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Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________


A. Use for or since. Circle your option:

1. Peter has been in Lisbon for / since Monday.
2. He has been in Lisbon for / since four days.
3. Nelson Mandela has been in prison for / since 27 years.
4. It’s been raining for / since hours.
5. Stella and Mary have been best friends (BFF) for / since a long time.
6. Stella and Mary have been best friends (BFF) for / since 2008.
7. I have lived in this place for / since three years.
8. I haven’t had a test for / since some time.

B. Been or gone? Circle the best option:

1. Somebody told me you have just been / gone in Australia
2. Where have you been / gone? I’ve been looking for you.
3. James is away. He has been / gone to Germany for a few days.
4. Have you ever been / gone to London?

C. Complete the following text about travelling. Circle the verbs in the right tense:
In the last years, travelling 1. become / became much easier and faster. In the
19th century, it 2. took / take a long time to cross North America by wagon. The trip
3. been / was very difficult and dangerous. Now things 4. have changed / changed
a lot and it just takes a few hours to fly from New York to San Francisco.
I 5. never visited / have never visited Asia, but I 6. have travelled / travelled to USA
a few times. Last time I 7. have gone / went there I 8. visited / have visited California,
Arizona and Nevada. I 9. have spent / spent a month travelling. I 10. flew / have flown
over the Grand Canyon and 11. drove / have driven along Route 66.

Solve this brain teaser: What are the next three letters in the following sequence?

WORKSHEET 2 J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, __, __, __

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Write sentences. Use the beginning in box 1 and match it to an ending in box. The first
one is done for you:

1. 2.

a doctor a playwright steals things Member of police force

an actor a singer instructs / teaches paints surfaces
a carpenter a police officer acts in plays, films professionally treats sick people
a painter a teacher sings
a thief builds or repairs wooden objects
writes plays

1. A doctor is a person who treats sick people.

2. An actor is a person_________________________________________________

3. A carpenter is a person_______________________________________________

4. A painter is a person_________________________________________________

5. A thief is a person___________________________________________________

6. A playwright is a person_______________________________________________

7. A singer is a person__________________________________________________

8. A policeman is a person_______________________________________________

9. A teacher is a person_________________________________________________

B. Join the two sentences using a relative pronoun. The first one is done for you:
1. The teacher always asks me questions. They are difficult to answer.
The teacher always asks me questions which / that are difficult to answer.

2. Some people live next door. They are very friendly.


3. A lawn mower is a machine. It is used to cut grass on lawns.


4. There goes the man. His dog is very noisy.


Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________


A. Circle the correct form:

1. If the weather is / will be nice tomorrow, we can have a picnic.

2. If I am / will be late for dinner, don’t wait for me.
3. If you speak / will speak Spanish slowly, I can understand you.
4. We’ll miss the train if we don’t / won’t hurry.
5. If you are / will be hungry, have something to eat.
6. Do you mind if I close / will close the window? It’s too cold.
7. John, if you aren’t / won’t be careful, you’ll fall down.
8. If you leave / will leave now, you’ll arrive on time.

B. Build sentences with the words given:

1. If / you / want / to help / save the environment /, / you / have to / do your part.

2. If / you /re-use / plastic bags /, / you / reduce / your carbon footprint.


3. If / you / clean / the forests /, / you / prevent / summer forest fires.


4. If / you / recycle / paper /, / you / save / some trees.


5. If / you / not use / the car / so often /, / you / not pollute / so much.

Practise your pronunciation: She sells seashells on the seashore.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Can you do these things? Write sentences about yourself using the following
verbs / expressions. Use can / can’t:

• ride a bike • speak English • play the piano

• drive • skate • dance kizomba

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

B. Using the same verbs, complete the sentences; use could / couldn’t:

1. When I was younger, I __________________________________________________

2. When I was younger, I __________________________________________________
3. When I was younger, I__________________________________________________
4. When I was younger, I __________________________________________________

C. Fill in the blanks with must or have to:

1. The Hobbit is a fantastic film. You ___________ see it.

2. I ____________ go the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine).
I have no money.
3. The car park isn’t free. You _____________ pay.
4. My tooth aches. I ______________ go to the dentist.
5. School begins at 8, 30. I _____________ get at 7:30.
6. The trousers are too small. You _____________ buy a new pair.

Solve this brain teaser:

Johnny’s mother had three children. The first was April. The second was May.
What was the name of the third child?
Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

Solve this brain teaser:

Johnny’s mother had three children. The first was April. The second was May. What was
the name of the third child?

A. Use the adverbs of frequency sometimes, never, often, always, and insert them into
the correct place. Follow the example:

1. I have breakfast before coming to school. (never)

2. I am late for school. (sometimes)
3. Mary gets up at 7 o’clock. (always)
4. I ride my bike in the summer. (often)

B. Complete with the verb in the Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1. I’m sorry, Miss. I __________________ (not understand).

Could you repeat, please?
2. Listen! The teacher _______________________ (speak).
3. Where ___________________ (you / come) from? From the United Kingdom.
4. I usually ____________________ (drive) to work, but today I
__________________ (go) by bus.
5. James __________________ (have) a driving lesson at the moment.

C. Build questions for the underlined part of the sentence.

1. I go to the cinema every week.

2. Yes, I like reading very much.
3. She is watching television.
4. I have toast and coffee with milk for breakfast.
5. Your friends are coming tomorrow.

Practise your pronunciation: Chop shops stocks shops.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Match each sign with the right word or expression.

1. a) Go along the river 7. a) Cross the bridge

b) Go up the hill b) Go straight on
c) Turn right c) Take the second road
on the right
2. a) Go straight on
8. a) Go straight on
b) Cross the bridge
b) Cross the bridge
c) Go down the hill
c) Go towards the church

3. a) Take the second

9. a) traffic lights
road on the right
b) roundabout
b) Go down the hill
c) pet shop
c) Turn right

4. a) Cross the bridge 10. a) crossroads

b) Turn left b) church
c) Go straight on c) bridge

5. a) Go up the hill 11. a) river

b) Turn left b) corner
c) Go along the river c) car park

6. a) Go straight on 12. a) car park

b) Take the first road b) roundabout
on the left c) traffic lights
c) Go down the hill

B. Build the dialogue and give directions. Cinema

The tourist wants to go to the castle.
Tourist: Excuse me, how can I go to the castle?
Go ______________________, turn ________, Castle

then take _____________________________,

go _____________________ and the castle is

___________________________ the cinema.

You can’t miss it.


Solve this brain teaser: How many months have 28 days?

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Write sentences using the Past Continuous. Begin with:

Yesterday at 3 o’clock…

1. Mary / read / newspaper.

Yesterday at 3 o’clock Mary ____________________________________________
2. Peter / cut / the grass.
Yesterday at 3 o’clock Peter____________________________________________
3. The children / play / football.
Yesterday at 3 o’clock the children ______________________________________
4. You / study / for the test.
Yesterday at 3 o’clock you ____________________________________________

B. Describe what these people were doing last Sunday in the afternoon. Use the verbs in
the box:

• chat • wash the dishes • take a nap • work

• watch a football match • listen to music

1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________

4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________

Practise your pronunciation: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

• chat • wash the dishes • take a nap • work

Practise your pronunciation: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
• watch a football match • listen to music
A. Choose six countable nouns (apples, pears, bananas, strawberries, lemons, peaches) and
six uncountable nouns (juice, yoghurt, water, bread, chocolate, cheese) and write
sentences with them. Use some / little / a little / a few / any:

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________________
11. _______________________________________________________________________
12. _______________________________________________________________________

B. Build questions. Use How much and How many.

1. (bread) ______________________________________________________________?
2. (sandwiches) _________________________________________________________?
3. (tea) ________________________________________________________________?
4. (apples) _____________________________________________________________?

Practise your pronunciation: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!

Practise your pronunciation: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Fill in the table with words from the box.

bird watching bike riding buying souvenirs climbing

diving playing beach volleyball going on a
tour mountaineering cliff trekking swimming
visiting museums

Seaside Mountain City Countryside

1. _______________ 1. _______________ 1. _______________ 1. _______________

2. _______________ 2. ________________ 2. _______________ 2. _______________
3. _______________ 3. ________________ 3. _______________ 3. ________________

B. Which holiday place would you choose?

B. Which holiday place would you choose?

B. Which holiday place would you choose?

I’d like to go to _______________ because I like_______________, _____________and _______________.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Choose the best holiday for each of the people below. Complete the

1. Mrs Bell wants to see wild animals. She wants to go to________.

a) Africa b) Wales c) Italy

2. John wants to practise his French. He’d like to go to ________.

a) Nepal b) Spain c) Corsica

3. Dr. Wallis wants to sit in the sun. He prefers ________.

a) Spain b) Wales c) Italy

4. Mrs Grey wants to go climbing. She’d love to go to________.

a) Corsica b) Nepal c) Africa

5. Mr Walker wants to see the world’s most beautiful paintings. He’d rather
go to__________.
a) Wales b) Italy c) Africa

6. Lisa wants to learn more about computers. She’d like to go to _________.

a) Italy b) Wales c) Corsica

B. And you? Where would you like to go?

I’d like to go to____________________because I’d love to_______________.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. You are going on holidays. Tick nine things your suitcase might contain.

e.g. magazine

woollen hat
sleeping bag
Sun protection
tin opener
mp3 player
hotel receipt
mobile phone
bikini / swimsuit
cream for mosquito bites
flash light
knife, fork and spoon

B. Write one sentence about your choices.

e.g. I’d choose a flash light, books, a jacket, a compass, a sleeping bag , a map,
sun protection, a cap and a sleeping bag because I want to go camping in Spain.

I’d choose
__________,______________,______________,____________because I_____________

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Can you read this message? Chose the words from the box to fill in the gaps.
beach bill bridge button cinema dog holiday hotel hot letter penny
phone call sea sun swim tree weather 5 o’clock

Oak 1) ______________ House 2) ____________

Street Cornwal
August 2014

Dear 3) ____________________,
Thank you for your 4) _____________. How are you?

I am on 5) _______ now. We are staying by the 6) _________.

We can 7) __________ and play on the 8) _________ every day.

We are staying in a 9) __________ near the 10) __________ .

Our 11) _________ is here too. His name is 112) __________. He is

black and white. It's very nice here. The 13) ______________is

14) ____________.Ware you doing this holiday?

Can you come and stay with me? Please 15) ________ me at

16) ___________.

On 17) _______________ day.

Best wishes 18) __________

B. Imagine you are on holidays abroad. Send a message to a friend following the
___________________________________________________Hugs and Kisses.
Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Match the pictures with the Paralympic sports. There is one sport which
doesn’t match with any picture. Follow the example.

a) Athletics

b) Archery

c) Boccia

d) Cycling track

e) Goalball

f) Shooting

g) Sitting volleyball

h) Swimming

i) Wheelchair fencing

j) Fencing

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Match the sports items with the pictures below.

rugby ball racket parachute goggles helmet surfboard
paddle swimsuit gloves skis mattress bat

1. ________________ 2. _____________ 3. ___________ 4. ______________

5.________________ 6._______________ 7. __________________ 8.____________

9.___________ 10._______________ 11._______________ 12.______________

B. Match the items above with the following sports.

g. Rowing a. Cricket 

h. Rugby b. Boxing 
i. Sailing c. Football 
j. Surfing d. Gymnastics 
k. Swimming e. Parachuting 
l. Tennis f. Horse riding 

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Find twenty food items in the box.

Your score:
Over 20 = Excellent
11 - 19 = Good
5 - 10 = Fair
B. Compare pictures A and B. Follow the example and tick the sentences that
explain what is different in each of them.

A. B.

1. In picture A there are a few sandwiches and in picture B there aren’t any.
2. In picture A there isn’t any cheese and in picture B there is a lot.
3. In picture A there aren’t any tomatoes and in picture B there are a few. 
4. In picture A there is a lot of meat and in picture B there is some fish.
5. In picture A there is some cheese and in picture B there isn’t any.
6. In picture A there are a few tomatoes and in picture B there are three loaves
of bread.
7. In picture A there are some chips and in picture B there is some fruit instead.
8. In picture A there aren’t any chips and in picture B there is only a little fruit.
9. In picture A there is some fish and in picture B there is some meat.
10. In picture A there are many slices of bread and in picture B there are only a

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Which basket belongs to each of the customers? Match the letters with
the numbers.


cabbage milk
A I’d like some andI’d like
and some some
Your score: carrots, some wine
but andwant
butI don’t
I don’t some
jam and olives bread
any but
any lettuce. don’t
Over 35 = Excellent
but I don’t want want any leek.
25-35 = Good
any cheese.
15-25 = Fair
DCB 21 4 3
Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Fill in the gaps with words from the box.

Water chocolates potatoes cola milk coffee fruit juice sardines tomato jam
1. A pot of__________________________________________________

2. A bottle of ________________________________________________

3. A can of _________________________________________________

4. A carton of _______________________________________________

5. A cup of _________________________________________________

6. A bag of _________________________________________________

7. A jug of _________________________________________________

8. A tin of _________________________________________________

9. A tube of ________________________________________________

10. A box of ________________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________


Starters: _______________________ _______________________________

A. Complete the menu with the item bellow.
_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ Desserts: ______________________

Main courses: __________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ Drinks: ________________________

Salads: ________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

Starters: _______________________ _______________________________


_______________________________ Desserts: ______________________

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________
Main courses: __________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ Drinks: ________________________

Salads: ________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

• Chocolate ice-cream • Mineral water • Shrimp cocktail

• Apple pie • Tomato salad • Roasted chicken
• Mango juice • Chicken soup • Green salad with mayonnaise
• Custard chocolate trifle • Tuna salad
• Barbecued pork ribs • Tomato soup • Red wine

A. •AGrilled
couple salmon
is atwith
thespinachs • Veal
Criterion. Usescallops with white sauce
the sentences • Chocolate
in the box fondant
to build a
dialogue between the couple and the waiter.

1. Thank you. Here you are.

2. No, just the bill.
3. How do you do? Here you are!
4. Would you like to order a dessert?
5. Thank You!
6. Would you like a starter?
7. What would you like to drink?
8. Yes, please. Two chicken soups, please.
9. What would you like to have after that?
10. Two grilled salmons with spinaches.
11. A bottle of wine, please.
12. Waiter, please! Could you bring the menu, please?

Customer: ________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________
Customer: ________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________
Customer: ________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________
Customer: ________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________
Customer: ________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________
Customer: ________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________

B. Follow the example and build a similar dialogue between you and the waiter
at the Criterion. You should use the menu from the previous page.

You: _____________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________
You: _____________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________
You: _____________________________________________
Waiter: ___________________________________________
You: _____________________________________________
1. You______________________________________________
You can drink sugary and fizzy drinks whenever you
Name: __________________________________________________
2. Eat breakfast every day so you’re less likely to snack No. _____ Class: _________

on junk food at morning tea.

3. A fortified breakfast cereal served with low-fat milk can
provide plenty of vitamins, mineral and fibre.
do and
youhealthy options
know about includeeating?
healthy yoghurt or
Say meal
whole whether the following statements are
5. You or wrong.
canskip some meals.
6. Grilling, stir-frying, baking, boiling or microwaving are
healthier than deep frying.
7. We should only drink two glasses of water a day. Wrong Right
8. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important as they
contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.
9. Animal fat is better than vegetable fat.
10. Rice and pasta don’t contain high levels of
11. Reduce the number of your meals and eat more in
each of them.
12. Add salt to your food.
13. Sugar gives you sustained energy.

14. Eat high-fat foods every time you visit a fast food outlet
with your friends.
Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

Read the postcards. Tick the appropriate clothes or accessories for each person.

A. B.

Alpine Hotel Paradise Beach

27th March, 2013 1st April, 2013
Dear Mary, Dear Mary,
How are you? I’m having a lovely skiing I’m writing this on the beach. It’s beautiful here, hot
holiday. The snow is good and the weather’s and sunny. The sea’s very warm and I’m really
sunny and cold. tanned!
Love, See you soon,
Peggy Treetop Youth Hostel
22 Hill Street
5 Green Bank Lane
Bangor, Wales
a) jacket a) paintbrush
Windermere WM 5XL
31/3/2013 b) T-shirt b) jeans
April 3rd, 2013
Dear Mary, c) gloves c) high heel shoes
Dear Mary,
I’m staying with my aunt in Wales over
C. D. I hope you are well. I’m on holiday in the Lake
Easter. She’s very old so I’m helping her. I’m
District with my mum and dad.
painting the kitchen and tidying her garden.
My poor back! We’re walking and staying at a different hostel
Sally every night. It’s raining a lot. Yuk!
Best wishes,
a) short-sleeved shirt a) backpack
b) boots b) raincoat
c) flip-flops c) sandals

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

Label the pictures with the words from the box.

•jumper • jeans •boots •shoes •blouse •shirt •sweatshirt •socks • tights •jacket
•coat •overcoat •dress •skirt •top • turtleneck pullover • trousers •belt •hat •nail
polish •eye shadow •lipstick •sneakers.

1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________

5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ___________

9.____________ 10.___________ 11.___________ 12.___________

_ _ ____________ _ ____________ __

13.___________ 14.___________ 15.___________ 16.___________

__ __
WORKSHEET 23 12.___________ __
Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

What’s in the suitcase?

Look at the picture for two minutes. Hide the picture.
Tick all the things you can remember

 a shirt 
 a pullover  A toothbrush
 a skirt  Two pairs of shoes
 a pair of trousers  Boots
 a book  Sandals
 a dress  Flip-flops
 a towel  Goggles
 a brush  Some magazines
 a comb  Some socks
 a suit  Two pairs of glasses
 Three ties
Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

At a clothes shop
A. What are the people saying? Match the pictures with the correct balloons.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
c) Can you

give me a
smaller d) Sorry!
ig .
to ob hat, please?
a) I b) Can I help
f) Whose
you? g) They’re my
trousers are
these? husband’s e) That’s too
WORKSHEET 25 trousers. expensive.

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________


Tyra Banks went into a store to buy some clothes. Complete the
conversation between her and the shop assistant. Choose the sentences
to complete the dialogue.

Tyra: Hello!
Shop assistant: ______________? 1. Hello! Can I help you?
Tyra: I’d like to try on one of those
Italian blouses! 2. Colour?
Shop assistant: _______________?
Tyra: I’m medium size. Any colour is 3. They’re pure velvet!
Shop assistant: _______________! 4. Here you are! They are
Tyra: What are they made of? gorgeous!
Shop assistant: ______________.
Tyra: How much are they? 5. Yes, and they’re of an
Shop assistant: _______________. excellent quality!
Tyra: They’re not very expensive!
Shop assistant: ______________! 6. £50 pounds each
Tyra: Okay! I’ll take the black one!
a) It’s
a) It’s
tootoo 4.
Shop assistant: ______________!
big.big. 7. Nice! Good Choice!
Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

In which of the following sections of a newspaper would you find these bits of
news? Tick the right answer following the example.

A Secretary of State John Kerry will travel The massive explosion in downtown
next week to the Middle East to meet with B
Beirut on Friday morning that killed Mohamad
Palestinian and Israeli leaders about Chatah, a moderate Sunni politician who once
peace talks that were recently served as Lebanon’s ambassador to Washington,
overshadowed by a new wave of violence blackened the sleek facades of the redeveloped
in the region. neighbourhood that also formed the backdrop to
the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister
Rafik Hariri.

A. a) Politics  B. a) Horoscope
b) Gossip b) International news

C Miley Cyrus and Kellan Lutz like This Christmas, Keanu Reeves
to keep us guessing about their stars in a big budget 3-D adaptation of
relationship status. The pop star and the the tale of the 47 Ronin. Reeves is Kai, a
actor were seen together at the opening disgraced swordsman man who joins
of Beacher's Madhouse in Las Vegas on Oishi (Hiroyuki Sanada) on his quest to
Friday, Dec. 27, sparking rumors again lead 47 outcast warriors seeking
that they might be more than friends. vengeance over an evil overload.

C. a) Gossip column D. a) Entertainment guides

b) Entertainment guides b) Ads

The Football Association is to The day is filled with the energy of a
investigate WBA striker Nicolas sentimental and promising Moon/Jupiter
The day is filled with the energy of
Anelka after his controversial trine. Enjoy it while youacan because
sentimental and promising Moon/Jupiter
gesture against West Ham. tonight you need to count to Enjoy
ten before you
trine. it while you can because
answer. Synchronously, the Moon/Saturn
tonight you need to count to ten before you
conjunction helps you to resist Synchronously,
answer. the the Moon/Saturn
temptation to stop at four.
conjunction helps you to resist the
temptation to stop at four.
E. a) Sports F. a) Horoscope

b) Politic b) the Weather

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

In two minutes, find as many words as you can related to TV, Newspapers,
Internet and the Environment.
If you get the most number of words in the right place you’re considered an
• Sports programme • current affairs • spam • hacker • tabloid
• species extinction • presenter • floods • Announcements and Obituary
• message • broadsheet • commercial • malware • soap opera
• global warming • droughts • greenhouse effect • gas emissions
• Classified Ads • Sports page • documentary • wireless • file
• download • headline • Local and Foreign News • byline • space bar
• blogs • password • carbon footprint • Business and Finance D In a year when investors were
willing to make speculative trades in
• Home D
and This
Christmas, • memory
Keanu Reeves • webcasts • data • username
F The dayday is filled
is filled
is filled• with
of of
the emerging technologies, one of the
• desktop
stars in a
a sentimentalbig
a sentimental• case
andand •
promising Moon/Jupiter • folder • recycle •hottest
of printerareas was (and continues to be)
• mouse the tale
energy of
• Enjoy
Enjoy 47
of ita while Ronin.
it •while
sentimental Reeves
can can
and because is Kai, a
• newscast • online • garbage
promising • scrollRecent rallies in the sector
3D printing.
• laptop
tonightyou swordsman
Moon/Jupiter solar
need toenergy
count man
to Enjoy
trine. count itwho
to ten
to ten joins
• pollution
youyou you • reduce • world network
can have yielded gains – with stocks rising
because Sanada)
tonight on
the the his quest
Moon/Saturn to
• animated cartoon • you
send need to count
• film to• ten several times
prime time • reuse • emails • logover in a matter of months.
lead 47 outcast
before youhelps warriors
answer.youyou seeking
to resist
to resistthethe the
• broadcast
vengeance • connect • receive • article • forward • processor
Moon/Saturn toover
stop an evil
to conjunction
stopat four. overload.
at four. helps you to
• Editorial page • database
resist the temptation to stop at four.






Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________

A. Which words are not related to the group? Find the odd one out.

Follow the example:

1. film documentary television species

2. newspaper magazine press download
3. blog social networks world wide web floods
4. tabloid broadsheet byline footprint
5. classified ads print article spam
6. folder laptop processor global warming
7. garbage solar energy pollution presenter
8. broadcast presenter soap opera blog
B. Match the word groups above with one of the items below

Printed Media Internet Computers Environment Television

Name: __________________________________________________ No. _____ Class:_________

A. Study the following images and use the words in the box to label them.

1._______________ 2.___________________ 3.________________

4.____________________ 5._________________________

Global Warming Trash can Recycling Air pollution Water pollution

B. Now complete the following sentences with the words above.

a) ______________ is the process by which wastes are converted into new products
and materials.

b) The recent increase in the world's temperature is known as ____________.

c) ______________ introduces harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere.

d) ______________ presents the contamination of lakes, rivers, oceans.

e) A waste container is also known as __________. 

C. Using some of the words above, write a slogan to stop Global Warming.


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