Blended Learning Lesson Plan

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: How to Solve Real World Problems

Students will be able to solve real world problems by using addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division
Students will be able to represent these problems by using equations with letter
State Standards:

3.NSBT.2 Add and subtract whole numbers fluently to 1,000 using knowledge of place value
and properties of operations.

o 3.NSBT.3 Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10 – 90, using
knowledge of place value and properties of operations.

o 3.ATO.1 Use concrete objects, drawings and symbols to represent multiplication facts of two
single-digit whole numbers and explain the relationship between the factors (i.e., 0 – 10) and the

Context: This is a third grade lesson for Mathematics in which children will learn how do real
world problems. I decided to pick this lesson because it is crucial that students learn how to use
these real world problems and how it could help them in their future lives. Students will be able
to learn and comprehend how to complete these real world problems. Before beginning the
lesson students will learn about what a real world problem really is. We will then continue on
with the lesson with some practice to make sure all students understand what they are doing.
Students will learn how to use different kinds of equations and method sin order to solve the real
world problem. Overall, this lesson is very important and will help the children in the real
Data: Students will be randomly placed in groups of 3-5 and will work together throughout the
class period. They will need to complete worksheets and tasks together in order to complete the
assignments correctly. The assignment will be composed of questions and activities in which the
students will complete with their group. I will gather data from this assignment by having one
group member submit their work and it will be graded by me. This will help me see if students
really understand and are grasping the concept of this lesson.
-there will be a power point on the smart board to introduce the lesson
-pencil and paper to take notes down about the lesson
Teacher Directed:
-there will be a video being played about real world problems
-pencil and paper to take notes down about the video
Collaborative Station:
-Students will use the Ipad app solve math word problem solver to complete questions with their
Independent Digital:
-Students will use the app math word problem solver again to each complete 5 questions to make
sure that they understand how to complete the homework
-students will play the Kahoot that is on the smartbaord
-each group will have a captain to submit the groups answer on the ipad
-students will hand in their groups worksheet for grading

Introduction (15 minutes): This will be the first lesson of the day and will introduce the
students to what they will be doing today. The power point will have examples and notes that
students will need to take in order to prepare for their lesson. By making this power point I hope
students will take notes and become more prepared for the tasks they need to complete. By using
power point I think it gives kids an idea and understanding about their lesson. I will have the
kids read some slides and participate to get them involved and ready to work for the day. We
will use this time period for any questions and help that students may need.
Teacher Directed (15 minutes): The teacher directed aspect of my lesson is mainly based
on the video “two stepped word problems.” This video will be a good fun introduction to what
the problems are going to look like and what the students will be completing. I will have the
students take notes on this video and have them complete the problem as seen in the video to
make sure they have a grasp on the concept. I believe videos are a fun way to get the students
excited and ready to work. I will be helping them throughout the video with any questions they
may have.
Collaborative (15 minutes): In this part of the lesson students will use the app math word
problem solver. They will work in their groups to complete at least 5 questions regarding our
topic. The app allows students to complete word problems. I want students to also write down
the questions in their notebook so they can go back and use this for reference. This app will let
them have fun and also learn. Not only is this a game but, it is a learning tool.
Independent Digital (10 minutes): In this part of the lesson students will use the math
word problem solver app again. I want students to work alone on this activity and complete 5
problems. I have them doing this because sometimes working in groups one person is doing all
the work. I want to make sure that all students have a good grasp on the topic and are able to
solve the problems on their own.

Closure (10 minutes): At the end of the lesson students will join the Kahoot game with
their team. The Kahoot is to see how much the students really learned and what they took from
the lesson. Students will use one ipad per group to connect. The winner of the kahoot will each
receive a homework pass. This will make them try a little harder because there is a prize at the
end. At the end of the Kahoot students will hand in their groups work sheet. This will allow me
to grade their assignment and see how everyone did. Children will then pack their things up and
get ready to head out for the day.

Math Word Problem Solver:
This app is great for beginners in word problem solving. This app allows students
to work on problems but also receive help. By allowing kids to sue an app it sometimes
helps them become more interested and ready to learn. This app also helps the teacher
out as well because the problems are generated for them. By having this app students are
also able to download it from home and use it there to practice as well.
In the education world Kahoot is a very well-known game. Kahoot allows
teachers to create questions based on their assignment. This game allows teachers to
make quizzes, tests and reviews. This is a great tool for classroom teachers to help
students prepare and practice what they’ve learned. This game motivates students to get
the question right in order to advance on the leader board. I mean who doesn’t love

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