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Briggs 1

Casey Briggs

Professor Brar

Foundations of Business

1 November 2020


The person who I am interviewing is my sister, who is a manager at a steakhouse near

where I live. She has worked there for six years, this being her second year as a manager. There

is only one manager at the restaurant, it being her, and only one person ahead of her. She looks

over everybody under her as well as helps out with the basic functions of the restaurant. She feels

she does a very good job in what she does, so she was excited to help me with this.

Like I said, my sister works at a steakhouse that is rather close to where we live. I am

choosing to keep her name and the name of the restaurant private just for personal reasons. The

restaurant is just like any other steak house, other than it tends to dine for business people, and is

a little more classy and expensive. In the end, my sister informed me that their biggest goal is to

outperform other well known steakhouses.

The biggest competitors they have are Outback SteakHouse and Longhorn. They are all

similar restaurants in which the food they serve. While the other two are big franchises, her

restaurant is a small franchise, with locations only in Ohio. Technically, they are in the restaurant

industry being a steakhouse, which are actually “a bright spot” (AaronAllen) in the industry.

That is why they are as successful as they are.

My sister said she is a very important role in the company she is at. Some of her roles are

supervising the kitchen staff, helping deliver food, making sure tables are being cleaned

properly, and one of the new ones is that her staff are wearing their masks. She said out of
Briggs 2

everything, the most challenging part is staying organized with everything she does, but she said

that planning really helps with this problem. She uses all 4 of the basic management principles as

well as good communication skills with her staff and customers.

The definition of responsibility is “the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or

accountable for something within one's power, control, or management”(Dictionary). When I

asked my sister what her biggest responsibility was, she said it was to be a good role model to

all the people she manages. She wants to make sure she gives each of her workers something

useful they can use in their life. She wants any one of them to be able to come up to her and tell

her anything they need to. I knew my sister was a caring person but this one took me by surprise.

The way she cares for her employees as much as she does shows how much of a true leader she

is. I know a couple of the people she works with and they said the same thing. They said they

feel they could come up to her anytime of the day and talk to her about anything. This shows a

lot on how my sister takes responsibility in what she does.

To finish the interview, I asked my sister what her favorite thing about being a manager

was. It wasn’t the money, or the title, or the feeling of empowerment. She said her favorite part

of being a manager is the happiness you get to bring to people. When she sees her employees

working hard while having fun, she is proud. When she sees her restaurant full of people talking

and smiling to each other, she is proud. She told me she doesn’t do this for the money, but for the


After conducting this interview, I have a whole new perspective on what my sister does

as a manager. She just doesn’t boss people around. She leads them so they can be successful in

life and in what they do. The way she answered these questions shows how much of a true
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character she is and why she makes a good character. I now have a whole new respect for

managers out in the world.


“Steakhouse Restaurant Sales Are a Bright Spot in the Industry.” Aaron Allen &

Associates, Global Restaurant Consultants, 16 Mar. 2020,


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