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a Toric Scheme

Christian D. Forero P.

In order to talk about toric schemes it is necessary which takes graded rings to “projective” schemes
L (a
to understand some concepts such as schemes generalization of projective
L varieties). If S S
i≥0 i
and toric varieties before. The aim of this note is is a graded ring and S+ i>0 Si then Proj S is the
to revive these concepts and introduce toric schemes. collection of homogeneos prime ideal that don’t
contain S+ and we give it almost the same structure
Schemes where first introduced by Grothendieck of topological space and scheme as before (changing
[GD60], and are a fundamental concept in mod- the localizations by its subring S(p) consisting of
ern mathematics. The fundamental idea behind fractions of homogeneous elements of the same
them, is that any commutative ring R with iden- degree). Schemes also allow to formulate in a more
tity can be understood as the functions on a concrete way some solving-problem methods in
particular topological space, actually this space algebraic geometry, so one might think how natural
comes with more “structur”, a locally ringed it is to generalize specific algebraic varieties to
space (i.e. a sheaf or rings whose stalks are schemes. In the case of toric varieties not much
local rings, analogues of germs of functions). have been done.
The space whose functions
Elements are the elements of R is As for the concept of toric varieties, even though
of a ring are Spec R, the collection of different equivalent definitions exists, perhaps the
functions prime ideals of R endowed most concrete definition is; an algebraic variety
on some with the topology where over the complex numbers (it could over any
algebraically close field) with an open torus (C∗ )n
space. the close sets are V (p),
the prime ideal containing inside whose action extends to the entire variety.
p ∈ Spec R for any prime ideal p, or equivalently Toric varieties emerge in various scenarios such as
where a basis for the topology is the collection of symplectic geometry, algebraic geometry, theoretical
sets Df of prime ideals that don’t containSf ∈ R. physics, and commutative algebra. Conceivably, the
And the structure sheaf is defined for U = i∈I Dfi importance of these mathematical objects is that
an open set as O(U ) := limi∈I Rfi , which in fact they serve as specific examples of varieties that are
defines a locally ringed space. usually understood in particular contexts because
of their natural connection with combinatorics, as
An affine scheme is a locally ringed space iso- we shall see.
morphic to Spec R for some ring R. A scheme is
a locally ringed space that has a cover of affine Let ∆ be a fan in N ∼ = Zn (i.e. a collec-
schemes (one can image some affine schemes tion of cones closed under taking intersec-
“glued” together), which is similar to the case tions and faces that does not contain a sub-
of affine varieties and varieties since schemes space) as in Figure 1 (in which case the fan is
generalize a vast amount of concepts including ∆ = {σ0 , σ1 , σ2 , σ0 ∪σ1 , σ1 ∪σ2 , σ2 ∪σ0 , σ0 ∪σ1 ∪σ2 }),
varieties. Schemes allow to expand constructions of and let M , σ ∨ := {l ∈ M |hl, ρi∀ρ ∈ σ} be the duals
varieties over fields (usually closed fields) to rings of N and a cone σ ∈ ∆ respectively. We define
in general (even with nilpotents). For instance the affine varieties Uσ as Spec C[σ ∨ ∩ M ] for every
there is similar construction of the functor (we have cone σ. Note that {0} belongs to every fan, and
discuss the functorial nature of schemes in detail) the affine variety associated to it is the torus (C∗ )n .
Spec by analogy with projective varieties, Proj Finally, we say X(∆) is the variety that results from

Instructor: Mauricio Velasco UniAndes Page 1 of 3

“gluing” {Uσ }σ∈∆ in such a way that the ordering instance resolution of singularities) in a systematic
of cones τ  σ (τ is a subcone of σ) are respected. way, it is also probably the first intent to extend the
[Ful93]. notion of toric varieties from algebraically closed
fields to discret valuation rings. But for a more
generalize (basisi change point of view), taking
into account the above discussion, and with the
intention to fully extract the combinatorial aspect
to a generalization, we pluck up courage and follow
the analisis made by Rohrer [Roh12]. We say that
XM (R) as constructed before is a toric scheme, and
the toric scheme associated with with a fan ∆ over
the ring R is X∆ (R) where ∆ is understood as a
projective system of monoids with the order.

Even though one can construct a toric variety

Figure 1: Fan associated to the variety P2 . which is not projective, and similarly not every
projective variety is toric (for example elliptic
For example, the fan shown in Figure 1 the affine va- curves), toric and projective varieties share some
rieties Uσ0 = Spec C[x, y], Uσ1 = Spec C[x−1 , x−1 y] properties. In order to see this it is necessary to
and Uσ2 = Spec C[y −1 , xy −1 ] must be “glued” along introduce the idea of Cox Ring (it can be define
their unions (Uσi ∩σj ), these 3 open A2 are embedded also the cox scheme).
in X(∆) just like the natural inclusion in P2 , in fact The homogeneous coordinate ring [Cox95] (Cox
X(∆) ∼ = P2 . For this example one can use the Proj Ring) of a toric variety X(∆) is the graded ring
scheme notation and show X(∆) ∼ = Proj C[x, y].
S := C[xρ : ρ ∈ ∆(1)]
It is important to observe
for our purposes that in a Fans are Where ∆(1) are 1-dimensional faces of the fan ∆.
more abstract sense, a fan projective Note that any divisor of the variety can be uniquely
determine by a monomial of S. The Cox Ring hap-
is a projective system of
monoids (in this context it
systems of pens to be a graded ring (for the experience reader
only means that for every monoids. the degree of a monomial is class of the associated
divisor in the An−1 (X) chow group). For example
two faces ¡¡subcones¿¿ of a cone there is a face that
for the Figure 1 the Cox Ring is C[x0 , x1 , x2 ] with
is face of each of the faces). In general we have that
the standard grading (for X = Pn the Cox Ring is
given a ring R and a monoid M , R[M ] is a R-algebra,
C[x0 , x1 , . . . , xn ] with the standard grading). Cox
and this is exactly what happens in the construction
Rings may be define not only for toric varieties with
of toric varieties, for example when R = C and the
the theory of divisors, but in the particular given
monoid is just a cone, or abusing the notation let M
a fan one can define a the Cox Ring as above, and
the dual lattice of N (as before), then R[M ] = (C∗ )n
this gives rise to a graded version of the algebra of
which is a R-algebra, and the same for Uσ . So a pos-
monoids described before that goes as follows.
sible generalization of the construction X(∆) could
Let {δ}δ∈∆(1) be the canonical base of the monoid
be for any M projective monoid over a preorder set
I with some “niceness” conditions a similar gluing N|∆(1)| , and for σ ∈ ∆ we set
of the collection of affine schemes X
δ̂σ := δρ ∈ N|∆(1)|
Spec R[M(i)] for i ∈ I, ρ∈∆(1)\σ1

to construct the scheme XM (R) over the ring R Where σ1 are the 1-dimensional faces of σ. Let
(the “niceness” conditions are necessary in order to N|∆(1)| − δ̂σ be the difference of monoids (i.e. declar-
“glue” the schemes). ing the negatives of the elements of δ̂σ ⊆ N|∆(1)| ).
The work of Kempf on toroidal embeddings [GK73] Then the family {N|∆(1)| − δ̂σ }σ∈∆ give rise to a pro-
might be considered as the first appearance of jective system of submonoids of Z|∆(1)| (not exactly
toric varieties directly working with a torus, and this family, but each element intersected with the
deriving combinatoric structure associated to the kernel of some restricting function). This projec-
usual methods now days for toric varieties (for tive system of monoids is “nice” enough so that it

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define a scheme, as we discuss earlier, and we call
this scheme Y∆ (R), the cox scheme. Due to the con-
struction of both X∆ (R) (made from the complete
fan) and Y∆ (R) (made from the 1-dimensional cones
of the fan), exist a natural morphism that in some
cases is in fact a isomorphism [Roh12]

Y∆ (R) X∆ (R)

This rich description of toric schemes lead to

profound results that generalise results of projective
varieties and projective schemes (such as Serre-
Grothendieck correspondence) for toric varieties
and toric schemes. As promise, after discussing
a little about cox rings we will try to emphasize
the relation between this two different kinds of
varieties. The profound connection comes from
“graded nature” of Cox Rings which coincide with
the toric scheme and the “graded nature” of the
Proj construction, so it is possible to replicate some
proof for projective schemes.

The short motivation and introduction pre-

sented in this note will hopefully lead to a better
understanding of toric schemes (and, as a special
case, toric varieties) and provide a useful basis for
future work.

[Cox95] David Cox. The homogeneous coordinate ring of
a toric variety. Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 4, 01 1995.

[Ful93] William Fulton. An introduction to toric varieties.

131, 01 1993.
[GD60] A. Grothendieck and J. Dieudonné. Eléments de
géométrie algébrique Part I:4; Part II:2; Part III; Part
IV. Publications Mathématiques de l’Institut des Hautes
Études Scientifiques, 4, 01 1960.
[GK73] D. Mumford B. Saint-Donat G. Kempf, F. Knud-
sen. Toroidal embeddings 1. 339:210, 01 1973.
[Roh12] Fred Rohrer. The geometry of toric schemes.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 217, 07 2012.

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