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Folio Thinking 1

Folio Thinking

Kimberly Galvez

Texas A&M University-Commerce

Folio Thinking 2

Assessments will be a big part of a teaching career. Knowing what kind of assessments

would be more effective for students is essential. Assessments of learning is like any other

assessment we have taken. From my understanding, the STAAR test would be a great example

of this assessment of learning. This test has been created and will be scored by the state. It will

compare the results with other students. A state assessment will send out a report of where the

student stands and label a student on their performance. As for Assessment for learning would be

an assessment that it’s main purpose is to assist the teacher and students to work together in the

struggling areas. Students are given a better understanding of where they are lacking and also

help the teacher know where work needs to be done to effectively help the student. “Checks

learning to determine what to do next and then provides suggestions of what to do—teaching and

learning are indistinguishable from assessment” (Assessment in Mathematics, 200).

“Folio Thinking is a reflective practice that situates and guides the effective use of

learning portfolios, defined as a purposeful collection of artifacts that characterize the learning

experiences of the portfolio owner” (Stanford Folio Thinking Initiative, n.d). Folio thinking is a

great way to have students structure portfolios or eportfolios that will reflect what they have

learned and show a collection of what they have been working on. This is a way for students to

have a connection with the course, course instructor and themselves. It will link all three to be on

the same page and see the progress that is being made. It is also a great opportunity for

instructors to communicate with their students in the moment 

“While there might be some guidelines surrounding a course ePortfolio, an ePortfolio is

driven by the creator, and can allow students to take ownership of the learning process” (Sutter,

V., 2013). Eportfolios are a great way for a student to have, learn and use not only at the time of

their course but also a great resource. Students will be able to go back and reflect on their work.
Folio Thinking 3

Instructors will have the influence of their teaching and assessing in every project presented

because of the constant feedback they have given. Having students create an ePortfolio is an

empowerment and creates a stronger self-esteem in their academic journey. Both students and

instructor can benefit from an ePortfolio. 

Folio Thinking 4

Assessment in Mathematics. (2003). Retrieved from

Stanford Folio Thinking Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sutter, V. (2013, June 17). Folio Thinking. Retrieved from

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