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Pregnancy - Anatomy and Physiology

FIRST TRIMESTER - months 1, 2, and 3

During the first trimester, some women may not feel any changes at all. They suspect a
pregnancy because of a missed menstrual period. However, most women will feel many
of the symptoms listed below:

 Fatigue
 Breast enlargement
 Increased urination
 Indigestion and vomiting (associated with "morning sickness" which can happen
any time during the day or night)

Pregnancy Changes
If sperm are present around the time of ovulation, fertilization of the released egg (ovum)
can occur. The sperm swim towards the ovum in the fallopian tube. Fertilization is the
joining of the ovum and sperm to form one cell. Conception occurs with the fertilization
of an ovum by sperm. Normally, fertilization takes place within the fallopian tube.

Fertilization is the initial process in the development of a new human being-at its earliest
stage. Even at this stage of human development, all the genetic information and
instructions necessary for growth are present.

As the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus, it continues to
divide and grow. By approximately day six of development, it reaches the cavity of the

The uterine lining (endometrium) is thick and prepared for the fertilized egg to attach and
embed itself. This process is called implantation. Afterwards, the placenta develops along
with the umbilical cord through which the developing baby receives nutrients and
oxygen, and eliminates waste.

Month 1
  The head and body, including arms and legs begin to form. By
day 23 to 25, the heart is beating.

Month 2 During this time, all internal organs are formed.

Fingers become recognizable along with the eyes. The spine
and major joints can move. Brain waves can be detected. By
the 8th week, the fetus is approximately one inch long.
Month 3 Facial structures, such as the eyes, nose, ears, and
mouth can clearly be seen. Fingerprints as well as soft nails on
the fingers and toes develop. There is more coordination in
muscle movements. The lungs continue to mature. By the end
of the first trimester, the sex organs develop and the fetus is
approximately 4 inches long.


and 6
 Continued breast enlargement and yellow liquid (colostrum) may leak from the
 Quickening or initial movement of baby felt by the mother
 Emotional liability

 Increased abdominal size due to enlarging uterus.


Month 4 During this month, the body parts are fully formed
with a strong heartbeat. The ears are functioning. Also, the
fetus is kicking, sleeping, and swallowing. The fetus has
grown and is about 6 to 7 inches long.

Month 5The baby becomes very active; mothers can feel

kicking movements. Also, there is a rapid growth with the
baby reaching about 12 inches in length. In about four months,
your baby will be full term and ready for delivery.
Month 6 The baby's skin is covered with fine hairs and a
substance that protects it. By the end of this month, the baby
can measure up to 14 inches long.

THIRD TRIMESTER - Months 7, 8, and

 Low back pain
 Continued movements of baby that can be seen and felt on the belly
 Mild swelling of ankles and heartburn
 Abdomen becomes firm to touch
 Continued fatigue
 Trouble sleeping

 Painless contractions (Braxton-Hicks)


Month 7 The baby can open and close the eyes as well as suck
his/her thumb and hiccup. There is more activity such as
kicking and stretching. All senses are continuing to mature-the
baby can hear and respond to sounds.

Month 8 The baby reaches a length of up to 18 inches. Sleep

and wake cycles occur regularly. The skin begins to thicken as
the fat layer increases. The brain is increasing in size also.

Month 9 through delivery The baby will begin to move

downward, headfirst, into the mother's pelvis. By now, the
  lungs have developed and are preparing to breathe air. By the
end of the third trimester, the baby weighs between six and
nine pounds. Get ready for labor and delivery!
Before You Decide - An Abortion Education Resource. Sterling VA: Care Net, 2002.

Scott JR, DiSaia PJ, Hammond CB, Spellacy WN. Danforth's Obstetrics & Gynecology,
8th Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999.

Folic Acid
Pronunciation: (FOE-lik AH-sid)
Class: Vitamin

Trade Names:
Folic Acid
- Tablets 0.4 mg
- Tablets 0.8 mg
- Tablets 1 mg

Trade Names:
- Tablets 1 mg
- Injection 5 mg/mL

ndications and Usage

Megaloblastic anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, as may be seen in tropical or

nontropical sprue, and in anemias of nutritional origin, pregnancy, infancy, or childhood.


Treatment of pernicious anemia and other megaloblastic anemias where vitamin B 12 is

deficient (not effective).

Adverse Reactions


Anaphylaxis; allergic responses have included erythema, skin rash, itching, generalized
malaise, and respiratory difficulty caused by bronchospasm.

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