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By: Jalexis Evans
Growing up I was very aware of being
part of the African American descent. I
loved my skin and my culture all around. Mainly speaking English but also a bit of
Embracing my African culture was not as French for taking it all four years of high
extreme because I am American. school.
Americanized culture is apart of me

Cultural because of being here since birth.

Family is not so big for me. We don’t
spend much holidays together nor have
Being African American makes us love
any traditions. Which is rare for African
southern food from mac and cheese all
American families because family is the way to Gumbo.
everything to them because many of the
families are large.
 Growing up in Chicago, Illinois played a huge role in my life. From
the way I spoke to the way I dressed. Moving from Chicago to Las
Vegas people made it seem weird. Basic stuff as soda many people
in the West Coast call it soda but when I came it was called pop.
 At the age of 3 I was diagnosed with a Thyroid Disorder, which
affected my metabolism which messed with my body
temperature, heartbeat, and how fast I may burn calories. This
then made me sluggish, tired, restless, and irritable. As I hit 20
Life years old, I still have it.
Experiences  Being born and raised in the 2000 seemed perfect for me. I grew
up in an era that seemed to focus on the idea of self health.
Focusing on how I did made me very self conscious positively. This
Era taught me self love through music, social media, and many
more. Yet, this era was also known for make self hate very strong
through technology and hate but personally I took a different
Life Experiences Cont….
 One hobby I have is gaming. I started gaming
in 2007 which was very rare for a female at the
time. Gaming helped me go down the right
path because being worried about a game and
not the partying lifestyle that was thrown in
my face helped me stay out the wrong crowd.
 Education wise I graduated in 2018 from
Canyon Springs High school which is right up
the street from CSN Cheyenne. This is my
second year second semester in college and all
I can say is I’m ready for it to be over.
 Moving away from Christianity and trying to figure what I am for
the past year. I’ve been more on the spiritual side and believing in
the universe is causing things to happen for a reason. Not 100% on
my religion because I’m still figuring out the world.
 Being raised around an African American family where majority of
my family is gay made me far from being prejudice because I seen
many things that people would not have seen as normal.
My Worldview  One long term goal I have is to get my angled life together and
figure out what I have the passion to do. Teaching is what I want to
do, and I’ve put my mind to it, but a career is one of the many
paths to fix my life.
 Principals that kind of taken over my mindset is understanding
that things happen for a reason. I believe that whatever I do today
will affect my tomorrow.
Cultural Being part of Unarmed Drill Team


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