Genre Project 1

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Maryam Toure

The Alternative Genre Project Assignment

There once was a group of sailors on a
boat, who saw a giant unknown
creature. The sailors were afraid,
which lead them to panic. One sailor
screamed on top of his lungs “let me
out!!” They all were frightened. The
sailor released his hands off the wheel.
No one was paying attention to the
steering wheel, which made a sailor

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The unconscious sailor who panic fell off
the boat. He got washed up on an island
that was full of trash. The other sailor
realized he fell off. But they were
unaware that he was unconscious. So,
they tried reaching toward him, but it
failed. One of them jumped out and
swam toward him. As he got closer to the
unconscious sailor, he realized who was
the unknown creature. He yelled for the
other sailor's attention. They looked and
said “yes?” shocked. As he tried to
inform them who the unknown creature
was. A shark noticed two legs in the
water. So, the shark decided to go up and
take him away. Therefore, he couldn’t
finish his sentence.
As the other sailors noticed he was gone. They were
panicking more. Another sailor jumped into the ocean
and tried to look for both sailors that were in the
ocean. He came across the one that was unconscious.
The unconscious sailor has wakened up. He tried to
help the sailor look for the sailor who got token away.
While they were searching for him, they came across
the unknown creature from earlier. Both sailors
noticed who the unknown creature was. They realized
the other sailors on the boat screaming “Come
back!!!” As they guided towards the boat. The shark
came across them and taken them away.
The rest of the sailors were still
panicking. They have noticed the
unknown creature were coming close
to them. One sailor on the boat
realized there was a trash bag on the
ocean. One of the sailors picked the
bag up and realized the unknown
creature was carrying around a lot of

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