Motion To Enlarge Time, Record and Judicial Notice

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SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION: SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Appellate Division Docket NO 2010-06065 MICHAEL KRICHEVSKY, Appellant, -against- NOTICE OF MOTION TO ENLARGE TIME, RECORD AND JUDICIAL NOTICE ELENA SVENSON, Respondents. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that upon the annexed affidavit of Michael Krichevsky, sworn to the 11th day of February, 2011, and the papers annexed hereto, the undersigned will move this Court at the Courthouse, located at 45 Monroe Place, Brooklyn, New York, 11201, on the 11th day of March , 2011, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, for an order granting the following relief: 1, Enlarge time to file appeal papers. 2. Enlarge record. 3. Judicial notice of documents by well-known fathers’ rights activists exposing atrocities by family courts across the nation, 4, Iudicial notice of media press release regarding support magistrate John Fasone” misconduct against fathers. 5. Such other and further relief as to the Interest of Justice and this Court may seem just and equitable Dated: Brooklyn, New York February 10, 2011 NAL ZA Ut Michbef I Krichevsky, Belligerent Claimant All Rights Reserved 4221 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn, New York 11224 718-687-2300 NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE IS NOTICE TO AGENT ELENA SVENSON 2620 OCEAN PARKWAY, APT 3K BROOKLYN, NY 11235 NOTE: On the return date, all motions are deemed submitted, Oral argument is not permitted (22 NYCRR 670.5[b)). SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION: SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT : - Appellate Division Docket NO 2010-06065 MICHAEL KRICHEVSKY, Appellant, -against- AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO ENLARGE TIME, RECORD AND JUDICIAL NOTICE ELENA SVENSON, Respondents. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF KINGS) ss.: MICHAEL KRICHEVSKY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1, make this affidavit in support of this motion for enlargement of time to file appeal, ‘enlargement of the record and judicial notice. 2. Ineed more time to save money to pay $315 filing fee. During my final child support hearing on January 6, 2009, | offered into evidence my reproduced 2006 W-2 form, stolen from me by respondent ELENA SVENSON. 4. Iwas accused by her lawyer, Levoritz, that:"“during child support proceeding, I, all of a sudden, reduced my income from about $150,000 to 56,000.” He accused my employer of “been in cahoots with me” and giving me fake 2009 W-2 form showing $56,000 gross income per year. 6. To rebut this allegation, I argued that in 2006 there was no child support proceeding and I 10. MM. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. 18. had no reason to ask for fake 2006 W-2 form from my employer that shows $44,500 gross income per year. Magistrate Fasone refused to admit these forms in evidence. Exhibit A During this proceeding, respondent lied to the court that she borrowed $10,000 from her sister, Larissa Gaber to pay her lawyers. I knew that her sister is on public assistance in Germany. She lives 6 month there and 6 month here, in USA, To impeach respondent, my former attorney, Daniel Singer, served trial subpoena on her sister (Exhibit B) I knew that her sister was in New York as | spoke with her then However, she did not come on hearing. During the hearing, Levoritz lied on the record that sister did not get subpoena and left Usa. Magistrate John Fasone refused to take a notice and enforce subpoena, which constitutes witness tampering by officers of the court, Fasone and Levoritz. That act constituted bias against appellant and denial of due proc: . Appellant, Michael Krichevsky, respectfully moves this court to take judicial notice of that fact. . Appellant, Michael Krichevsky, respectfully moves this court to take judicial notice of documents by Leon R. Koziol, ID, Dr. Amir Sanjari, journalist Phyllis Schlafly, Doug Dante and Paul M Clements. Exhibit C. Appellant, Michael Krichevsky, respectfully moves this court to take judicial notice of Media’ article about Magistrate John Fasone atrocities against fathers. Exhibit D. ‘The reason to take judicial notice of these documents is that they found by Appellant on internet while I was doing legal research and constitute Common Knowledge of atrocities by family courts, and particularly by Magistrate John Fasone (press release). 19, What happened to appellant is the EXACT scenario unraveled in these documents, 20. When child support proceeding started, 1 was middle class hard working father. 21 Im one year, by the time it was finished, | was railroaded and reduced to unemployed. unemployable, depressed and disable, poor person living on $600 per month budget fighting for my life and liberty as there is contempt petition pending in Kings County Family Court before magistrate Fasone. WHEREFORE, itis respectfully requested that this motion be granted in its entirety, and for such other and further relief as to this Court seems just and proper, including the costs of this Ye MICHAEL KRICHEVSKY. motion. elligerent claimant, Alll rights Reserved Sworn to before me this 11th day of February 2011 rhe any VINE NOTARY PUBLIG.y pune Sata of Now York Neo. 16121104 res 01/40/20 />

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