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Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Timed homework assignment 3 AE2223-II Experimental Design and Data Analysis

Total number of pages 4 4 (including this page)
Date 5 3 July 2020 13:30 - 15:30
Responsible lecturer 6 Prof. P.N.A.M. Visser

Only the returned answer sheet (ASCII file) will be assessed

Total number of questions:7 2 a+b (8 2 open and 9 0 multiple choice )

Max. number of points: a 100

b all questions have equal weight

c questions di�er in weight (and is mentioned per question, or in an overview)

• You may use tools such as a computer, calculator, books, course reader, looking up information
on the internet (without communicating)
• A mobile phone is only permi�ed for taking a photo of your student ID
Additional information (if necessary)
n Please carefully read the additional instructions on page 2. It is required to strictly
o follow the instructions in order to receive a grade for this timed homework assignment.
Timed homework assignment checked by: p Prof. P.N.A.M. Visser &: q Dr. R.M. Groves
Ultimate date grade available: r 17 July 2020

You must complete the timed homework assignment individually and must not
communicate with other persons. Every suspicion of fraud is reported to the Board of
• You have received an e-mail with two files attached:
– Assignment070.pdf: problems to be solved;
– Answers070.txt: answer sheet;
• The timed homework assignment consists of two questions with each a part ”a” and
”b”. Part ”a” of each question is awarded with 30 points and part ”b” with 20 points;
• The file Answers070.txt is used for determining your grade;
• Your student id number needs to be specified in the file Answers070.txt: please replace
”bbbbbbb” by this number;
• For each part you need to replace ”aa.aaaa” by the correct numerical values; It is crucial
to keep exactly the format, i.e. the same number of digits (fill up with zeroes if needed).
Correctly formatted values are for example:


• Work precisely and error-free. For each part you will receive either the full score (correct
numerical values) or no points (numerical value incorrect taking into account possible
• After having included the solutions, please send the file Answers070.txt and a scan/picture
of your student id card as attachments to the following e-mail address:

• The strict deadline for sending the file Answers070.txt is 3 July 2020 15:40. This means
a maximal margin of 10 minutes is applied for you to e-mail the answer sheet after
the closure time of the timed homework assignment. This time will be checked by the
e-mail system. Late deliveries will not be graded.
Please note that the deadline for those who have been formally granted 20 minutes
extra, is 16:00.
• Finally, please note that you will receive 10 points for fully following the instructions
and returning the answer sheet.



Question 1 (45 points)
Consider the following equation, where Range observations are modeled as a linear function
of T ime:

Range = x1 + T ime × x2

The following Table lists the observations:

T ime (s) Range (m) N oise (m)

2.0 -7.0 2.0
3.0 -5.5 2.0
4.0 -3.5 2.0
5.0 -1.0 2.0

It is assumed that the observation error covariance matrix Qy is a diagonal matrix, i.e.
the observations have an uncorrelated noise level of 2.0 m.

a (25 pt) Compute the weighted least-squares solution for x1 and x2 in m and m/s.
b (20 pt) Compute the normalized observation residuals.

Question 2 - Point Positioning (45 points)
The following local Cartesian coordinate frame is defined for a user of a global satellite nav-
igation system:
• Axes are directed to the East (X), North (Y ) and Zenith (Z) direction.

Consider a configuration of 5 navigation satellites in view of the user, all at a distance

of 20,000 km from the center of the coordinate frame:
- satellite 1 is in the East direction, elevation above horizon is 18◦ ;
- satellite 2 is in the West direction, elevation above horizon is 18◦ ;
- satellite 3 is in the North direction, elevation above horizon is 18◦ ;
- satellite 4 is in the South direction, elevation above horizon is 18◦ ;
- satellite 5 in zenith.
The a priori position of the user coincides with the origin of the coordinate frame.
The associated range measurements to the user are:
- satellite 1: 20,000 km
- satellite 2: 20,000 km
- satellite 3: 19,995 km
- satellite 4: 20,005 km
- satellite 5: 20,000 km

a (25 pt) Compute the position coordinates (km) of the user by the Point Positioning Method
(only 1st iteration)

b (20 pt) Compute the Geometric Dilution Of Precision (GDOP ) factor

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