Transitive and Intransitive Shorter List

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Vocabulary List: How to Distinguish Between Intransitive and Transitive Verbs

Although the multiple forms are hard to memorize, there are several patterns in the conjugations.
We will show you frequently used verbs below. Please do not try to memorize them all at
once, but tackle them step by step.

Pattern 1
If verbs end with -aru, they are intransitive verbs.
They become transitive verbs by replacing -aru with eru.
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
あ あ
上がる: to rise 上げる: to raise
あつ あつ
集 まる: to gather 集 める: to collect
たか たか
高 まる: to increase 高 める: to increase
つた つた
伝 わる: to spread, go around 伝 える: to tell, inform
お お
終わる: to finish, to end  終える*: to finish, end
か か
変わる: to change 変える: to change
かかる: to take (resources) かける: to spend, take (time)
き き
決まる: to be decided 決める: to decided
さ さ
下がる: to fall, lower, drop 下げる: to lower, pull down, reduce 
し し
閉まる: to close 閉める: to close
と と
止まる: to stop 止める: to stop
はじ はじ
始 まる: to start 始 める: to start
ま ま
曲がる: to bent, curve, turn 曲げる: to bend, curve
み み
見つかる: to be found 見つける: to find

お お
*終える sounds a little formal and 終わる can be used as transitive verb as well.

Pattern 2
If verbs end with -reru, they are intransitive verbs.
They become transitive verbs by replacing -reru with su.
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
こわ こわ
壊 れる: to break 壊 す: to break
たお たお
倒 れる: to fall (to the ground), collapse 倒 す: to throw down, knock down
よご よご
汚 れる: to become dirty 汚 す: to make (it) dirty
Pattern 3
If verbs end with -reru, they are intransitive verbs.
They become transitive verbs by replacing -reru with ru.
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
う う
売れる: to be sold 売る: to sell
お お
折れる: to break, snap 折る: to break, snap
き き
切れる: to be cut 切る: to cut
と と
撮れる: to be photographed, be recorded 撮る: to take (photo), to record (video)
わ わ
割れる: to break 割る: to break
Pattern 4
If verbs end with -areru, they are intransitive verbs.
They become transitive verbs by replacing -areru with u.
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
う う
生まれる: to be born 生む: to give birth
Pattern 5
If verbs end with -su, they are transitive verbs.
They become intransitive verbs by replacing -su with ru.
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
うつ うつ
写 る: to be in a photo, be projected 写 す: to copy, transcribe, photograph
かえ かえ
帰 る: to go back 帰 す: to let a person go back
かえ かえ
返 る: to be returned 返 す: to return
で だ
出る: to go out, leave, depart 出す(*exception): to take out, let out, put out
なお なお
直 る: to be fixed, be repaired 直 す: to fix, repair
なお なお
治 る: to be cured, be recovered 治 す: to cure, heal
のこ のこ
残 る: to remain, stay 残 す: to leave
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
まわ まわ
回 る: to turn, rotate, revolve, spin 回 す: to turn, rotate, spin
もど もど
戻 る: to be back 戻 す: to return
Pattern 6
If verbs end with -asu, they are transitive verbs.
They become intransitive verbs by replacing -asu with eru.
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
おく おく
遅 れる: to be delayed 遅 らす: to delay
に に
逃げる: to run away, escape 逃がす: to set … free, let …go
ぬれる: to get wet ぬらす: to wet
ひ ひ
冷える: to get cold 冷やす: to cool, to make … cold
ふ ふ
増える: to increase 増やす: to increase
ゆ ゆ
揺れる: to shake 揺らす: to sway, shake
き け
消える: to disappear 消す(*exception): to erase, turn off
Pattern 7
If verbs end with -asu, they are transitive verbs.
They become intransitive verbs by replacing -asu with u.
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
うご うご
動 く: to move 動 かす: to move
かわ かわ
乾 く: to dry 乾 かす: to dry
と と
飛ぶ: to fly 飛ばす: to fly, send (up), splash
な な
泣く: to cry 泣かす: to make … cry
わ わ
沸く: to boil, be excited 沸かす: to boil, excite
Pattern 8
If verbs end with -osu, they are transitive verbs.
They become intransitive verbs by replacing -osu with iru.
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
お お
起きる: to get up 起こす: to wake (up)
お お
落ちる: to fall, drop 落とす: to drop
Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs
お お
降りる: to get off 降ろす: to drop (off), unload
お お
下りる: to go down 下ろす: to pull down


Intransitive Verbs Transitive Verbs

あ あ
開く: to open 開ける: to open
あ あ
空く: to become vacant, empty 空ける: to vacant, empty
き き
聞こえる: to be heard 聞く: to hear, listen (to)
かた かた
片 づく: to be in order, be finished 片 づける: to put … in order, settle
そだ そだ
育 つ: to grow 育 てる: to raise
た た
立つ: to stand 立てる: to set up, put up
た た
建つ: to be built 建てる: to build
つ つ
付く: to stick (to) 付ける: to spread, apply, stick, attach
つづ つづ
続 く: to continue 続 ける: to continue
とど とど
届 く: to received 届 ける: to send
や や
焼ける: to be burned 焼く: to burn
み み
見える: to be seen 見る: to look (at), watch, see
ね ね
寝る: to sleep 寝かせる: to send … to bed
の の
乗る: to ride, take 乗せる: to give a person a ride

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