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Gronnevik 1

Lauren Gronnevik

Professor Michelle Tubbs

Composition-1 1301

December 6, 2020

Final Reflection

During my first semester in college, I had the option to add a fifth course to my schedule.

I chose not to, but after further thought I decided to because I knew I would be able to do it, and

I’m so glad I did. That fifth course was composition 1 and it has been nothing but creatively

beneficial to me in many ways. It makes me slightly emotional to reflect on what I have learned

so far because I’ve come such a long way in such a short amount of time. To be able to just go

for it in my writing, work virtually with my peers, and aim for big topics are just a few things of

many that I have learned throughout this course.

I haven’t been so school in 3 years, and I admit I was unsure what to expect. I knew my

writing would be rusty, but I also knew I was going to give it my all. My teacher Mrs. Tubbs has

honestly given me one of the most unique literature experiences of my lifetime. She had such a

hands-off approach to my art and was so sweet that it encouraged me to aim higher and just go

for it in my writing. In our free writes, especially in my artifact 1, I didn’t think about the end

rather I thought about the process. I’ve finally learned to convey my thoughts first, before trying

to perfect them.

Going to school in 2020 has had its crazy ups and downs; however, this class has to be

one of my higher moments. Doing everything virtually made it easier for me to focus fully on the
Gronnevik 2

art of literature, and I'm sure my classmates can agree. We had base groups (we were called the

goal diggers) which I believe was a brilliant idea! We peer reviewed so many times, and I

sometimes wonder if it would have been as successful as it was if we were to have done our class

in person. I sent my ePortfolio website to my base group many times for their advice and they

never let me down when I needed criticism. I can confidently say through the advice of my peers

I can easily compose a true college MLA formatted essay, and an amazing website!

Through the process of my last essay “Take a Stand” I had no idea what to do. A lot of

my classmates picked super touchy topics that made their political beliefs obvious. I knew I

needed to pick something big too, but I believe composition should appeal anyone who chooses

to read my art, not offend them. It made me realize that in today's society there isn't many writers

out there who write without bias beliefs, especially about big political topics. In fact, mostly

every news article I read to find evidence for my final essay I could tell you which author was

republican, or democrat based on the way they composed themselves in their literature. That was

the spark to my idea to defend true perfect journalism to not be opinionated, but to be like a robot

and supply facts leaving the opinion making up to the reader.

Next semester I’m taking composition II, and I cannot express how excited I am to

continue my journey as a writer. Learning virtually with my peers, aiming for big topics, and

simply just going for it are the keys that have granted me such success in my literature this

semester. It makes me excited to see what the future holds for my upcoming semester, but

whatever the wind throws at me I know it’s guaranteed to help in my success.

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