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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Kiersten Patterson Date of Activity: 08/28/2020 & 11/06/2020 Faculty name: Mary


Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be

specific about the purpose and your role):

The professional activity that I participated in is the American Association of Critical-

Care Nurses online course for COVID-19 Pulmonary, ARDS and Ventilator resources. The

purpose of the activity is to train and educate nurses on the care associate with patient’s positive

for COVID-19 who may need additional support. My role through the course and simulations

was obtaining new knowledge and applying the information as an ICU nurse. My second

professional activity that I participated in was the National CPR Foundation’s Basic Life Support

class, where the purpose was to teach me first aid, and how to properly perform CPR/BLS on

infants, children, and adults with my role being a first responder/healthcare professional.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

The first activity was held online through the AACN at under COVID-19

resources with the length being 4 hours to complete all 4 modules, learning, activities, and post

exams. The second was held online at, and the activity

length was hour hours.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

The value of the AACN course to me is huge as I will start in the ICU soon, practicing

how to interpret labs, read vent settings, and anticipate patient needs in a critical situation is key
to my success. The course has allowed me to practice this safely and become somewhat second

nature. While the value of the CPR class will help me better perform CPR and intervene quicker

as my future patient population’s health is unstable.

How would you continue to use this experience throughout your nursing career?

I will continue to use this experience throughout my nursing career as a resource on how

to care for COVID-19 patients and their ventilators, how to increase lung compliance using the

prone position, and how to interpret lab data myself and how it can present through a patient.

The AACN is also updating their courses as we learn more about COVID-19 which will be

present on the floor when I begin nursing and is important to have evidence based resources to

consult. I would continue using this experience from the NCPRF thorough my nursing career to

deliver CPR/BLS based on the American Heart Association guidelines.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or

why not? (Describe)

I would recommend this AACN professional experience as COVID-19 will be a

prevalent and will be a large patient population for some time. It is important to learn to care for

these patient specifically, and the education on labs, and vents can be applied across the patient

board, and is a great learning tool to refresh and retain information. I would recommend the

NCPRF course to those who need a refreshment only. It should not be a first learning tool as

there is no demonstration/mannequin practice.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? YES, for both

Signature on validation of clinical hours form obtained?

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