Dba 1202 Fundamentals of Research Methods

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1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Every number must start on a fresh page.
3. Clarity and use of relevant examples will earn you credit.
4. Support your answers with appropriate scholarly resources using APA referencing

5. Text format: Type your text in 12 point Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, A4 paper
size, normal margins (1 inch top, bottom, left, right).
6. Plagiarism will lead to cancellation of examination.
7. A well-bound hard copy should be submitted to Examinations Office before 5:00
pm (EAT) on Tuesday 15th December 2020.
8. 100% tuition clearance is a requirement for submission.
9. Indicate your name and registration name.

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Domestic Violence is globally serious issue and in Uganda several Women are
experiencing it in form of Physical abuse, Sexual, Emotional, Harassment,
Economic, verbal and psychological abuse. The law in the Uganda’s Penal
Code Act Cap.106 does not specifically provide that Domestic Violence is an
offence. The absence of a specific law protecting women against Domestic
Violence, fear, as well as being ostracized by the society, traditional beliefs
and attitudes have made women more vulnerable to Domestic Violence.
Although there is a continued need for such legislation to equip law
enforcement agencies, especially the police, to effectively combat the
problem, there is enough evidence of Domestic Violence cases in different
localities of Masaka and Kampala Districts which require immediate
intervention, such cases include;

On 31st March, 2020, Michael Opio, a resident of Ararak B cell, Kaberamaido

town council in Kaberamaido District, was arrested for allegedly biting off his
wife's lip over UGX.200 (USD. 0.05). The officer in charge of the District Family
and Child Protection Unit of Kaberamaido, Janet Amuge Etoru charged Opio
with assault. Ms. Anna Grace Ajuno the Victim appeared in their office and
said that her husband, Opio, fought her and in the process bit her lip. The cause
Ajuno said that the husband wanted UGX.200 (USD. 0.05) to buy alcohol but
she could only offer UGX. 1,000 (USD. 0.27), which she said sparked off the fight.
"When I gave my husband money which was less by UGX.200 (USD. 0.05), he
pounced on me, threw me on the floor and started beating me and in the
process of fighting, he bit my lower lip," Ajuno narrated. She said her husband
accused her of deliberately refusing to give him the full amount. She said she
was rescued by her co-wife, Juliet Inebe, who came after she made an alarm.
Violence against women in Uganda is predominantly domestic and it is at
epidemic level worldwide. Recent statistics in Uganda shows that 30% of
women or one of every three women is a victim of physical and or sexual
domestic violence at least once in their lifetime. The majority of victims
experiencing multiple assaults rather than just one.
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Another example can be traced from Joyce Namigadde the senior District
Probation and Social Welfare Officer, who reported that in some areas of
Uganda, the cases of Domestic Violence being handled by her office had
more than doubled during this season. Speaking at a recent seminar organized
by the Knowledge Management and Evidence Response Unit at Makerere
University School of Public Health, Dr. Richard Idro, the president of the Uganda
Medical Association, explained that the increasing cases of violence are due
to the fact that many people, especially men, have been disempowered by
loss of income. Subsequently, they are stuck at home where they are unable
to provide and are frustrated, which has made them violent. In addition, the
lockdown led to the confinement of abusers and perpetuators in households
with their victims (who are majorly women).

Namigadde explained that information recorded at her office shows that

issues that lead to acts of violence include failure to provide, partners finding
out secrets about each other such as spouses being involved in multiple
relationships, disagreeing on how to discipline children and dealing with step
children. She explained that out of every 10 cases she has handled during this
season, six involve failure to fulfill their responsibilities. The impact of domestic
violence has been exacerbated by the restrictions in movement and curfews
as victims cannot move out of the homes to seek help.

So many cases of this kind, according to the Police, have been registered in
different parts of Kampala and Masaka districts, where men have failed to
provide food for their families and other necessities of life, since the lockdown
as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic left them with no source of income.
Women can barely support themselves as far as their welfare is concerned.
The concern of most of the heads of households are to cling on to harmful
cultural and traditional attitudes, beliefs and practices that do not favor at all
the women.

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i. Basing on the above case, suppose you the Research Consultant in any
organization of your choice, your immediate supervisor assigned you a
task to approach the above situation. How will you go about it?
(10 Marks)
ii. Identify a research topic suitable in this situation and write a research
proposal (30 Marks)
iii. Carryout research and find out whether your local community has done
enough to respond to this situation during and post Covid-19 pandemic
and clearly bring out those interventions. (10 Marks)

QUESTION TWO (provide your data set on a CD)

SPSS is a widely used program for statistical analysis in social science. It is also
used by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies,
government, education researchers, marketing organizations, data miners,
and others.

i. From the research proposal in QUESTION ONE (ii) above, use it to design
a research questionnaire (on a five Likert scale) and enter the
information in SPSS but consider only “variable view” since you have not
collected data. (30 Marks)
ii. Use SPSS knowledge in QUESTION TWO (i) above, discuss exhaustively the
major statistical concepts this package can compute. (20 Marks)

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