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Communication and Problem Solving

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or

Met Met activity

Use the expressive X For exploring drawing, I was able to

arts as a mode of create collages of my own interest. I
inquiry or created a collage of my favorite
expression aspects of Christmas as well as the
Friends television show. At the end of
the semester we all had to share our
works with the class, and I was able
to gain perspective on who each
individual was.

Demonstrate X I was able to intern as a medical

leadership, scribe at our three local emergency
negotiation, departments where I worked with
relational, and twenty-six different physicians.
consensus skills During my time as a scribe, I was also
able to teach and help newer scribes
learn different aspects of the job that
may have been missed in their

Use technological X I created a VoiceThread for the first

skills to access time in my Principles of Medical Care
information, course to present to the class the
organize topic of Shingles. I had never used
knowledge, and VoiceThread previously, so every
communicate assignment thereafter using
VoiceThread went much more

Propose new X A current issue in our society is

solutions to current climate change. When asked to pledge
issues ten ways to care for our environment,
I proposed the purchasing of a hybrid
vehicle. Electric cars are definitely
the most ethical choice, but they are
not affordable for the majority, so
taking a step in the right direction of
using a hybrid car is taking strides in
the right direction.

Express arguments X For Hebrew scriptures, I was asked to

or main points research a topic and develop an
clearly, in written argumentative essay. I chose a topic
and oral on the authorship of the Book of
communication Ecclesiastes. I researched countless
published journal articles where I
then developed a seven-page paper
relaying my research.

Transfer knowledge X When working as a scribe, our job site

and values into experienced a significant amount of
sound decision- call offs and resignations most likely
making due to the rigor of the job. There is
one provider specifically who is
difficult to work with due to her
idiosyncrasies. I strived to take the
time to understand her and develop a
relationship with her as a scribe. I
was then able to determine exactly
what she was looking for while
working to make the decisions that
would make her work day easiest. I
also was able to help other scribes
who struggled when working with
II. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or

Met Met activity

Communicate in a X I was able to communicate with my

second language at peers in class using different
the introductory phrases and verbs we learned in
college level Spanish. This was reinforced by our
final Spanish skit. I now feel
confident enough that if someone
was speaking Spanish, I would
know at the very least some of what
they are saying.

Analyze the impact X For my Principles of Sociology

of history, course that I completed at Indiana
geography, and University of Pennsylvania prior to
socio-cultural me transferring to Seton Hill, we
dynamics on discussed the prevalence of black
global interactions violence at their Punxsutawney
from a variety of branch campus where a vast
disciplinary majority of black students attended.
perspectives We discussed that there was a large
grouping of the Ku Klux Klan in this
area. Black students were then
transferred to the main campus
which significantly reduced the
violence rate. I learned the
importance of knowing your
surrounding environment.

Analyze current X For faith, religion, and society were

and historical were required to read the book
events through the “Night” which spoke about a boys
lens of spirituality experiences during the Holocaust
and how he began to question God’s
and faith presence as he witnessed mass

Assess privilege X For senior integrative seminar, we

and oppression addressed heavily the impacts of
from the our current state involving racial
perspective of inequalities and amidst the covid-19
culture, race, pandemic. We discussed the
class, and gender viewpoints of people of different
race, as well as ascertained the
struggle of those in different
classes. We watched a video on
those who live in poverty and the
prevalence of violence they
experience. It opened my eyes to
how we take law enforcement for

III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or

Met Met activity

Generate and X When I was in high school, I was

analyze numerical fortunate enough to be able to take
and scientific data courses for college credit. I took AP
statistics in high school which
accounted for the equivalent of my
college credits. During statistics
class, my favorite problems involved
calculating probabilities for or
against an event or chances of an
event to occur. This involved
analyzing a set of data via a tree

Locate and X For many classes throughout my

analyze undergraduate education, I was
expressive media required to access published peer-
to gain reviewed journals to support
information or evidence of what I was arguing. For
comprehend the my composition and culture
significance of an research paper on the minimum
issue or an event drinking age, our class was taken to
the library for a class period to learn
how to access different databases to
find peer-reviewed works to use as
evidence of our argument.

Organize and X For the celebration of learning to

manage resources present my research paper on the
in a creative way minimum drinking age, we had to
to achieve impact create a tri-fold poster that had an
interactive component for the
audience. I chose to have a true and
false section on different statistics
involving my research. Many
students who viewed my
presentation definitely were
shocked by some of the statistics,
such as how a person is killed every
fifty-one minutes in an alcohol-
related motor vehicle accident.

Find, evaluate, X For my lifespan development class

and apply we had to look at different
information developmental stages of children
and then interview a child to assess
their current status. I interviewed
the child I currently nanny, where I
was able to determine that she was
ahead developmentally for her age
by saying full words and sentences
as opposed to “ooing” and “aweing.”

Interpret X For my anatomy and physiology II

quantitative and laboratory that I completed in the
qualitative summer term through
information to Westmoreland County Community
present a logical College, we had to complete a
argument based laboratory involving a urinalysis. We
on supporting had to pee in a cup and then use a
data dipstick to determine whether it
was infected or not. We gathered
data and then compared it to
normal values to determine this. We
also had to base our findings off of
qualitative data such as the color of
the urine.

IV. Self-Reflection and Assessment

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or

Met Met activity

Demonstrate X By writing a series of papers on

ethical decision- climate change for my
making grounded environmental ethics course, I
in philosophical became impacted enough to think
inquiry about my daily habits and began to
think about how I contribute to the
issue. I realized the importance of
recycling and placed a greater focus
on trying to do so, and convinced
my mother to arrange for recycling
pick up weekly. We also started
composting in our own back yard.
Apply Catholic X For senior integrative seminar, we
social teaching to had to create a powerpoint and
the analysis of VoiceThread involving ethical issues
contemporary in our vocation, so in my instance,
social issues as a physician assistant. A social
issue I focused my research on was
the topic of abortion. I analyzed the
viewpoint of abortion through
Catholic social teachings which
oppose abortion as they call to
preserve the life and dignity of the
human person and solidarity.
Although a fetus, their lives should
be protected in the eyes of the

Recognize the X For faith, religion, and society we

value of diverse had to read “Does my Head Look
spiritual and Big in This?” This was about a
religious young girl named Amal who
perspectives received backlash from her school
for wearing her hijab full-time. This
book was powerful and helped me
realize the importance of being
educated on a variety of religions so
that all people of different religions
are treated with equal respect.

Integrate the X For my social action project

practice of charity volunteering at Big Brothers Bigs
with the skill of Sisters, the little boy I work with
justice was provided with clothes from his
school, but I also was able to
purchase some clothes for him at
our local Goodwill and Salvation
Army to ensure he had enough
warm clothing.

Exercise X For my social action project for

responsible senior integrative seminar, I
freedom and civic became a volunteer for Big Brothers
engagement based Big Sisters where I dedicate some
on an informed time each week to spending time
value system with my little “brother.” By
completing this project I aimed to
inflict positive change and to
become a positive role model in one
child’s life who is in need of extra

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