Holy Week1 18

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8The DePaulia.

April 5, 2010


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This week's headlines in national news

1. New high speed rail line to run across O'ahu, Hawaii 6. Taser used to subdue a 10 year old boy in Indiana daycare
2. Militia members arrested in Detroit to prevent violence against police 7. Historic Conneticut bridge washed away in flood
3. "Niggardly Obama" Billboard Generates Outrage In Acampo 8. Man found dead in van submerged Florida canal
4. Train carrying Amonia is derailed in Tampa, Florida 9. "Virgin Mary" figure appears in a marble shower in New Mexico
5. Teen expelled for using body spray to set himself on fire in Seattle, Washington 10. Grinding banned in Washington high school Compiled from CNN.com

"Obama is not a brown-
skinned, anti-war social-
ist who gives away free
healthcare. UR thinking of
Jesus." FB status, Epis-
copal Bishop Arizona"
@webchyk (Calif.)
Courtesy of MCT

President Obama along with Vice President Biden after signing the Healthcare Reform Bill
"If this healthcare bill
were actually a good
idea, would the demo-
"Healthcare Reform" Continued from front page
crats really need to cam- Key to the concerns of the University and of control,” he said.
paign this hard to con- students is the way in which the bill revises the fi- “As a capitalist society, the best way to
vince us it is?” nancial aid process, a matter to which Paula Luff, increase wealth is to increase specialization,
@Samleneky (Colo.) Associate Vice President of the Office of Finan- which comes through education,” he added.
cial Aid, has been paying close attention and is In addition to the changes to financial
overall pleased. aid, the pending mandate on Healthcare has
"Rush Limbaugh said he “The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility also drawn mixed reactions. Mark C. Weber,
would leave the country Act (SAFRA) was passed as part of the Health- professor of law at DePaul said that “the
if healthcare passed-can care Bill,” Luff said. “The primary components individual mandate, when it is instituted, will
he get on that? Or is he of SAFRA are the elimination of the Federal impose costs, but these should be modest and
Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) and will have countervailing benefits in protecting
pulling an alec baldwin?"
increased funding for the federal Pell grant pro- against the risk of being bankrupted by medical
gram, eliminating the middle man in the federal bills.”
loan process.” Krause expressed concern over the mandate.
"sometimes I wonder Students have had mixed responses to the “The unwanted mess forces people to pay for
why healthcare pro- reform to healthcare and their financial aid. something outright and is a socialist measure.”
viders don't just say "I Senior and member of DePaul’s Conservative The process, he added, “sets a dangerous
messed up and I'm sorry" Alliance, Kellen Krause said that while the bill precedent for government control and
@TLSanderson (Tenn.) will make college more affordable for students horrendous legal stipulations.”
through the elimination of lenders’ subsidies, Towner acknowledged the benefits of the
increasing  Pell Grants, and strengthening mandate and dangers. “When you increase
"In the wild, healthcare is minority-serving institutional resources. the pool to everyone you get more of a
Obamacare will ultimately negatively affect shared risk. This means young healthy college
'ow i hurt my leg. i cant
students by forcing us to pay for the incredible students  will be paired with elderly and sick
run. a lion eats me and im people, meaning the ultimate risk and premium
amount of debt this country will be in based on
dead.'" Dwight Schrute" the terms with which his bill passed.” will go down,” Towner said. “However, this
@aggiekicker2 RJ Towner, an economics major and member still leaves people at the liberty of for  profit
(Nevada) of the DePaul Democrats saw the changes to insurance companies.”
the grants as “excellent.
As a devout student of economics, there is
Compiled by
countless evidence that costs are spiraling out
Mark Bychowski
News. April 5, 2010. The DePaulia 9

This week in international news

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1. 'RapeLay' released in Japan placing the player in the role of sexual predator 6. Chinese hospital staff disciplined after babies' bodies found by river
2. Haiti gets 10 Billion dollars in pledged aid money 7. Bombs kill 12 in Russia's Dagestan region
3. Chechen rebel leader claims he ordered attack on Moscow, China subway 8. Serbian parliament apologizes for Srebrenica massacre
4. Zetas cartel lieutenant arrested in Mexico 9. Children eat world's largest chocolate bunny in South Africa (12.5 feet tall)
5. Over 600 arrested in Niger raids 10. Colombian soldier held 12 years is freed by rebels Compiled from CNN.com

Christians celebrate Holy week International

By RACHEL METEA “This is an opportunity to step back and Tweets
Christians commemorated "Holy Week"
last week, although nobody put palm branches
down Fullerton Avenue.
“Holy week is a set of days that are honored
take a couple of days to remember what our
faith is built around,” said Matt Merkt, the
Liturgy Coordinator for Catholic Campus
by Christian religions throughout the world,” The Protestant programming at DePaul is
not very different than normal for Holy Week. BOMBING - Chech-
said DePaul President Father Holtschneider.
“It is a moment for Christians to look at the “We conduct our regular scheduled en rebels claim re-
central events that lead up to their belief that programming but with the Holy Week concept sponsibility for dou-
Jesus Christ not only died, but also rose again in mind,” said Reverend Ghana Cooper, the ble-suicide bombings
and has remained in the world since that Protestant Chaplain at DePaul. on Moscow Metro"
time. “ Cooper added that she would like to have @ndtvhindu (India)
Holy Week is the last week of Lent and the more gatherings for the week but it is difficult
week before Easter. It includes Palm Sunday, because most students go home for Easter "What is happening in
Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. The weekend. the world?! Hati,moscow,
week commemorates the last week of Jesus’ “It’s more of a personal family thing where china and then ricky
life and his resurrection. people go home to reflect with their families,” martin comes out of the
“Easter helps touch part of our soul and said Auriel Banister, a freshman at DePaul
closet? I can't take too
helps us to know that whatever happens Courtesy of Mark Bychowski who said she practices the Protestant faith.
Whether they go home or not, Cooper said
much more breaking
there is something more after death,” said St. Vincent's Church on "Palm Sunday"
Holtschneider. “We use these days to help she hopes students will be reminded of God’s news"
build this hope that something happens after Saint Vincent DePaul Parish held several love and their responsibility to love others. @makemeupfantab
death.” services across the week that included a Mass (United States)
The diverse Christian denominations of the Lord’s Supper, morning prayers, and
celebrate the week differently. candle lighting. "Bomb attack in Moscow
and earthquake world
"Iraqi freshman" Continued from front page around, severe draught
“It’s been relatively easy to get people in- Hala has spoken at many events in and family life, and has been able to see Ameri- in China, what's wrong
volved,” Wagner said. “It’s an easy sell in a around DePaul’s campus to help raise funds can culture through Hala’s eyes. “Not only in this world, is dooms-
way, we know we messed up that country.” for ISP. Most recently, she shared her story are we learning about Iraqi culture,” Clarke day really coming? "
Wagner said that most contributions for at the Fifth Annual Non-Violence and So- said, “we’re learning about our own culture.” @ b o a t _ t r a c k e r
ISP come from individuals that know some- cial Justice Teach-In on Feb. 16 at the Loop In a reflection about her time so far in (Australia)
one involved in the program, usually a faith- campus. Hala also joined four other ISP stu- Chicago, Hala wrote, “First I thought that it is
based organization, and most donations are dents at the Evanston Library in February for disrespectful to be informal with an older per-
"Suicide Bombers Strike
under 100 dollars. a panel, film, photo exhibit and live music to son especially like a teacher but then I found
Again In Russia, Killing
Students in the ISP program have a fully raise awareness and financial support for the out that, in English you can be respectful and
waived tuition from the school they attend, organization. informal at the same time and I think that is At Least 12 - NPR (blog)"
but they are still in need of finances books, air ISP is, “building a human resource toward important because it breaks the ice between @Henshallz9c (Bhutan)
travel, Visas, health insurance, meals, and a a culture’s future,” Wagner said. This human the students and the professors” (October,
host family housing stipend, which can add up resource helps to combat the “brain-drain” 2009). "Extremist explosions in
to between 10-12 thousand dollars per year. from the country, Clarke said, as students who Kubasak and Huck have put together a 32- moscow. Now is a good
Because residents in the area know the study abroad in America or Europe some- page book of writings from students in ISP time for co-op between
founders of the program, they are more aware times decide to stay after they have finished “Writing has never been something–even in russia, china and West
of ISP and willing to donate, Clarke said. their studies, instead of returning home with Arabic–that they’ve been asked to do much,”
combating fanatics!""
“We’re lucky we’re in Gabe and Theresa ter- an education to help their struggling county. Huck said. “But they’re getting it.”
ritory,” she said. At the Non-Violence and Social Justice Through the DePaul community, Hala
“This (program) really stands out because, Teach-In, Hala said she was happy to serve is getting an experience and education she (Wales)
uniquely, these students are here,” Clarke as an ambassador between two nations. Since couldn’t have at home in Iraq, or, as Wagner
said, as potential contributors can see whom Hala has attended DePaul, Clarke said that said, a “ray of hope in a situation that seems Compiled by
their money is going to help. she has learned about Hala’s Iraqi culture and pretty bleak.” Mark Bychowski

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