D. Somatostatin Analogue: Harrisons 20 Edition p.2679

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What is the drug of choice in patient with growth hormone secreting adenoma which is unlikely to
respond in surgical cure? *
A. Bromcriptine
B. Cabergoline
C. Insuline like growth factors
D. Somatostatin analogue

Harrisons 20 th edition

72. Which of the following is true regarding examination of the thyroid gland? *
A. Palpate facing the patient, using the thumbs to palpate each lobe
B. The patient’s neck should be slightly extend
C. After locating the cricoid cartilage, the isthmus can be identified and followed medially
D. The thyroid can be appreciated as the gland moves beneath the examiner’s finger when the
patient coughs

Harrisons 20 th edition
73. In a patient with low TSH, normal free T4 what is the most appropriate step to do?  *
A. Measure total T4
B. Measure free T3
C. Diagnose with subclinical hyperthyroidism
D. Repeat free T4 after 4 weeks

Harrisons 20 th edition p.2705

74 Which of the following effect of amiodarone on thyroid function tests? *

A. Increased T4, increased T3, decreased rT3, transient increase TSH

B. Increased T4, decreased T3, increased rT3, transient increase TSH

C. Decreased T4, decreased T3, increased rT3, transient increase TSH

D. Decreased T4, increased T3, decreased rT3, transient increase TSH

Harrisons 20 th edition p.2695

75 Which of the following is true regarding pathophysiology of diabetic ketoacidosis?  *

A. Insulin decrease, Glucagon decrease, glucogenesis, glycogenesis, ketone body formation
B. Insulin decrease, glucagon decrease, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, ketone body formation
C. Insulin decrease, glucagon increase, glucogenesis, glycogenesis, ketone body formation
D. Insulin decrease, glucagon increase, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, ketone body formation

Harrisons 20 th edition p.2870

76. In primary hyperthyroidism, blood tests manifest as: *
A. T3 decreased, T4 decreased, TSH increased
B. T3 increased, T4 increased, TSH decreased
C. T3 decreased, T4 normal, TSH normal
D. T3 increased, T4 normal, TSH normal

77. A 24-year-old female patient was diagnosed to have schizophrenia, her T3 is low, T4 is low or
normal and TSH is normal, she has: *

A. Normal blood test

B. Primary hypothyroidism

C. Sick euthyroid syndrome

D. Subclinical hypothyroidism
Harrisons 20 th edition p.2701

78. Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism include, EXCEPT *

A. Heat intolerance
B. Cold intolerance
C. Sweating
D. Weight loss

Harrisons 20 th edition p.2703

79. Management of follicular thyroid carcinoma: *
A. Total thyroidectomy and RAI therapy
B. Total thyroidectomy and levothyroxine
C. Total thyroidectomy only
D. Subtotal thyroidectomy and RAI therapy 

WELL-DIFFERENTIATED THYROID CANCER - Harrisons 20th edition p.2716s

Papillary & Follicular thyroid carcinoma
- Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Surgery
- 131I Thyroid Ablation and Treatment
- Surveillance Testing
- New Potential Therapies - kinase inhibitors

80. Thyroid carcinoma with elevated calcitonin *

A. Undifferentiated carcinoma
B. Follicular carcinoma
C. Medullary carcinoma
D. Papillary carcinoma

Harrisons 20 th edition p.2717

81. A 15-year-old female patient has decreased TSH, decreased T3, and decreased T4. She has  *
A. Primary hyperthyroidism
B. Primary hypothyroidism
C. Secondary hyperthyroidism
D. Secondary hypothyroidism
Harrisons 20 th edition p.2701

82. Drug of choice for toxic pregnant patient *

A. Lithium
C. Methimazole
D. Propanolol

Harrisons 20 th edition p.2707

83. What is the urine osmolality of a patient with psychogenic polydipsia during mild water
deprivation? *

A. No change
B. Normal
C. Decreased
D. Increased
84. A female patient who has urine output of more than 5 liters per day is given vasopressin IV, her
urine osmolality has not changed- she has; *

A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
C. Neurogenic diabetes insipidus
D. Psychogenic polydipsia

85. The most common cause of hypokalemia and hypertension is *

A. Adrenal adenoma
B. Addison’s disease
C. Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
D. Nelson’s syndromes

Harrisons 20 th edition p.2728

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