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I етап Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови и


Keep On Dancing

After forty-five minutes of dancing the bell rang. The dancers left the dance floor and
slowly headed for the beds in the next room. Fifteen minutes later, the bell rang again and the
weary dancers straggled back to the dance floor. All day and all night, the same dancers continued
to dance. Weeks passed and they kept on dancing. They were called dance marathons and people
were crazy about them in the 1930s. In the longest marathon, the dancing went on for 5,148 hours
or nearly 215 days. It was just after the stock market crash of 1929 in the United States. The Great
Depression that followed affected everyone, and thousands of people were out of jobs. For some
young people, entering a dance marathon was simply a way to earn money for food. As long as
they continued to dance, they got food to eat.
The first 500 hours of a dance marathon were the most difficult. Dancers had to get used to
sleeping while leaning on their partners. Feet got sore and swollen, and tempers flared as dancers
got tired. Three times a day, tables were pulled out on the dance floor and the dancers ate —
while dancing.
For many people, watching a dance marathon was a cheap form of entertainment. At any
time of day or night they could go and watch the dancers in the marathon. They yelled and threw
money at their favorite dancers to encourage them to keep dancing. Some made bets on who
would quit or fall down next.
Dancers in a marathon were pushed to their limits. Without proper sleep, many got sick.
When several dancers died from overexertion in a 1929 dance marathon, government officials
tried unsuccessfully to outlaw marathons. Instead, marathons continued to be popular until the
United States entered World War II. The wartime economy brought the country out of the
Depression and people finally began to lose interest in dance marathons.
Statements 1 through 10 (decide if the statements are True or False):
1. Nowadays, people are crazy about dance marathons.
2. I n the longest marathon, the dancing went on for nearly seven months.
3. Dance marathons appeared during the Great Depression.
4. Entering a dance marathon was a way to become rich.
5. Professional dancers only had a right to participate in a marathon.
6. Watching a dance marathon was an expensive form of entertainment.
7. Bets were made on who would quit or fall down next.
8. Several dancers died from indigestion in 1929.
9. Government officials outlawed marathons when the USA entered World War II.
10. People finally began to lose interest in dance marathons in the 1990s.

Questions 11 through 20 (choose the correct letter a, b or c):
11. How long did hourly breaks last?
a) Five minutes; b) ten minutes; c) fifteen minutes.
12. When did people become crazy about dance marathons?
a) In the 1920s; b) in the 1930s; c) in the 1940s.
13. When did the US stock market crash?
a) In 1929; b) in 1930; c) in 2001.
14. How long did the longest dance marathon last?
a) 115 days; b) 215 days; c) 250 days.
15. What did the dancers get as long as they participate in the contest?
a) Bed and breakfast; b) free meals; c) pocket money.
16. When could people watch the dancers in the marathon?
a) At any time of day or night; b) in the evening; c) at night.
17. What did spectators throw at their favorite dancers?
a) Some food; b) some towels; c) some money.
18. Why did several dancers die?
a) They got poisoned; b) they got exhausted; c) they got bribed.
19. Did the government ban dance marathons?
a) Yes, it did; b) no, it did not; c) it failed.
20. Why did people finally begin to lose interest in dance marathons?
a) The USA entered World War II;
b) people became fed up with them;
c) the marathons were outlawed.
I етап Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови и

Text 1
It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more
than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis were not able to run and were standing by the side of the
road. People were trying to find their way on foot but were losing their way in the fog. Mr. Smith
had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one could take
him. He tried to walk there but got lost. Suddenly he bumped into a stranger. The stranger asked if
he could help him. Mr. Smith said he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger told
him he would take him there. Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to walk there. The fog was
getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. He went along
one street, turned into another, crossed a square and at last after about half an hour’s walk they
arrived at the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Smith couldn’t understand how the stranger found his
way. “Is it wonderful”? he said. “How do you find the way in this fog?”
“It is no trouble at all to me,” said the stranger. “I am blind.”

Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F):

1. The fog was very thick and people could see far.
2. Buses, cars and taxis were standing in the middle of the road.
3. Mr. Smith had an appointment of great importance at the House of Commons.
4. Mr. Smith knew the man who helped him to get to the Houses of Parliament.
5. The man who helped Mr. Smith couldn’t see.

Text 2
Along the coast of British Columbia lives a population of between 120,000 and 160,000
black bears. Adult male black bears range from about 130 to 190 centimeters in length and 60 to
300 kilograms in weight.
The bears’ diet consists of roots, berries, nuts, fish, insects and sometimes other animals.
Female black bears become mature at the age of three and usually give birth to two or three
cubs. Cubs remain with their mothers for a year and a half. Consequently, the most often that
female black bears can give birth is every two years. An amazing fact about black bears is that
they can produce beautiful bears that are white in color!
Except for females with cubs, black bears spend most of their time alone. During the
breeding season, a male and female may remain together for several days at a time. Their life
expectancy in their natural environment is twenty to twenty-five years. The Canadian Government
realizes that these black and white bears are very special. As a result, some steps have been taken
to protect them. For example, there is a law that prevents people from hunting the bears.

Decide whether the following statements are True or False, and write True/False.
6 Canadian black bears are vegetarians.

7 Except for mothers with their young, black bears are solitary animals.

8 Canadian black bears can be observed in two different colour varieties.

9 A black bear is not considered an adult until it is at least ten years old.

10 Most black bears have the same lifespan as most people.

Text 3
Many people know about the Hindu festival Diwali, as it is probably the most famous one,
but have you ever heard of Holi? This is a spring celebration, connected with the moon and - in
Western India only - with the wheat harvest. It is celebrated on the day of the full moon, either in
February or March.
As with most Indian festivals, there are regional custom variations throughout India. Where
my family and I live, we always build a bonfire. We sort out all the objects associated with what is
not wanted from the previous year so that they can be thrown onto the fire. You see our New Year
begins immediately after Holi. We also prepare coloured water and powders to throw at each other
on the day. For this reason, it is advisable not to wear your best clothes for Holi! It is a very funny
thing to see, but so is the day itself; it is dedicated to the god Krishna and it is characterised by
laughter and jollity. That's why people throw coloured water and powders in all colours of the
rainbow at each other. The streets look as if there was an explosion in a paint factory!
Of course, despite its joyful character, the day has a more serious side too. The burning of
objects in the bonfire symbolises getting yourself clean and ready for the New Year. That's why
people pay or forgive debts, become friends and forgive each other and generally try to forget and
leave behind any fights or anything negative from the old year. Holi is a festival which ends the
year on a happy note and begins the New Year on a fresh, hopeful one. It makes us all feel better
for having celebrated it.
Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D):
11. Holi is usually celebrated …
A) whenever there is a full moon.
B) in February or March.
C) at the same time as Diwali.
D) in Western India.
12. Coloured water …
A) is thrown onto the bonfire by people.
B) is used to colour people's clothes.
C) is thrown by people at each other.
D) explodes from paint factories.
13. Holi is described as …
A) a festival which is fun but has a serious aspect too.
B) a typical New Year's Day Festival.
C) a very serious occasion.
D) a really funny celebration without any particular meaning.
14. People burn objects in the bonfire …
A) so that they can have good luck in the New Year.
B) to celebrate god Krishna.
C) only for fun.
D) as a symbol of leaving all bad things behind.
15. On the day of the festival people usually …
A) return debts.
B) burn thing that are associated with something bad.
C) throw coloured water and powders at each other.
D) do all of the above.
Text 4.
Training courses and job placements have improved the quality of life for roadside labourers.
It’s a familiar sight in South Africa: hundreds of men standing alongside the road, waiting to be hired
for work. An estimated 100,000 people per day can be found seeking work this way. With
unemployment (no jobs) at 45%, their wait is often in vain (useless).
“Men on the Side of the Road” is an organizational project that works to improve the job
possibility and quality of life of the “roadside” workers. A registration system looks at the skills of
individuals as they wait for work. Training courses and jobs are offered to help them improve their
skills. The project started a tool-lending scheme to enable the unemployed to set themselves up in
various businesses.
Some 50,000 new and re-cycled tools had been donated in response to a public campaign. Tools
received in poor condition were repaired by the unemployed men themselves. Those men who remain
without work are encouraged to improve conditions at their waiting sites by building roadside toilets,
shelters, and wells. The achievements of the project have been recognized by the United Nations,
which awarded “Men on the Side of the Road” a special prize.

Choose the correct letter a, b, c or d.

16. In South Africa there are ___ men standing on the roads looking for work every day.
a) 1000
b) 10,000
c) 100,000
d) 1,000,000
17. A ________system assesses the skills of individuals as they wait for work.
a) roadside
b) response
c) raising
d) registration
18. In a public campaign, donated tools are:
a) new
b) re-cycled
c) repaired
d) all of the above
19. While waiting for work, men are encouraged to build:
a) toilets
b) shelters
c) wells
d) all of the above
20. Achievements of the project have been recognized and given a special prize from the:
a) South African government
b) Ford Foundation
c) United Nations
d) Roadside Workers of the World
Text 5
These big stones leave long tracks behind them. The long tracks show that the stones have
moved along the ground. But how do they move? Scientists have tried to answer this question for
the last 50 years.
These famous moving stones are in Death Valley, USA. Many of the stones are small but a few
of them are very big. Some of the big stones are as big as a man. The biggest stones weigh 350
kilograms. They are heavier than four men!
The stones only move at night and only once every year or two. Nobody has ever seen them
moving, but now scientists know the answer to the question.
The answer is the wind. When the wind comes from the west, the stones move to the east.
When the wind is from the south, they always move to the north. But how can the wind move a
stone that weighs 350 kilograms?
This answer is more complicated. Death Valley is one of the hottest places in the world, but it
can be very cold at night. Sometimes there are bad storms at night. Rain falls, and the hard ground
becomes soft and wet. The wind is very strong and cold. The water on the ground changes to very
thin ice. Then the strong wind can move flat stones along the flat ground. In the morning, the sun
comes up and dries the ground.

Questions (choose the correct letter a, b or c):

21…of the moving stones are very heavy.
a) All b) Some c)None
22. They …….move the same way as the wind.
a) always b) sometimes c)never
23. The …… longer and more difficult.
a) second answer is b) first question is c) bigger stones are
24. The nights are ……..
a) never stormy b) hot in the day time c) sometimes very cold and wet
25. The wind can move stones because the ground is…..
a) soft and wet b) flat and icy c) hot and dry
Text 6
Ingredients: Sauce:
600 grams aubergines 3 tablespoons butter or margarine
300 grams minced meat 3-4 tablespoons flour
half a minced onion 2 cups milk
parsley 1 egg
a little tomato puree salt and pepper
breadcrumbs 1 tablespoon grated cheese
olive oil or butter for frying
Slice the aubergines, sprinkle them with salt, and leave them to dry. Fry them in butter or olive oil.
Fry 300 grams minced meat in butter or oil, with half minced onion, parsley and a little tomato puree.
Grease a baking dish and coat it with breadcrumbs. Put in it a layer of aubergines, then the minced
meat. Add the remaining aubergines and cover with the thick sauce (recipe below). To the sauce add a
few breadcrumbs and a little melted butter. Brown in the oven.
Melt the butter. Add the flour little by little and stir until dissolved. Remove the pan from the stove,
add the milk and stir till all the flour dissolves and it is cooked thoroughly. Stir the sauce continuously
until it becomes like custard; add cheese and egg.

Choose the correct letter a, b, c or d.

26. To ”sprinkle” the aubergines means:
a) cover them completely with salt
b) place them in the oven with salt
c) shake a small quantity of salt over them
d) place them in the refrigerator with salt
27. All of the following should be fried with the minced meat except:
a) onion
b) tomato puree
c) parsley
d) breadcrumbs
28. The phrase “grease a baking dish” means:
a) spread butter or oil around the dish
b) place it in the oven for a few minutes
c) place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes
d) let it stand overnight in a warm place

29. The sauce is a mostly a mixture of:

a) meat, onion and parsley
b) flour, milk, cheese and egg
c) aubergines, butter and salt
d) custard, cheese and egg
30. After the dish is assembled, it should be:
a) heated in the oven until it is brown
b) left on the stove until it is brown
c) placed in the refrigerator overnight
d) served immediately
I етап Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови и

In this Test you will select from the three tasks written on the board one which you feel you
are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages
provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to
collect your test materials.

1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ”Technology has made the world a
better place to live.”

2) Many people have role models or people they look up to in their life. Who is your role
model? What makes you a personality?

3) “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” — Elizabeth Andrew. Give
your opinion about “volunteer work”, its advantages and disadvantages. What do you think
motivates volunteers?
I етап Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови и

1) A teenager's life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect.
- What real problems do teenagers face today?
- What can you say about generation gaps between you and your parents?
- Do you feel that teenagers need to show more respect to older generations? Why?

2) Mobile phones are very popular with teenagers.

- Do you have a mobile phone?
- What is a mobile phone used for? Does this invention make your life easier?
- Do you know any rules how to use a mobile phone with the least possible harm to you and the
environment? Mention some of them.

3) Fantasy books such as the Harry Potter and Twilight series have been popular for some years now.

- Why do people like fantasy books? Are they targeted on one age group?
- What is your favourite book? Explain what makes it more interesting to you than the others.
- What is your favourite character from a fantasy book and why?

4) Imagine that you have travelled fifty years into the future. How do you think the world will be

- What kind of new technologies will exist?

- What problems will have been solved? What new problems will have come about?
- Do you think that positive progress will inevitably occur in humanity’s future? Why or why not?

5) A new shopping centre has been opened in your town/city.

- Do you like shopping?

- Who do you usually go shopping with?
- Have you ever done shopping online? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

6) The importance of speaking any foreign language can’t be overvalued

- What opportunities does the knowledge of English give you?

- What other foreign language(s) are you currently studying?
- What activities do you usually do at your English lessons? Which of them do you like most?

7) Films, TV and other forms of media have spread all across the world. Do you agree with the
saying “He, who controls the media, controls the minds”?
- Do you like to watch movies and other forms of media?
- What are some ways that the media can influence people?
- Is it possible for the media to deceive people?

8) Making friends and interacting with others is important for human mental health and happiness.
- How do you choose your friends? What characteristics and qualities do you look for in a friend?
- Can you be friends with everyone? Why or why not?
- There are people who prefer and are happy to be alone. Is it truly necessary to have friends to be
9) Leadership is a trait that is extremely valuable in any society. What makes a person a good leader?
- What personal characteristics should a good leader have?
- What kinds of ideas should a good leader have?
- Are there any disadvantages in being a leader?

10) Many people disagree about the secret of having a healthy body. Different food diets, exercise
routines and vitamins are just some of the things that are recommended.
- What do you think are the keys to a healthy lifestyle and a long life? Why?
- How could you present your advice to get people to follow it?
- Do you agree with the saying” You are what you eat.”?

11) No one can deny the fact that computer technology plays an important role in our modern life.
- Do you agree with the statement? If so, why?
- What facts from the history of computer invention do you find interesting?
- Is technology always a good thing? How do you see its influence on young people.

12) Thanks to your excellent marks in English class, you have been awarded a trip to any English-
speaking country in the world. Which country will you choose? Why?
- Describe the places in this country that you visit.
- What lessons do you anticipate learning on the trip?
- What will you miss most about your native town?

13) Many people around the world think that “volunteer work” is a valuable thing, but some people
think it is a waste of time.
- Give your opinion about “volunteer work”.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of “volunteer work”?
- Why do many people become volunteers?

14) Ukraine is a nation with a long and glorious history. It can be proud of its cultural traditions and
talented people.
- Describe some of the things which you find fascinating about your native country.
- What traditions and people are you most proud of?
- Please describe them and explain why they are important to you.

15) The Internet is changing so fast that the things we talk about today are outdated by tomorrow.
-What advantages do people take using the Internet?
-What are your predictions for tomorrow’s Web?
-What do young people usually use the Internet for?
-Does the Net do any harm either mental or physical to its users?

16) British scientists have proved that the most effective means of resistance to stress is reading.
-Do you agree with the results of the test?
-What factors do you think make reading so effective in reducing stress?
-Is reading your hobby? If you are in no mood for fun and work, what book(s) do you usually read?
-Are you often under strain? What are your ways to cope with stress?

17) You do realize how important mothers are.

-What are your mother’s outstanding characteristics?
-Is your mother your role model? Do you take after her?
-Do you take any responsibilities at home to help your mother? How often do you do your household
Do you celebrate Mother’s Day in your family? What makes this holiday special?

18) Everyone knows that bad weather can depress you.

-Does bad weather depress you? Do you feel happy when it’s sunny?
-What kind of weather do you really like and dislike?
-Has a change of weather ever made an impact on your behaviour, deeds or lifestyle?
-What businesses or industries are affected by the weather? How?

19) Some percent of city dwellers leave urban areas and start living in the countryside.
-What motivates them to change their lifestyle?
-Do you share their beliefs?
-Why on the contrary do so many people want to live in cities rather than in towns or villages?
-Do you think urbanization has a positive or negative impact on societies? Why?

20) How do people in the UK spend their time? According to National Statistics Online, the answer is
sleeping, working and watching TV.
-What are your daily activities? Which of them do you love/hate doing?
-Do you think the answer of Ukrainian respondents to the question will differ?
-What is your favourite pastime at weekends?
-What should we do to use our time reasonably?

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