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Reaserch about my favourite country


South Korea is one of the most homogeneous countries in

the world, in which it has its own culture, language, and
customs. South Koreans are very proud people in which
they pride themselves in their traditional culture and their
financial success.

Korean culture is fascinating. This could be trying on

traditional clothes, tasting food, watching performances, or
participating in tea ceremonies.

Eating in Korean restaurants is amazing because of THE

SIDE DISHES. I love all those fermented bits. I love it. They
only make it like that in Korea.

Traditional Korean clothing has its roots extending back at

least as far as the as evidenced by wall paintings in tombs
dating from this period. The Korean hanbok represents one
of the most visible aspects of Korean culture.

The country is blessed with changing seasons. This makes

Korea an exciting place to travel and live. No matter when
you travel to Korea, you’ll be surprised with breathtaking
seasonal changes in nature, such as cherry blossoms in
the spring, flower fields in the summer, colorful foliage in
the fall and a white wonderland in the winter.

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