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Administrative Office and Management

December 7 – December 18

1. Office Project – must be completed, logged and filed by 3:00 on December 7/8
 Complete a “real” job for someone that utilizes your computer/office skills (not just stapling
or photocopying)
o Each student must do one job.
o Project must be approved by instructor.
o Google Form must be filled out and submitted by deadline

2. Soft Skills Packet – due December 7/8

 Files are located on , Administrative Office and
 Open the file, “Working in Groups and Teams”
 Read and answer all questions including the Critical Thinking Questions.
 The Critical Thinking questions and review questions answered in a word document
and emailed.

3. BPA Contests—December 4 or December 11

4. Travel Expense Management Project – due by December 14/15

 Find the handout for this project on on the Advanced
Business Management Syllabus #4 tab.
 Zip all files together attached it to an email to Mrs. Klein

5. Portfolio—due December 17/18 —this is your final exam for semester 1.

 We will have a class meeting to discuss the guidelines for the project.
 You will be compiling examples of you work into an electronic portfolio. Begin
compiling work you would like to include in your portfolio. A link of the required
work can be found on

6. Professional Dress Day—Excused

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