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Sairam Tangirala Resume

Center for Simulational Physics, e-mail: sairam@uga.edu

The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 Phone: 425-233-5784

Computational science, numerical methods, computer programming, high performance
computing, Monte Carlo methods, Molecular Dynamics, computer visualizations, software
development, GUI design & development, shell scripting, algorithms, database management
systems, image processing, statistical analysis, and science education.

Ph.D., Center for Simulational Physics Aug 2004 – May 2011 (expected)
Advisor: Prof. David P. Landau.
The University of Georgia. USA.

Certification, Center for Teaching and Learning Dec 2010

“Interdisciplinary certificate in university teaching”
The University of Georgia. USA.

M.S. (Computational Techniques) Aug 2002 – May 2004

University of Hyderabad, India.

M.S. (Physics) Jun 2000 – Mar 2002

Sri Sathya Institute of Higher Learning, India.

Mathematical modeling, scientific programming, polymer systems, growth models, finite
difference methods, statistical analysis, image processing, Monte-Carlo simulations.
Computer expertise in numerical methods/analysis, super-computer usage and data analysis.
o Languages: Fortran, C, C++, Java basics, shell scripting, Perl, CUDA.
o Technical software: Mathematica, Matlab, MPI, Latex, Origin, and Gnuplot.
o Platforms: Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and MS-Windows.
Using technology in collaborative environment.
Exceptional writing, data processing, collaboration and oral communication skills evidenced
by delivery of both technically specialized and general interest presentations.

Positions Graduate Research Assistant The University of Georgia

Center for Simulational Physics May 2005 – Sep 2010

Teaching Assistant The University of Georgia

Department of Physics & Astronomy Aug 2004 – Sep 2010

Computer Laboratory Assistant University of Hyderabad

School of Physics Aug 2003 – Jan 2004

During my academic career in M.S and Ph. D I have worked on developing computational
software to model scientific phenomena ranging from electro-magnetics, liquid crystal
systems, and nano-technology experiments. I have expert level knowledge of using C and
C++ languages under Linux to implement entire software development life cycle. I have
worked in teams and collaborated with experimentalists and other developers during the
planning and design phase of my research codes. My research collaboration and awards at
international conferences speak about my abilities as a team-player and effective

Offered the position of Microsoft campus representative at the University of Georgia, fall 2009.
Graduate student participant from University of Georgia attending Georgia International
Leadership Conference (GILC), Feb 2010.
Organized Duke university„s talent identification program at the University of Georgia, Sep 2009.
Participant of Global Leadership Institute„s leadership seminar series organized at the University
of Georgia, Oct 2009.
Student member of the American Physical Society in the division of computational physics, 2008-

Team member in organizing and conducting peer help seminar “Approaching Graduation: What
to expect at UGA and in the Department of Physics & Astronomy”, Jul 2010.
Organizing member and web master of Tutors at UGA volunteer graduate student group for
promoting math and science education among Athens school students, spring 2010.
Volunteer in transporting over 240 lbs of flood relief materials to India during Nov 2009.
Executive officer of Indian student association at the University of Georgia, 2007-2009.

Best graduate level computation science poster, TeraGrid‟10 national conference (2010).
Best graduate level computation science electronic poster, TeraGrid‟09 national conference
Organizing chair person for the best ethnic cultural event at the University of Georgia (2009).
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, UGA travel award to attend APS march meeting (2008).
Recipient of Ramakrishna mission merit scholarship of $2000 for abroad study in USA (2004).
Junior research fellowship award of $3500 for pursuing research during M.S (Computational
Techniques) (2002-2004).
Received study fellowship for both B.S. and M.S. (Physics) programs at Sri Sathya Sai Institute
of Higher Learning (1997-2002).

1. Journal of Molecular Modeling, Springer publications (from 2010).
2. Judge for Georgia Science and Engineering Fare, Center for Continuing Education, UGA (2011).

Available upon request.

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