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What is love? Is it fancy dates and expensive meals? Is it butterflies and rainbows?

it a lifetime of no tears, and financial stability? Is it meaningless sex because your
bored and have nothing else to do? Is it giddiness and excitement? No, love is
security, awareness and safe. Love is watching your soulmate lose his job and
supporting him until he can find another. Love is fights over the littlest of things and
then apologizing for it later. Love is watching your partner going through loss and
feeling that loss just as hard as them. Love is sharing your last twenty-dollar bill, to
make sure you are both fed. Love is letting someone go to give them a good future,
even though it hurts too not be a part of it. Love is ugly, sad, anger, but beautiful,
passionate and intimate all at the same time. One day, you're happy and love
everything about the person standing in front of you, and the next day you're pissed
off at them because they didn't put their clothes away, so you start thinking about all
the thing you dislike and wonder if it's worth it anymore. Love comes in many forms.
Love for a family member, a friend, a child, another person. Maybe it's a pet, or a
movie, book, song or place. It doesn't matter what. If you have strong admiration and
affection for a certain person, place, or thing don't ever let it go. Or you'll spend the
rest of your life regretting it, wishing you could take it all back and do things a bit
differently. So, when you find something so pure, and so true. Something that scares
you but excites you at the same time hold onto it. Don't run, don't hide, and certainly
don't push away something before it happens or else you will spend every day for the
rest of your life regretting it, wishing for another change. Cherish every moment even
the bad ones, because one day, they will be gone forever, and you'll be stuck wishing
for a little bit more time with them

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