Free Fall

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Free-fall is a downward motion of an object where gravity is the only force acting upon

on it. It is also the absence of air resistance. A ball thrown upward comes down to earth
is an example of free fall. If a coin and a piece of paper are dropped at the same time,
the paper takes much longer to hit the ground, but if the paper is crumpled and a coin
are dropped, there is a chance that the both items will hit the ground at the same time
because the amount of force acting on an object is a function of not only its mass, but
also area. However, a skydiver is not an example of free fall even before they deploy
their parachute because of the presence of air resistance where a force opposing their
downward movement. Aside from this, Galileo Galilei first discovered the concept of free
fall by his classic experiment where he dropped the different mass of balls from the
Leaning Tower of Pisa that led to his findings that all objects in free fall motion descend
at the same rate, regardless of their mass as long as the effects of air resistance can be
neglected. Later, Sir Isaac Newton took Galileo's ideas about mechanics and formalized
them into his laws of motion. Newton’s laws show that a body in free-fall follows an orbit
such that the sum of the gravitational and inertial forces is equal to zero.

However, this experiment was conducted to generate the graphical diagram for
displacement-time, velocity-time and acceleration-time relationship under vertical
uniformly accelerated motion. Also, to determine the effect of air resistance to the value
of gravitational acceleration g.

When an object is accelerating downwards with the absence of air resistance at a
constant acceleration of -9.8m/s^2, therefore, it is uniformly accelerated motion in a
vertical direction also known as free-fall motion.

1. The graphical diagram for displacement-time graph in free fall motion form a
curving line known as parabolic. In velocity-time graph, the graph is slanting
straight line which shows that the velocity is increasing with respect to time.
Meanwhile, in acceleration-time graph, the graph is horizontal straight line.
Therefore, the relationship between these three graph is

2. The different number of particles for every rung obscure the particle or displace
the particle that leads to the various pressure of the air and that is the effect of air
resistance to the value of gravitational acceleration g. Also, the value of
gravitational acceleration g is depending on the air resistance. If the falling object
has a presence of air resistance, then the acceleration will be less than g
because the motion of an object will slow down.

1. The g-ladder has 21 rungs with equal size of rung spacing which is 1cm.
2. The g-ladder hold above the light barrier.
3. The gravitational acceleration is independent in mass.
4. The light barrier was interrupted by the first rung.
5. The gravitational acceleration g was determined in displacement-time graph by
fitting the parabola.
6. The velocity-time graph forms a slanting straight-line graph.
7. The graph of acceleration-time graph is horizontal straight line where the
particles are in different places.


1. Because g-ladder is a falling body which determine the gravitational acceleration
g by measurement of the times it takes each of the ladder rungs to fall through a
light barrier in a single measuring run.

2. Because the rungs of g-ladder interrupt the light beam when falling to measure
the obscuration times which is equivalent to the measurement of a body falls
through multiple equidistant light barriers.

3. You can use Newton's second law of motion F = m × a (which relates the
acceleration, a, felt by an object with mass m when acted on by a force F) to
derive the acceleration due to gravity (here replace a with g) from a massive

The force of gravity = (G M m) = m g

(G M)
g= .
The gravitational acceleration depends on only the mass of the gravitating
object M and the distance d from it. Notice that the mass of the falling
object m has been cancelled out. This explains why astronauts orbiting the
Earth feel ``weightless''. In orbit they are continually ``falling'' toward the Earth
because of gravity (the Earth's surface curves away from them at the same rate
they are moving forward)

4. Because the g-ladder has an initial velocity when the measurement stops
automatically after detection of the first rung.

5. Because the relation between displacement and time is quadratic when the
acceleration is constant and therefore the curve is a parabola.

6. Because when the slope is steep in velocity-time graph, the velocity is changing
and if the slope is positive—directed upwards—then the acceleration will be
positive which forms a slanting straight-line graph.

7. Because the graph shows that the object is moving at a constant acceleration
where the free-falling object is subjected to air resistance and would fall at
different terminal velocities.


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