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ADEENE + Projects + Dance


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GOING GEONUCLEAR: The focus of this blog is (mostly)

to highlight unusual historical
PROPOSALS TO moments in the development of
modern earth and planetary
RESHAPE THE EARTH science, and how those moments

WITH NUCLEAR were grounded in political and

cultural influences. Enjoy, and
WEAPONS (1958- feel free to contact me with
1973) /AUGUST 1,
What use is a geologist in a nuclear age? As
we’ve discussed in previous posts, the political
and economic role of the earth sciences in the
United States fluctuated wildly during the Cold
War, largely as a result of collaborations between
individual scientists as well as their
subdisciplines and the Army, the Navy, and the oil
industry. The technological advancements behind
the greatest advances in scientific thought and
understanding about the Earth had a price tag,
one that the Cold War-era U.S. government was
willing to pay in order to explore more inventive
Threat, Haven, or Fantasy?
options to advance the public and political
US Moon Base Concepts
standing against the Soviets. In addition to these
from 1959 to 2020 and
direct collaborations, however, earth scientists
were also brought closer to the American nuclear
program than any of them had expected. We The concept of a “moon base,” of
typically view the U.S. nuclear program, run helmet-clad people venturing
between the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), across the lunar surface from their
the Department of Energy, and the Department of shining steel homes, has occupied
Defense, as the realm of wildly inventive the American consciousness since

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