Artifact 1 Edu 210 Nevada School Law

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Berenice Perez

EDU 210 Nevada School Law

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There are over 100 district courts and 13 circuit courts. Figure 1.1 Nevada is the ninth

circuit court of appeals. On the companion website ​​ looking into

the clause in specific state constitutions of the articles, the article that covers education in article

11. There are 10 sections in article 11 about education. The first section in article 11 is

Legislature to encourage education​; meaning the legislature must promote and encourage

education and also provide for superintendent, provide appointments and duties. In section 2, the

Uniform system of common schools​ discusses the legislature to provide a uniform system for

common schools for each school district every six months.

Section 3 which is ​Pledge of certain property and money​ discusses that money derived

from congress or legislature is for educational purposes including fines under the penal laws of

the state. Section 4​ Establishment of State University​ says, by law, the legislature will provide

for the state university controlled by a board of regents for departments of Agriculture, Mechanic

Arts, and Mining. Section 5 ​Establishment of normal schools and grades of schools​: The

legislature will establish schools with different grade levels in school. Both teachers and

professors must take an oath by order of article fifteenth. If they fail to satisfy the oath they can

not receive any public funds set aside for school purposes.

Section 6 ​Support of university and common schools by direct legislative

appropriation​: The legislature will support and maintain appropriate funds and budget by law

for universities and common schools. An estimated fund and budget will be assigned accordingly

to who it is deemed. If there is a special session where the appropriations have not been enacted

other appropriations are to be paid for the special sessions. If any of the previous requirements

are violated then there is a void. The sections must be in two fiscal years from July to odd

number year and from June 30 to the odd-numbered year. Section 7 ​Board of Regents, election
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and duties​: Governors, secretary of state, superintendent of public instruction and board of

regents can control and manage the university funds under the regulations given by law being

approved and ratified by the 2020 general election.

Section 8 ​Immediate organization and maintenance of the state university​:

All the proceedings of public lands donated by the act of congress under the control of the board

of regents because of the interest accruing from the first funds. Said funds will go to colleges for

the benefit of Agriculture, Mechanical arts and military tactics. If a section of the funds is lost,

set apart or misappropriated the state of Nevada will replace the funds will be absolute. Section

9 ​Sectarian instruction prohibited in common schools and universities​: no religious or

political test is allowed in schools or universities established under the constitution. Section 10

No public money to be used for sectarian purpose​: Funds from the state, country or municipal

or any other public place is not allowed for sectarian purpose.

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