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Post- Personal Philosophy Of Education 1

203 Intro to special education

Professor Rieger

May 08, 2019

Post- Personal Philosophy Of Education

1. Profession

I chose special education as a profession because as I was observing I realized how

important education is to these kids. I experienced lots of ups and downs with the

students during the observation and it made me realized how much help they need and

how at the end of the day you know you’ve made a difference in their life. I spoke to

many teachers and staff member and they each told me their reasons to become a teacher

and many of them have encouraged me. The teachers explained to me the dedication that

it takes to be a special education teacher but also let me know the difficulties that come

with such career. I have many qualities to offer including patients, time, and knowledge.

I understand that each student learns in their own pace and each student has special needs

so patience and knowledge are ideal to give each student the time and help that they

deserve and need.

2. Teaching philosophy

I believe humanism I very important when I come to Students with special needs.

Humans focus on each student highest and fullest potential. Progressivism is very

important because it helps each student to develop a moral compass. Some of the students

that I observed are constantly helped with a way to communicate and understand what

type of behavior is right or wrong. Throughout the years’ special education has changed

quite a lot. More children are being diagnosed at an earlier age which is a big deal

because now more children can get the help at an earlier age helping them live an easier

life, receiving the proper education and overcoming obstacles.

Post- Personal Philosophy Of Education

3. Instruction

A couple of strategies that I would implement in my classroom with students is

definitely constant review on topics. I would make my own challenges in the the the

classroom that students would master and get rewards so they know that their hard works

pay off. An example would be something I observed in the field observation class. All

the students have their own assignments and if they are focused, constantly trying and

achieving the goals they receive educational money. And by the end of the week they

trade in their money for prizes. I realized that after they’ve reached their goal they need

to be rewarded to continue there had work. The students learning, diversity and student

variability is very important. I will give instructions to everyone in different ways so

everyone understands and have everyone’s learning difference in life to give everyone

equal attention and understanding. I will have either partner help with small groups or

individual help, giving each student there own instructional help.

4. Future

Some qualities that I need to possess is strategies. I need to learn each student learn

style to put in practice there needs. I would need to work on my creativity to keep each

student interested in the topic. I know their attention span is very short so keeping them

in the gadget is important so I would have to be very creative and come up with fun,

educational activities. I would also need to work on my adaptation. I need more practice

and experience to be able to adapt to a special education class. While I was talking to

some of the teachers they mentioned that I could become a support staff and help out

teachers in special education classrooms. This could be a great way to get myself even
Post- Personal Philosophy Of Education

more familiar with the environment and the teaching standards. This is a great way for

me to get a full experience in a special education classroom.

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