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The Power Of Love – 80’s Music Video

For this project I plan to create a music video that appeals to the age group of 40-60. I aim to
produce a fun and upbeat video that focuses on the 80’s as this was when the majority of my
target age group were teenagers. I plan to fill the video with references to 80’s movies and
music videos to create something filled with nostalgia. The references will be from the most
popular movies and their most iconic moments, making it easy for the audience to recognise
them. These films will include Back to the Future, Big, E.T., and Star Wars. I have chosen
the song The Power Of Love, by Huey Lewis and the News as it is used throughout the Back
to the Future trilogy and is easily identifiable with the 80’s as it was released in 1985. The
video will be made up of a series of long shorts that mimic the editing style and pace of
movies, with longer scene like shots. The video will take up the entire song, although I plan
to have a moment at the very beginning before the song comes in where foley sounds will be
used as the main actor walks into shot. The music will then come in as they begin to
skateboard. I will use various equipment to produce my work to a high standard, including a
mic for the foley sounds and a stabiliser to ensure the long shots are as smooth as possible.
There will be one key location in my work, which will ensure the focus of the video remains
on the movie references and the videos key 80’s theme. Locations will be used in a manner
that enhances the video, rather than distracts from the action.

Above: Examples of 80’s films and a shot similar to the one I will use in my music video.

Why are you producing this production?

I chose this production because I wanted to create something that resembled what my target
audience grew up with and what was popular at the time. I feel this music video will be a
great opportunity to draw my audience away from the tough year everyone has had and
remind them of a much happier time when they were younger. The escapism within my
music video will also help with this as it will give my audience the chance to focus on
fictional movies rather than everything going on at the moment. My audience stated they
wanted something fun and light hearted and I feel an 80’s themed music video is the
perfect opportunity to create that.

The final edit deadline is Friday 15th January 2021. I will use both lesson time and my
spare time on the week beginning 30th November to plan my work the highest standard
possible. Here I will be complete locations recces and research to help me prepare for any
problems I may face when filming. I will also create a shooting script and storyboard that I
can refer back to when shooting to ensure I get everything done and can plan out my work in
a lot of detail. I plan to shoot my music video between the 7th and 11th December, I think it
will take up to three days as I will put aside one day for rehearsing. My music video will be
choregraphed so that my actor knows exactly what they are doing and when, and a day of
rehearsals will ensure it is ready and well-rehearsed before shooting begins. This will save
time when shooting as there will be little time spent fixing mistakes or choregraphing parts of
the video. The final edit will be completed after Christmas.

Target audience is
My target audience is the age group 40 – 60, although this production in particular will be
aimed at the younger members of the group as it will appeal most to those who grew up in the
80’s. I feel by including references to popular movies and pop-culture at the time, it will be
appropriate for as much of the group as possible as the 80’s are a very exciting and
memorable time.

What they want to see / What you are creating based from that research
My target audience want to see something that reminds them of when they were young and
growing up. In my research I have found out that they would like to see a video that provides
them with an element of escapism and nostalgia. I plan to create this nostalgia by referencing
every day 80’s life throughout the video, using mise-en-scene such as costume choices and
props. To ensure there is an element of escapism I will use the most iconic 80’s movies
references so that there is something everyone can spot. Films are often a popular choice
when someone wants to escape everyday life and I feel that by using these references I will
be able to include this as effectively as possible.

Where the production will be aired (why – based on target audience)

When completing my research I sent out a survey that revealed that my target audience use
YouTube the most when viewing music videos. Therefore, as a result YouTube will be the
primary platform I air my music video on. This is so that it reaches the largest audience
possible and is easy for my audience to access and enjoy. My research also informed me that
the most popular social media platform used by 40-60 year olds is Facebook, so I also plan to
share my music video on there as I feel it will be the perfect place for my audience to access
it. As a lot of people in my target audience use this platform, it will mean those who are
unlikely to use YouTube will also be able to view my video, ensuring I reach as much of my
audience as possible.

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