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Effective Lectures


Audiovisual tools

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Using audiovisual tools

• Audiovisual tools can be as simple or

as complex as the presenter needs.
They have to appeal to the
imagination of your audience, and we
have two reasons for using them:
• Your image or video have to help
you save words.
• The impact will be greater than if you
Audiovisual tools

used just words.

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When to use visual aids?


• Display the title of your presentation.

• Highlight a question you intend answering
during the course of your presentation.

Main points

• Highlight new points with an appropriate

Audiovisual tools

image or phrase.
• Support technical information with clearly
displayed data.
• Display your key references to allow your
audience to read more on your topic.
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Types of visual aids

• PowerPoint / Keynote (or equivalent)

• Webcam or live video presenter
• Video
• Sound / Audio
• Paper handouts
• Artifacts / Props
Audiovisual tools

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Room layout
The audience needs to be able to see you as well as
your visual aids. Try to involve every member of your
audience by changing the layout of your room. Below
are some suggested layouts to help maximize contact
between you, your audience and your visual aids.
Audiovisual tools

Image retrieved from

images/presentation/sm-aud.gif for academic purposes only

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Font can change the entire look and feel of a
presentation. Here are the 5 reasons why using the
right font is so important, and some usage guidelines.

1. It attracts and holds the audience’s attention.

2. It is reader friendly.
3. It establishes an information hierarchy.
4. It helps to create harmony in the presentation.
Audiovisual tools

5. It creates and builds recognition.

Images retrieved from

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Usage of graphics

Graphics are the best way to talk about numbers and

quantities, and some rules to use them are:

A. Use a graphic when

illustrating relative amounts.

B. Use graphics to simplify rather

than complicate.
Audiovisual tools

C. Break complicated concepts

into multiple graphics.

D. Don't use corny clip art.

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Timing for visuals

PowerPoint, Keynote and other

digital presentations allow the
speaker to bring out key visuals
exactly at the time they are
needed. Showing the visuals
too early is distracting to the
audience. Using an electronic
device to control it ensures a
Audiovisual tools

smooth transition in the

presentation. The visual is left on
the screen until the next point is

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Psychological impact of color in

Light backgrounds with dark colors have the most
impact, and give better visual acuity. This is
especially important when making a presentation in
a large auditorium.
Audiovisual tools

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Psychological impact of color in

The following colors are the most visually


Audiovisual tools

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• Big Fish Presentations (2013). 5 reasons why

typography is powerful. Retrieved from

• Kosslyn, S. M. (2007). Clear and to the Point: 8

Psychological Principles for Compelling PowerPoint
Presentations. USA: Oxford University Press.

• Pitner, S. (2009). Using Audio Visual Aids for a

Presentation. Retrieved from

• University Of Leicester (2013). Using visual aids.

Retrieved from
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David Baglietto Fernandez, MBA
Academic design coordinator:
Ma. del Socorro Dávila Salinas, MIB, MBA
Universidad Tecmilenio
Vicerrectoría de Innovación Educativa, ITESM

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