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This Page

1. Letters with Accents - (e.g. ó, ò, ñ)

2. Other Foreign Characters - (e.g. ç, ¿, ß)
3. Currency Symbols - (e.g. ¢, £, ¥)
4. Math Symbols - (e.g. ±, °, ÷)
5. Other Punctuation - (e.g. &, ©, §)
6. Using the Codes
7. Other Accents and Symbols: Character Map Other Page
8. Non-Numeric Accent Codes: Activate International Keyboard Other Page
9. Links to Other References

Letters with Accents

This list is organized by Accent type. To determine the appropriate numeric code, match the accent
with the vowel. See the individual By Language pages to see how to handle other accents.
Windows Alt Codes for Accented Vowels
Accent A E I O U Y
Grave À È Ì Ò Ù
Capital 0192 0200 0204 0210 0217
à è ì ò ù
Grave Lower Case  
0224 0232 0236 0242 0249
Acute Á É Í Ó Ú Ý
Capital 0193 0201 0205 0211 0218 0221
á é í ó ú ý
Acute Lower Case
0225 0233 0237 0243 0250 0253
Circumflex Â Ê Î Ô Û
Capital 0194 0202 0206 0212 0219
â ê î ô û
Circumflex Lower Case  
0226 0234 0238 0244 0251
Tilde Ã Ñ Õ
-- --  
Capital 0195 0209 0213
ã ñ õ
Tilde Lower Case -- --  
0227 0241 0245
Umlaut Ä Ë Ï Ö Ü Ÿ
Capital 0196 0203 0207 0214 0220 0159
ä ë ï ö ü ÿ
Umlaut Lower Case
0228 0235 0239 0246 0252 0255
Example: To input the acute a á (0225), hold down the ALT key, type 0225 on the numeric keypad,
then release the ALT key.
If you are having problems inputting these codes, please review the instructions for using the codes
at the bottom of this Web page.
Additional Codes
See the Specific Language Page for additional codes for accented characters. Note that codes may
only work in Microsoft Office.
Top of Page

Other Foreign Characters

These include special punctuation and unique consonant and vowel symbols.
Windows Alt Codes for Foreign Characters
¡ Upside-down exclamation mark 0161
¿ Upside-down question mark 0191
Ç, ç French C cedille (caps/lowecase)
Œ,œ O-E ligature (caps/lowecase)
ß German Sharp/Double S 0223
Masculine Ordinal Number
º, ª (Span/Ital/Portuguese)
Feminine Ordinal Number
Ø,ø Nordic O slash (caps/lowecase)
Nordic A ring (caps/lowecase), 0197
Angstrom sign 0229
Æ, æ A-E ligature (caps/lowecase)
Icelandic/Old English Thorn
Þ, þ (caps/lowecase)
See other Old English Characters
Icelandic/Old English Eth
Ð, ð (caps/lowecase)
See other Old English Characters
Spanish/French angle quotation 0171
marks 0187
Spanish/French angle single quotation 0139
marks 0155
Czech S hachek (S Caron)
Šš (caps/lowercase)
See other Czech Characters
Czech Z hachek (Z Caron)
Žž (caps/lowercase)
See other Czech Characters
Additional Codes
See the Specific Language Page for additional codes for additional foreign language characters.
Note that codes may only work in Microsoft Office.
Top of Page

Currency Symbols
Windows Alt Code for Currency Symbols
¢ Cent sign 0162
£ British Pound 0163
€ Euro currency 0128
¥ Japanese Yen 0165
ƒ Dutch Florin 0131
¤ Generic currency symbol 0164
Top of Page

Math Symbols
Windows Alt Codes for Math Symbols
÷ Division sign 0247
° Degree symbol 0176
¬ Not symbol 0172
± Plus/minus 0177
µ Micro 0181
‰ Per Mille (1/1000th) 0137

These codes produce fractions which are spaced on one line.
Windows Alt Codes - Fractions
¼ Fraction 1/4 0188
½ Fraction 1/2 0189
¾ Fraction 3/4 0190

Superscript and Subscript

Check these references for other methods to implement superscript/subscript and extra fractions
• Superscript/Subscript in Microsoft Word
• Superscript/Subscript in HTML and CSS

Additional Math Codes

See the Unicode Math Chart for additional codes for math symbols. Note that they only work in
Microsoft Office and that you should use the non-Hex code. For instance an entry ∛ for the
cube root symbol (∛) would corrspond to ALT+8731 in Word.
Top of Page

Other Punctuation
These incude copyright symbols and special section marks.
Windows Alt Codes for Punctuation
© Copyright symbol 0169
® Registered symbol 0174
™ Trademark 0153
• List Dot 0149
§ Section Symbol 0167
† Dagger 0134
‡ Double Dagger 0135
– en-dash 0150
— em-dash 0151
Paragraph Symbol
¶ 0182
Top of Page

Using the Codes

Windows assigns a numeric code to different accented letters, other foreign characters and special
mathematical symbols. For instance the code for lower case á is 0225, and the code for capital Á is
0193. The ALT key input is used to manually insert these letters and symbols by calling the numeric
code assigned to them.
To use the codes:
1. Place your cursor in the location where you wish to insert a special character.
2. Activate the numeric key pad on the right of the keyboard by pressing Num Lock (upper
right of keyboard). The Num Lock light on the keyboard will indicate that the numeric key
pad is on.

NOTE: You must use the numeric key pad; if you use the number keys on the top of the
keyboard, the characters will not appear. If you are on a laptop or computer without a
separate numeric keypad one of the other methods is recommended.
3. While pressing down the ALT key, type the four-digit code on the numeric key pad at the
right edge of the keyboard. The codes are "case sensitive." For instance, the code for lower-
case á is ALT+0225, but capital Á is ALT+0193.

NOTE: If you have the International keyboard activated, you will only be able to input
codes with the ALT key on the left side of the keyboard.
4. Release the ALT key. The character will appear when the ALT key is released.

NOTE: You must include the initial zero in the code. For example to insert á (0225) you
must type ALT+0225, NOT ALT+225.

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