of several intermodulation side frequencies as
4) Since this paper is concerned with frequency functions of the modulation index r(=UAT). These curves are for
ttm by an ideal linear sawtooth having zero flyback time. Near-
translation, one of the components Q will be the desired ideal frequency translation occurs for r in the vicinity of 7r, or a
multiple thereof.
output frequency. We shall designate the desired output
frequency and quantities related to the desired output
frequency by use of bars over their algebraic symbols.
Thus, we denote the desired output frequency by U.
And we define integers inm and n in accord with (30)
Q = mnw +± (A)m. (45) Mn(O, r)
Similarly the modulation index for the desired output
frequency is written r and is given by (34)
r= QAT. (46)
5) The definitions of suppression and loss, defined by
(5) and (6), can now be expressed mathematically by
Fig. 8-Similar to Fig. 7, but for a sawtooth having a
use of (44). Recall that when the term "suppression" is fractional flyback time F of 0.20.
not qualified by the specification of a particular fre-
quency component, the suppression of the larger un-
desired component adjacent to the desired component In order to obtain a maximum amplitude at the de-
is meant. sired output frequency, we must maximize the above
db suppression = -20 log Mni±l [q, (Q wm)Ar] | (47) function for n=n. Let r(opt.) designate the value of r
which maximizes the function MA(0, r). It can be
db translation loss = - 20 log Mn(q, £dAr) (48)
shown"9 that to a good approximation
In cases in which the modulation frequency is low com- r(opt.) -iir(1
= - F). (52)
pared with the output frequency, (47) becomes, to a
good approximation Combining (46) and (52), we find that the optimum
amplitude of sawtooth TTM is given by
db suppression -20 log Mf±i(qg £lAT) . (49)
6) A periodic linear sawtooth function saw t having AXr(opt.) = iir(l - F) (53)
a fractional flyback time F and a period 27r is illustrated Q
in Fig. 6. Mathematically, saw t can be defined as an This reduces to (1) if F is zero, since, by definition,
odd function of $, given for t between 0 and 7r by S2 = 2 r/To.
saw= 0< < r(1- F) APPENDIX II
7r(I F) < . <7r. In this appendix we analyze ideal serrodyne opera-
irF tion, as was described in connection with Figs. 4 and 5.
The function Mn(0, r) for TTM by the waveform saw t Ideal serrodyne operation is specified by setting:
follows from a straightforward integration of (35)
S(t) =saw t (i.e., linear sawtooth TTM), F= 0 (i.e., zero
flyback time), q=0 (i.e., no AM present), and
r sin [r n7r(1 F) ]
- -
Ar =Ar(opt.).
Mn(0, r) = (r + nirF) [r - n7r(1 - F)] (51)
Eqs. (51) and (53) reduce to, respectively
This function is plotted in Figs. 7 and 8 for F = 0 and sin (r - nr)
F=0.20, respectively. Mn(0, r)--=, (54)
r - nr

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nr L
A(opt.) =- (5'5)
/2eV (04)
Substitution of (55) into (54) and simplification yields m

M40,,QAT(opt.)]=1 (56) It can be shown19 that the tranisit times of disturbances

(i.e., electron bunches in a klystron; waves and bunches
and in a twt) also follow approximately (64).
ircot Let us assume that sawtooth modulationi with zero
sin flyback time is applied to the electron-accelerating
Mr±4[O, (Q + Com)lA(Opt.)] (57) voltage V
Wt6o / AV
V= Vo 1+-saw4) (65)
in which cog is the translation frequency, defined by
where VO is the value of V in the absence of modulation,
co = incw. (58) A V is the peak deviation of V, and t is the instantaneous
phase of the sawtooth modulation.
If the fractional translation of frequency is small Combinationi of (64) and (65) and retention of the
cot <42), then (57) reduces to approximately first three terms of a power-series expansion gives
M.A±1[O, (Q +± ..)Ar(opt.)] (59) TO--1 t +T-(+7 ) (saw S)2 (66)
mco 2
Eqs. (59) and (56) yield (7) and (8) when substit uted in which
into (47) and (48), respectively.
In this appendix we assume F nonzero and use
instead of (47) to define the suppression. A close approximation to the peak deviation of transit
Substitution of (53) into (51) and simplification g time A-r can be obtained by considering the first two
terms of (66) at a time when saw t is equal to unity
M0 [0, QOAr(opt.)] = 1 - F (60)
1 AV
and AT -- T- (68)
2 Vo
Mh±1[0S QA\T(opt.)
=isin [(
2Ar(ot.) I = [7r(1 -F) ]
~~~(ifi ± F)7r * (61)
(1 Eq. (66) can be written

Eq. (61) reduces to the following, under the assumption

T = TO + ATS(t) (69)
F<«1 where
Mn+±l [0, Q2Ar(opt.) ] F. (62) 3 Ar
S(s) = saw + - (saw t)2. (70)
2 ro
Eqs. (62) and (60), when substituted into (49) and
(48), yield (9) and (10), respectively. The value of Ar(opt.) is given with negligible error by
TIME WITH MODULATION VOLTAGE Substitution of (70) an-d (71) into (35) yields
In electronic devices like the klystron and twt, the
electron injection velocity v is related to the voltage V Mn [0, Q2T(opt.)] - - -(314r) (A2IN) 2d (72)
between cathode and drift tube or helix by the conserva- 2 r
tion of energy equation
mv2 = eV (63)
MA+l[O QjAr(opt.)] =-f i((3/4ir)(n2IN)t±1)dS (73)
in which e/m is the ratio of electron charge to mass. It
follows that the transit time r of an electron through a Q7To
drift tube or helix of length L will be 2Fr

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1957 Cumming: The Serrodyne Frequency Translator 185

The approximation Eqs. (79), (80), and (86) can be combined to give A as a
function of 0
'e_ j& ~, 1 -2 1 24 (75)
A /0 \2
in which a is the small quantity -= 1 + K2(J (87)
Ao \27rNPJ/
3 n2
= 4i N
47r N
(76) where
is useful in evaluating (72) and (73), and gives the fol-
lowing results 2 -r
By definition, De is the decibel gain reduction which
IM[O, QAr(opt=, 40N2 (77) results when the transit time of a transit-time device is
changed from To to r
Mn±i [O0,Ar(opt.)] (78)
D = -20 log [1 + K2 2NP9) (89)
Substitution of (78) and (77) into (49) and (48) gives
(11) and (12), respectively. For Do less than about 3 db, (89) can be solved approxi-
mately to give the desired relation between K2 and
K2 = - 4.55N2P12 -. (90)
We assume in this appendix that the transit time r 62
varies linearly and the output amplitude A varies para-
bolically with modulation voltage. These assumptions The value of Ar(opt.) can be taken with negligible
equated to (26) and (27) can be written error as that given by (53):
V - V0 AT(opt.) = Fn7r/ (91)
T = To + ToPl = To + ATS(O) (79)
Vo Combination with (82) gives the optimum value of A V
A K V( F-o2
v AV(opt.) n_
-=1+ K2k)= I±qH(V) (80) (92)
Ao0v V0 2NP1
where Substitution of (90) and (92) into (84) leads to
t coA2t
= (81) De
q2 = - 1.142_ (93)
and P1 and K2 are real constants (K2 0).

AV=AV(opt*) 62
It follows from (79) that the peak deviations of transit
time and modulation voltage, Ar and A V, respectively, From (38) and (85) we have
will be related by
Mn(q, r) = Mn(O, r) q2Mn"(0, r). (94) -

= P -* .
(82) And since we assume F==0 in this appendix, (51) gives
'ro Vo
for M.(0, r)
Elimination of (V- V0)/ Vo and Ar! (roP,) between (79), sin (r - n7r)
(80), and (82) yields Mn(O, r) =
r - nir
qH(Q) = K2 [S()] 2 (83) Differentiation of (95) and substitution along with (93)
into (94) gives the spectral amplitudes Mn(q, r)
Comparison of (36) and (83) shows
sin x D sin x cos x
Mn(q, r) = + 1.14i2- - V - 2
q2= K2(V ) (84) x 02\x x

sin x\
qi = q3= q4= . = 0. (85) + 2 -

This paragraph is a digression to derive K2 in terms of x r -n7r.

the more convenient parameter De/02. By definition, 0 is
the phase change in a signal of frequency Q which would Substitution of (91) into (96) and simplification yields
result from a time delay -ro r
_fl[qA(p.]= .3702 (7Ds
M,n[q, QL\T(opt.)] = 1 -0.37 7ni2 (97)
= Q(r- T(o). (86)
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Mg± 1[q, dAi-(op t.) ] =

0. 2 2 9fil- (98) Mnl °w Qo I +-J
A\ nB/
~ sin ft7rB/2

Eqs. (98) and (97) when substituted into (49) and M~±1
[_ / ~)
B\-2AT] sinf~i7rB/2
n7rB/2 ±i
(48) give (13) and (14). (103)
2l0 A
+-) -,firB/2 + 7
APPENDIX VI _ / B\ sin n-rB 2
BANDWIDTH -of1-)i\7rB/2 T 7r
Os (104)

Eq. (53) shows that Ar(opt.) is a single-valued func- The maximum magnitude of (103) and (104) with
tion of the output frequency Q. Thus, if the output fre- respect to the plus-or-minus signs is
quency is to be varied over a band and Ar is to be held sin firB/2
constant, Ar can be optimized for only one frequency in (105)
the band. I
fi rB/2 -7
We designate by Qo the band center of the output sig- Substitution of (105) and (102) into (49) and (48) gives
nal and by (17) and (18), respectively.
2 Thanks are gratefully acknowledged to M. Chodorow,
the upper and lower band edges, where B is the total R. R. Buss, W. A. Edson, and others at the Stanford
fractional bandwidth. Let us set Ar to the optimum Electronics Laboratories for their interest and en-
value at the center of the band, by use of (53) (F=0 in couragement in the course of this work; to Professor
this appendix) Emeritus R. D. Harriman of the Classics Department
at Stanford for coining the word "serrodyne;" and to
AT= - (100) R. E. Lee, J. C. de Broekert, R. F. Soohoo, and M.
go Crane for their helpful criticisms of the manuscript.
The work was done under the following financial sup-
From (51), we have port: Joint support by the U. S. Signal Corps, Air
sin (r -nr) Force, and Navy under contract N6onr 25132, NR373
M.(0, r) = r - n7r (101) 362; support by the Air Force under contract AF
19(604)-1065, and support by the General Electric
Substitution of (99) and (100) into (101) gives the fol- Microwave Laboratory at Stanford under subcontract
lowing results for operation at the band edges ELM 6691 (prime contract AF 33(600)-16080).

Benjamin Lax, author of "Frequency and Loss Char-
acteristics of Microwave Ferrite Devices," which ap-
peared on pages 1368-1386 of the October, 1956 issue
of PROCEEDINGS has requested the editors to make the
following reference correction to his paper. Footnote
20, in column one of page 1381, should be
20 S. Weisbaum and H. Boyet, "Broad-band nonre-
ciprocal phase shifts-analysis of two ferrite slabs in
rectangular guide," J. Appi. Phys., vol. 27, pp. 519-524;
May, 1956.

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