Dadddy Babygirl Hike Part 2

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As the sun finished setting the daddy looked down at his babygirl and kissed her forehead when he

noticed her eyes where drooping. “Ok let’s set up the tent and bags sleepy head.” She groggily
responded “otay daddy" and yawned as she stood up. The daddy made quick work of the tent while his
babygirl unrolled the bags. Once they finished setting up they had a light dinner of assorted foodstuffs
and juice boxes the daddy had squirreled away in his pockets. When the sun finally finished setting they
got into the tent and the daddy got into his bag while his babygirl got into the one right beside it. About
ten seconds later the daddy looked over to see his babygirl squirming and hear her softly mewling.
“what’s wrong babygirl?” he asked. She looked over at him slightly ashamed and blushing then quietly
responded, “ I forgot to take the plug out and smelling you here neck to me with the plug filling me up
just makes me so horny that kitty is dripping. I know you are tired though so I was trying not to bother
you.” He patted her head and pulled her close while he said, “ taking care of you is never a bother
babygirl. That’s what daddy is here for.” He slowly unzipped he bag revealing her slightly sweaty fully
dressed body. “ now why aren’t you undressed babygirl?” he asked. “ I forgot” she replied. “Well let’s fix
that” he said as he kneeled over her tiny frame and peeled her dress off to show her full body blushing.
“there isn't that better,” he said. She blushing even more fiercely in the face said boldly, “it would be
even better if daddy was kissing me.” He smirked at her forwardness and clear discomfort as he laid
down beside her and started to passionately make out with her. When they came up for air many
minutes later night had truly fallen and a chill was hanging in the air everywhere but in their tent which
now reeked of sweat and the musky scent of arousal. Without saying a word the daddy opened the tent
causing his babygirl to jump and squeal when the cold night hit her already engorged nipples and
clitoris. He stepped out of the tent and reached his hand back in for hers. She took it trusting that he
would keep her safe even in the deep dark of the mountainside. He led her to the edge of the cliff face
their clearing was on and laid her down just shy of the edge. The cold stone was lime ice on her back
making her hair stand on in and causing her nipples to swell to the point that they hurt and cried for
release. She was soon warmed however as he laid atop her and without a word slid into her dripping
wet pussy. He started slowly letting her adjust and feel him stretch her to the limits. As she loosened up
his pace quickened and that resulted in an equal quickening of the lovers breathing. She was moaning,
and swearing, and begging him to fill her up. they had gone on this trip to celebrate the removal of her
IUD and she couldn’t wait to feel the life growing inside of her. As if in response to her thoughts her
nipples started to leak and her daddy noticing stopped his loving assault on her mouth to move his to
her pert breasts and slake his thirst. As she felt the milk leave her breast and his seed into her womb,
the furious pounding of their flesh finally pushed her head off the edge. she arched her back, skull
pushing against the face of the cliff staring wife eyed at the full glorious moon and let loose an orgasm
so powerful the resulting shriek of pleasure scared every living thing but the two lovers for miles around
into a panic. As she felt the seed take purchase and just before she passed out from pleasure two things
occurred. The first was she thought Selene would make a beautiful name for their new baby girl when
she was ready to come grace the world with her presence. The second coming just before she lost
consciousness completely was she heard softly as if from a great distance her daddy say, “you are such
a naughty girl you know you aren't allowed to cum without permission. Ah well I will let you sleep for
now you look exhausted. Tomorrow however you are going to be punished most thoroughly.” The last
sensation she felt until morning was her daddy picking her and laying her down onto the bags he had
joined together before sliding in beside her and pulling her tight to his chest.

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