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The Law of Magnetism

Specification Point 6.2: Know that magnets repel and attract other magnets and attract
magnetic substances.

 Magnets have two poles: a north and a south.

 When two magnets are held close together, there will be a force between the magnets:

 Magnetic materials (which are not magnets) will always be attracted to the magnet,
regardless of which pole is held close to it.
 A magnet can only repel another magnet.
(This can be a useful test for a magnet).

Magnetically Hard & Soft Materials

Specification Point 6.3: Describe the properties of magnetically hard and soft materials.

 Magnetically soft materials (e.g. Iron):

o Are easy to magnetise.
o Easily lose their magnetism.
 Magnetically hard materials (e.g. Steel):
o Are hard to magnetise.
o Do not easily lose their magnetism.
 Permanent magnets are made out of magnetically hard materials, as we don’t want
them to lose their magnetism.
 Electromagnets are made out of magnetically soft materials, as we want them to be
able to easily gain and lose their magnetism.


Magnetic Field Lines

Specification Point 6.4: Understand the term magnetic field line.

 In the space around a magnet there is a magnetic field.

 Magnetic field lines are a useful way of helping us to picture that field: Its strength
and its direction.

The magnetic field around a bar magnet

Magnetic field lines obey a couple of rules:

 They always go from north to south (indicated by an arrow midway along the line).
 They never touch or cross other field lines.

Specification Point 6.5: Know that magnetism is induced in some materials when they
are placed in a magnetic field.

 When a magnetic material is placed in a magnetic field, the material can temporarily
become magnetised:
o One end of the material will become a north pole
o The other end will become a south pole.

 This process is known as magnetic induction and results in a force being exerted on

the material.
 When the material is removed from the magnetic field, it will start to lose its
magnetism (depending on whether it is magnetically hard or soft).


Specification Point 6.6: Practical: Investigate the magnetic field pattern for a permanent
bar magnet and between two bar magnets.

 In your IGCSE examination you might be asked to describe a method of plotting the
magnetic field around a bar magnet.
 There are two main ways of doing this.
Using Iron Filings

 Place a piece of paper on top of the magnet.

 Gently sprinkle iron filings on top of the paper.
 Now carefully tap the paper to allow the iron filings to settle on the field lines.

Using Plotting Compasses

 Place the magnet on top of a piece of paper.

 Draw a dot at one end of the magnet (near its corner)
 Place a plotting compass next to the dot, so that one end of the needle of the compass
points towards the dot.
 Use a pencil to draw a new dot at the other side of the compass needle.
 Now move the compass so that it points towards the new dot, and repeat the above
 Keep repeating until you have a chain of dots going from one end of the magnet to the
other. Then remove the compass, and link the dots using a smooth curve – the
magnetic field line.
 The direction of the field line is the same as the direction of the plotting compass.
 You can now repeat the whole process several times to create several other magnetic
field lines.

Exam Tip:
 If given a free choice as to which method to describe, stick to iron filings as it is a
much simpler method.
 If, however, you are told to use a plotting compass, you must describe the second
 If asked to indicate the direction of the field lines, you can do this by placing a
plotting compass on one of them, and looking at what direction along the line it
Creating a Uniform Field
Specification Point 6.7: Describe how to use two permanent magnets to produce a
uniform magnetic field pattern.

 A uniform magnetic field is one that has the same strength and direction at all
 A uniform magnetic field can be created by taking the opposite poles of two magnets
and holding them close together.
 A uniform field is created in the gap between the two poles.

(Note: Outside that gap the field will not be uniform)


A uniform field is created when two opposite poles are held close together

Exam Tip:
 When drawing a uniform field, stick to the field directly between the two poles –
don’t worry about what is going on around the sides.
 Start by drawing a single straight line (use a pencil and ruler) in the middle – make
sure you indicate its direction.
 Next draw two lines at the top and bottom of the gap.
 Finally, you can add two further lines halfway between the others.

The Field Around a Wire

Specification Point 6.8: Know that an electric current in a conductor produces a
magnetic field around it.

 When a current pass through a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire.
Diagram showing the magnetic fields around two current
carrying wires

Paper 2 Only
The Right Hand Rule
 The magnetic field lines form concentric circles around the wire.
 The direction of the field is given by the right-hand grip rule:
When the thumb is pointing in the direction of the current, the
fingers will curl in the direction of the field

Specification Point 6.9P: Describe the construction of electromagnets.

 An electromagnet may be formed by wrapping a coil of wire around a soft iron core.
 The strength of an electromagnet’s magnetic field may be increased by:
o Increasing the current in the coil.
o Adding more turns to the coil.

The Field Around a Coil

Specification Point 6.10P: Draw magnetic field patterns for a straight wire, a flat
circular coil and a solenoid when each is carrying a current.
 When a wire is looped into a coil, the magnetic field lines circle around each part of
the coil, passing through the centre of it.
Diagram showing the magnetic field around a flat circular coil

 A solenoid is a long coil.

 The magnetic field around a solenoid look the same as the magnetic field around a bar

The magnetic field around a solenoid (a long coil)

is identical to the magnetic field of a bar magnet

 One end of the solenoid behaves like the north pole of a magnet; the other side
behaves like the south pole.
 Inside the solenoid the field lines straighten up and are very close together – they
form a strong uniform field.
Exam TIP:
When discussing the strength of an electromagnet, avoid saying “add more coils”.
The coil describes the overall object – the individual loops of wire should be referred
to as turns.
The correct phrase to use is “add more turns to the coil”.

The Motor Effect - Paper 2 only

The Force on a Charged Particle

Specification Point 6.11P: Know that there is a force on a charged particle when it
moves in a magnetic field as long as its motion is not parallel to the field.
 When a charged particle passes through a magnetic field, the field can exert a force on
the particle, deflecting it.
 The force is always at 90 degrees to both the direction of travel and the magnetic field
lines and can be worked out by using the left-hand rule (see below).
 If the particle is travelling parallel to the field line, then no force will be exerted.

When a charged particle (such as an electron)

enters a magnetic field, it is deflected by the field

The Force on a Wire

Specification Point 6.12: Understand why a force is exerted on a current-carrying wire

in a magnetic field, and how this effect is applied in simple d.c. electric motors and

 When a current passes through a wire in a magnetic field, a force is exerted on the
Diagram showing the force acting on a current
carrying wire in a magnetic field

This force is exerted because:

 The current creates a magnetic field around the wire.

 This field interacts with the external magnetic field,
 exerting a force on the wire,
 in accordance with the left-hand rule (see below).

 The simple d.c. motor consists of a coil in a uniform magnetic field

 When a current passes through the coil:

o The current creates a magnetic field around the coil,
o which interacts with the field of the magnets,
o exerting a force on the coil,
o in accordance with the left-hand rule (see below).
o This pushes one side of the coil up and the other side down, causing it to spin.

 The commutator:
o Reverses the direction of the current in the coil every half turn.
o This reverses the direction of the forces, which keeps the coil spinning.

 Loudspeakers also work using the motor effect.
Diagram showing a cross section of
a loudspeaker

o An alternating current passes through the coil of the loudspeaker.

o This creates a changing magnetic field around the coil, which interacts with
the field from the permanent magnet, exerting a force on the coil in
accordance with the left-hand ruler (see below).
o This makes the coil and the speaker cone oscillate which makes the air
oscillate, creating sound waves.

The Left Hand Rule

Specification Point 6.13: Use the left-hand rule to predict the direction of the resulting
force when a wire carries a current perpendicular to a magnetic field.

 The direction of the force on a current carrying wire can be worked out by using the
left-hand rule:

The left-hand rule can help you figure out the

direction of the force on a current carrying wire

 Start by pointing your First Finger in the direction of the (magnetic) Field.

 Now rotate your hand around the first finger so that the seCond finger points in the
direction of the Current.

The THumb will now be pointing in the direction of the THrust (the force).

Factors affecting the Force
Specification Point 6.14: Describe how the force on a current-carrying conductor in a
magnetic field changes with the magnitude and direction of the field and current.

 The force acting on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field can be increased by:
o Increasing the current in the wire.
o Increasing the strength of the magnetic field.

 The force supplied by a motor can be increased by:

o Increasing the current in the coil.
o Increasing the strength of the magnetic field.
o Adding more turns to the coil.

 The direction of the motor may be reversed by:

o Reversing the direction of the current.

o Reversing the direction of the magnetic field.

Exam TIP:

 Bigger magnets are not the same thing as stronger magnets (some big magnets are very weak).
Avoid referring to ‘bigger magnets’ and use the phrase ‘stronger magnets’.
 Avoid saying ‘add more coils’.
The correct phrase to use is ‘add more turns to the coil’.
 Learn the explanations of the wire in a field, electric motor, and loudspeaker that are
given above. Each bullet point roughly corresponds to one mark.
 When answering long questions, it is acceptable to use bullet points.
Bullet points will help you to structure your answer.
(d) Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic Induction: The Basics

Specification Point 6.15: Know that a voltage is induced in a conductor or a coil when it
moves through a magnetic field or when a magnetic field changes through it and
describe the factors that affect the size of the induced voltage.

 Electromagnetic induction is the opposite of the motor effect:

o Instead of using electricity to create motion, motion is being used to create
 When a conductor (such as a wire) is moved through a magnetic field, the wire cuts
through the fields lines, inducing a voltage in the wire.
When a wire is forced through
a magnetic field, a voltage is
induced between the ends of
the wire

 The voltage can be increased by:

o Moving the wire faster.
o Increasing the strength of the magnetic field.

Specification Point 6.16: Describe the generation of electricity by the rotation of a
magnet within a coil of wire and of a coil of wire within a magnetic field and describe
the factors that affect the size of the induced voltage.


 A generator looks very similar to a motor, but instead of connecting it to a power

supply, the coil is spun by some mechanical process which then produces electricity.

When a coil is spun in a magnetic field, a voltage is induced between the ends of the coil

 As the coil rotates, it cuts through the field lines.

 This induces a voltage between the end of the coil
(which could then create a current).
 The size of this voltage could be increased by:
o Turning the coil faster
o Increasing the strength of the magnetic field
o Adding more turns to the coil.


 A dynamo works by a slightly different process:

o Instead of turning a coil inside a magnetic field, a magnet is rotated inside (or
next to) a coil.

Diagram showing a bicycle dynamo

 The magnet inside the dynamo creates a magnetic field which passes through the coil.
 When the rotor is turned, the magnet rotates, and the field lines cut through the sides
of the coil.
 This induces a voltage in the coil
(which can then create a current).
 The voltage can be increased by:
o Spinning the magnet faster.
o Using a stronger magnet.
o Adding more turns to the coil.

Exam TIP:

 The principle idea here is that when a conductor cuts through field lines, it induces a
 Motors and generators look very similar, but they do very different things. When
tackling a question on either of them, make sure you are writing about the right one!
 Remember to say, ‘add more turns to the coil’ and not ‘add more coils’ – if you give
the second one it will be marked wrong. (IMPORTANT)
Paper 2 Only: Transformers : The Basics
Specification Point 6.17P: Describe the structure of a transformer and understand that a
transformer changes the size of an alternating voltage by having different numbers of
turns on the input and output sides.
 A transformer is an electrical device that can be used to increase or decrease the
voltage of an alternating current.
(Transformers only work with a.c.)

 A transformer consists of two coils of wire wrapped around a soft iron core
 When an alternating current is supplied to the primary coil, a changing magnetic field
is produced by the primary coil.
 This field passes through the soft iron core and through the secondary coil.
 The changing field in the secondary coil induces a voltage.
 This voltage is also alternating and has the same frequency as the original current.
Specification Point 6.18P: Explain the use of step-up and step-down transformers in the
large-scale generation and transmission of electrical energy.
 A step-up transformer increases the voltage of a power source.
 A step-up transformer has more turns on the secondary coil than on the primary coil.
 A step-down transformer decreases the voltage of a power source.
 A step-down transformer has fewer turns on the secondary coil than on the primary
Transmitting electricity:
 When electricity is transmitted over large distances, the current in the wires heats
them, resulting in energy loss.
 By raising the voltage at which the electricity is transmitted at, the same amount of
power (energy per second) can be transmitted using a much smaller current (P=IV).
 This results in less heat being produced in the wire and hence less energy loss.
Electricity is transmitted at high voltage, reducing the current and
hence power loss in the cables

Transformer Equation:
Specification Point 6.19P: Know and use the relationship between input (primary) and
output (secondary) voltages and the turns ratio for a transformer:
input (primary) voltage / output (secondary) voltage = primary turns / secondary turns
 The output voltage of a transformer depends on the number of turns on each of the
coils as well as the input voltage:

(The ratio of the voltages is equal to the ratio of the number of turns)

Power and Transformers

Specification Point 6.20P: Know and use the relationship:
input power = output power
IP VP = IS VS for 100% efficiency.
 Although transformers can increase the voltage of a power source, due to the law of
conservation of energy, they cannot increase the power output.
(Increasing the voltage decreases the current, and vice-versa).
 If a transformer if 100% efficient:
 Hence, if the voltage is increased by some factor, the current must decrease by the
same factor.

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