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K-12 program is just a recently implemented curriculum. Part of this curriculum is

the additional two years in high school known as senior high school. In senior high
school, there is a requirement called work immersion where student is supposed to
work outside their respective school that is also under the privilege of the said school.
According to Department of Education, work immersion is one of the course
requirements for graduation. A Senior High School student has to undergo Work
Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s postsecondary goal.
Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-
related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.

Senior hig school students should work outside the school premises; maybe in a
company, in a establishment or other firms as long as the place of the work immersion
is eligible to undergo immersion for the senior high school students and as long as it is
allowed by the school administration. Their work and task assignments in the company
or establishments should be also inclined with their course or their track in order to fully
maximize the gain that they will get after the immersion. Experiencing work immersion
will improve you not only as a student but also as a better person. You will be able to
expose to a new environment, you may also learn new things and you may discover
that you can do things you thought that you can’t. Work Immersion may look exhausting
but really is fun.

Without certainty, work immersion is truly essential to the senior high school
students for the reason that the students will be immersed with real job experience,
gather knowledge and accumulate skills that they can probably exercise as they grow.
Immersion helps the students to gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the
guidance of industry experts and workers appreciate the importance and application of
the principles and theories taught in school enhance their technical knowledge and
skills; enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and develop good work
habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work.
However, from the fact that this academic year is the first batch of grade 12
senior high school, conflicts and problems from work immersion wiil be sometimes
inevitable. Knowing that this is only in the experimentation process, experience from
work immersion may not satisfy and fulfill you as a student who hopes to absord new
knowledge and skills. This may lead to failure of acquiring the expectation of student
that may result to their discouragement in work immersion.

With this in mind, the problems that exist inside the university must be given a
proper resolution as soon as possible, so that they do not worsen to the point that a fix
becomes too late or that a complete overhaul becomes the last resort. More importantly,
problems must not exist at all but rather, be prevented before they could begin to exhibit
the difficulties they bring. Keep that in mind that this is also in the process of
development and in the future, innovation in this matter will be felt.

Taking into consideration the objective opinion written herein, the researchers
aim to determine the problems that take place in their school and the appropriate
solutions that will correct the problems, which hopefully results to the betterment of the
learning and teaching environment.

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