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Lesson Plan 6

LESSON PLAN Subject: English

Trainee: Topic or Theme:

Wafa Ali Lesson 6: Living Things and Nonliving Things

Class: Kg2 Date & Duration: 12-11-2020 \ Time : 8:10 – 8:40

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

I’m working on Manage the classroom and give instructions (Tell the student the instructions,
before handing the activity and show them example.

- Positive verbal feedback.

Lesson Focus

The lesson focuses on students will be able to compare living and nonliving things

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to identify characteristics of living and nonliving things.

Links to Prior Learning :

Students will be able to identify plants, animals and people as living things.

21st Century Skills

Critical thinking:- The students will figure out for themselves. Exploration, thinking,
analysis to solve math problems.
1. Information literacy:- There is reading and writing in my lesson because the students
will read the questions and write the answers.
2. Media literacy:- I will use a PowerPoint in my lesson that is included in Media
3. Flexibility:- There will be flexibility in my lesson because it will be a conversation
between us and listening to each other.
4. Initiative:- The students will participate to answer the teacher’s questions.
7- Social skills:- Students will have social skills because of their interaction and
participation with the teacher.

Key vocabulary:

- Alive
Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems:
Some students may have struggles to
identify living and nonliving things Have advanced students to write and identify living and
nonliving things. Provide struggling students with one-
on-one assistance with identifying plants, animals and
people as living things.
Resources/equipment needed

- PowerPoint
- YouTube.
- Link to access activities.
- Music background.

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
“Good morning “Good morning Kg 2”, “how are you
Ms. Wafa”, “Fine today?”
thanks. Lets take the attendance before we start
the lesson :
- Today I’m going teach you guys
- Students will listen to about the living and non-living
the song carefully. things.
- So guys I will play the song It will
- The student will be help you learn what are living
able to answer the things what are the non-living.
questions . Focus I will ask you questions after
the song.
- The student will
participate they will v=gAWcBSZ0klw&list=PLr5oWYKtt
raise their hand. 6KGy3HBVpEmH_0-XsaFDLMJL

- Okay guys , who can name me

living things?
Trees , Horse , ducks , butterfly,
- Who can name me non-living
- Like cars and boats and books and
- What is the difference between
the living things and non-living
- Non-living things don't have cells
-Non-living things don't grow
-Non-living things don't reproduce
-Non-living things don't breath or
need water.

- living things have cells

- living things grow
- living things reproduce
- living things breath or need
- .

Then we will move on to the

PowerPoint the first slide it introduce
the Living things and Non - living
things , second slide talk about the
what are living thing? .The third slide ,
what are non-living things? there is a
definition they will understand what’s
the differences between them. The
fourth slide, will show them examples
about living things and non- living

Next slide , I will play a video its will

learn you about Living things and non-
living things the teacher in the video
she will ask you some questions I will
stop the video to see your answer so
listen and focus carefully. Ms. killy
asked questions :

⁃ Who can tell me the different

what is living and non- living ?
⁃ There are 2 picture flower and
rock we will compare : 1- Does it
grow ? 2- Does it need water? 3- Does it
need food?
⁃ Let’s take other example :
⁃ There are a Mouse and Car lets
camper it together :
⁃ Does the mouse grow ? Does the
mouse needs water? Does the mouse
needs food?
⁃ Does the car grow? Dose the car
needs water? Does the car needs food?

The next slide , you need to put the

pictures in the correct place okay guys?
So as you can see there are to empty
box is written living things and non-
livings things
above the boxes different pictures you
should pick the right picture in the right

Well done guys , now we will do quick

review before we move on to the
activities .
The living things are Grow , Change
and Reproduce.

Living things need :

2- Water

The last one ,Living things are:

1- People
3- Plant.

- After they finished we will move

on in the actives.
- Giving them the instruction:

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

- Students will be able - Student’s will go the link I will send

to them link solve the live worksheet
- Solve the worksheet. they have 1 worksheet to finished.
The activity it will be to check all the living
things on the trial with ✔️. Cross out all the
pictures that are not living with X.

Differentiation activities (Support)

One the students finish the activity, I will give them extra activity.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

I will give an easy activity for them to solve and give them extra time.

& Time
Students will Teacher will
Now who can tell me what did you
- The student will be happy . learn today?
Thank you too Ms. Wafa. Well done guys.
- This is the end of our lesson, all of
you did an amazing job!!
- Since all of you did great, I will
give you some extra points for
- I will give them assigned
homework relating to our lesson

Homework To check boxes by each picture to find out if it is living or not.

Assessment Formative assessments
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment
assessment questioning

☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

presentation and feedback

On the 12th on November, my lesson was great . I started my lesson by asking questions then I played
the song it will learn them about our lesson . After they watch the video I ask the questions for instance
what is the living things and non-living things , Give me example ?

After the opening we movie on to the PowerPoint I explained the lesson interduce deeply about the
lesson. The students were very focus with me keep answering and participating the slides taught the
pupils the definition what is living things and non-living things give them examples also there is a video
with Ms. kelly taught the pupils and asking them question while the students were focus I was stop the
video to see who is understood and focus with me. Lastly, I did revision with them to move on to the

Then I started explained and giving them instruction of the activity. The pupils work individually what
they are going to do , to check all the living things on the trial with( ✔️) . Cross out all the pictures that
are not living with( X). After they finished , I will ask them what they learn and giving them a homework
they will check boxes by each picture to find out if it is living or not to write ( yes or No).

This lesson was perfect my students were very interactive with me. I motivate them by giving them
points in class dojo and positive feedback. In this lesson, I realized if the PowerPoint was colorful and
creative they will focus with you and giving them positive feedback such as good job , you did a great ,
perfect , I like the way she is thinking , excellent you tried , even if their answer wrong I said almost
close to the answer.

Assessments Reflection 6

Formative Assessment

In the beginning of the lesson, I played a song it’s related to our lesson Living things and

Non-living things taught them new vocabulary for the lesson which is Food, Water , Space ,

Reproduce People ,Animals, Plant. Then I showed them the slides in the zoom and ask the

pupils oral questions. 

To compare what is the difference between the living things and non-living things, I used
PowerPoint and in each slide I explained every single things about the lesson and ask the
questions. Next, I showed my kids pictures of animals and non-living things such as Tv and ask
them to write yes or no if its grow? Or need food? also the put check ✔️ if its living or non-living
things put X . However, the pupils answer them correctly and tell me how did they know. Some
pupils can recognize from first look if the picture for example the bear moving and its eat
animals so he is need food and water and grow so it’s classify from living things, and the Non-
living things it’s different stable not moving not growing not need water.The last thing , I give
them assigned homework relating to our lesson they need to check boxes by each picture to find out if
it is living or not to classify and write yes if it’s grow or no.

The activity:


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