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At the end of the year I traveled with my family to visit my sister Shirley in
the municipality of Piedmont Cauca, the trip was by land and it was a bit long
but we managed to arrive early and arrive of surprise, the climate of this
place is very warm and Foods such as cooked fish and Cucha broth are
consumed, this municipality has a lot of natural diversity which offers
beautiful and ecological places such as the Serranía natural national park of
the Churumbelos Auka-Wasi which is a landscape of enormous biodiversity;
it is estimated that 26% of the birds from all over the country inhabit the
park, that is why the days we were on vacation we visited the park, we
walked and enjoyed the rivers and beaches, I played with my nephews and
spent very special moments With my family.


Un día con mi familia fuimos de paseo a un bañadero Natural muy reconocido en

Piamonte, pero al llegar pudimos ver que el rio estaba muy crecido y sucio por precaución
decidimos no bañarnos ahí para evitar algún accidente, pero esto no fue impedimento
para poder disfrutar pues decidimos hacer el almuerzo en un potrero y jugamos futbol,
voleibol y la pasamos de maravilla en familia.

One day with my family we went for a walk to a natural bath recognized in

the Municipality of Piamonte as Charco Azul, but when we arrived we could

see that the river was very grown and dirty as a precaution we decided not to

swim there to avoid an accident, but this was not an impediment to be able

enjoy then we decided to make lunch in a paddock and played soccer,

volleyball and had a great time as a family.


Good Night Tutor and Partners I make known the link of my Blog:
I am attentive to your contributions and opinions.

Good night

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